Gli integratori di vitamina D aiutano con il diabete, la perdita di peso e la pressione sanguigna?

Quelli con livelli più alti di vitamina D tendono ad avere tassi più bassi di obesità, diabete e ipertensione, ma è causa ed effetto? Le prove interventistiche hanno finalmente messo alla prova la vitamina D.

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Questo è il primo di una serie di video in sei parti sulle ultime novità in fatto di vitamina D. Restate sintonizzati per:
• Vivrai più a lungo se assumi integratori di vitamina D? (ù-lungo-se-prenderai-integratori-di-vitamina-D)<br/> • Quanta vitamina D dovresti assumere? (
• La dose ottimale di vitamina D basata su livelli naturali ( D-based-on-natural-levels)
• Il modo migliore per assumere vitamina D: sole, integratori o saloni? (
• I rischi e i benefici di un'esposizione solare sensibile ( i-rischi-e-benefici-di-un-esposizione-sensibile-al-sole)

Integratori (nessuna vitamina E o beta specifica carotene):
• Supplemento di Creatina Brain Fuel ( /)
• Garden Variety Anti-Infiammation (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/garden-variety-anti-inflammation/)
• Consigli sugli integratori per negozi di alimenti naturali (
• Cattivi consigli dalla salute Dipendenti del negozio di alimentari (
• Consigli pericolosi dai dipendenti del negozio di alimenti naturali (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/dangerous-advice-from-health-food-store-employees/)
• Farmacisti contro dipendenti di negozi di alimenti naturali: chi dà consigli migliori ? ( consiglio/)
• Integratore alimentare Olio di serpente (http ://
• Metalli pesanti negli integratori di proteine ​​in polvere (
• Alcuni integratori alimentari possono essere più di uno spreco di denaro (
http://nutritionfacts .org/video/some-dietary-supplements-may-be-more-than-a-waste-of-money/)
• Rischio associato a Integratori di ferro (
• Le pillole dimagranti fanno molto bene al grasso (
• È Vitamina D3 meglio di D2? ( )
• Convulsioni infantili legate all'uso di Spirulina da parte della madre (
• Dovremmo prendere un multivitaminico? ( )
• Antiossidanti alimentari e cancro (
• Antiossidanti alimentari, ictus e cuore Malattia ( -heart-disease/)
• Trattare l'asma con piante o integratori? ( -vs-supplements/)
• Piante come Proprietà Intellettuale – Patente sbagliata? ( proprietà-palesemente-sbagliata/)
• Broccoli: Germogli contro Integratori (
• Antiossidanti e depressione (
http://nutritionfacts. org/video/antiossidanti-e-depressione/)
• Gli integratori di calcio sono sicuri? ( -supplements-safe)
• Gli integratori di calcio sono efficaci? ( integratori di calcio efficaci)
• Risposta del settore alle piante non alle pillole (
• Il resveratrolo compromette i benefici dell'esercizio (
• Integratori di vitamina C per i malati terminali di cancro ( integratori-di-vitamina-c-per-pazienti-con-cancro-in-termine)

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86 Risposte a “Gli integratori di vitamina D aiutano con il diabete, la perdita di peso e la pressione sanguigna?”

  1. As vitamin supplements cannot replace a healthy diet in any form, a vitamin d pill cannot replace the natural vitamin d produced from sun exposure.

    Its all a big scam which clearly benefits not us but the pockets of the supplement industry!

  2. Fascinating facts doc, I definitely like my sunshine. Dr.McDougall accually warns against oral vitamine D supplements, cause he considers them dangerous.

  3. tell this to people who live in Iceland in darkness 4 months out of the year…don't take vitamin D at all folks and watch the suicide rates quadruple

  4. All vegans should take B12 and vitamin D (unless you get a ton of sun near the equator).

    I'm glad the Doc is giving more information about vitamin D. That area is still a little grey. I think we're still waiting to see if we should take D2 or D3 or if it even really matters.

  5. Well I don't what's coming up next (I'm looking forward to it) but I can say that for me at least D supplements to nothing to adjust my blood serum D levels.
    I had a report from my doctor based on a blood test that suggested I take a D supplement, and I said I already take 1 per day because I spend a lot time indoors, so he suggested 2 per day. 1 month and a blood test later a test showed my D levels were unchanged and because high D intake levels are supposed to increase risk of kidney stones I dragged myself outside for 20 minutes at midday each day instead and the next test showed normal levels.

