I benefici del digiuno per la guarigione

Uno sguardo ai benefici per la salute del digiuno. Da dove viene l'idea del digiuno terapeutico?

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Inizialmente avevo rimandato gli studi sul digiuno, dato che c'erano così pochi buoni studi, ma negli ultimi anni c'è stata un'esplosione di interesse nella ricerca. Resta sintonizzato per il più grande studio al mondo sul digiuno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-worlds-largest-fasting-study) .

Ho già un sacco di studi sul digiuno e sulla perdita di peso, però, a causa del mio lavoro su Come non stare a dieta (https://nutritionfacts.org/how-not-to-diet/): <br/>
• Benefici del digiuno per la perdita di peso messi alla prova (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-fasting-for-weight-loss-put-to -the-test)
• Il digiuno fa dimagrire? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-fasting-beneficial-for-weight-loss)
• Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-Fasting-for-Weight-Loss-Safe)
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni messo alla prova (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Alternate-Day-Intermittent-Fasting -Metti alla prova)
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni è sicuro? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-alternate-day-intermittent-fasting-safe)
• La dieta 5-2 e la dieta che imita il digiuno messe alla prova (https://nutritionfacts.org /video/Mangiare a tempo limitato messo alla prova)
• Mangiare a tempo limitato messo alla prova (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/time-restricted-eating-put-to-the-test)
• I vantaggi di un'alimentazione a tempo limitato (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-benefits-of- early-time-restricted-eating)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-benefits-of-fasting-for-healing e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche usato in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-benefits-of-fasting-for-healing. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “I benefici del digiuno per la guarigione”

  1. I’m doing it 2-3 times per year to „clean the system“.
    Works wonders everytime, did it last week only for 4 days instead of the usual 6-7 days but still was enough to feel re-energized again

    Highly recommend it but DEFINITELY do your research on it first

  2. Take the history (cannibalism) with a grain of salt. Remember who pays for it and their agenda. If the truth be told, for the most part prior to central banking ( and authoritarian governments) and the use of money/currency, people foraged for food which was plentiful and FREE.

  3. I use to fast a lot. Does help. I recommend pink himalayan sea salt when water fasting or something where your getting minerals from. Made a huge difference in how i felt vz straight water.

  4. Fasting has been a revelation for me. I don't even see fasting as a stressor: rather it is the mechanism that heals you from all the oxidative stress and damage that you undergo while eating and going about your daily life. When you fast, your organs literally shrink in size and damaged cells get destroyed and recycled. When you feed again, your organs grow back. It's like being born again and again. Periodic fasting is a trick that everyone should be aware of. The beneficial effects are so numerous that I can't even list them all.

  5. could you bring in studies and information about seizure and epilepsy? if this is related to animals meat and derivatives, if it's reversible.

  6. Last paper showed: Incorporation of fasting therapy in an integrative medicine ward: evaluation of outcome, safety, and effects on lifestyle adherence in a large prospective cohort study

    Spoiler alert:

    Conclusions: Fasting can safely and successfully be implemented in an inpatient integrative medicine concept and is perceived as a health-promoting method by the majority of patients. Potential effects on disease-related complaints and lifestyle adherence should be further evaluated in randomized trials.

  7. Love fasting and strongly recommend it. I do a 72 hour fast each week and have been since my 20s. I quit for a long while when I met my husband, he had such a problem with it. After he passed I went back to it and will never give it up again, not for anyone. It makes me happy.

  8. Humans are crowding out all other species of plants and animals. Population needs to be in balance with jobs, resources, nature and the environment.

  9. In the previous series on fasting, (Fundamentally in regards weight loss.) The good doctor mentions that one loses more lean tissue than fat, that there are potentially lethal dangers after even modest length fasts when re-feeding, etc. One could hope he will address these previous observations and his implicit dissuasions in the subsequent videos.

  10. so as a vegan I need to supplemet B12, also Omega 3, D3, Iodine, Creatine, Calcium because I dont eat 2 pounds of greens, Selenium. And what about Choline and Vitamin A if I can't convet beta caroteine AND K2? ?? some zinc too?

    Thats a large list dude!

  11. Will be Fasting 3 days safe in middle of the COVID-19? Or let me put it different for legal issues, does fasting 3 days will compromise the inmune system for the duration of the fasting?

  12. You can fast everyday
    Big nutrient rich breakfast smaller meal at night
    It's that period all during the day which you don't eat anything is where the magic happens
    The DNA repair mechanisms are activated which aids in anti-aging and living longer.

  13. I was so keyed into the video that when I heard the famous “until you put it to the test” phrase my heart skipped a beat and I was overjoyed for the results… then he said not until the next video and I literally shouted “Damn it!” 🤣🤣🤣

  14. I am doing 16-8 or sometimes 18-6 daily fasting except on the weekends as I was told you don’t want your body to think you are in a starvation mode that ultimately lower your metabolism. I have not seen any bad side effects after practicing about a month

  15. Just my opinion: I prefer your previous style of video which focused on the evidence, where the sources were full screen and you did a voice-over. It’s harder for me to follow along when the text is so much smaller. Feels more like a performance this way, rather than a presentation of the evidence.

  16. 40 hours monthly rest and reset. Weekly 24 hours and daily 16-18. I have inherited fat storage genes and this model which I evolved sensitively over years and still continue to adjust, not only keeps my weight optimal but permits me deep rest on all levels. Preventative medicine. Ir makes sense that if we have a biological history of fasting events in our species, we would do well to activate it from time to time.

  17. Thank you. I have read superficially the book by Valter Longo (whose research is among those you displayed in this video), on his proposed research-based fasting diet, but I wasn't quite motivated to look at it deeply. Now I might as well give it a better read.

  18. Please do more videos on spirulina! I recently got some but then saw your stance on it on your website but I want to see more concrete information/more in depth

  19. I love these videos, best nutrition information ever! Here's a topic that I'd like to see a video on. Does taking iron supplements and iron fortified foods contribute to colon cancer? The problem is that most of the iron isn't absorbed, it passes into the large intestine and iron is known to contribute to cancer. I donate platelets frequently and must take iron supplements. I enjoyed the videos about blood donation reducing cancer risk, but I wonder about the potential dangers of iron supplements.

  20. I wonder if astronauts will need to be in a fasted state for long space travels, to protect them from radiation. Until we figure out a technical solution.

  21. Have done 21 and 20 day waterfast on destilled water and healed Skolioses , carpal tunnel injured shoulder and many more stuff. Next goal is 42 days waterfast. We are frugivores

  22. Population needs to be in balance with jobs, resources, nature and the environment. The virus is nature fighting back. Humans are crowding out all other species of plants and animals. Men need to be more responsible for their children or get a vasectomy. More people demand more resources. Endless population growth is not sustainable on a finite planet. Having a child that you can not provide for is cruel and irresponsible. If you can not provide for yourself you can not provide for a child. People need to be more responsible. Having a bigger population in any country than the country can support makes no sense. Access to food, water, shelter and jobs should guide population levels. The reasons for migration needs to be addressed. The US can not welcome every person from every failed state in the world. Every country needs to be able to provide for its people.

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