Gli Omega-3 e il racconto del pesce eschimese

Il concetto che le malattie cardiache fossero rare tra gli eschimesi sembra essere un mito.

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Cosa c'è si tratta di nessun beneficio per il consumo di olio di pesce e le malattie cardiache? Guarda il mio video L'olio di pesce è solo olio di serpente? ( E l'olio di pesce per i disturbi dell'umore? Vedi Consumo di pesce e suicidio ( Il consumo di omega-3 a catena lunga (EPA e DHA) può essere utile per formare e mantenere la salute del cervello, anche se (prossima serie di video), c'è la lotta tra il mercurio e gli Omega-3 per lo sviluppo del cervello ( quando proviene da pesce o olio di pesce, grazie a quanto sono diventati inquinati i nostri oceani (anche nell'olio di pesce “distillato”, vedi Fish Oil in Troubled Waters, petrolio nelle acque agitate/). Gli inquinanti marini possono spiegare la relazione tra pesce e diabete ( e SLA (malattia di Lou Gehrig): Fishing for Answers ( pesca-risposte/). Per fortuna, ora ci sono fonti prive di sostanze inquinanti (derivate da lievito e microalghe). <br/>
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Image Credit: born1945 tramite Flickr.

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100 Risposte a “Gli Omega-3 e il racconto del pesce eschimese”

  1. Here is a reference: "They found that Homo sapiens are characterized by the disproportionately large brain size in proportion to the body. In every other land-based mammalian species they studied, brain size decreased logarithmically with increases in body size.

    Crawford et al. [5,6] argue that these findings are explained if the relative rate of brain to body growth was rate-limited by the inadequate biosynthesis of DHA in the liver. Support for this theory is given by evidence that in the absence of a significant source of preformed DHA in the food chain, land-based mammalian brains did not substitute the 22-carbon omega-6 fatty acid, docosapentaenoic acid (DPA 22:5n-6), despite its abundance. Thus, they argue, it was brain size that was sacrificed, not the degree of unsaturation in the phospholipid membranes."

    If this is true, then Kodiak bears should be geniuses by now. But anyway, it's a theory. The theory that we have been genetically manipulated at some point in the past seems more compelling to me. Our genetic profile seems to indicate that is the case. Anyway, it does not indicate what role DHA in our DIET should play. ??

  2. In one of his longer videos, Dr Greger recommended preferably ground flax seeds or capsules of flax oil. So do we or don't we? What am I missing here?
    I am starting to notice contradictions in his recommendations.

  3. he hasn't proven that fish oil is bad for you…there are 100's of studies that confirm the benefits of fish oil….over consumption of anything can be harmful. All he disproved is that northern indigenous people's don't get cardiovascular disease

  4. I'm not saying that I disagree….but you can literally find research to support any view. Placebo controlled, double blind, randomized circle jerk of an informational overload time.

  5. Thank you once again!!!. my Dc. is asking me to take fish oils. (eeeww,no thanks). That i need omaga 3..i said sure but i told her i am taking vegan DHA ones. She just made a face. I asked whats wrong with me getting at real source where fish get it form?

  6. So many times I had to fight against the E card. "The Eskimos! they eat meat almost any fruit or vegetable and they are soooo healthy…" Have you ever even meet an eskimo?

  7. Great video. Overdue.
    However, I will keep taking my daily pill of high-quality fish oil. It's only 1 g but with 400 mg of EPA and 200 mg of DHA. But hardly any other animal products apart from that.

  8. So is fish oil itself bad for you, or is it that it is unable to mitigate the damage done by eating animal fat? What is the best course of action for vegans regarding essential fatty acids?

  9. who are the nine paleo fanboys who disliked this video? I guess the truth hurts when you just want to stuff your mouth with meat and believe it to be good for you.

  10. How about the positive affect of omega 3 on inflammation?

    Take your fish oil with vit E folks, then cycle it with flaxseed oil.