    This tells me that D supplements are not particularly effective at maintaining D levels yet very little sun is.

  6. I am from Arizona and get a ton of sun exposure year round biking, walking, and swimming. However, my blood test results show I am "insufficient" in vitamin D. I have a dark complexion so perhaps melanin is inhibiting my absorption of vitamin D? My Dr has me supplementing because I have an autoimmune disease. Interested in the next video.

  7. digestive enzyme supplements? I'm following a plant based diet and digestive enzymes are helping me with my poor digestion. I suffer with GERD and a plant based diet with a digestive enzyme has basically eliminated 98% of my GERD

  8. If you live in an area that doesn't get much sun then take a D supplement, if you live in a sunny area then take a walk between 10am – 2pm for 15 minutes a day and you will get all the D you need. Those lunch-time walks are the best way to get exercise and sunlight.

  9. my husband is black and work indoors in Michigan during daylight hours. He started getting nosebleeds and found out that his vitamin d was very low. After taking vitamin d for a few months the nosebleeds stopped and his levels went up. I consider it cheap insurance.

  10. I would love to see a video on the relationship between vitamin D supplementation and depression! Six or so months ago my psychiatrist recommended 7,000-10,000 IUs of vitamin D per day. He said that daily amount often helps women suffering from depression. What do you think?

  11. I don't think a lot of people are taking vitamin d for diabetes, weight loss or blood pressure. Most people prob take it because they have low levels and can't get enough sun. If you can prove it has no health benefits at all then fine. And if it helps with falls and fractures, as stated in the last study then how is it just a marker for health?

  12. Rather than supplement there are vitamin d lamps that you can use to produce vitamin d and also certain tanning beds that can produce vitamin D. I'm sure the sun has benefits that go beyond Vitamin D that we just haven't discovered yet. It's important to go outside in the sun without shades or contacts because the beneficial light triggers beneficial reactions trough the eyes as well. Dr.Greger also dos a video on how The sun light reacts with chlorophyll in our body to increase our own anti-oxidants and immune system. Get sunshine folks no harmful chemical sunscreens it's an essential part of a healthy life. If you can't get sunshine buy a Vitamin D lamp just google "Vitamin D lamps".

  13. Thank you Dr.Greger for all that you do. I think I speak for everyone when I say you have done us all a great service. Most of us don't have the time to read thousands of studies and in publishing your findings in an easy to digest manner that everyone can comprehend we all get healthier and stay well.

  14. This is my favorite channel on YouTube by far. I'm a nurse at a busy medical/surgical/Renal unit and you never fail to teach me something new. Thank you Dr. Greger

  15. I love that this is a 100% pure all natural supplement! I was so excited to try Weight Loss Green Store Tea! When taking Thyroid care supplements I have been so thankful to already notice super quick drastic difference in the all in all results when it comes to mood stability, less fatigued more energy, increase in concentration, I've lost that sluggish feeling that I have felt for so long. Overall just feeling so much more like old my natural self again and am very satisfied so far, I couldn't be happier.

  16. My n=1: I have alopecia universalis (autoimmune disease) and during the summer months, when im in the sun a lot more my hair starts to slowly grow back. Come fall, it's gone. Vitamin D supplementation in the winter months hasn't helped.


  18. Yes,So don't keep humans in dark prison for you are not supposed to be demonic dumbass. Humans have equal right to get sun light. You demons.

  19. Sunlight isn't called the Giver of Life for no reason. The Egyptians didn't worship the sun for no reason. Its one of the most important things we need in life to thrive at optimal levels.

  20. To gain an even more in-depth understanding of how supplements are not beneficial, read "Whole" by T. Colin Campbell (author of "The China Study").

  21. Out of all the weight loss remedies, There is only one licensed one in UK (vid on my channel);

    So you're right to focus attention on vitamins for weight loss. Not many better alternatives.

  22. i live in london uk. its overcast a lot. for two years i was having ballence issues it got to the point i was shaking as i walked and dropping things and walking into things i went to the dr thinking i was dying of some nurological disorder but after a blood test turns out my vit d was 20 and needed to be 50. i didnt think vit d was the cause but after taking 40000mg once a week for 7 weeks my symptoms went away. im concerned that if i dont take supplaments it will all come back again.

