Preservare l'immunità dell'atleta con la clorella

L'alga verde, la clorella, può aiutare ad attenuare il calo degli anticorpi della funzione immunitaria associato all'esercizio fisico eccessivo.

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Lì è, tuttavia, un avvertimento sull'uso della clorella. Guarda il mio ultimo video sulla clorella Trattamento dell'epatite C con clorella ( per decidere se i benefici superano i rischi.

Ecco lo studio sui lieviti nutrizionali che ho citato: Preservare la funzione immunitaria negli atleti con lievito nutrizionale (<br/>
Ecco altri modi per ridurre il rischio di infezioni del tratto respiratorio superiore:
• I gargarismi possono prevenire il comune raffreddore? (
• Prevenire il comune raffreddore con i probiotici? (
• Kiwifruit for the Common Cold (

Il modo più coccoloso per proteggere la tua funzione immunitaria, tuttavia, può essere trovato in questo video: Cani o gatti sono più protettivi per i bambini Salute? (

Cos'altro può fare l'esercizio? Guarda video come Longer Life Within Walking Distance ( e Esercizio vs. Droghe per la Depressione ( -depressione).

Ulteriori informazioni su come raccogliere i meravigliosi benefici dell'esercizio in:
• Difendi la tua salute (
• Miglioramento del recupero atletico senza compromettere l'adattamento ( /video/recupero-atletico-migliorato-senza-minare-l'adattamento/)
• Le diete paleo possono negare i benefici dell'esercizio (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: abolotnov e Christa via Flickr.
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30 Risposte a “Preservare l'immunità dell'atleta con la clorella”

  1. wait a minute, so either excercise and increase chance of getting sick, excercise and take chlorella or don't excercise?

    are those our options

  2. wait a minute, so either excercise and increase chance of getting sick, excercise and take chlorella or don't excercise?

    are those our options

  3. wait a minute, so either excercise and increase chance of getting sick, excercise and take chlorella or don't excercise?

    are those our options?

  4. I've been following your material for years. Your research and presentation of everything is phenomenal, but your voice is absolutely irritating. If you took a few vocal classes on developing a more resonant and deep voice and using it properly, your channel and ideas will grow and spread. Thank you

  5. I'm hoping you'll share anything you know about the recent celery recall… Where ecoli mostly comes from and how safe are our plants. Thanks Dr. Greger

  6. So, Chlorella is the only answer to this issue? Why isn't there a comparative study with other algae, seaweed, orange juice or whatever else? I have disdain for the one magical solution to a problem that has to be rare and/or exotic. Vegans are suckers for this sort of thing.

  7. I have trouble in trusting chlorella products because the way it's made and where it's made are so mysterious, to me.

    Isn't a lot of spirulina made in South Chinese Sea? Isn't that polluted?

  8. Wouldnt it be great if we all had a device to wirelessly monitor our level of vitality. it would say…oh oh your igf are getting low you gonn' be ill. Then you could address the problem before it manifests. The excitement about futuristic health. ^-^

  9. Unfortunately the aforementioned 2012 study was funded by SunChlorella, so I am looking for corroboration. "Competing interests SunChlorella Co., Ltd. provided funding for the study and supplied the test supplements used in the study. TO has received speaker's honorarium from SunChlorella Co., Ltd. KS, MI and IK have no competing interests."

  10. This is neat. I was researching how immune and blood cells change concentrations in the blood stream, and have been exercising and happen to take chlorella. Weird taste but not as weird as spirulina.

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