Gli OGM sono sicuri? Il caso del mais BT

Molte delle informazioni sulle colture geneticamente modificate sono sbagliate, su entrambi i lati del dibattito. Che cosa hanno da dire le migliori prove disponibili sulle implicazioni per la salute umana del mais BT?

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Questa è la prima di una serie in quattro parti sulle implicazioni per la salute pubblica delle colture geneticamente modificate. Restate sintonizzati per i prossimi tre:
• Gli OGM sono sicuri? Il caso della soia Roundup Ready (
• Il glifosato antiparassitario Roundup della Monsanto è sicuro? (
• Soia OGM e cancro al seno (

Ho fatto una serie di video simili su “problemi controversi” sul glutine. Vedi:
• La sensibilità al glutine è reale? (
• Diete senza glutine: separare il grano dalla chat ( -il-grano-dalla-chat)
• Come diagnosticare l'intolleranza al glutine (

Per quelli interessato all'ingegneria genetica del bestiame, ho pubblicato io stesso alcuni articoli sull'argomento:
• Center for Agriculture and Biosciences (CAB) Recensioni 6(41):1-6 (
• Rivista di Etica Agraria e Ambientale 24(5): 472-472 (

64 Risposte a “Gli OGM sono sicuri? Il caso del mais BT”

  1. GM corn eats away at the stomach of insects, so why would anyone think that it won't eat away at our stomachs?  The rest of world refuses GM food because there is no long term studies confirming the safety.  Just say NO to GMO's!

  2. Let's face it Doc, you cannot convince us that Man knows better than mother nature. And so we are clear, you and I, to promote the idea that they are good for you only proves who you truly work for. Nothing else.

  3. I still don't trust it. It is not that I think GMOs are inherently bad… The science is neither good nor bad it just is… But I do not trust the companies like Monsanto or the government.

  4. Why did you focus on BT and completely ignore Serum 3-MPPA, which was the herbicide also found in all women of the same study? Is it toxic or not to humans?

  5. If you completely forget about what GMO does when you eat it and only look at what GMO does when you grow it…. well the pollution alone is enough to convince me GMO is wrong even if the end product is totally edible. Not the mention the politics, farmers going into massive debts, and the land grabbing when farmers go bankrupt around the world. 

  6. The way I understand BT affects the digestive track of the cabbage and corn worm,making it sick and unable to continue feeding. BT on the surface of the vegetable washes and wears off quickly. GMO's BT is in the cells of the food, you can't wash it off. I wonder how it affects the human digestive track.
    This isn't very scientific but the last three times I've eaten GMO corn it's giving me an abdominal stress. I can't help but wonder if there is a problem. Personally I'm going to avoid using GMO products ,let others be the guinea pigs if they want to.

  7. Monsanto claims this stuff breaks down in the gut, I read in a canadian study that the BT toxin can hang around in human blood and get passed into unborn infants, thats not exactly broken down is it? 

    Human evidence or not, these companies are shady as can be and have distrustful conduct, and the fact that stuff does not look that great when you look at actual less corporate influenced studies on the gmo crops with animals does not shine a favorable light on them either.

    I also read that when the BT gene was inserted into crops the crop itself made crazy high amounts of the toxin internally compared to people that just use it naturally by putting it on normal plants to kill bad bugs. With the whole plants body pumping out toxins, it staying in the food and remaining in the bloodstream and the possibility of it passing from mother to child it really sets up the potential to pose a multi-generational health risk.

    Also people having BT toxins in them is NO surprise, corn is wind pollenated, even the ancestral corn down in Mexico is gmo contaminated. So you have it on three sides that I can see, unintentional gmo cross pollenated human crops, actual intended BT table corn intended for human consumption, and through the animals we eat, all the animals we eat are heavily fed on gmo corn which is one of the cheaper ingredients in making feed. I am sure its likely if the toxins can be passed from mother to child it can remain in the meat and accumulate in our bodies after we eat the muscle tissue.

  8. BT toxin messes with our gut biome. So does RoundUp herbicide sprayed (and absorbed into the tissues) on other GMO plant crops. Since it doesn't kill people, it is therefore safe? I don't think so! I want to know if my groceries are GMO so that I can make my own decision about eating them.

  9. FACT: Bt proteins have been used in many organic farms for over 50 years as a microbial pest control agent (MCPA). Bt proteins are allowed in organic farming as a insecticide because Bt is a natural, non-pathogenic bacterium that is found naturally in the soil. Bt has also been found to be safe to all higher animals tested.

  10. Can anyone out there show me a scientific paper/study done on GMO safety/toxicity longer then 2 years? If we cant find that, it is irresponsible to claim no harm. Personally, the amount of people I know with some type of IBS/gastrointestinal issue is alarming. I understand its claimed not to effect our organs, but what about the bacteria which make up our body? Wheres the proof it does not alter/destroy these bacteria?   

