Qual è il girovita ideale?

Ci sono vantaggi nel ridurre il girovita? L'aumento del rischio di complicanze metaboliche inizia a una circonferenza addominale di 31.5 pollici nelle donne e 21 pollici nella maggior parte degli uomini, anche se è più vicino a 35.5 pollici per uomini dell'Asia meridionale, cinese e giapponese.

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Questo video potrebbe essere stimolante per le persone con una storia di disturbi alimentari. Sebbene ci sia un girovita ottimale per la salute, è importante non prendere misure estreme per raggiungere questi numeri, poiché ciò può comportare conseguenze fisiche e mentali devastanti. Per coloro che lottano con un disturbo alimentare, prendi in considerazione l'idea di dare un'occhiata a https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/.<br/>
Questo è l'ultimo video di questa serie su obesità e peso. Se ti sei perso qualcuno degli altri, dai un'occhiata a:
• La migliore alternativa alla sostituzione del ginocchio per il trattamento dell'artrosi (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/the-best-knee-replacement-alternative-for-osteoarthritis-treatment)
• Gli effetti dell'obesità sul mal di schiena, sangue Pressione, cancro e diabete (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-effects-of-obesity-on-back-pain-blood-pressure-cancer -e-diabete)
• Gli effetti dell'obesità sulla demenza, sulla funzione cerebrale e sulla fertilità (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-effects-of-obesity-on-dementia-brain-function-and-fertility)
• Gli effetti dell'obesità su calcoli biliari, reflusso acido e malattie cardiovascolari (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-effects-of -obesità-su-calcoli-biliari-reflusso-acido-e-malattie-cardiovascolari)
• Gli effetti dell'obesità sul sistema immunitario, sui reni e sul fegato Malattie (ht tp://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-effects-of-obesity-on-the-immune-system-and-kidney-and-liver-disease)
• Il paradosso dell'obesità è reale o un mito? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-the-obesity-paradox-real-or-myth)
• Qual è l'IMC ideale? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/whats-the-ideal-bmi)

Tratto tutto questo e molto altro nel mio libro How Not to Diet (https://nutritionfacts.org/how-not-to-diet/). E il suo compagno: il nuovissimo —ha più di 100 deliziose ricette Green-Light che incorporano alcune delle mie 21 Ritocchi (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/trailer-for-how-not-to-diet-dr-gregers-guide-to-weight-loss/) per l'accelerazione della perdita di grasso corporeo.

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/whats-the-ideal-waist-size e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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78 Risposte a “Qual è il girovita ideale?”

  1. Waist size is measured at the belly button? If yes, sounds good to me. I was worried about my almost 25 BMI from the past video, but my waist size is 84cm at the belly button.

  2. I wished that accurate (!!!) measuring of body fat% would be easier and more accessible as the even the best fat/bmi scales and tools can be highly inaccurate due to hydration status/menstrual cycle/hormones or improper handling.

  3. My BMI is 18.5 I've been struggling for years to get it higher – I'm not bulimic or anything like that – what's interesting is there isn't a lot of information of the risks of being underweight

  4. Good stuff! I would still like to see muscle mass discussed more though.

    In my understanding, increased muscle mass will make you more insulin sensitive (and thus less likely to become diabetic) and increase your BMR (more so than fat). Also, resistance training improves bone density (less risk for fracture) and it is a good idea to carry some excess muscle mass because as Dr. Gregor pointed out, you loose some with age. So resistance training should help extend health span, but maybe not life span.

  5. Thanks for doing the research and posting! Good to know that even a relatively small weight loss [if needed] can have huge health benefits. [5:50]

  6. What is the correct position for the tape measure? There's a difference of 2.5 inches for me between the thinnest part of the waist and measuring at the belly button.

  7. Maybe bodybuilders eat too many animal products, their staples often are 10 eggs for breakfast, meat for dinner, protein shakes (dairy based) and lots of milk.

  8. The no US people of the planet use metric measures. So, for your no US viewers (if you like us, of course) next time please mention how many centimeters are the 31 inches. Thks

  9. i like this channel, but there is to much animal testing mentioned. eating plant based is not enough, we need to stop animal abuse as well.

  10. A bit hard to understand your English people with English as a second language like myself Dr, would be better if you speak a bit clearer, please.

  11. Why isn’t chest circumference taken into account in women? Someone with a size a cup is going to have a much smaller BMI than a double d and that should make a difference in waist size too you can’t expect those same women to have the same waist size and be stable walking around

  12. Just a PSA, there's way more Performance Enhancing Drugs than just steroids that can cause problems. And it's an open secret that at competition level, most bodybuilders are not natural.

