How to Boost Your Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) for Heart Health

Food and lifestyle for heart health. How can we improve the capacity of our blood vessels to repair themselves?

We can also boost the ability of our endothelium to function by eating nitrate-rich vegetables, like beets and greens. See Oxygenating Blood with Nitrate Rich Vegetables (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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26 Risposte a “How to Boost Your Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) for Heart Health”

  1. Dr Rhonda Patrick said that non-smokers with low levels of Omega 3 scored the same in terms of heart disease and cancer as smokers with high levels of Omega3.

  2. My husband ate a sad diet, drank green tea and jogged 5 kilometers a day religiously for years and at age 54, suffered a near death widow maker heart attack. He’s Whole Foods Plant Based, plant perfect now, according to Dr. Esselstyn, in hopes to save his life from a further heart attack and strengthen his heart muscle to normal again.

  3. I want to follow a Whole Foods plant based diet but it seems like the more plant foods I eat the sicker I get and I my nerve pain gets so bad I wind up in bed for two days. How can all this research point to a whole plant food diet and my experience be so different? 😔

  4. Dear Dr Greger, with the same conviction as you promote WFPB, Dr Seyfried promotes Carnivore for Cancer Premtion and Treatment and many followers were cured….who Really has scientific evidence on his side?

  5. It never ceases to amaze me the number of BAD things that are associated with SMOKING, yet, people just continue to PUFF away like there is nothing wrong with doing it…………..even the younger generation……..????? I suppose I will never understand this self destructive behavior and the inability to STOP when its been documented and tested to be harmful in so many ways…..????

  6. My heart must be a toddler at this stage – I drink pints of green tea and eat berries with porridge every morning, and – of course – I am WFPB!

  7. Not onions-onion peel extract-but nobody eats onion peels-maybe cooking whole onion with the peel in soup-I do that sometimes.

  8. Help! I've just discovered 85% fat butter. I've been eating 2-3 Tablespoons worth per day for the last 60 days. I can't seem to stop. Butter use to just be bleh and I hardly ever ate it until I stumbled upon this high fat butter!

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