    But how the heck can we expect fish oil to override an extreem, poor and or nutritionally sparce diet.

    News flash it doesn't!
    But it's a great supplement for a healthy diet.

  11. losing weight on HCLF takes forever and or NEVER occurs. LCHF does help control insulin, which promotes weight loss! plus, i still dont get how u want to treat diabetic with bananas and apples without killing them! everyone is different! and pls.. no BS-ing on 'consistency and shit'!

  12. It's always good to take some things under consideration, however when there is a ratio of 100,000:1 studies conducted that fish oil and fish are great for you.. I'm not going to stop eating fish!
    Were the eskimos eating anything else besides the blubber? So their diet was only fat?? No protein or carbs? No veggies or fruit?
    Doc, sounds like you are cherry picking bad studies again.

  13. Somewhere here it should be mentioned that when these danes lived on this diet of blubber, fish(and something else?), their blood did not coagulate for 45mins when cut do to the enormous amount of omega-3s in there system.

  14. Yep…I fell for this one years ago and purchased fish oil supplements….I am happy to say that I now follow the Mcdougall diet of starches, fruits, and veggies…the only supplements i take are b12 and 2000iu of vitamin d3 (not recommended on the diet but I take it because it seems like a good idea). I am healthier then ever and feel great…never going back to eating meat and dairy and taking useless expensive vitamin pills

  15. Dr Greger should do a video on Hemp seeds. Hemp plant is something unlike any other on this planet. Nothing comes close to the versatility.

  16. This is a favorite talking point for Weston Price dummies and paleo-morons. Of course they NEVER reference any peer-reviewed science, another common trait for these idiots. At this point I just want them to eat their shit diet and rot from the inside; no use in helping the willfully ignorant.

  17. Thanks Dr for deconstructing the lies of big food and big supplement industry. Eskimos must be healthier now eating big macs and drinking sodas.

  18. We can get all the omega 3 that we need without resorting to eating fish. Some examples of a rich abundance of it are found in flaxseeds, flaxseed meal, and chia seeds.

  19. Hey, I'm trying to switch over to being vegan but I'm a competitive weightlifter as well so I do need to make sure my protein and other supplements are at appropriate levels. I found a good replacement for proteins through supplements and certain vegan foods as well, however, I cannot find too great of an Omega 3/DHA/EPA source. Can someone help me? Most I find only have like 200mg of EPA/DHA and are 5x the price of fish oil DHA/EPA. Any help would be appreciated!

  20. and so the nutrition research cycle continues… it's healthy, it's not healthy, it's healthy, it's not healthy, it's healthy, it's not healthy, it's healthy, it's not healthy… ad nauseam…

  21. well I look at nature the bears eat salmon and berries and they weight 1500 to 2500 pounds and they seem to do well so I make sure that I eat berries blue berries strawberries flax seed and have salmon, tuna, mackle one of these fish 2x aweek

  22. How did they get 5000 studies to show benfits? Even if the premise was wrong in wouldn't affect the results, just like it didn't in the heart study that shwoed no benfit from omega 3. So it's like 5000 to 1. How can we explain this?

  23. Whether or not that particular study is true, that doesn't mean Omega 3's aren't good for you. They clearly help with inflammation, which in turn helps your heart. . .

    Maybe you should look/speak with Dr Barry Spears, and/or look at his work with Fish Oil and Pro Athletes, not to mention sick and obese people. You simply cannot make his work/studies just go away.

  24. Assuming that Omega 3 does nothing for heart health –

    Regardless of its effect on cardiovascular health, do you believe Omega 3 is an essential nutrient?
    Did our beliefs about Omega 3 as an essential nutrient rest on this same false premise about the eskimo, or are they unrelated?

  25. Eat Inuit traditional diet no prostate cancer other cancers or heart disease  according to studies at Laval University Quebec .

