Litchi e ipoglicina: quanti sono troppi?

L'ipoglicina, una tossina nel frutto del litchi, può essere dannosa, ma solo in determinate circostanze?

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In generale, la frutta in scatola è salutare? ( E, dato il contenuto di zucchero, Quanta frutta è troppa? ( Guarda i video per scoprirlo.

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46 Risposte a “Litchi e ipoglicina: quanti sono troppi?”

  1. Interesting story. I ate a ridiculous amount of lychee when I spent a season picking it in Hawaii but I was fortunate to be a healthy adult with a regular diet. When you’re picking it’s easy to eat a lot because the biggest, tastiest lychee burst open and would otherwise be discarded. I do know there are definitely some “freegan” / fruitarian people living in Hawaii that should really hear this information.

  2. I don't like Lychee. They have a funny chemical taste. I thought it may have been because they were canned until I tried them fresh in Thailand. Not for me.

  3. 200 lychees? That’s a whole lot of lychees. I love them and all fruits that i always eat my fill during all their season. Here in Indonesia the fruits people tend to overeat are mangoes & durian since their seasons are short. I often got loads of mangoes & avocados from my uncle & cousin who got 2 trees each of different varieties of mangoes. It was so much mangoes i had to make mango pudding & freeze some.

  4. Do any of the related fruit like RAMBUTANS or LONGAN berries have the same effect, is there any way to deal with it or to degrade the compound? Does it end up in lychee products?
    Edit: according to a comment below by @UCBwTNFwe4JYJ219Cr7v1X8QRambutans do contain the compound.
    Could this be useful to treat people with diabetes "naturally" and if so how would you go about that? could you take some lychee extract before eating sweets and try preventing yourself from taking in too much sugar?
    And oh damn, I defiantly ate bags of 50-80 lychee and rambutans when I was a teenager, usually in the afternoon or evening and slept that night but good thing I went to sleep with a full stomach of food from regular meals a few hours after them.

  5. How can anyone watch this cartoon character????
    Bloated stick figure with bubble head
    The way he talks makes me sick

  6. Thank you for finding this important connection of reality. I enjoy fruit in very small quantity but as a prediabetic this is important.

  7. How helpful is this information supposed to be to the majority of your viewers??? How many of us eat a huge number of lychees? I really dislike the ridiculously esoteric content. It’s a waste of everyone’s time.

  8. Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations. -NF Team

  9. you remind me i love lychee juice GNNN whyyy
    the body moment is amazing love the toe jumping on important word

  10. Since that report was published in the newspapers, we got so cautious on even 'buying lychees..but they are so tasty you can't resist, leave aside kids, yeah those incidents were sad but for a farmer how can he imagine his own crop having toxin?

  11. So, turning that around… you could basically use lichies in save amounts to reduce blood sugar. That would be interesting.

  12. I eat a lot of fruit (and recommend that to my clients as well.) – but I've never had 200 lychees. After this video I probably won't test if my stomach is big enough for that mass! Thank you for this very interesting information.
    herzgesund – individual nutrition councelling for a healthy cardiovascular system –

  13. Watch this video as proof:

    Other fun facts:
    I belong to the Litchee capital of the world: Muzaffarpur, India. I have Litchee garden and I am eating at least 1 kg per day for continuous 2 months during the Litchee season. I never felt any bad effect, it’s delicious and refreshing.
    However, I do suspect that what was shown in the video is correct because every year, almost 100s of malnourished childrens die in my region and doctors suspects that it’s because of Litchee. But nobody cares as most of us are fine eating excessive amount of Litchee during the ripe season.
    Thanks a lot of this informative video, let me know if I can be of any help(we have a Litchee research centre in our city fyi).

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