Grazie per il vostro sostegno!

Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno donato alla nostra campagna di raccolta fondi di fine anno e al donatore molto generoso che ha fornito $100,000 partita. Sono entusiasta di annunciare che abbiamo raggiunto il nostro obiettivo e che c'è ancora tempo da dare. Se credi nella nostra missione di condividere gratuitamente con il pubblico le ultime informazioni sulla salute e sulla nutrizione basate sull'evidenza, sostieni oggi la nostra organizzazione no-profit 501c3 all'indirizzo

Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM
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54 Risposte a “Grazie per il vostro sostegno!”

  1. Thank you….!!! You make us Live Healthy and with longevity ….Better than Any Doctor I've known…you are the kindest person I've ever met. I met you at the Orlando Veggie Festival many years ago…Again, thank you

  2. Dear @nutritionfacts team.
    I really appreciate your hard work and excellent presentations.
    I am convinced that you have helped many people (and animals) around the world to live healthier, longer and happier.
    Thank you!
    Best regards from Germany

  3. Why did the mainstream media in 2015 only report for about 2 days that The World Health Organization classified processed meats including ham, bacon, salami and frankfurts as a Group 1 carcinogen (known to cause cancer) which means that there’s strong evidence that processed meats cause cancer. Red meat, such as beef, lamb and pork, has been classified as a Group 2A carcinogen which means it probably causes cancer. This should have been mainstream news for weeks.

  4. Why was the covid pandemic mainstream news for over a year but the pandemic of about 18 million worldwide die from heart disease every year and about 550 million are suffering from heart disease right now not on the mainstream news as a pandemic when the statistics of deaths and suffers are much much much worse?

  5. After 5.5 years vegan I hope some of you read this and question these 'facts' as they brought slow health deterioration to me and my loved ones. Just a week back on eggs, fish and beef we are ALIVE again. Plants have too many toxins for us to digest their nutrients in the main.
    The truth is the opposite of all that I thought I knew…
    Hope you find peace and truth, truth being what is actually workable.

  6. That's awesome, congratulations!! Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge to us for free, I feel blessed. I'm planning on getting your books, can't wait to read them. 🙂

  7. Bro big up from France, thanks for all ! I like your content. The only problem is that i think you too much pro vegan on some things. I think that some animal products could be interesting mainly for iron, zinc, protein quality, B12…

  8. Dr Gregor. Thank you very very much for all your videos, texts! Your YouTube channel is one of the best and most helpful here. Best wishes for you and your team in coming New year!

  9. I saw this guy in McDonald's the other day eating a big Mac. He was wearing a wig and sunglasses but when I heard him talk I knew it was him for sure.

  10. Thank you for making our world a better place and for sharing your knowledge in such an inspiring, actionable and easily understandable way. 💕🌸 Wishing you a Happy New Year 2023!

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