  26. Absolute scum have taken over the food and health industries,the very things we need kept good are being manipulated and made bad-then sold to us,
    Fish Oil is a scam
    Whey and Casein protein powder is a scam
    Most supplements are a scam
    All of the above products come as the by-product of another item,the fish oil from the fish industry,the protein powders are by products from the cheese industry,and many many supplements come from animals,most Vitamin D3 for example comes from PIGS BRAINS-imagine that,you think you are vegan and take your daily vitamins only to realize that they are from processed animals.
    We are being poisoned by toxic food and it is not enough for them to make us sick and make profit from that,they want more,they sell the waste by products to us aswell and laugh all the way to the bank.Many states in America won't let you grow your own healthy food,they don't want you to collect rainwater and they won't sell plant seeds that are not GMO.They want to make sure that what you are breathing,eating and drinking is their toxic poisons,it's absolutely crazy but this is what happens when you get lazy and put your trust in other people to deliver your food.

  27. If you read the actual paper (Clinical and other Observations on Canadian Eskimos in the Eastern Arctic) and think about what is said in it, the answers are a bit more complicated. It's true that SOME Eastern Arctic Eskimos have evidence of cardiovascular disease. However, it's only those around the Hudson Bay and Straits area. The author, Rabinowitch points out himself that they are the only ones that eat a large amount of flour because of close contact with Westerners. The Eskimos who live farther North, don't eat much flour and about them he says: "NO ARTERIOSCLEROSIS was found at Clyde River, Pond Inlet and Dundas Harbour." Almost all of the disease Rabinowitch found was in the Bay and Straits areas, and not the North. This article has been cited over and over, and other papers citing it have been cited over and over, as evidence against Eskimos not having healthy cardiovascular systems, when the truth is that their health state depends on their diet and how much refined carbohydrates they're eating. The more flour they eat, the unhealthier they are. When this is taken into consideration, the reports of Townsend and Urquhart that Eskimo in Western North America (which are far from the trade routes that would bring them flour) are apparently free of arteriosclerosis, makes much more sense and is no longer contradictory.

  28. My mom is currently doing a low card keto diet to lose weight, eating mostly fish and milk products.
    I always try to convice her that it is unhealthy, but she just doesn't want to hear anything about it, stating that she is infact losing weight, but when i tell her that is due to her immense restriction of calories and not the type of food she eats, she just ignores that.
    I am seriously concerned for her health and it feels kind of shitty to be in a position of knowing the truth, but not being able to talk sense into her.

  29. Great vid but key thing Confusing..debunking fish oils…ok (I'm long-time vegan)..until at the end, seems to debunk ALL (including vegan) omega-3, at 3:12 "To date more than 5000 articles..on alleged beneficial properties of omega three fatty acids…whose benefits are] questionable" so does this mean vegan omega-3s are not recommended either? Then why not removed from Dr. G's website this 2011 page ""2011/09/12/dr-gregers-2011-optimum-nutrition-recommendations" which say "updated 2/4/16" so I assume current, but they recommend "250mg daily of (vegan) long chain omega 3"….so therefore contradicting statement in the article in this video claiming all "omega three fatty acids" (not just fish based) are a "questionable" recommendation…the quote at 3:12 is wrong then in dismissing all "omega 3s"??

  30. Not only is fish oil bad for you, but so are all PUFA's incl. flax, chia, hemp, CLA, GLA, krill, algae and all bottled oils incl. olive oil which is 10% PUFA.. Coconut oil and dairy butter from grass fed cows are the healthiest b/c they are the most saturated.. And anyone who doesn't agree w/ me is an ass clown : )

  31. Good thing they got lots of vit. K-2 from grass fed animals. Bad thing is no Vit. D-3. Today they eat processed foods just as bad as us.

  32. Using a quote from Francis Bacon this video seems like a either a deliberate tongue in cheek pun or a hilarious coincidence. But seriously, the fact that the erroneous and scientifically invalid study is being still being referenced is astonishing. This tends to confirm the old research maxim, garbage in garbage out. All the more reason why the work you are doing is so vitally important. Here's hoping you continue doing what you do so well – shinning a spotlight on the value of a plant based diet to human health.

