Inversione del diabete: sono le calorie o il cibo?

Anche quando i soggetti dello studio sono stati costretti a mangiare così tanto da non perdere peso, una dieta a base vegetale può comunque invertire il tipo 2 diabete nel giro di poche settimane.

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Anche se ho dozzine di video sul diabete, penso che questo sia il più potente che abbia mai realizzato. Condividi questo video che cambia la vita e salva la vita con chiunque conosci con il diabete di tipo 2 o a rischio per la temuta malattia. Per quanto mi riguarda, questa dovrebbe essere obbligatoria per ogni operatore sanitario. Vorrei averlo visto quando ero uno studente di medicina! Se questo tipo di video ha giovato a te o ai tuoi cari, considera di diventare un sostenitore mensile (<br/>
Questa è la puntata finale di una serie di video in 3 parti. Se ti sei perso i primi due, controlla Reversing Diabetes with Surgery ( e Reversing Diabetes with Food ( .

Maggiori informazioni sul notevole lavoro del Dr. Kempner qui:
• Dieta del riso Kempner: Whipping Us In to Shape (

56 Risposte a “Inversione del diabete: sono le calorie o il cibo?”

  1. Dr. Greger, would you cover safflower oil and any provable benefits and if bran cereals are actually good for us? Is cellulose an acceptable food additive? Love you vids and website! It has changed my life! 42 days a vegetarian/mostly vegan and loving it!

  2. Type 1 diabetic and cut my insulin need two thirds based on my insulin to carb ratio. High carb, low fat, low protein, high fibre, whole food, plant based vegan is where it is at. Cheers as always Dr Greger

  3. It`s so disgusting to think that people who have Diabetes are not being told this basic dietary information but instead are being kept ill and on medication for their whole lives. Still, the health care people make their profits.

  4. Dr. Gregor my mom has type 2 diabetes, she has been told to keep her carbs to 60g at meal and 15g at snacks. Non starchy veg are free but count her fruit. Does she have to count carbs if she is no longer eating animal products? What do you recommend?

  5. This might sound like a stupid question and I might be really ignorant, but if a diet is high carb and low fat, but not necessarily plant based will it still work in the same way? Could you have popcorn, or sweets because technically that's low fat and high carb? Or does it only 'truly' work with fruit, veg and starches?

  6. My sister has been diagnosed with diabetis and I told her going vegan, might reduce or stop insuline needs, but I think she considers changing her diet to be too extreme.

  7. When my doctor put me on insulin he told me to expect some weight gain. And so it happened, but I don't know if it was because of the insulin itself, or if I used the insulin as an excuse to eat more. Eventually, I decided to fight diabetes by losing weight and had to give up insulin because the hypoglycemic attacks were very bad. When I presented my results to my doctor as a fait accompli, he said, "Good!" I'll give him that.

  8. I have been telling everyone that carbs aren't bad as long as you eat fruits and veggies. The sad part is this study was published in 1979 but the news isn't getting out because the pharmaceutical companies want people on insulin.

  9. I could introduce you to people who immediately dismiss all of these videos. Those people will say that Dr. Gregor is just biased. Then those people will go to WebMD and find an article saying that there is nothing wrong with eating eggs.

  10. Is it possible to cure/reverse insulin resistance with the same diet? Or it should be a little bit different? I mean, what about rice, potatoes etc. becuase it has high GI and causes insulin spikes.

  11. Can you believe that people are having their feet AMPUTATED when they could just change the way they eat? Are burgers and steaks really worth a limb? Surely this should be common knowledge. 😔

  12. Thank thank thank thank thank you! So tired of people saying "everything in moderation" to things that are healthy for the body. When it comes to plants, eat in abundance!

  13. What about this compared to a paleo or keto diet? Was it only eating plants or cutting out processed sugars? I'd love to see a test comparing that

  14. As a vegan diabetic, I was able to control my sugars by eating low calorie but the real amazing results came from weight training. My sugars dropped and i was able to eat large meals again. I injured myself and took 3 weeks off from training and still retained the benefits. Weight training is a miracle cure. Try it, along with the vegan diet.

  15. Plant diet sure seems to be the way to good health, I guess we should have been more vegetarians than meat eaters and sugar loving species, even cutting out dairy products. Keeping fit is something else what people need to do frequently to avoid this and other illnesses.

  16. I have yet to hear how eating the very food which DMers cannot metabolize, carbs, can be better than eating the foods he proscribes, which have less carbs: meat, fish, eggs, poultry, and dairy. Grains, in particular, sound like bad idea, whereas plants are intrinsically better, I say. Protein and fat lead to less glucose rise than carbs; thus, the optimal diet would seem to be low-carb veggies and fruits, with meat, fish, etc, and avoidance of grains. He's reaching back to the fifties and seventies on this one. Why? I think his mania for veganism goes too far here. It is not clear what is bad about the foods he proscribes, how it would lead to higher blood sugars.

  17. I've been studying curing diabetes after which we found a fantastic resource at Diabetes Crusher Tactic (check it out on google)

  18. I had a appointment with a RD at Kaiser P insurance for dietary for educational purposes. Useless talking about "horrible" information to obese people….telling them to drink "milk" for calcium ……….I wanted to puke not to say everything else she was saying. I had to sit in that class and say OMG-rolls eyes.

  19. It's not often im impressed however watching this certainly would make anyone say wow I need to ask – did viewers realise there is recent discovery

    people around this planet are getting results I found out about this from a resource take a look now look for Diabetes Crusher Tactic on google

  20. my dad said he would go plant based if I showed him a study that showed the full benefits of a plant based diet on diabetics. someone please link me the full article on 3:11 I think that is a good study to show my dad.

    … if you have the time please study the bibles “Daniel Diet” (vegan lifestyle) and show how well it conforms to the “plant based diet” truth which today’s people simply have no regard for …

    Folks … bible has all the answers 🙂
    SALVATION and DAILY REGENERATION must be explained using MARK12:30,JN3:5/6:53,MATT.5:3-10/2TIM.2:19 !!!! ANYTHING LESS THAN THAT: FALLS SHORT

  22. Im so confused about fat intake… is it necessary to keep our fat to under 15%of daily calories or can we eat plant fats and still reverse diabetes as long as all the food is plant based????

  23. Does anyone know what plants the participants were eating? I also would like to know if they were restricted in any way. I am very interested, as I am on 20 units of insulin. Thanks

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