Quanto basso dovresti andare per il colesterolo LDL ideale?

Avere un cosiddetto colesterolo normale in una società in cui è normale morire di infarto non è necessariamente una buona cosa. Qual è il livello di colesterolo ideale?

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Per ulteriori informazioni sul colesterolo, vedere:
• Grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione massima tollerabile pari a zero (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/trans-fat-saturated-fat-and-cholesterol-tolerable-upper-intake-of-zero/)<br/> • La dimensione del colesterolo è importante? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-cholesterol-size-matter/)
• Livello ottimale di colesterolo (
• Il reale vantaggio della dieta rispetto ai farmaci (
• Quando basso rischio significa alto rischio (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ quando-rischio-basso-rischio-alto/)
• Uova e colesterolo: affermazioni palesemente false e fuorvianti (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-cholesterol-patently-false-and-misleading-claims/)
• Colesterolo alimentare e cancro (

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Quanto basso dovresti andare per il colesterolo LDL ideale?”

  1. Undamaged LDL is not atherogenic. It's oxidised LDL which causes disease. Only LDL carrying polyunsaturated triglycerides (linoleic acid) can be oxidised to form toxic aldehydes Nd it is these toxins which cause the damage. You can have high LDL and be healthy. A better indicator (apart from Coronary arty CT Calcium scan) would be HDL and triglycerides and their ratio. Avoid polyunsaturated fats!

  2. In a recent news article I read our health agency thinks making less extreme recommendations creates a larger health effect, because more people would stick to them. No idea whether this is true, maybe. It seems part of a larger pattern, also with covid; official organisations are really gullible to cultural norms and phenominally slow at, or opposed to, digesting information that strokes against the societal hairs (or against their own).

  3. let's go. let's freaking go.
    my LDL is 62 mg/dL (TCL is 143 mg/dL) at 18 on a NON WFPB diet, but not much junk. I was vegetarian for 17 years 2 months, vegan for 10 months. super happy bout it. will go WFPB when I live alone, i.e. in 5 years (gotta go to college man)

  4. Funny how the ‘normal’ ranges of body health are determined by a ‘panel’ of dr’s funded by the same people who make the meds. 🤔 Coincidence? The ranges change when greed sets in. Fact.

  5. A couple years ago I went in for my health screaning for work. They weren't able to measure my cholesterol with their little device because my total cholesterol was < 100 with my LDL at 30 something. They said to me, "you have to go to your doctor…your cholesterol is too low". LOL

  6. Individuals, politicians and corporations all need to do more to protect the planet from Climate Change.
    Support environmentally friendly products and companies. Stop using fossil fuels. Stop using pesticides, add solar energy to your home or business, buy an ELECTRIC VEHICLE or get a BICYCLE or scooter, eat more FRUIT and VEGETABLES and less or no meat and dairy, plant a tree, recycle everything. All new plastic products need to be made from 100% recycled materials. No single use plastic products should be made. Every adult and child should own a BICYCLE and ride it regularly. Donate to non profits fighting for a better future. Support and elect climate leaders. Every child should plant a tree, bush or flowers wiith a parent or teacher. It will help connect them to nature and the environment. .Leave a better future for your children and grandchildren. We must stop adding more fossil fuels to the CLIMATE FIRE. Voting matters. Local, state and federal elections all matter and have an impact on your life. Do your part. Is the company where you work or the city you live in doing their part ?