  11. In trying to be "objective" I think you buried the lede on this story.  The burden of proof should be on those who want to drastically alter our food system to prove that their products are safe, not the other way around.  This is particularly true since the seed spreads throughout the food system.

  12. Just say know!  Label GMOs.  That way we can choose for ourselves rather than having a debate in the vacuum of good data.  Independent studies are limited by the fact that the owners of the seed patents controls who gets to study them.

  13. Didn't hear a direct answer to the question posed in the title but it could be inferred that Dr. Gregor believes GMOs are safe based on his very last comment.

  14. The only problem I have with GM crops is the fact that they are patented… Economics 101 says that's not a good idea.

  15. In other words — we're threading uncharted seas. But it seems like smooth sailing so far. 

    You know what? I'm going to stay back and play it safe.

  16. Why is everyone acting like he took a side here? He did not say he agreed or approved, he simply stated that this particular pesticide (BT) was being used on organic produce. He never states or insinuates an opinion on the matter.

  17. It was alluded to below, but it bears repeating.  In the case of organic farming, dead or weakened forms of the bacterium itself is used, not the BT toxin.  Huge difference.  The bacteria will be viable a very short time, where the BT corn has the toxin built in to the plant material itself.  So what we're dealing with is a major difference in potential dose.  He briefly referenced BT toxin having no adverse human affects, but failed to produce one good study saying so.  And what did those studies look at?  The bacterium or the toxin, and in what dosages?

    Earlier in the video he said he doesn't want to comment on what the animal studies show since we're talking about human health.  If animal studies bear so little insight on health matters, then why do we do them??  What if there is a clear trend in the studies?  I enjoy this channel immensely, but I think the good doctor pretty much sidestepped this whole issue.

    Finally, I would be curious to know if the doctor has ever intentionally avoided any GM foods himself?

  18. Bt has been sprayed on crops since before World War II.  As far back as 1938 farmers sprayed their crops with Bacillus thuringiensis spores (brand name "Sporine") using a liquid suspension to ward off wheat parasites.

    If you're going to talk about the toxicity of Bt cry gene products, I think you need to address the fact that three generations or more of most families have consumed Bt on an almost daily basis.

  19. Motto for 21st century…… Kill the customer, hook the children, release the flu yearly and own big phama and distibutors. Pay off politicians, lean on corp media execs.

    Higillian dialectic of Problem, reaction, solution.

    Cyclical profit centers

    Score giant.

  20. The bacteria in our gut can undergo a process termed transformation, whereby novel genetic material (genes for endotoxin delta from ingested plant material) is taken up from the E. coli environment and recombined into the E. coli genome.

    After this event the E. coli can transcribe and translate the gene into protein depending on where it was recombined in their genome. In this event, the protein may not be broken down by the human body as fast as it is translated and then may be absorbed through intestinal villi into the capillaries and into the blood.

    A couple things to consider here include past food additives that industries did not know had adverse human health effects until decades later and pharmacokinetics. The pharmacokinetics prove to be very tricky for a couple reasons. First we do not have the ability to select the site in the plant genome where we insert the endotoxin delta gene so every event creates a new strain of corn with varying rates of endotoxin formation and thus varying concentrations. Second, we do not know the exact mechanism whereby endotoxin delta acts on the gut epithelium of insects. Further, enzyme kinetics is relevant here because we are dealing with a substrate and receptor in the plasma membrane. It should be noted that enzyme kinetics are not considered all or nothing but vary based on binding efficiency, concentration, temperature, pH, etc.

    To say this matter has been resolved would be ignorant to say the very least.

  21. It is truly sad to see what US government turn into, any body with big pockets or the most lobbyist can manipulate things through republicans the ones are number one enemy of US citizens. No wonder US has now very large number of children with autism, HT AD, with one side aliens experimenting humans like lab rats, with another side US government allowed big business experiment  on US citizens like lab rats, it just disgusting what this country name of profit doing over entire country.       

  22. It's not just bad for us, these factory farms destroy family owned, democratic farms, enslave those farmers with masters who pay minimum wage, cramped facilities with tortured animals, and all that chemical bullshit hurts the Earth we live on, so why even have?

    Americans have the worst obesity rates, and disease, it's time to do the right thing and make a health change that's better for us, the animals, and the earth!

  23. The reason you don't find studies of 'organic' pesticides showing harm is because the studies aren't done. Synthetic pesticides go through a battery of safety testing before they are allowed to be used whereas the 'natural' ones used in organic farming don't need to pass any testing.

    I've said it once and I'll say it again; you present a floor swept by Occam's Broom.

  24. I hear the same propaganda over and over. BT thuingus is so harmless it is sprayed on organic crops. What a miss leading statement! The BT thuringus is sprayed on organic crops but late in the afternoon, then when the sun comes up it is killed by the sun shine. The BT toxin is on the inside of the GMO crop and no one ever checked to see if it can survive our stomach acids. So now it's in our blood and no one knows if it will cause damage or not, and the chemical companies don't want any reseach on it either. So we are all lab experiments for the rest of our lives, only time will tell if BT toxins eat holes in our guts. Which is what some scientists are saying is happeneng to us, but who cares Monsatan is getting rich!

