Gli studi sui grassi saturi: impostati per fallire

In che modo Big Butter potrebbe progettare uno studio (come le meta-analisi di Siri-Tarino e Chowdhury) per minare le linee guida del consenso globale per ridurre i grassi saturi assunzione?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Latticini campagna del settore per “neutralizzare l'immagine negativa del grasso del latte”? Se ti sei perso il mio ultimo video, dai un'occhiata qui: The Saturated Fat Studies: Buttering Up the Public ( -Buttering-Up-the-Public).

Se quel memo “Il dubbio è il nostro prodotto” suonava familiare, anch'io l'ho presentato nel mio recente Bias per la ricerca finanziata dall'industria alimentare ( video. Maggiori informazioni su come le industrie possono progettare studi ingannevoli in BOLD Indeed: il manzo abbassa il colesterolo? ( e How the Egg Board Designs Misleading Studies (<br/>
E, ultimo ma non meno importante, questo è il primo video di con il lavoro dell'illustratrice professionista Sara Marchetto (, che si è così gentilmente offerta di donare i suoi talenti per portare avanti la nostra missione. Spero che vedrai presto altre sue foto!

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

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100 Risposte a “Gli studi sui grassi saturi: impostati per fallire”

  1. This an epic series  I can't wait for the playlist.  I know its a lot of info but we will still stay tuned in if you slow it down a fraction.  It is hard to keep up sometimes when the info is delivered at a rapid pace.  Anyway I get to watch it a couple of times so I really absorb the info.

  2. This is an outstanding video! It explains clearly how confusion and doubt are used as weapons to deny scientific facts. It is a tactic used in many other fields of study. Unfortunately, the average person is not well educated enough to spot the deception. Even the mass media is fooled consistently. As a result, the problem of ignorance worsens with each new deception. Thanks for the video Dr. Greger.

  3. I can't thank you enough for your hard work and dedication Dr. Greger! You have truly changed my life. This is a fascinating and important series! Thank you.

  4. Excellent and contains a very important implied warning about the power of media-narratives effecting public perception of any topic.

  5. SATURATED FATS ARE GOOD…by definition sat fats are an amalgamation of many fats….CHOLESTEROL LEVELS ARE DROPPING BECAUSE THESE TYPES OF DOCTORS WANT TO GIVE YOU STATINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… from this doctor

  6. What is the difference between animal fats and vegan fats in terms of insulin resistance ?
    Animal fats increase it for sure and we don't want high blood sugar, but is it true for vegan fats too?
    I'd say yes but I don't see any studies on this so I don't know.

  7. Excuse my English.
    Losing weight is not easy for anyone, everyone gets to do one bad diet soon gave up.We know you have to eat more healthy foods and little , bad always ate those with enough fat and that's where we fatty. I myself I gained 35 pounds because of my Expecting. Bad now I'm getting slim with the efficient method of this site —> PhDiet .ME <— and already eliminated 15 and already eliminated and will lose more 14 wonderful like me was before.

  8. i'm really confused could someone please help me. So I entered my daily intake in Cronometer and my saturated fat intake was at 1,1g although i just eat bananas, peaches and quinoa. Is this normal ? 

  9. If this were true then mine would have skyrocketed in the past 3 years but they have improved from a previously good condition. My triglycerides have improved also. Paleo diet was my start to a new health plateau.

  10. The TRUTH is finally out: Saturated fat DOESN'T cause heart disease. Refined white flour products and sugar promote heart disease plus liquid vegetable oils.

  11. Experience is the best teacher BY FAR (just like a Metaboic Ward Experiment). So few people have actually eaten a long term diet where saturated fat is less than 5% calories. I did it myself for 14 years in a row- AND it had ZERO sat fats (totally whole food plant based!!!- Now THAT's a real experiment).