  7. My LDL is 45 but I recently saw a study that indicates that LDL below 50 may be dangerous. That is it appears to be a u shaped curve. Granted 99% of us population does not have to worry about this- but I found it concerning. Plant based for 5 years btw!😀

  8. I don't know what it is, but I'm an active vegan , 150 lbs, and watch my sat. fat and sugar and eat overall healthy, but my LDLs are still around 120. Most of the time my "fun" snacks only include oatmeal, toast, carrots with hummus, or sometimes nuts. I can't seem to get the LDLs lower

  9. Agree with almost everything this doctor says. However, my husband and I have been 100% vegetarian (fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, milk, eggs, cheese, but no meat of any kind) for about 50 years. When getting Coronary Artery Scans my husband at age 71 had no plaque. At age 69, I had plaque. There is something more than the LDL. My husband's cholesterol is almost the same as mine (about 240). I tried the statin for 2 years and my plaque increased 85% (even though cholesterol dropped to 117). I stopped the statin and took only K2, D3, magnesium, aged garlic and in two years the plaque decreased 18%. Cholesterol was still the same during that time. Having said this, I started taking lecithin to lower the cholesterol a bit but it will be a few months before I get tested again. But I'm not concerned so much about the cholesterol if my plaque is decreasing with the supplements. I have no body pain anywhere. I did have some muscle pain when taking statins. My doctor had me x-rayed and told me it was not the statin – it was my hip degenerating. However, after stopping the statins, I no longer have pain and limp around. In summary, I think for some people at least, the gut does not convert K1 to K2 to keep the arteries clean.

  10. Many people will not be able to achieve LDL under 70 even with a low-fat WFPB diet. And for those who already have heart disease, the evidence indicates that you continue to get benefits in risk reduction below 50, even below 30! And for LDL in the 40s or 30s or lower, it's almost impossible to get there with diet alone. Not to mention that statins have pleotropic effects that help reduce risk outside of pure lowering of blood lipids.

  11. I have never been able to go lower than 80 on a low fat fruit based whole plant only diet, salt/oil/sugar/alcohol/cafeine/others psychoactive drugs free with enough sleep/rest/b12 and exercise and a BMI of 20.
    Some people can go as low as 30-50 LDL cholesterol, genetic play a role certainly.

  12. Thanks for the wonderful video as always! Good to hear what the optimal LDL levels are. Since I went plant based and my LDL dropped to 1.6 mmol/L and my doctor said my “bad cholesterol was too low” and that I “need to eat fish”. It never made sense to me that something bad could be too low haha.

  13. Dr. Greger. thanks for a great video. Question. I have been on a plant-based whole food diet for 8 years and my LDL = 127. No risk factors for hear disease and exercise regularly. Dr. Neal Barnard would say no problem, what is most important is what you eat that matters most, not the LDL number. What say you? Is it the lower the better or the more 100% plant-based whole food the better? Is there any evidence that people with an LDL >130 on a plant-based whole food diet have an increase risk compared to people on a plant-based diet with < 130 mg/dl ???? thanks for a response

  14. I’ve been vegan for almost 7 years with my total cholesterol recently at 170 and my LDL at 85 (mg/dl). I have naturally higher testosterone (925) (34 yrs old male) is this possibly why?

  15. Se colesterol fosse o vilão, ao baixar com medicamento, diminuiria a aterosclerose, mas pelo contrário. Veganismo baixa colesterol não pq é bom, mas pq o nível de hormônios esteroidais cai drasticamente. O colesterol é substrato para produção de hormônios, Vit D e encefálicos. Já fui vegano bem feito por 6 meses, pq acreditei nessas mentiras. Colesterol é um reparador tecidual e não o vilão. Vilão é o açúcar.

  16. I am 100% plant based and i consume almost no saturated fat at all. My LDL has never gone lower than 85. You discount that some people just have a genetic predisposition for cholesterol production. Diet is not the silver bullet for all people that you claim.

  17. As a kid, I had high blood pressure, with an LDL around 190. I was told that it was largely due to genetics. Now, as an adult vegan, my LDL 33. I don't think my genetics changed… 🤔

  18. Just got my cholesterol tested. 102 LDL and has been going up since I started a purely vegan diet. My cholesterol was about 20 pts. lower when I was about 90% vegan so that's a dramatic negative change. I don't eat any junk vegan food or anything that would raise cholesterol. No oil. I eat nuts (pistachios mainly) but according to the videos, that's not supposed to raise cholesterol. I don't even eat processed foods except on rare occasion. It's very discouraging. I don't have naturally high cholesterol. Was tested for that in the past. I've got a BMI of 21.5 so I've never been an extreme person who lost weight and saw a dramatic improvement. My weight hasn't varied more than 10-15 lbs. over a 20 year period and I am in excellent health. I haven't seen any improvement in health from becoming vegan as compared to being mostly vegan.