    GMO crops are also rich in Glyphosate, which is harmless to humans, so Monsatan says. The thing they don't tell you is your gut bacteria is being killed or made very sick from eating GMO's with glyphosate. Your gut bacteria is the first line of defence in your immune system. No good bacteria the bad like BT toxins are allowed to flourish and blow holes in the gut. This can cause an allergic reation to foods, oh is this why allergy clinics are poping up every where?

  25. Don't forget about professor Serallini's research. It's also mysteries how Monsanto won't reveal any of its raw data to the public.

  26. The universities all over the world should teach the principles and the research institutes of this world should investigate the underlying mechanisms of Sepp Holzer permaculture/agro-ecology. Sepp Holzer's agricultural system beats conventional/GMO farming in every regard: no factory animal farming, no chemical or genetic pollution, more production per surface unit, huge bio-diversity, extreme landscape beauty, intact and clean water household, no deforestation, no hunger, no epidemy of diseases, each place would have its unique plant varieties, and most important, food would become medicine, as food grown in permaculture is packed with nutrients and antioxydants. If the world adopts Sepp Holzer's farming system, we would live in a world of abundance and beauty. We could feed 3 times more people than currently live on earth. If agro-ecology prevails, the earth's biosphere will soon be regenerated.
    Vive Sepp Holzer! Hoch lebe Sepp Holzer! 赛普·霍尔泽,加油!

  27. 0:39 – Great video about the usefulness of psychological tests I would say! 😉

    There is a very good book that just came out called "Altered Genes, Twisted Truth" by Steven Druker that traced the GMO food industry in a meticulous way from the 70's to the present day. It is step by step discussion backed up with facts and footnotes about how the GMO industry operates.

    This BT toxin has been in particular a failure. It has created insects that are resistant to the toxic, and as well when crops are plowed under they toxin biodegrades much slower and so lingers around in the soil to increase its concentration.

    Now, the BT bacteria is less useful in agriculture, so the GMO crops with BT in them have actually done harm. Not to mention that when they make a GMO food it changes what the cell produces, and no real tests on done to make sure these foods are safe.

    The law since the 1950's says that ANY NEW food is to be considered unsafe unless it is tested and ensured it is safe, but the FDA flaunted its own rules and lets GMO crops routinely into the environment and the marketplace that have not been tested.

    These crops in general in the medium and long term have no net positive effect and in case of something like BT have a negative one for the whole world in some cases when they breed super-pests or poison the soil.

  28. Hi, i'm a student, and where i live in canada all we have around here is walmart,sobeys, and superstore. How can i make sure i get healthy clean fruits and veggies? are conventional that bad for health?

  29. its now been proven to cause infertility and many other extremely serious issues. population control is a thing, do you think this was by accident? don't believe me? please look it up.

  30. I have spoken to many people that stopped eating GMO foods based on what their Dr advised and their condition got better.

  31. Why does it say at the end in the chart that diatomaceous earth is highly toxic? I thought it was a natural product that is good?

  32. It isn't BT I worry about. I'm an organic farmer, and I use BT all the time, even on cabbage and broccoli. The label on the BT says to keep it in a cool place. Heat DESTROYS BT! It is broken down in sunlight, washes away, and lives naturally in soil. Since most corn is cooked, I doubt it can live in the kernels. What troubles me, is the insane use of glyphosate on wheat and oats!

  33. Hold up..that list says diatomaceous earth is highly toxic??? Umm on what planet? I drink at tablespoon of food grade diatomaceous earth every day in a glass of water has tremendous health benefits

  34. GMO's are banned in 38 countries for a reason, they are not safe for people or pets. Many other countries require labeling. No frankenfood for me, gmo's cause autism, endocrine disruption, leaky gut, infertility, liver damage.

  35. THANK YOU doc, for standing in neutral position in the subject!
    People really need to learn about the subject and understand organic produce wont sustain the world. Your country may have the chance to produce it, but in many places if u dont grow it modified then people cant eat at all-.Think about climate change, if we dont grow plants resistant to salt of drought then we wont eat at all. This a technology, give it a chance. Dont spread fake rumours. Inform yourself and inform others!

  36. Since the release of GMO's to the unknowing public Autism, Alzheimer's and Diabetes among others have dramatically increased.
    I'm no scientist just a quick search on CDC and google's website

  37. Hey, doc! Love these videos. I actually found this one attempting to find out why people are eating diatomaceous earth. I keep reading reports that people are eating my garden dirt to get rid of bugs in them like I do in my garden, and that suddenly their joint pain is going away? I'm obviously curious as to how eating sand will help my colon work better, so if you could maybe enlighten me I'd deeply appreciate it. <3

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