Ridurre l'affaticamento muscolare con gli agrumi

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DESCRIZIONE: Il consumo quotidiano di agrumi durante l'allenamento atletico può ridurre l'affaticamento muscolare, come evidenziato da una minore concentrazioni di lattato.

La sensazione di bruciore durante un intenso esercizio fisico può essere correlata all'accumulo di acido lattico nei nostri muscoli, ma è diverso dal ritardo insorgenza di indolenzimento muscolare che si verifica nei giorni successivi a un periodo di attività fisica estrema. Si pensa che sia dovuto all'infiammazione causata da danni alle cellule muscolari, piccole micro-lacerazioni nel muscolo. Se si tratta di una reazione infiammatoria, allora i fitonutrienti antinfiammatori potrebbero aiutare? Scoprilo nel prossimo video Riduzione del dolore muscolare con i frutti di bosco (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-muscle-soreness-with-berries/).<br/>
Maggiori informazioni su cosa possono fare i fitonutrienti degli agrumi nel mio ultimo video Mantenere le mani calde con gli agrumi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/keep-your-hands-warm-with-citrus/).
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-muscle-fatigue-with-citrus/ e proverà a rispondere!
Immagine di credito: pasukaru 76 via flickr e Benjah-bmm76 via Wikimedia.

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25 Risposte a “Ridurre l'affaticamento muscolare con gli agrumi”

  1. I would really like to see more facts about how nutrition can affect the body's performance regarding training! That would be great! Also great job on this one.

  2. this doesn't make sense.. how can raw vegans eat 20 bananas and 10 oranges a day, if you say that it can be bad for you (increased triacylglycerol)?

  3. Does lactic acid effect the heart, afterall it is a muscle and with prolonged exercise routines it could surely be effected much the same way as other muscles, thus to me would be a cause for concern. I saw a presentation recently about how endurance athletes are burning their hearts so i assuming this is true ?

  4. This is 100% true. Oranges are one of my favorite post workout foods because they make me recover fast and give me the energy to get on with my day.

  5. Do some research on the 80/10/10 diet by Dr. Doug Graham. Supposedly an ideal way of eating especially for athletes.

  6. Yes this would be good, what a optimum diet is. Although this might be hard to do as every person is unique, different genes. Although all gorillas eat the same foods, but humans have lived in so many different areas of the world we probable have evolved slightly different in each environment. So genetics in general probable have a roll to play in a lot of what we need to eat. I think the key to diet would be to figure out what diet is needed with specific genes. 🙂

  7. I pit whole fruit, an orance and a banana, in my smoothie, no juice. But some people say the fibre is destryed by blending, so it's the same as juice. But I figure that if i'm only blending it as much as I'd chew it, a smoothie made with whole fruit has as much fiber eating the fruit whole. What say you all.

  8. I drink the OJ with the high pulp so I still get some of the fiber benefits and it's still less time to prepare. Only when oranges are in season do I really seem to enjoy them peeled and whole.

  9. Does no masturbation increase testosterone? Many people go on these no-fap programs out of an obscure study and anecdotal evidence. Some even claim no-fap to be axiety-reducing.

  10. "wonderful fiber that slows the rate of fruit sugar absorption into our system"

    Oatmeal has soluble fiber and insoluble. It also helps lower cholesterol.

    OJ and sugar drinks like Coca-Cola. OJ also has Vitamin C and phytonutrients hesperidin like you said, may decrease triglycerides.

    Thank you for the transcript, Arlene.

  11. Was the juice in the study raw juice? Or was it pasteurized? Reconstituted? With preservatives? Without those details, I don't think it's fair to say how well or not juice helped.

  12. I love OJ but avoid buying it for more than one reason. It's overpriced one and I am a volume eater / drinker. I always wind up consuming quite a bit more than the defined portion or serving. I am 6'-2", 270lbs, overweight but somewhat muscular because I do resistance training. Trying to get down to an XL shirt with a 36" to 38" waist. Right now I'm 2XL and 42".

  13. Citrus, that means also lemon, right? What about the lemon juice with water and without sugar? Would it have similar effect if the same amount of juice would be just diluted by water?

  14. Thanks, i agree however i do feel the 'damage' is temporary. I'm not sure lactic is what we think it is, i'm sure it has been proven it is in fact a fuel source for the muscle. One thing is clear, the body is a miraculous construction.

  15. Yeah i saw that a while back. Dean Karnazes. He's not anyting special in the ultra running community. You can train your body to be this way, hard work yes and easier for some than others but i can be done by most people.

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