I benefici per la salute del burro di arachidi includono la longevità?

Burro di arachidi e longevità: perché la frutta secca è associata a una diminuzione della mortalità, ma non il burro di arachidi?

La frutta secca più sana possono essere le noci. Vedere Noci e funzione dell'arteria (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/walnuts-and-artery-function/).

Le noci non ti fanno ingrassare, però? Vedi Nuts and Obesity: The Weight of Evidence (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-obesity-the-weight-of-evidence/).

Nel video, ho citato il mio libro, How Not to Diet, di cui puoi leggere di più qui (https://nutritionfacts.org/book/how-not-to-diet/). (Tutti i proventi di tutti i miei libri sono devoluti in beneficenza.) <br/>
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “I benefici per la salute del burro di arachidi includono la longevità?”

  1. I do think to really decide on the merits of peanut butter (and other nut butters), you need to control for 'pure' peanut butter (no added salt, sugar or saturated fat) vs the most sold kinds, which contain all of those.

  2. Thanks to Dr Greger and NutritionFacts for this video. Peanut butter is one of my favorite foods and I abandoned the kinds with added ingredients a long time ago, but I think I may look into chopping raw peanuts myself now, and leaving good-sized chunks intact for my Ezekiel sandwiches and apple slices.

  3. I just eat peanuts that have been pureed essentially. The peanut butter on the market has so many additives like oils, trans fats even icing sugar

  4. Doesn't peanuts have high omega 6 to 3 ratio, 5500 to 1. Omega 6 gets converted to arachidonic acid which increase Inflammation.

  5. As mentioned in the video, peanut butter had partially hydrogenated oils until they were “banned” in the USA. Now, that has been replaced with fully hydrogenated oil or palm oil and/or sugar.
    Then there is the shelf life. Can’t have 1-2 year old peanuts butter perform like 1 month old peanut butter. All those oils will turn rancid.
    I would love to see a study using peanut butter which consists of just peanuts, fresh peanuts.

  6. You have to really search out peanut butter that just contains peanuts. Almost all seem to have palm oil as a minimum. If it isn't chunky and doesn't separate out when left to stand then it counts as a highly processed food in my book. On the other hand life would seem long indeed without the occasional peanut butter and jelly (ideally home made jam with bits in) sandwich. Perhaps the only significant contribution the US has made to culture 😉 ?

  7. Wait I'm kind of confused. Maybe someone can clarify. I take my peanut butter information very seriously. Other than the added and unnecessary ingredients of unnatural peanut butter, the benefits of nuts over nut butters are because of the un-chewed, un-broken down bits of nut that get into our intestines and feed our microbiome? I always thought thoroughly chewing food was the best. So I guess that is why Dr. Greger mentioned chunky peanut butter. It's hard to believe that such a small factor is enough to either promote a longer life or not.

  8. it is such a shame most peanut butter brands in the US have the added oil, sugar and salt when it is completely unnecessary and detrimental to our health. It would be interesting to see a study with 4 groups; a control group , whole peanut group, a peanut butter without added stuff group, and a peanut butter with the added oils/sugar/salt, to see the longevity benefits.

  9. If you are worried about omega 6 please seek out high oleic peanuts or peanut butter. The ratio is much better and fat composition of HO peanuts is very similar to macadamia and olive oil. I use the PB as a vehicle to get veggies in me, dip for carrots, parsnips, cucumbers, celery, radishes, fennel, peppers, lettuce, beets, apples, kiwis, apricots etc.

  10. One thing about PB for me is it has been around for ever, brings me back to childhood memories. We forget one of the biggest points that Dr Gregor has been talking about for a long time is plants, eat more of them, lets stop over analyzing everything, if you love it, just get the best no oil organic peanut butter you can and while your enjoying it just think back to your childhood memories, just maybe it will make you smile.

  11. Palm oil plus refined sugar in nut butters cause me to flare up. But whole nuts blended into smoothies or baked whole grain meals do not.

  12. I have found a healthy nut butter at Natural Grocers, in the refrigerator section. That's why large manufacturers of food stuffs add a lot of sugar, oil, and salt. Pleases the tongue, so you keep coming back, and keeps it on the open shelf longer.

  13. It's because the peanuts are roasted I believe–I have health issues, so I am sensitive to things, and if I have a fair amount of peanut butter, I have to be prepared to feel like I am going to have a heart attack the next day… but this is also true of other fatty roasted / baked / deep fried foods, just to a lesser extent… what they need to do is look at raw vs roasted (and account for salt).