  33. When I was a high school freshmen I tried eating fish oil and fish in general, I ended up having worse health and dangerous mercury levels

  34. What he says about the Eskimos may be right, but what he says about omega 3s is wrong: there is a mountain of evidence supporting the value of omega 3s to our health.

  35. ok so everything that was said to be healthy, about many things, not just fish oil here is being disproved!!! ok so whts good for brain function?

  36. As I remember there is no data on living Inuit population before introduction on junk food, but there is on african tribes. Think it was Masai. They checked population that lives in wilderness (mailnly hi cholesterol, blood and milk diet) and compare them to people (with 'same' genome) that moved to the city and start eating western diet. Those in the wild have healthy hearts (and move more) and those in the cities have same metabolic problems as westerners (and same stationary lifestyle).
    According to low-carb diet crowd, insuline resistance (fasting insulin level above 3) and triglyceride to HDL ratio above 2 are most important predictor of cardiovascular failure. Other markers are: waist circumference indicating overweight or obesity, High blood pressure, High iron levels, elevated Lipoprotein (a) levels.
    And Masai have hi blood pressure and abdominal fat, but good insuline resistance, and they seem to be healthy even if obese.

  37. Funny, the UpToDate article on this very subject titled, "Fish oil and marine omega-3 fatty acids", last updated Aug 24, 2016 (8 months after this video) continues to recommend " 2 servings per week of oily fish" or supplements. And… the very first article listed in the references? … from Bang and Dyerberg…

  38. Living in Canada as I do, the term “Eskimo” has been replaced 100% by the word Inuit. Why? It’s like using the “N” word to describe African Americans, just not done anymore in society.

  39. Absolutely ridiculous. This Vegan BS is like a Cult. You all go on eating Vegan and follow your Cult. You are not healthier than anyone else and it's very possible you are exposing yourselves to high levels of insecticides and other toxins that do not Wash off with a Rinse in the sink. I get it… The Globalist Socialist Animal Nuts want us all to abstain from eating meat. Got it !

    You believe Farting animals endanger our ecosystem Haha !!!

    Keep your idiotic Religion

  40. Same thing happened with gluten free, and low salt. Dr. Greger went for the low salt one. Has a video of the 'onamamo people' or whoever that simply says 'we found a bunch of primitive people with much less salt in their diet and they did not have hypertension.' How does that prove anything about salt causing hypertension?? It does not.

  41. The only bad things in this world is when man invented and diverted the natural provision of God into artificial drugs. I know they took nutrients from the creation and diverted it to chemically process it could be 30% nutrients + 70% chemicals in order to drive quickly in the human cell to have quick result instead of therapy but about omega 3 fatty acid there no wrong with it as long as you consume it naturally extract without chemicals because that is the main substance in the blood to melt down the bad cholesterol to keep floating preventing to deposit on artery wall. Omega keep the blood warm to prevent bad cholesterol deposit and circulating to secrete, filter, & utilize by the body. In fact only omega 3 fatty acid can melt strerofoam without other chemicals. It really helps the body to maintain cardiovascular health. The good ratio of omega 3 is 300-420 EPA combine 200- 280 DHA.

  42. maybe the point here is that it doesn't matter what you eat if you can survive i your culture to carry on your genes that's really the point in life not much more….

  43. But how should we help those eskimos? If they all go vegan then they're all dead in a couple of weeks. Look at where they live. All snow and ice. I would say they have a hard life. How does this life affect their health? Are there any studies?

  44. I really need to get my eyes checked because at first glance I thought that was a spider monkey sitting on snow. That's troubling.

  45. What about the 5,000 studies on omega 3's and fish oil that were referred to at the very end of the video? What did they show? Surely if that many studies have been done, the truth should be clear from them- but Dr. Greger doesn't tell us what all these studies showed.

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