    I eat steel ground oats every day with flax seed. I notice flax seed has a small amount of saturated fat. Could that be the culprit?

  19. More specifically, oxidized LDL is the bad one. That’s a subset of LDL. I stay away from unstable seed oils, namely Mayo and off the shelf salad dressing made with soy bean oil, canola oil, and anything fried in vegetable oil. Coconut oil, real butter, stable fats ok to cook with.

  20. Vegans know the truth. Vegetarians know the truth. Carnivores know the truth. Keto people know the truth. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I wish I knew who was interpreting all of the research correctly so I finally know the truth. Geez.

  21. I had a LDL cholesterol of 313 I saw Dr. Gregors video on Brazil nuts lowering LDL so I bought one bag of B. Nuts so I ate only one brazil nut per day a few months later I got a blood test and it said my LDL is now 39 . I ate fast food only then and I still only eat fast food yet I have Cholesterol better than a vegan or even a new born baby , thank you Dr. Gregor. you are Phenomenal , my nutritionist , doctors and Hematologists still find me some type of miracle man or something.

  22. After I've switched my diet to a vegan one 6 years ago, I discovered Nutrition Facts and all the amazing content. Several years later my Dad got 2 stent simultaneously during an angiography (He was only a year older than his father when he got his first heart attack). He was a sporty, health guy for the most part, but they'd heard that "yogurt" was very health and have been consuming that a lot in the recent years leading to LDL of 170. After his operation, I had a call with him he went No-oil whole woods plant based. And viola, in 2 weeks his LDL was 70. It's been 3 years since, and the LDL is sustained low.

    What I want to say is: Dear Dr. Gregor and Nutrition Facts workers Thanks to you! I already had the knowledge and never felt despair for the future.

  23. I have a question Dr Greger. First, let me say I love your videos, and thank you for ALL the information you put out there for people. Truly admirable. Okay, my question: I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol last December 2020. I weighed in at 237 lbs and am 6'2" and 50 years old. Within a couple of months, I was on a plant based diet, and over the past several months have transitioned to a truly whole food plant based diet. I'm no longer on hypertension meds or diabetes meds with an A1C of 6.2 and I have lost 50 lbs. However, my cholesterol doesn't seem to go down much. My LDL was 192 in December, and 161 now. My HDL was 43 and is now 49. My doctor wants me to go on statins, but, I am hesitant. Do you think, given what I've said here, statins are a good idea or do you have any advice?

  24. How HIGH Should You Go For Ideal HDL Cholesterol? – Thats a video I would like to see. My HDL was at 54 and my GP is telling me I need to get that number up, Ive since add an extra tablespoon of flax or chia to may morning oats but is it really necessary to get the HDL up? If someone has a link to a study on this I would love to read it. I have watched lots of video interviews with Dr. Esselstyn as well as all of Dr.G's vids but very little is ever said about optimal HDL levels. Most of the conservations around HDL seem to be in relation to whither or not supplementing EPA DHA is a good idea or ratios to total cholesterol (mine is at 2.2). I understand the importance of LDL (47 in my case) as it is the big killer but surely a too low HDL will bring its own health risks… but how low is too low?

  25. I think there is one big misconception in the fact that we consider LDL cholesterol a cause for CHD. The LDL placque is just a consequence of chronic inflammation in the body, due to bad diet. Is exactly as you can blame ambulances being the cause of accidents as you can find ambulances were accident happened. CORRELATION VS CAUSATION.

  26. After one year of vegan diet I have LDL of 90 mg/dl and without any effort. Actually, I was still having some processed food an fats that I REALLY need to remove from my diet. Thanks Dr Greguer for this amazing info!