  13. skinny fat.

    Worst case that I ever experienced was a friend's girlfriend. She looked great…from the outside, but one time I grabbed her upper arm, that looked slim on the outside, but her flesh practically slid out from under my hand like grabbing a plastic bag filled 25% of the way with warm jello. I She didn't weigh over 120lbs at 5'6" but she had practically zero muscle tone. I doubt that she could have opened and already loosen peanut butter jar lid.

    So sad.

  14. Dr. G!! ….."G" for: ges·tic·u·la·tion

    noun: gesticulation; plural noun: gesticulations

    a gesture, especially a dramatic one, used instead of speaking or to emphasize one's words.
    "he punctuated his speech with WILD gesticulations"

  15. Your advice saved my life. I've had everything from arthritis to bacne , neurological problems , back and joint pain . All the issues resolved in less than a week on a plant based diet. Unfortunately my bipolar disorder won't go away. Health anxiety , and hypochondriasis might have added years to my life. Because they lead me to a few of your study reviews

  16. For the viewers : This doesn't mean that wearing a corset is the solution to the problem. One part of the solution is to eat a big breakfast and a very small evening meal. That combined with a whole food vegan diet is the best answer.

  17. The 20-22 BMI of the study is a general estimate for people of all ages. People of younger age may be a little below it, people of older age above

  18. This video may be triggering for people with a history of eating disorders. While there is an optimum waist size for health, it is important that one does not go to extreme measures to achieve these numbers, as this can result in devastating physical and mental consequences. For those struggling with an eating disorder, consider checking out https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/. -NF Team

  19. I am 5' 4'' and had a waist size of 37 inches. How the hell was that OK. Dr Greger should be more precise and advise that the waist size should be related to height – i.e, your waist size should be less that half of your height. So in my case, it should be 32'' or less. When I had a 37'' waist size, my BMI was over 30 (i.e obese) and I was pre-diabetic, and had problems going up the stairs. I have since reduced my weight by over 55lbs and my waist size is now 30''. So, Dr Greger, please do not give incorrect information.

  20. I'm glad you are pointing to waist circumference instead of BMI, which shouldn't be used as a measurement for anyone. I'd also be curious on your take on relative fat mass as a better indicator. The relative fat mass (RFM) index estimates body fat percentage based on the ratio of height and waist measurements. This fat mass index is considered a simple anthropometric procedure, easier to estimate than other body fat percentage methods and more accurate than the body mass index (BMI).

    The relative fat mass equation is gender specific:

    RFM for adult males = 64 – 20 x (Height / Waist circumference)
    RFM for adult females = 76 – 20 x (Height / Waist circumference)

    Woolcott OO, Bergman RN. "Relative fat mass (RFM) as a new estimator of whole-body fat percentage ─ A cross-sectional study in American adult individuals". at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Nature Research Journal (Scientific report article number: 10980 of 2018).

    Other references
    Guzman-Leon AE et al. External validation of the relative fat mass (RFM) index in adults from north-west Mexico using different reference methods. PLoS ONE 2019; 14(12): e0226767.

    Woolcott OO, Bergman RN. Relative Fat Mass as an estimator of whole-body fat percentage among children and adolescents: A cross-sectional study using NHANES. Sci Rep 9,15279 (2019).

    Woolcott OO, Bergman RN. Defining Cutoffs to Diagnose Obesity Using the Relative Fat Mass (RFM): Association With Mortality in NHANES 1999-2014. Int J Obes (Lond) 2020;44(6):1301-1310.

  21. I got my TRIG up during the last year , my doc just called me to improve my diet, otherwise she'll prescribe me her magical medication.
    Well, I guess I had too many vegan 🍕 during the lockdown here in Aus🇦🇺 (plandemic).🍅🍅🍅
    And too much bread rolls, and Vietnamese cigars, they are similar to Morrocan cigars.

  22. Doctor wanted to put me on 1/2 dozen Pharma drugs + Surgery to correct health issues. I told her to get bent, became Vegetarian quit alcohol no GMO Foods and lost 100 lbs. Have corrected just about all health issues at hand. So now 155-160 lbs with 31" waist.

  23. I disagree. Body composition gives a better overall picture. People with lower BMI's & smaller waist sizes can be TOFI(Thin Outside, Fat Inside).
    There are quick scanning body composition measurement machines such as the Inbody 570. It tells the amount of fat in each arm, each leg and the trunk(which comprises mostly of abdominal fat) and the %/amount of skeletal muscles. The scan takes less than a minute. Check with a GNC store near you. They might have it and let you use for free.

