Greens, Green Tea, and Nuts Put to the Test for Telomeres

Not all plant foods are linked to less cellular aging based on telomere attrition, and not all animal foods are linked to more.

If you missed the previous video, see What to Eat to Prevent Telomere Shortening (

My earlier telomere videos are Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? ( and Telomeres: Cap It All off with Diet (

If you’re interested in more information on telomeres, I’ve got you covered with How Not to Age (, my new book coming out in December. Stay tuned for the book trailer. It’s coming soon! As always, all proceeds from my books are donated to charity.<br />
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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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70 Risposte a “Greens, Green Tea, and Nuts Put to the Test for Telomeres”

  1. Yet another great video from Dr. Greger. Thanks for continuing to bring us such amazing evidence based nutrition advice!

  2. "Pistachio consumption did not significantly slow the rate of telomere shortening, and a study on mixed nuts found a higher risk of telomere shortening in the, which no explanation. Therefore, it is unclear whether nuts have a consistent impact on telomeres."

    If mixed nuts/seeds didn't work, lol So what seeds do they recommend?

  3. I'm a little confused by the chart at 4:52. It "appears" that on chart B the control group had increased telomere lengthing and the nut eating group barely improved. Am I reading this wrong?

  4. In the kale study, both the "raw" and cooked kale was freeze-dried prior to consumption. So the results may not translate to the impact of the consumption of unprocessed kale or brassica vegetables.

  5. There is a study showing that yogurt has beneficial effects on telomeres:

    "Yogurt and Streptococcus thermophilus metabolites ameliorated telomere attrition in D-galactose-induced ageing mice and t-BHP-challenged HepG2 cells"

    Fermented milk foods is better that raw milk, so don't put all dairy products in the same basket. I would be completely stupid.

  6. Doc – I was awaiting this video like Swifties awaiting the next Taylor Swift song. I suspect you raised zero eyebrows with the news that cruciferous dark leafies are great for telomeres. Certainly not the eyebrows of your lovely audience. I write this with a stomach full of kale, broccoli, okra, black beans, oats, blueberries, flaxseed meal, blackberries, a date, balsamic vinegar and a ton of spices (including mustard powder, that myrosinase delivery tool that you taught us about LOL). Thank you for all you do again. 👍💚🙏

  7. I think I will make some lightly steamed broccoli with pine nut and basil pesto (and have it with a cup of green tea) for dinner for my son and I tomorrow. Mmm…. yum.

  8. As an omnivore, I always check what Dr Greger has to say about which plants to eat. I do try to regularly eat one lbs of raw/cooked veggies (mostly no starch) per day. Thanks for the video.

  9. What would cause me to sweat, shake and throw up from drinking lemon ginger blast juice or beet, carrots, apple and ginger juice??? Maybe drinking to fast?? Thank you

  10. That may be Trumped by a deep fryer. 🤣 By the way, I've been studying Bryan Johnson who eats whole-food vegan, takes a sht-ton of supplements, measures all sorts of biomarkers and shares the results online.

  11. So glad to hear that cruciferous vegis are the healthiest. Lately i've got hooked on broccolini, but any will do. Steamed Brussels Sprouts… oh, yum! Thanks for doing all this research. It's important info.

  12. This sounds like BS to me. What is the accuracy of measuring the length of telomeres? If you measure the same sample say 5 times, what is the variation in the measurement? Plus or minus what percent? I'll bet the variation in telomere measurement alone, is enough to explain the findings shown.

  13. amazing, tysm !

    enjoyed how raw / cooked both have beneficial effects.

    follow up on the mixed nuts portion ? (maybe those mixed nuts had CRAP-calorie rich and processed oils onboard ?) thank you !

  14. Soy which is a legume is extremely high in phytoestrogens. In fact it’s not fit for human consumption for a young female. It put me in a estrogen dominant state, even soy sauce makes my whole face break out in acne and I get period pains mid cycle and a shooting pain in my right ovary when I eat tofu. Check out all the other ‘foods’ that are very high in lignins and plant estrogens, nuts, tahini paste and other seeds are chock full of these as they don’t want to be eaten! Check out the study where they fed sheep red clover, it makes them all infertile. I’m sad to say I’m no longer vegan 🙏

  15. I have a thought about the poor showing of mixed nuts. When I see the words "mixed-nuts," what immediately comes to mind is the roasted and salted nuts we used to find at bars to make people thirsty. Those are still sold by Planters in the grocery aisle. I wonder how many people were eating those mixed nuts with all that oil and salt?

  16. Since I'm poor and don't have choice where I live next to a hotel I have through the years developed chronic insomnia from drunk people next door and that's now affecting my brain in ways I have no knowledge how permanent long term sleep deprivation causes on the brain

  17. Hi Dr Gregor. Could you make a video on Seaberry (Sea Buckthorn) please. I drink Peppermint and Nettle tea now and have found my joints are more flexible. I also drink Plantain herb water. Not to mention I put Japanese Knotweed herb in my daily smoothie which has got rid of the phlegm on my lungs. I'm 57 and drug free.

    Thank you for all your amazing videos promoting plant based health. Check out the British "Sea Buckthorn and Gut Health" Nutrition video on YouTube. The Brits are finally understanding how important Plant Based foods are to our health.

  18. I’d like to see if the chickens were free range or corn fed and full of antibiotics. Same with red meat..grass fed?

  19. I would be interested in your assessment of the various studies that claim a genetic mutation that prevents the Inuits from going into ketosis.
    My casual perusal seemed to indicate that there is some kind of mutation that took place, though it seems that now the validity of the methodology of the blood tests that were used to determine this is in some question.
    Also it seemed that some of the studies indicate a condition that prevents them from transitioning to ketosis merely from low/no carbs, but that they could still go into ketosis is they fasted.
    The whole thing seemed inconclusive, which left me wondering if some party had an interest in keeping this matter in doubt. They also indicated that the Inuits actually ate more carbs than was first believed and this kept them from ketosis. To me, if it were actually true that the Inuit, in their traditional life, had developed such a genetic mutation, this would settle this entire matter, as to the long term viability of ketosis. It would also settle the matter of low carb, carnivore, vs med, plant based — once and for all: for those who understood the implications of natural selection selecting against long term ketosis.
    Perhaps though, the moment has been lost along with the traditional sequestered life style of the Inuit, and if the data we have is questionable it may be too late to ever learn the conclusion to this debate that life itself had selected. I would be most interested in any view you had on this matter.

  20. 👍🏻 животные продукты – зло.
    Крестоцветные блокируют усвление йода, который людям нужен для щитовидки, гормонов и много ещё чего.

  21. 4:31 telomeres are shorter in the "walnut" group, at the start?
    4:50 same for the % of shortest telomeres, they have more than the control group, and about the same at the end???

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