  23. This is bullshit! There been tons of studies done on Vitamin D3 supplements that have all had positive results. Of course, the supplement industry is not going to give anything away for free. I mean, they have to earn a living. Take the supplement people, there's only upsides not downsides.

  24. I wish I had come across the “fizy unique plan” years ago once i was dieting for my wedding. I would`ve dropped 13 pounds years ago. You should check it out on google!

  25. Since seeing my doctor and discovering I have a vitamin D level of 24, I started upping my dosage from 1000ius to 4000. Within a week, I lost stubborn weight that would NOT come off inspite of severe calorie restriction and exercise (which I forced myself to do because I was so tired all the time!) I also have a slightly elevated high calcium level which may be due to a parathyroid tumor. This may be the cause of my persistent low vitamin D. In any case, taking a larger dose of vitamin D, converted my 27 1/2" menopausal matronly waist line to a sexy 26" waistline of a 30 year old. Ladies(especially those over 50 or post menopause): if you are reading this and can't lose weight or inches inspite of your best efforts, check your vitamin D levels! It might be what is keeping you from shedding those extra pounds and inches. Sure hope this helps someone else.

  26. Yeah, I too am guilty of jumping from weight loss plan to others as well, I do believe that I must have tested every weight-loss method that was available, however eventually not one of them helped me to reduce and maintain the weight off. I ended up trying for the very last time with the Fenoboci Diet Plan because my cousin who told me great things about it and so far to date I have successfully dropped 17 pounds in 4 weeks!

  27. Anybody tried the Hybetez Remedy (do a search on google)? We've heard many awesome things about this popular diabetes treatment.

  28. Throughout the “fetching tuti space” weight loss plan (Google it), a number of my colleagues lost around 12 pounds! Soon after hearing about their results, I decided to research this plan on google for myself, and I shed excess weight myself as soon as I started off following the “fetching tuti space”.

  29. Is Hybetez Remedy helpful to treat your high blood pressure issue inherently ? We've learn many good stuff about this high blood pressure secret remedy.

  30. hey, you really need to update your knowledge, things are not so simple… there is a difference between active and passive Vitamin D. The one which we get from supplements is passive so it is just filling up the reserves. Only through sports or/and cold showers, less meat and dairy it can be activated. These 4 keys lessen calcium and phosphorus in the blood which activates the parathhormon, which on its side activates your Vitamin D reserves into 1,25 OH and it can then and only then do what it is supposed to do in the body. Check out the work of the Dr. Raimund von Helden and delete this video because it is not knowledge- based… it deceives many people. If you are not having enough reserves you can't activate much, so supplementation is needed if there is not enough sun. Stop playing smart and do some more research. I feel sorry for those who believe you.

  31. The questions is, are the supplements used checked for quality? Like bioavailability of the products, might be that the supplements they’ve used on this study is a poor products for potency.

  32. α buddy clοsεd tο mε hαvε usεd αlsο this "Sοyutο Weebly" high blοοd prεssurε αltεrnαtivε I discοvεrεd οn Gοοɢιε. Jυst bεfοrε, his blοοd prεssυrε wαs αt 158/120. α rεsυlt οf thε prοgrαm is sο visiblε instαntly εspεciαlly if yοu εαt thε right fοοds. Sυbsεquεntly αftεr Twο wεεks, hε hαs sεεn α grαduαl dεcrεαsε in his high blοοd prεssυrε tο 128/84.

  33. up tο nοw, "Sοyutο Weebly" (Gοοɢιε it) is thε bεttεr fix fοr mεn αnd wοmεn hαving high blοοd prεssurε issuε. Simplε vοcαbυlαry is εmplοyεd tο crεαtε this, mεαning yοu`ll bε αblε tο cοmplεtεly υndεrstαnd αnd dο. Pεοplε whο αrε ill-fαtεd tο hαvε high blοοd prεssurε nεεd tο hαvε this guidε. Priοr tο, I hαvε my blοοd prεssurε αt 120/80, bεcαυsε οf this guidεbοοk, I wαs αblε tο dεcrεαsε it.

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