Gli studi osservazionali mostrano risultati simili agli studi controllati randomizzati

Studi osservazionali vs. studi randomizzati controllati. Quanto è legittima la critica aziendale comune alla letteratura scientifica sulla nutrizione secondo cui la credibilità degli studi osservazionali è discutibile?

Questa è la terza di una serie di otto parti su come le industrie avere un impatto sulle linee guida dietetiche e sanitarie. I primi due video hanno introdotto cosa è successo quando il comitato delle linee guida dietetiche 2015 ha raccomandato di ridurre il consumo di zucchero: come il grande zucchero indebolisce le linee guida dietetiche ( e How Big Sugar ha manipolato la scienza per la dieta Linee guida ( <br/>
Successivamente, esamineremo i recenti articoli degli Annals of Internal Medicine sul consumo di carne:
● Falling GRADE for Annals of Internal Medicine Meat Studies (
● Conflitti di interesse negli Annals of Internal Medicine Meat Studies ( di-interesse-per-gli-annali-di-studi-di-medicina-sulla-carne)
● I rischi per la salute e i benefici del consumo di carne (
● Come Big Meat ha manipolato la scienza ( scienza)
● Quanto influisce la carne sulla longevità? (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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29 Risposte a “Gli studi osservazionali mostrano risultati simili agli studi controllati randomizzati”

  1. I don't think there's ever been a randomized controlled trial for cigarette smoking, therefore the evidence is too weak, brb going to go buy smokes

  2. The weaponisation of science and the corruption in science to mislead the public should be seen as one of the biggest crimes against humanity. After all, it's responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths every year because stubborn people that like to hear good news about their bad habits can find "evidence" for whatever they like.

  3. I think you make a good case for health improvements through diet and exercise, as proven by observational studies, as RCT studies as absolute scientific confirmation is difficult if not ethically challenged.
    Though doctors are poorly trained in diet and physiology, I think it's a straw-man argument to suggest that ALL doctors treat disease with drugs and NEVER consider the benefit to side effect ratio.
    If a cardiologist consults an inactive man in his fifties, 40 pounds overweight, on the SAD diet, with a blood profile of tryglicerides and LDL levels sky high, and he states,"You're going to have to change your diet to lower saturated fat, lower cholesterol and lower calories, till you lose forty pounds and start walking a little more every day. Meanwhile I'm going to put you on statins, to hopefully lower plaque buildup!", the typical man will go straight to McDonald's eat a smaller order of fries with the meal, exercise a day then quit, and hopefully keep taking the medication, at least.
    Doctors generally know that compliance with life changes such as diet and exercise are low, so they're stuck with medicine and surgery.

  4. One doctor on YT said we should eat red meat for things like libido. He said the research on the bad effects of meat did not distinguish between processed and unprocessed and said unprocessed red meat is a lot safer and good for health. Are there studies on the health problems with unprocessed red meat?

  5. I really liked what you said about how randomized controlled trials (RCT) are not always practical to perform (e.g., getting kids to drink different levels of lead). And that we shouldn't discount the conclusions of observational studies (albeit with a lower level of certainty vs RCT) to make nutritional recommendations that can save lives. Thanks for another great video!

  6. Why is red meat always grouped with processed meat? Is there a dis-honest hidden agenda by the researchers?

    Regeneratively raised grass fed and finished beef, nose to tail, is most nutritious for most people. Especially the organ meats.

    Most vegans don’t last on the diet more than 3 to 4 years. It takes three years for your body to deplete it’s vitamin B12 stores in the liver. Then irreparable nerve damage can occur. Seems strange to be on a diet where supplementation is required.

    Epidemiological studies in other countries show that meat eaters are much healthier. The common problem with epidemiological studies is healthy user bias.

    Omega 6 linoleic acid from seed oils and animal fat from mono-gastric animals (chicken, pigs) that are fed seeds (eg. soybean and corn) are the LEAST healthy foods. Highly inflammatory.

    Seed oils are in most processed foods.

  7. Some researcher should carry out GRADE for lung cancer and smoking to show that the claim that smoking causes lung cancer is low evidence, and therefore you should probably give your throat a vacation. It'd be a nice reference point to further show the absurdity at using GRADE for non drug trials.

  8. It still bugs me that you in the end of one of your live-streams casually told everyone to get vaccinated (cov19) WITHOUT randomised double blinded placebo controlled evidence (not even RTC's). You did not know the medical condition of your viewers, nor on what medication they are, their age or anything else that might be important for such a decision.
    It is also not your field and it is certainly not years of facts based evidence.
    I am waiting for an excuse on that. Everyone of us can be wrong or do something wrong – there is no blame.
    Thanks for all the work you and your team does on nutrition and all the great videos!

  9. Patient conscent is a big problem – my situation I needed a CT scan for emergency and before the nurses demanded to take 5 bottles of my blood – blood test had nothing to do with my injury- I passed out because they didn't ask my conscent I would have said no

  10. Thank you for being on the side of health, and not on the side of making money at the expense of public health.

  11. I was a statistician for many years. It's so easy to manipulate data. For me, the simple answer is eat healthy whole food as much as I can.

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