Grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile pari a zero

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DESCRIZIONE: L'assunzione di grassi trans (che provengono principalmente da cibo spazzatura e prodotti animali), grassi saturi (principalmente da latticini e pollo) e il colesterolo (proveniente principalmente da uova e pollo) dovrebbe essere il più basso possibile. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherò di rispondere! Non esitare a pubblicare qualsiasi domanda di tipo chieda al dottore qui nella sezione commenti e sarei felice di provare a rispondere. E non perdere il post sul blog di accompagnamento di oggi, “Lipitor generico non è la risposta alla nostra epidemia di malattie cardiache”. ( risposta-a-nostra-epidemia-di-malattia-del-cuore/)
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15 Risposte a “Grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile pari a zero”

  1. My cholesterol is excellent and i adore saturated fat. Saturated fat is essential for mental and physical health. An article on the subject: 12 REASONS WHY SATURATED FAT IS GOOD FOR YOU

  2. Saturated fat by itself causes Inflammation! Many detailed scientific studies have shown this to be the case. If you have an increase in inflammation, your blood is stickier and your joints are achier. Inflammation increases most aspects of aging. that's one reason Inuit People have very high rate of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus, connective tissue diseases, and the highest rate in the world of spondyloarthropathies!   Our Body makes all the cholesterol it needs…infect it makes around 3,000 milligrams per day that’s ten times the maximum recommendation for daily dietary cholesterol! Also consider that Cancer cells need cholesterol to put into their new membrane during cytokinesis when
    they are dividing, so the more extra cholesterol you put in your body the
    easier Cancer will grow.

  3. How can I achieve 0 saturated fat? All the soy products, whole grains, tomato sauce, beans & lentils, and basically everything else vegan in my kitchen, contains saturated fat (not even counting the vegan convenience foods, vegan cheese and spreads). Hope for some help from the experts here since I'm fairly new to all this. Thanks.

  4. +ScarlettDuchess 12 REASONS WHY SATURATED FAT IS GOOD FOR YOU – An article written by a blogger, with zero medical credentials, and zero sources to scientific studies? Sounds legit.

  5. Trans fats are evil and inflamatory.

    Saturated fat are healthy.
    Don't you know it yet. Dr. Gregger???

    Siri-Tarino meta analyse:

    Butter, cream, eggs, avocados, coconout oil they all belong in heart protective diet.
    They have nothing to do with the trans fats of processed foods or in foods like margarine… evil

    Jorge García-Dihinx M.D.

  6. All food have inflammation factors specially depending on how they're cooked. What about lectins, phytates, oxalic acid, etc. We are mostly made of water AND cholesterol. We need saturated fat, not a huge amount, but then my neighbor went to the hospital and was like having a stroke. Why? Too much water! Huge amount of anything is bad, like night shade vegetables for hypothyroidism. Common, common sense. Look at the centenarian's diet

  7. such bullshit, saturated fat is good for you go get fucked. tell that to my 185 total cholesterol 170 of which is HDL 15 LDL my diet consists mainly of sat fats lol someone else can fall for this meme and be a soyboy

  8. Simple message that somehow makes it strange that western civilization has come up with a food culture that is so filled with “danger” —— far away from a whole food plant based diet

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