I benefici dell'alcol superano i rischi?

Cosa accadrebbe se randomizzassi effettivamente le persone alla nascita a bere più o meno alcol per tutta la vita? Avrebbero più o meno malattie cardiache?

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Per altro sul fantastico mondo nerd della randomizzazione mendeliana (non solo pulito perché prende il nome da un Gregor 🙂 guarda il mio video Coconut Oil & the Boost in HDL “Good” Cholesterol (https ://nutritionfacts.org/video/coconut-oil-and-the-boost-in-hdl-good-cholesterol/).<br/>
Nel caso ti fossi perso i video precedenti di questa serie in quattro parti, ecco qui:
• L'alcol può causare il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-alcohol-cause-cancer)
• La migliore fonte di resveratrolo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Best-Source-of-Resveratrol)
• È meglio bere poco alcol che niente? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-It-Better-to-Drink-Little-Alcohol-Than-None-at-All)

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89 Risposte a “I benefici dell'alcol superano i rischi?”

  1. Dr.Gregor as a 21 year old in University, over 90% of the people I know go out for drinks for their free time, and as I've tried to drink less I find I'm spending a lot more nights by myself. As someone who eats WFPB how bad could the effects of social isolation be mentally and physically? Enough to make up for having a few drinks once a week? Thank you

  2. Lifelong sober over here and very proud of that! And I'm from Finland where drinking is well, the norm and something we are usually known for.

  3. Another very informative video, Dr. Greger! I have hopes for the development of Smart Drugs which make people feel relaxed and sociable without the intoxicating, addictive and carcinogenic effects of alcohol.

  4. Alcohol will be like smoking one day, probably in a few decades. It will be universally regarded as unhealthy and less and less people will do it.

  5. I've been thinking about trying alcohol to see if it helps me get over approach anxiety. What do you suggest for an entry level pickup artist with crippling approach anxiety?

  6. I quit over a decade ago along with smoking, second best thing I ever did. First one was eating just whole plant foods for the last couple of decades.

  7. Brilliant! Thank you Dr. Greger! So happy to read and see the truth come out. Many things I was taught as a child as well as an adult are debunked by your presentation of science! I love your work! Keep it coming! 🙂

  8. What about the benefits of alcohol on anxiety? This isn't mentioned at all in this video or the last one. But sometimes a small amount of alcohol can really help people with slight social anxiety in social situations. I refuse to believe popping a xanax to help someone relax and have fun a work mixer or something like that would really be better than a glass of wine. And for some people, that glass of wine helps immensely in situations like that.

  9. I wish this study came out in my 20s or 30s when I was getting roasted by friends, family members, and industry peers for not drinking (it wasn't for health, but because I just didn't like it…plus, I've seen enough drunk relatives do mean or moronic things to last a lifetime). But it's good to know that one decision I've made was actually beneficial…even if it was social suicide.

  10. Hi, this has nothing to do with the topic but I need help and I cannot get it in my country. I have RA since 2001 and 8 months ago I decided to get rid of my meds and go on a plant- based way of living; I even stopped eating wheat because I thought it would exacerbate my inflammation. The thing is that I am losing too much weight (30 lbs so far) and I don't know how to stop it without going back to my old diet. Please help me! Thank you.

  11. Dr. Greger, can you use activated charcoal to detox your body from lead and mercury you ingest from your food? If so, how often should it be done and how many hours should it be separated from your meals? Thank you always.

  12. (disclaimer: im no biochemist so i dont the fuq know what im talking about)

    im curious tho: if u eat food….it enters ur stomach and then goes to ur colon(s)
    but anything that contains carbs should turn into alcohol during the fermentation process
    so why rnt we all drunk yet?

  13. I just watched a program "how to make Viking blood mead". made from hibiscus, to give it its deep red colour . Is there any benefit from drinking this most powerful antioxidant drink… I don't drink at all. But knowing your thoughts on hibiscus… I was just wondering thanks…..

  14. Please explain why there is a "Blue Zone" in Sardinia 🙂 The question is, what is better, eating grapes or eating fermented grapes? Cells do not continue to burn sugars as you age, therefore eating fermented grapes seems to be a better option to live longer.

  15. To everyone complaining that there might be some benefits for alcohol coz they don't want to stop… these videos are not necessarily made to prevent you from ingesting things, but rather to prevent you from doing so coz you think they're healthy even though they're not. Sure, alcohol prevents social anxiety, just like smoking helps with relaxation. But the fact is, they both do so despite their health complications.
    You won't just become healthy if you stop drinking and neither will you drop dead if you drink. The key here is.. Understand the health consequences, then if you can't help but keep drinking, you'd better do something else to compensate or else accept the fact that you're cutting time off your life for pleasure. Simple!!
    P.S. I'm not a drinker or smoker

  16. I want to know how many people get cancer from drinking a few times a month vs those who don't. And how the hell can you control that in a study.

