Gli studi dimostrano che le uova sono sane e non aumentano il colesterolo?!

Le uova hanno una cattiva reputazione in quanto si dice aumentino il colesterolo, il rischio di malattie cardiovascolari, il diabete di tipo 2, la prostata, cancro alla vescica e al colon ecc., ma secondo i media mainstream le uova sono davvero salutari per te e sono una buona fonte di proteine! Ci sono anche studi che dimostrano che le uova NON aumentano il colesterolo, quindi come possiamo dare un senso a tutte queste informazioni contrastanti?! Bene, ascoltiamo il dottor Greger…

Consumo di uova e rischio di malattie cardiovascolari e diabete: una meta-analisi .

Consumo di uova e mortalità per cancro del colon e del retto: uno studio ecologico.

Il consumo di un uovo al giorno aumenta le concentrazioni sieriche di luteina e zeaxantina negli anziani senza alterare il colesterolo lipidico e lipoproteico sierico Concentrazioni

Colesterolo alimentare e malattie cardiovascolari: una revisione sistematica e una meta-analisi

Ingestione di uovo ra ise lipoproteine ​​plasmatiche a bassa densità in soggetti a vita libera

Effetti della dieta colesterolo sul colesterolo sierico: una meta-analisi e revisione

Effetti del colesterolo alimentare sul colesterolo sierico: una meta-analisi e una revisione

Canale YouTube del dottor Greger

Sito web del dottor Greger

Stock footage fornito da Videvo, scaricato da e Pexels

40 Risposte a “Gli studi dimostrano che le uova sono sane e non aumentano il colesterolo?!”

  1. The way those poor hens are treated is beyond diabolical. Man's inhumanity toward sentient beings, especially in the meat & dairy industry knows no limits. Mankind will never find peace. Watch Earthlings

  2. So eggs are OK cholesterol doesn't rise if after the bowels natural limit ?
    Doesn't this open the door to actual keto not the ez bad method, being safer??
    Def suggesting an egg on top of the salad is OK?

  3. Nicely placed BS. If your body MANUFACTURES 5 grams (5000 mg) per day of cholestrol, why would it care if you ingested 70 mg more? It wouldn’t. The studies promote USELESS expensive drugs at the sacrifice of nutrition advice. Please Stop it, or get a job! 🛑 For MUCH better advice see #DrBerg right here on Youtube. Thank you 😊

  4. There is so much misleading information about the actual harm eggs cause our bodies that most people just think they are perfectly safe to eat. Thanks for educating us!

  5. Typical industry manipulative tactics! They are obviously getting desperate.
    I will continue to skip eggs from a health perspective. I will continue to skip eggs from an atrocious animal abus perspective snd of course from an environmental perspective.

    Bye bye eggs!

  6. Things not addressed in this video:
    1.. Cholesterol is essential for hormone production.
    2. The liver creates 1 to 3 grams of cholesterol as it's essential for the body.
    3. Cholesterol isn't the problem. Small particle Low density lipoprotein carrier (LDL) is the damaging substance. Large particle LDL and all other HDL is not bad for you.
    4. Excessive refined carbohydrates and trans fats consumption increase triglycerides in the blood which is the main damaging factor in the blood.

    In short true free range eggs are nutrient dense easily digested and absorbed and used in the body. Stop demonizing all eggs. Free range is fine and good for you. Eggs from Caged hens should be avoided if your budget allows….

  7. Does dietary cholesterol raise blood cholesterol? In post war Japan they were so poor and bereft of food that they invested heavily in egg production and yet Japan is a place often cited as having low amounts of heart disease . I envy them – their egg production is so good that they can eat raw eggs poured over rice which probably reduces the GI effect of the rice .✌️

  8. My blood pressure tells me. If I eat two eggs, no salt, no butter, just the eggs, especially the egg yolks my blood pressure spikes and I feel terrible. Test this yourself.

  9. There is so little information in this video that not a single statement that is made has been even close to proven. I wondered if your organization had an agenda, and what this video DOES prove is that you do. Nice job! Apparently there is no science to your science.

  10. Before I went WFPB I rarely eat beef and pork but I used to eat white meat from chicken and fish and yes EEGS but my cholesterol levels are still high. Since switching to WFPB 4 years ago my cholesterol has never been an issue. I became a label reader as I am also careful of addictives especially that sneaky sugar. Even ketchups are laced with sugar so I buy non sugar ketchups.

  11. It's not the cholesterol you eat that raises your LDL cholesterol level, it's the saturated fat you eat. One large boiled egg (50g) has only 1.6g of saturated fat. If you eat a fried egg, the saturated fat will increase due to whatever oil you use to cook it.

    Note that Japanese consume the most eggs in the world, but their death rate by CORONARY HEART DISEASE is the lowest in the world.

  12. My instinct is that eggs are fine. Regrettably on this and quite a few other videos I don't feel I can trust the information given on this channel. It is in my opinion biased and selective. I am only interested in truth and don't feel I get it when people have entrenched biases, whichever the angle they come from. What happens is that people have or choose their viewpoint and spend all their time trying to justify it by choosing information that appears to back up such a viewpoint and rejecting the rest. Such behaviour is fundamentalism. I won't do it and I reject those that do whether they are meat eaters or vegans

  13. lol, this is the silliest idea I have ever heard!! one egg has 1600mg of saturated fat. do you really believe that 400-800mg, which would be one quarter or half of an egg respectively, will have such a significant impact on the findings that it will completely alter the study's conclusion?

  14. cholesterol is good for you it is involved in every function of the body starving the body of dietary cholesterol is part of the biggest scam the vegan industry is selling eggs are definitely good for you and if you look at nutrition profile you will see the best super food in the world is not just eggs but meat

  15. To my mind – for certain that consuming eggs is not healthy for the day old male chicks heading down towards the macerator blades or the gassing bags.
    That's just a bad reputation is it? – I don't think so!
    Perhaps they're more 'ethical' for the 'privileged' with land for 'pet' chickens laying the occasional unfertilised egg – maybe?

    Not for me though!

  16. WELL — the egg company of america had a law suit out against the people who claimed that it raised cholesterol the first time for a billion dollars – even though it had been found to be scientifically true – and surely a few dozen Million-dollar campaigns to improve their sells seems reasonable – the last real finding I read about before this new campaign came out was — one small egg per week for a healthy person was OK — see the healthy person additive – kinda clumsy wasn't it – for them to be MADE to say that – Go-Figure … Money changes facts it seems ! ! ! — if yu are unaware of these facts — yu are one of the naively programmed of the ORG !

  17. Eggs are the most bioavailable form of protein on the planet, second only to breast milk. Dietary cholesterol (especially from whole foods – grass fed meat, dairy and eggs) does not increase serum cholesterol and saturated fat from these food sources does not contribute to heart disease. The papers cited to show those statements are wrong are all old and/or biased towards a plant based or worse, ultraprocessed plant based diet.
    Cut out sugar, seed oils and grains and all ultraprocessed foods (vegan or otherwise) get good sleep, exercise (especially resistance training for strength and muscles) and use intermittent fasting.
    If you don't eat enough cholesterol then your body will make it for you. Every cell in the body needs cholesterol, protein and fat. No cell in the body needs dietary carbohydrates and fibre.
    Seeing as "science" so called produces papers that all contradict each other, should we really call it science at all.
    PS: Getting a plant based Doctor who is obviously against eggs to provide an independent review to support your even more obvious bias against eggs is absolutely ridiculous.

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