  27. Can you do a video on the new study showing that a higher intake of dairy fat is linked to less of a risk of heart disease? I’m curious if there is any validity to this.

  28. I tested myself a year ago, and had a LDL level of 1.8 (European system). That's the upper level of the optimal range. I had been 100% plant-based for 2,5 years at that time. Unfortunately I have no idea what my level was before. However the reference range is 1.4 to 4.7. So I'm definitely on the lower end of the scale.

  29. according to recent research, the ratio of triglycerides to HDL-cholesterol showed the strongest association with extent of coronary disease, not LDL level. Also, it's the LDL particle size that matters since that shows how much of your LDL has been oxidized.

  30. Sorry but this video is rubbish ! I’m on keto diet which means high amount of 75% healthy fat (animal fat, grass fed butter, extra virgin olive oil, pure coconut oil, tallow fat and nuts) 20% protein (red meat, Salomon, mackerel, sardines and nuts) and 5% carbs( cabbage,cauliflower etc) no baked product (grains) no sugar no diary product and I do intermittent fasting 4/20 everyday I’m almost 50 and i feel and looks 30

  31. Statins fix the heart disease somewhat but promote alzheimers/dementia. Because the brain needs cholesterol, but focus on cholesterol balance, you cant reallly ever get your cholesterol low enough by natural diet.

  32. Having watched the work of Dave Feldman, I find it quite perplexing to see both this evidence and what Dave shares. His data shows that data on LDL seems to be unimportant for mortality. He goes on to show studies where people with low LDL have CVD. It seems like something else is the problem, such as the oxidation of lipoproteins. And the main culprits are aldehydes and high blood sugar. Aldehydes are found in seed oils and cigarettes.

  33. While I normally love all of Dr Greger's videos and information. I believe that this is dangerous and wrong. Familial cholesterol where your liver makes more cholestoreol than your body needs can't be controlled by diet i tried with a strict vegan diet and exercise regime. The body gets about 20% cholesterol from food and the rest the body makes. If you have familial cholesterol you may not be able to control it with diet.

  34. This video is incredibly misleading. I am a vegan. I eat a plant based diet. And my LDL is nowhere near as low as 70, or your so-called historical norm of 50. You’re completely ignoring that cholesterol is produced at different levels of “normal” by each individual in their own body. So the fact that I have naturally or genetically high levels of cholesterol without even taking my diet into account is something that prevents these supposedly achievable “how low can you go” numbers. The fact that you didn’t even get into the different types of high and low density LDLs or even triglyceride levels is shocking. There’s so much research on how we should interpret LDL numbers and the way traditional medicine looks at it. You’re oversimplifying in a way that worries me. And that comes from someone who already believes in a plant based diet. Plant based is better. But it’s not a cure all.

  35. I’ve been vegan for 10 years and just found out my ldl cholesterol is 116 😱😱😱 I’m cutting out all the cocoa butter, palm oil, and coconut, and supplementing with red yeast rice. Not all plant foods are “healthy.”

  36. Damn! I went to the doctor once for my physical results, and he said all my tests were good except my cholesterol was a little low. I asked if that was all right. He literally shrugged and said he didn't know. Perhaps if he had more intellectual curiosity, he'd be vegan and healthy himself!

  37. Dr. Greger: would you be willing to make a video explaining the logic of cholesterol deniers. I don't understand the theories of the two schools of thought.

  38. Have been eating a strict whole foods plant based diet mostly SOS for over a year (and am not over weight) or didn't eat unhealthily before that. I am really strict as trying to get over long covid. I was so guttered when my LDL cholesterol was still high ( UK 4) and my blood pressure was high. Could it be because I am unable to exercise due to fatigue from long covid?? I do not want to go on medication but feel really annoyed my very healthy diet hasn't made a difference. Any suggestions???

  39. I got to say, the animated gregger looks bad, like really bad. I'd rather just see his actual face overlayed onto videos tbh. Also I got my LDL down to 60 with wfpb and exercise. I found I cannot get it that low without 2 mile walk a day and calisthenics a few times a week on average, but i started doing cardio for 1 hour every day so not a problem. 2 miles a day? More like 6-8 miles most days running not walking and calisthenics almost every other day.