    Most inexperienced animal products consumers mention "studies" that they cherry pick, and most of these are flawed when examined, and can no compare to the meta analyses supporting a wfpb diet. Plus these poor victims are very often sick and complaining of some minor ailment. But that was ME almost 40 years ago when I chose to grow some ballz, buckle down and EXPERIMENT seriously. In only a few years I knew I was on the right track with my diet. I challenge ANY animal product eater out there to take me up on my standing 100 thousand dollar challenge to, like me not suffer a single cold or flu or any related symptom for 14 years straight. To all the animal based confused people out there: you will always get sick and sicker until your chronic disease becomes fatal like heart disease or most cancers and much more – hopefully you will put two and two together and discover that what you eat is of prime importance to your health, longevity and athletic performance.

    The first step is to become AWARE. Realize that getting 'sick; or experiencing ANY inflammation however minor is a sign that you are not eating the right fuel. Food is the NUMBER ONE lifestyle factor BY FAR.

     The proof is in the ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. This was another great video by Dr. Greger. I am proud to be lucky enough to have gotten this message four decades ago as I have witnessed my high school alumni suffering, complaining and even dying in their mid fifties. The irony is that I have spoken to many of them in the past few decades… and their eyes just glaze over when I reveal the OBVIOUS and GLARING SOLUTION to their problem… but as Greger reminds us- most people LOVE to hear good things about their BAD HABITS. God bless 'em. Don't wake them up! I'm just lucky that I did the work and reaped the benefits. I was so brainwashed when I was eating animal products. I thought it was normal to suffer coughing sneezing excess sweating cold flu need to spit mucus itchy eyes purple bruising cramps clogged pores slow healing difficulty falling asleep dry moth headache stomach ache rash pimples fatigue diarrhea congestion or runny nose constipation chapped lips allergies fever urinary tract infection excess insect attraction and bites and so much more that our society considers 'normal'.

    PS I hereby increase my health challenge to Two Million Dollars… we both pool money to 4 million in escrow… They eat their animal based diet and I eat my plant based diet…and two years later, after public-announced and video taped blood, health, performance and medical tests, we compare our conditions based on NOT GETTING A SINGLE COLD OR FLU IN THAT TWO YEARS (other than the short preliminary healing reaction phase of course, that most people mistake for "getting sick"). As in the last ten years I bet that there is not one single doctor, nutritionist, natural doctor or personal trainer out there, let alone anyone else who would dare take me up my offer. Come on! WIMPS!! Put your money where your mouths are! You are so sure that your diet is so great- well prove it! I can!

  12. People who still spout the lie about saturated fat being supposedly bad for our health should look at some recent high-quality studies – not the rubbish one that was based on a 5% reduction in saturated fat in favour of polyunsaturated fat – as this could easily have been caused by inaccurate reporting from participants.

    Look at this recent review by Cambridge University, contained in the Annals of Internal Medicine exposes the cholesterol/ saturated fat scam:

    'A review from Cambridge University, published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, is the latest analysis to confirm the absolute lack of evidence that consuming saturated fat leads to heart disease.2

    The meta-analysis of 76 studies found no basis for guidelines that advise increased consumption of polyunsaturated fats to lower your cardiac risk, calling into question all of the standard nutritional guidelines related to heart health. The authors concluded:

    "Current evidence does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats."'

  13. lol this is such bullshit, cholesterol does not matter, it does not lead to heart disease or stroke, this doctor is ignorant, i am sorry this is simply not true..

  14. How does this video square with the recommendations to eat nuts everyday? Even small servings of walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts bump my saturated fat very quickly to 7 to 10 grams for a 2000-2400 calorie per day diet. Am I lowering my cancer risk but raising my heart attack risk by eating nuts?

  15. Do not listen to this rubbish!! Is this man being paid by Big Pharma?
    Saturated fats are the best fats! Once more, saturated fats are natural.
    The poison man made margarine and trans fats are making you sick.
    We need cholesterol in every cell of our bodies, especially our brains.
    We have been told so many lies – please do your own research. Statin drugs are dangerous –
    see link:
    They told us not to eat eggs in the 70's….now they have the tick of approval (good thing that I didn't listen to the nonsense).
    Many doctors do not know ANYTHING about nutrition.
    There are a few doctors that are wonderful and will help you with diet, natural therapies and will tell you the truth.
    God bless the honest doctors.