  17. There should be an applaholics group for some Apple fanboys. Like ones who stand outside the store before a release to buy one.

  18. I wish they would start putting stickers with health warnings on alcohol bottles, similarly to what we can see on cigarettes today.

  19. Glucose metabolism create acetaldehyde just like alcohol.
    Alcohol is made from carbohydrates.
    Lactate and acetate are also created. These promote cellular regeneration of cancer tissue and healthy tissue. To much "lactic acid sis" depletes NAD and damages mitochondria, eventually leading to glucose dependant cancer cells and death.
    Oh yeah, ethanol is also produced leading to a nation of people who do not think clearly and make less than great choices.
    Suffice it to say, I'm not a fan of carbs and sugar anymore.

  20. Regardless of any possible health benefits, there are emotional benefits. I feel great for a week if I had a good time out on the weekend tipping a few.

  21. Thank you for your work Dr Greger. Do you have any information you have studied on hormone replacement therapy or bioidentical hrt? I am going through perimenopause and would love your input on this. Thank you!

  22. I was only a social drinker, but I quit drinking back in 2010. Signs in bathrooms warning pregnant women about alcohol made me think if it's bad for a baby's brain, it probably isn't good for my brain; and my parents didn't endow me with much to begin with.

  23. Great analysis doc! I use some alcoholic beverages for flavoring occasionally but life is too fun to numb it with any kind of pain killers, alcohol included.

  24. I watched your programs on microbiome. That got me to do more research: much the biome is not only in gut, but also oral. Your alcohol show made me think of this: Does alcohol, which I would assume kills bacteria: Does drinking alcohol, or even using mouth wash (which as alcohol) affect the oral microbiome and hurt our good microbes.

  25. You told me chocolate causes acne, I haven't had chocolate in 3 weeks. Tell me this… and I go get a glass of wine. I guess if my vanity isn't tied to it, I'm weak.

  26. +NutritonFacts.org I didn't understand the part where a person with increased alcohol —> acetaldehyde metabolism enzyme or lower acetaldehyde —> CO2+water enzyme is said to have higher cardiovascular risk but is found to have lower risk… What's the meaning of this? Why is this so?

  27. They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they should spend. Say, "The excess [beyond needs]." Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses [of revelation] that you might give thought.

    Quran 2:219

  28. Lifestyle interventions have no abuse potential???????????
    Don't be ridiculous.
    I love this channel but I know dozens of people abusing fitness and diet. You may say they are not 'doing it properly' if they are abusing it but the potential is still there.
    There is no 'thing' or activity that can't potentially be abused by someone with a personality that tends towards addiction.
    I don't drink booze at all, even a small beer affects my training and sleep for a minimum of three days, so I waved it goodbye.
    We need to be realistic in what we are saying, especially when it comes to things that lots of people regularly enjoy.
    To state, directly, that the interventions 'have no abuse potential' is just bad writing and bad over-reaching science.
    How are you to get people to trust you when something like this slips through?

  29. Alcohol saved my life! Google "alcohol + inflammation" I had 30+ years of pain and i avoided alcohol thinking it was bad. Had my will ready, and since i expected to die soon, what the heck i tried 2 ounces of wine a day. That was 4 years ago, and all my chronic pains are gone! For example, I had tennis elbow for 13 years, no more chronic pain! I still get pain if i overdo it, but it always goes away in a day or two. Now i take 4/10 ounce of 80 proof vodka once a day. a bottle lasts 4 months. Dr Greger is great, but he missed the anti-inflammation ability of medical alcohol. I say medical, because the amount i take does nothing but eliminate chronic pain.

  30. There should be Appleholics Anonymous, for all the obese people clearly abusing high sugar foods. Apple is a very unnatural high sugar low nutrient food.

    Wild apples are NOT sweet, they are more like potatoes. They were selectively bred to be packed with sugar and fructose at cost of all other nutrients.

  31. Centenarians have been studied extensively. Their diets and lifestyles have been documented and observed over years. Drinking a glass of wine a couple days per week has not been shown to harm your health. You can dismiss data on the bases of people quitting, etc….But those large aggregate studies don't account for some of the real-life human stories…How do you account for the 100 plus year old persons that are healthy (relatively speaking) and drinking moderate small amounts of alcohol?


  32. See, a lot of the benefits of alcohol are the same panel of benefits as consuming vinegar, and since the oxidation of alcohol in the liver includes the acetate intermediate, I would like to hear Dr. Geger discuss this. This video seems kind of narrowly focused on cardioprotective effects, and I would like to see a broader analysis of positive claims. I am also not convinced that the mendelian study mentioned truly fits the role described. Better than nothing, but I am willing to offer my wife as a longitudinal study participant. She has no desire at all to drink, which is kind of a shame but also means I never have to worry about our kids.

  33. I don't think alcohol is good for health, but wonder if the reason the Mediterranean studies found more benefit to wine has anything to do with the fact most of it was homemade, naturally fermented and not filled with chemicals, sulfides, etc.?

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