  40. LDL of 50 to 70 that isn' realistic.if this were the numbers which everyone Had to have 7 billion humans would drop dead in their 50's or 60' s.And that Is not the reality. Even most of vegans don't achieve this numbers.And to live perhaps 5 years longer you have to eat only starch, fruits and vegetables and soy and no oil and fat.😃😃😃"Vegans, food Is more than that"Dr.Greger Is used to cherrypicking the studies.

  41. I don't understand it, I've been eating junk for most of my life and my LDL is at 51? I do try to eat healthy but I'm not very consistent so far. How are my LDL levels that good?

  42. I am male 54 old, I have a stent of 48 mm long on my artery coronary left for 1 year now, only the first 7-10 days I used medication, then I stopped all medication and I replaced them with plants based diet, now I have a total cholesterol of 139 and I am feeling fine at the moment. No oil and no nuts. Strictly plants based diet

  43. My ldl was high unfortunately this year, it was at 100. I did cut down my oil intake, never really added a lot of oil to begin with, but I I took most of it out. I know I need to take oil out completely though. I would add just 1/4 tsp of evo to maybe one meal, but that meal would get split between 2-3 people. But my genetics doesn’t help either. Even the primary was confused. I work out too, even more so this year. I am vegan and I know my diet isn’t perfect, but I thought did everything mostly right. No I don’t eat vegan junk foods like impossible burger. Very frustrating!

  44. Can you go over the U-shaped graph of cholesterol levels vs death? Too low cholesterol is also a problem like too low bp, salt levels or hormones. what level is too low for cholesterol?

  45. I wonder if he was on the panel paid for by DRUG COMPANIES of 15 doctors in 2004 to DROP cholesterol rating from 225 to 200 and 70 for special cases. 🤔 which OVERNIGHT technically made 8M+ diagnosed with High cholesterol and Must be put on STATIN Medication 💊. You people better understand this is a BUSINESS!! Just like the Chemicals, SUGAR and other POISONS in the Food supply!! It has NOTHING to do with the HEALTH of people. Rather EVERYTHING to do with MONEY and a constant supply of returns on ASSETS. YOU!!!!!!!!

  46. My LDL is pretty high even though I've been vegan for 6 and a half years. Admittedly I haven't always had the best diet and I've gained too much weight in the past couple of years. It's 2.3 mmol/L or 89 mg/dL.

  47. After 18 months of WFPBSOS (30 gr fat ) managed to drop my BP from 140/90 to 105/70. But my lipid numbers only improved a little. TC – from over 220 to 195. LDL – from 140 to 115. But TG – from below 100 to 190. At least HbA1c dropped from 5,8 to 5,1. I eat fruits, veggies, beans, oats, and buckwheat. Fatty foods – a brazil nut a day and 2 tsp of ground flax. BMI 20,4 – pretty light. Does it need more time after 10 years of Paleo?

  48. What about a video on oxLDL? The main thing causing aterosclerosis is not LDL is the oxidación on LDL. If you levels of LDL are higher, then is easier to get high levels of oxidated LDL. Thats why LDL levels are the main predictor. But a diet rich in antioxidants may remove the risk altogether.

  49. What do people think of the theory put by the other side, that says heart disease is caused by inflammation due to things like glycated fats and inflammatory process cooking oils combined with sugar. Is there an answer to that. Also the second arguement they use is that cholesterol is in the bloodstream anyway as it produced by the body in large amounts. I seem to remember them saying that the largest proportion of cholesterol in our bloodstream is actually what the body makes itself. Like I said is there any answers to this oven to say, high cholesterol high heart attacks. It's an honest question. I don't know what is right.

  50. Can you post a link to the study or studies that demonstrate reversal of CAD through a vegan diet, possibly like Dr. Ornish's diet, which I am currently trying to follow?

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