  16. Wow…what a horrible video.  I think you need to learn what atherosclerosis REALLY is.  Hint:  inflammation.  Dude, that's not caused by saturated fat – it's carbohydrate.

  17. Question. I lost 120 lbs on a high saturated fat diet. My energy level is very good, I feel great and I do not consume any hydrogenated fats or trans fat, I also consume lots of vegetables. My blood sugar levels are very good. How could something that radically changed my health for the better be bad for you?

  18. What kind of fat would you choose to fry tofu or anything other with?

    Till now, I thought that the coconut oil is the healthiest, exactly BECAUSE it has so much saturated fat and will not convert to some franken-oil version while frying.

  19. I have some stats background. You are right but I dont think the correlation will be zero. The effect will be a weighted average of the inter vs intra measurements. However you are right that the end result will likely be a reduction in the power to detect a result.

    There are however numerous studies highlighting the benefit of low carb. I am not arguing that 50:50 carbs fat is good.

  20. Many people in India are supposed to be vegetarians but they use a lot of butter. They insist that clarified butter (desi ghee) is not the same as using regular butter and that there are many studies to prove the benefits of clarified butter. I have searched your web site,, and cannot find any specific mention of clarified butter. Would you please address clarified butter specifically, especially as regards to cholesteral and heart health?

  21. This video is so important. I wish it had more views. And for all you saturated fat supporters: the evidence is clearly against you. Please stop ridiculing yourself by citing these unscientific sources and bringing up anecdotes to promote these unhealthful foods. Coconut oil included.

  22. Cholesterol will increase. But you need to prove that choleserol is bad. Thats where your argument falls apart.No inflamation, no need for cholesterol to go in and repair damaged arteries. Stop inflammation( sugar, carbs) and make sure you have adequate vitamin k2 and you will go a long way in preventing heart disease

  23. I would really appreciate if someone would explain to me the part when basic statistics come in…I understand statistics ( good grade in statistics&probability at college) but the language is a mild problem …thanks in advance!

  24. Do you have any information on controlled studies that show a direct correlation between the consumption of saturated fats and cardiovascular disease when the subjects also adhered to a low carbohydrate (50grams or less per day) diet?

  25. There are ten types of commonly consumed saturated fats (Stearic acid: 18 carbon atoms long, Palmitic acid: 16 carbon atoms long, Myristic acid: 14 carbon atoms long, Lauric acid: 12 carbon atoms long, Capric acid: 10 carbon atoms long, Caprylic acid: 8 carbon atoms long, Caproic acid: 6 carbon atoms long) All chemically different. To test one, then blame the other is ridiculously poor science.

  26. Regarding the cross sectional studies and how they show no correlation between dietary saturated fat intake and cholesterol, wouldn't the studies be valid if they measured variances in cholesterol? I'm trying to understand why we should disregard them. And secondly, which types of analysis did Krauss do? Did he analyse variances or total blood cholesterols?

  27. Can anyone further explain why such studies yield no correlation? Although everyone starts from an individual LDL level, if SFA truly raise LDL, that should bring forth a correlation statistically, at least as I understand statistical correlation.
    Looking at BMI and caloric intake as an example, I would also expect a clear correlation although everyone has his own individual BMI because of genetics, microflora or physical activity.
    How am I wrong? Where is the difference between the examples? Replies appreciated. 🙂 Thanks a lot.

    There is no evidence that saturated fat from animals is unhealthy. The initial study to make this claim, the Seven Continents study that Ansel Keys used as justification for his saturated fat and cholesterol being bad, was FALSIFIED! He cherry picked which countries to choose, skewing the data to his liking.

    I know all of you think that eating animal fat, saturated fat and more are bad… so answer yourself this? Since the 1970s when fat was deemed bad, idiotic inventions like vegetable oil (liquid triglycerides) became considered healthy, the obesity epidemic has exploded. in the 1960s people were not nearly as fat as they are today, and they ate more saturated fat. Why? Because it FAT FILLS YOU UP, CHOLESTEROL PRODUCED BY YOUR LIVER WHETHER YOU EAT IT IN YOUR DIET OR NOT!!!!

