I cibi grassi creano dipendenza?

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DESCRIZIONE: Coloro che seguono diete ad alto contenuto calorico possono avere una ridotta capacità di godersi tutto il piaceri smorzando le vie della dopamina nel cervello.

Che mi dici di quella bibita zuccherata? Guarda il mio ultimo video, Gli alimenti zuccherati creano dipendenza? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-sugary-foods-addictive).
Allora come possiamo uscire dalla trappola del piacere (http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/ )? Iniziando a mangiare sano possiamo effettivamente cambiare il sapore delle cose. Guarda il mio video Cambiare le nostre papille gustative (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/changing-our-taste-buds). E sano significa cibi vegetali integrali, che tendono ad essere naturalmente diluiti data la loro acqua (The Ice Diet, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-ice-diet ) e contenuto di fibre. Non solo la fibra è anche priva di calorie, ma si potrebbe pensare che abbia calorie “negative”, data la fermentazione delle fibre nel nostro intestino in composti antiobesità (oltre a composti antinfiammatori e antitumorali). Per questo motivo, chi segue diete a base vegetale mangia centinaia di calorie in meno senza nemmeno provarci. Guarda il mio recente video Approccio nutriente-denso alla gestione del peso (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nutrient-dense-approach-to-weight-management). <br/> Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-fatty-foods-addictive/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: CE Kent, Mirandala, colros, SeeMidTn.com (alias Brent), L.Richarz e punteggiato tramite flickr; e Evan-Amos e Paolo Neo tramite Wikimedia.

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36 Risposte a “I cibi grassi creano dipendenza?”

  1. Thanks a lot to share all that precious informations ! That's what I was trying to explain to people eating junk food (and telling that I was deprive myself by eating fruits&Veggies), but I could not find words to explain well…. =)

  2. Sure fruit is tasty but  having a bowl of full fat ice cream once in a while will not kill you.  The frozen banana ice cream thing doesn't count.

  3. (From "Insta News" Nov. 2113assuming people are still around in 100 yrs)

    REP. AROBO 5.3 (Independent TP Demoblican) arrested this morning at his ocean front home in Tennessee for possession with intent to distribute and consume Ice Cream. Police confiscated 10 US gal along with 7 wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano. Before particle beaming to detox and treatment he made this statement, "BUT IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" blink here for more–>

  4. Really good video. Especially the part on the regained pleasure from foods when going back to a plant based diet. I hated vegetables all my life and disliked fruits but since I eat vegan it all tastes way better and is really enjoyable!

  5. Next: tasty foods are addictive, eat only tasteless!
    Perhaps later: "Vegetables are addictive".

    Yeah right… Those PET studies are quite worthless, stimulation of D2 alone reduces the number of receptors and the response.

    Also, eaters also have deadened response to pleasure, become breatharian!

  6. After two weeks of being vegan i still get jitters and anxiety attacks when ever whopper Wednesday rolls around.  I'll be happy when i can forget about fast food.  

  7. Good for you Peter for going vegan! Yes those cravings still come for me after 5 years +. The thing is they get shallower and shorter the more time goes by.

    After quitting smoking over 13 years ago, I still have cravings, but they are easily ignored.

    BTW, if you ever get close to going back, watching the dairy, egg, and slaughterhouse videos really firm up the resolve. I know that with me, if I was tempted, I watched them and asked myself if I would be prepared to pay someone to do those horrible things to innocent creatures, and the answer was no! (I'd just do the faux meats instead)

    Again, congratulations for being part of the solution!!!!

  8. Having to pay for and treat these diet diseases is just what we as a society need to incentivize changes in our food production system.  That's why Single Payer is a good way to move this along.

  9. Wow… Holy crap. No wonder a big bowl of ice cream was never enough back before I started being 94.99% vegan! Two spoonfuls of gelato is like, super satisfying now.

  10. If I manage to eat 1000kcal of Fruit in the same time spane as 1000kcal of Fast food. Would that have the same affect on my Dopamine receptors?

  11. Wonderfull basic information that can optimize joy of life:
    Bring back the dopamine sensitivity by eating lcolorfull greens and get much more pleasure from everything in life

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