  24. 147-162😱?!! I'd look like a friggin POW!! Anywhere from 172 to 183 seems to be good for me. I think that's where I'm going to stay.😉👍

  25. Great video! I would love for you to talk about the opposite topic; becoming too skinny on a plant based diet, and the side effects, plus how to prevent it 🙂

  26. I don't get why we don't have measures for different heights. At 5'11", I'm supposed to have the same waist size as someone 5'1"? I realize it won't make a HUGE difference, but it must make some difference.

  27. Can you please give me advise or suggest some reading material to help me with my 5 years old son. He is always unhappy, nagging and not getting along with friends

  28. Now what is interesting is I went to buy a pair of pants at Brooks Brothers. I was asked my waist and at the time I was a "34" waist. The man said okay I will get you a 38. I said what? He said most clothing manufacturers overtime have changed the measurement of pants due to Americans ever increasing waistline. So a 34 waist in most pants are actually a 38. So this causes people to think they are thinner than they actually are.

  29. Short lives in bodybuilder men? I'm thinking it's bc it correlates with aggression so well, and the belief many have that if they work out and look chiseled, then they couldn't possibly have the big metabolic diseases. Hah. They find out, even before they stop working out.

  30. The average American male weighed 166.3 in the 60s compared to 195.5 in 2015 (Washington Post)…diet…screen time…sitting/lack of physical movement (exercise)…Primate Change by Vybarr Cregan-Reid for a wake-up call.

  31. Great video Dr G. My mother in law insists that her weight is ok because she is "pear shaped", I would say she has at least an 80 cm waist, I'll just have to keep at her.

  32. Keep in mind that a diet book is being sold here. Just about every human study(2015-2020) citing the 2014 study used in this video that indicates weight cycling is better than no weight loss at all disagrees. Repeated results with controls, large sample sizes, and control for confounding factors find significant cardiovascular, diabetes, and mortality risks associated with weight cycling.

  33. I am a 68 year old women. I take hrt, lift weights, run, have lost 29 lbs over the last year and got to a BMI of 22. My waist is still 36. I think Dr Gregor needs to re think his stance on easy visceral fat lose for my age and gender. It’s insanely hard to get it off. The only thing I can try is more weight lose until I get to a BMI of 19. When I was that weight in my thirties my waist was still around 30/31 though. Some of us are just that shape. Maybe that means apple shapes need to dig down deeper into the lower BMIs? It’s hard work. Especially when your calorie burn goes so much lower as you age, despite increased activity.

    Basically you have to be extremely active and only eat 1400 calories a day to drop to the desired fat mass. You risk malnutrition doing this long term and I can inform you it’s not any fun being that tired all the time.

    So less with the breezy ‘It’s easy!’ . It’s not. It sucks. To add to the confusion I am very tall for a woman – five eleven and I have wide shoulders. I find it hard to believe I should have the same waist as my five foot three sparrow boned friend as much as I expect to have the same fat mass at the same BMI as a man. They used to have different charts for the sexes.

  34. Dr greger only told us the cutline where increased mortality goes up, but not a way to calcultae ideal waist size.

    The best metric is this:
    WAIST should be LESS than HALF of your HEIGHT

    Example, a men at 180cm tall, his waist should be equal or less than 90cm

  35. Your going to burn in HELL. unless you know Jesus. Anyone who does not have a relationship with Jesus Christ will spend eternity in Hell. Yes, those ARE strong and bold words. But those words are the TRUTH.

    The good news is that God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. So he's created a way to go to Heaven and spend the rest of your life with Him. It's a free gift! Believe that His Son Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and me 2000 years ago, turn away from a sinful life and turn towards Him in all your ways. Without Jesus we could never earn God's acceptance, but with Jesus, God calls us His children and we inherit a part of His kingdom and live with Him forever. God bless you.

    Romans 10: 9If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

    Ephesians 2: 8For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

    Acts 17: 29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.”

  36. This is so unreliable. They try to accommodate by race… how about different heights within the same race?
    A 6'5" guy can't be expected to have the same waist size as a 5'5" guy.
    I know a guy with a huge "beer belly". According to this, he should be dead.
    How does beer gut factor into this belly metric method?

  37. Nice Video clip! Sorry for the intrusion, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you heard the talk about – Patlarny Escape Fat Principle (do a google search)? It is a great one off product for getting slim without exercise without the headache. Ive heard some great things about it and my GF at very last got amazing success with it.

  38. due to dieting and drinking coffee, i got thin from the arms/legs and big from the stomach. My weight is already so low but the belly is so big

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