    It's wholesale liars and junk scientists like Dr. Greger who choose to believe in theories counter to all rational evidence. Given how fat and unhealthy America has become, why lie and make things worse? People do not effectively lose weight on these idiotic plant based diets because it's not filling enough. Telling people to eat boiled celery and run all day is a surefire recipe for failure! Nobody can reasonably keep it up so they resort to eating more crap, and the cycle continues.

  29. Just like to point out that now way more studies than the ones he bashes in this support that dietary sat fat has no correlation to heart disease, and others are showing that the higher the fat consumption the lower the all cause mortality is. So the fact that a couple of pro fat studies were funded by industry is moot.

    I'd also like to point out that so many studies have now pointed their fingers squarely at fructose and high GI carbs as the main cause of heart disease that I'm amazed anyone still believes the sat-fat-as-villain story.

    Do you know what actually correlates to heart/causes disease?

    High fructose/high GI diets

    High small particle LDL (caused by high GI carbs not fat)

    High omega six (veg oils)


    Lack of exercise

    Low vitamins ; K2, C, D, B12, B6, (in fact a load vitamins and I am too lazy to type them all). This category probably explains why vegetarians have a slightly lower CVD risk, they eat way more vit C etc.

    And by far the best risk predictor for a heart attack is arterial calcification, which has to do with low K2 and D3 (mainly from animals). Cholesterol is not a great indicator.

    Want to know why older studies correlated meat eating to a shorter life? They didn't correct for the GI, sugar consumption and junk food in meat eaters. The latest work (Oxford EPIC) correcting for this shows that the meat eaters were living slightly longer… and they hadn't even corrected for the higher fruit and veg in the non meat eaters.

  30. HELP! Guys I'm trying to go vegan but the keto people keep saying that saturated fat is not harmful while the vegans say that it is, and they both have studies to back them up….. ugh just want to be healthy.

  31. About doubt, the following french article gave me doubts about the danger of saturated fats, which is why I came to check what Dr Greger thinks about it.

    Saturated fats are useful for our organism. But it can produce it itself from other fats.

    And I have no doubt about the ecological cost of meat industry and even less doubt about the good ethics of not killing individuals who neither want to suffer nor die when you don't have to in order to survive.

    So I know veganism is the way to go. And I hope I can spend the rest of my life following it.

  32. I'm not understanding how the lack of statistical power in cross-sectional studies leads to no correlation between saturated fat and cholesterol. Can someone direct me to an explanation? Intuitively, it seems that if people who eat more saturated fat in a population do not have statistically higher cholesterol, then there are more important factors that influence cholesterol. Wouldn't those factors be more salient (if they could be controlled)?

  33. This video need to be republished every few months on this channel. This is AMAZING eye-opening information. How I despise this corrupt form of capitalism.

  34. Okay video. Why only okay? He hasn’t proved the papers wrong or tested anything himself. Nothing has been debunked except him pointing out the financial bias of that man near the end of the video and highlighting the flaws of testing…

  35. too many times have I heard paleo / keto / carnivore diet followers going on and on about dietary cholesterol not affecting serum cholesterol. Trying to unpack this seems almost pointless. I'll have to send this video to them.

  36. Brilliant video – easy to understand as usual. This issue is definitely on the rise in what could be described as a temper tantrum (or hopefully the death cries) of the low carb, high fat, keto, paleo, Mediterranean (aka the meat, diary and processed food industry) people. It's so upsetting when doctors back this nonsense like the British Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra. I shall be sharing this video and including it when I write to him. Anyway, thanks for this and all you do.

  37. Dr. Greger, even if you never read this comment, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this video along with your massive body of important work. Like @TitusLivy777 mentioned, I'm honored to contribute financially to your work. I've used this video and many of your others as citations in my own videos to help get the good work out about the multiple benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet. It's so important to teach people about the real science and to explain methodoligies. There is too much "bro science" out there, which is dangerous for everyone. So, once again, thank you for all that you do and for this tremendous video.

  38. Our bodies need cholesterol. For example men need cholesterol to produce testosterone. The recommendation to consume low fat diet may reduce heart disease risk but is causing the chronic increase of low testosterone cases in men.
    Don't mess with nature. Just eat everything in moderation.

  39. Dr. Greger thanks for the content you put and you constant effort. After seeing this video I ended up on this article showing some gene mutation could make bigger particles of HDL and LDL. What is your take on that? Thanks again sir! Excellent work!

  40. This is showing the correlation between saturated fat and cholesterol, but this is something the paleo people don’t deny. Their main argument is that cholesterol — in the absence of excess carbs — doesn’t increase mortality and cardiac events.

    To be honest, their critiques sound very similar to the plant-based positions that say that studies showing a correlation between carb intake and diabetes are just because those studies included too much fat (around 30%).

    To a lay person just trying to understand and do their best, it looks like either fat or carbs can be healthy, so long as you don’t mix the fat and carbs and keep one of those nutrient macros under 10%.

  41. maybe the LDL colesterol is not increasing because of the saturated fat but because saturated fat is automatically always equated with cheese and meat?
    there are different saturated fats. Maybe bad colesterol increases because the digestion of these foods has negative impact on the body that does not solely come from the fats.
    has anyone ever tried feeding a person with plant based saturated fats? the bad colesterol increase might be caused by something else that just goes along with saturated fats IF one simply uses "satruated fats" synonymously with meat and cheese. which is bullshit and shouldnt be done because it is not scientific. its blaming the saturated property of some of the fats which are only some of the components directly. the saturated fat in itself is not the issue the cheese however is most definetely an issue. there are countless studies on that as well.

  42. So , we are the only species on planet Earth who can't handle saturated fat ? You believe it yourself doc ? The problem is not fat – it's SUGAR. Remember people, he has a book to sell.

  43. This is the clearest explanation available on the relation between dietary fat intake and serum cholesterol. As Dr. Greger points out, researchers funded by daily and cattle associations love to generate cross-sectional studies showing no correlation between cholesterol intake and serum cholesterol– because they knowingly use statistical methods which cannot prove (or disprove) a relationship (5:20). They rush from the lab to the public relations desk, cranking out releases like, "Bacon Shown to Have No Relation to Heart Disease".

    Dr. Greger says such ambiguous results with poor methodology does have a payoff– to confuse the general public by simply generating doubt (7:00). However, says Dr. Greger, decades of valid research do show increased intake of dietary cholesterol does have an effect on an individual cardio-vascular disease risk. That is the only basis that matters for deciding which diet to choose.

  44. Misleading the public with bad data at the cost of their health. The meat, egg and dairy industry does not only kill billions of creatures, they seem to not care killing us too.

  45. Veeeeeryy old and outdated information…. LDL is absolutely not bad, cholesterol is not bad at all but fundamental both LDL and HDL….. and the arteries get clogged by de glycated proteins By SUGAAAAAARRRRRRR…. Somebody shoul have some sense of responsability and delete this video, otherwise the only that're going to get a benefit will be private clinics and pharmaceutical companies….

  46. That document about smoking is really revealing:
    "Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the "body of fact" that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy. Within the business we recognize that a controversy exists. However, with the general public the consensus is that cigarettes are in some way harmful to the health. If we are successful in establishing a controversy at the public level, then there is an opportunity to put across the real facts about smoking and health. Doubt is also the limit of our "product". Unfortunately, we cannot take a position directly opposing the anti-cigarette forces and say that cigarettes are a contributor to good health. No information that we have supports such a claim."

  47. Chicken nuggets are pretty low in saturated fat. Chicken fat is one of the lowest Saturated fat containing meats and everything is deep fried in canola or soy oil which contain very little Saturated fat. I don't know why I even wrote this… But that example bothered me..

  48. I knew this was a channel promoting plant-based diet just by seeing the graphs of the same ancient studies that keep getting recycled over and over again.

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