  14. Until recently, most peanut butter contained trans fats from partial hydrogenation. People in the study with long histories of peanut butter consumption would likely have eaten that kind of product.

  15. Nuts may give us longevity under the right circumstances, lifestyle and diet but what about with nano plastic particles in our blood? I knew this day would someday come…. This serious news (discovery of plastics in human blood) needs to seriously be followed up. I’m not sure that even the healthiest eating could prevent the implications that will soon come to light. With plastics being in nearly every aspect of our environment, it’d be interesting to see how humans will now begin to fair…

  16. My uncle Milton G. Crane MD was a researcher at Weimar Institute for many years and he explained to me the problems with peanut butter. First is a problem with mold that often grows inside the shell of the ones waiting to be made into nut butter. That is toxic mold. Then the nuts are subjected to enough heat in the processing that damages the fat in the nuts and creates oxidized fat which is a free radical. He said that it is nearly impossible to avoid the mold problem with peanuts.

    I had a vegan friend who ate lots of peanut butter and could't be persuaded to quit eating it who died of heart disease not long ago.

  17. A video years ago, addressed the raw vs cooked nutritional value. It was said that the body absorbed more nutrients with toasted nuts, then raw. Perhaps it depends on the nut.

  18. I add cinnamon, ginger paste and tumeric to my peanut butter. It adds a little warm toastiness to the butter and you'd be surprised how much you can add before you taste it. Great way to get a little extra from it.

  19. Roasting nuts damages the omega 6's and makes them inflammatory I think. Almost all peanut butter is roasted. Also I'm still with Caldwell Esselstyn's recommendation to avoid them or at least limit consumption greatly. Almonds and most nuts are half their weight in fat. Aren't peanuts also high in aflatoxin as well?

  20. It doesn't matter. When God turns the page and if you're name is on it, that's it. Our day is already written wether we eat horrible or clean. It could be in 5 minutes or 50+ years.

  21. Eating peanut butter sandwiches makes me happy. Happy means less stress. Less stress contributes to a longer life. There you go, quod erat demonstrandum. This also works for pizza 😉.

  22. The vast majority of the peanut butter in the US has added sugar and saturated or trans fats such as palm oil or hydrogenated oil. But not really in whole nuts. Yes "oil roasted" peanuts contain a NEGLIGIBLE amount of oil but it's usually around 1% or less and also not saturated or trans fat. Usually like peanut, sunflower or canola oil.

  23. This reminds me of the video that found that adding avocados to ones diet contributes to weight gain. Not everyone is trying to lose weight.
    Nut and seed butters
    Help you absorb fat soluble nutrients in other foods you are eating
    Are low in saturated fat
    Help fight free radicals
    Don't cause high blood pressure
    Not everything you eat has to be a weightloss food but if a food contributes to weight gain in a standard American diet it probably won't correlate with longevity because the people studied are already mostly overweight and having them gain more weight from anything won't be healthy.

  24. When I'm hungry for meat, I'll eat a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. I can't believe that's not healthier than a ham sandwich. Which would Dr. Gregor have me do?

  25. Peanuts are so underrated among tree nut snobs. They’re honestly the best tasting nut plus they’re so much cheaper and just as healthy 🥜

  26. After reading comments, I'm
    Hungry! I want peanut butter
    On toasted Ciabatta roll. 😋
    Add some Nutella on top.
    Almost got a Smores.

  27. I don’t believe it, but Dr Greger I saw a yt vid of a Plant Based Doctor who was saying Nuts cause lack of Elasticity of our vascular walls. He was backing this claim up with Pulse Wave Velocity ( PWV) tests, that he said proved a hardeining of artery walls. What’s your view?

  28. I think it's important to remember that this video focuses very specifically on the advantage of eating nuts in comparison to not eating nuts, but eating peanut butter. While the science presented in the video makes a strong case for not expecting peanut butter to replace eating nuts, I still think peanut butter is helpful in one's diet. For example, in my case, I ate peanuts every day for lunch, but keep a jar of peanut butter around in the event that I get hungry at night. A couple spoonfuls of peanut butter is very filling. This basically ends any interest I have in eating at night, which means these spoonfuls of peanut butter keep me away from snack foods, candy and sandwiches, etc.

  29. Growing up I ate a lot of Jiff Peanut Butter and homemade jam or jelly on Hillbilly Bread… so trans fats, sugar, salt in the peanut butter. Berry Jams were reasonable, as was apple butter, but the grape jelly was off the charts with sugar when combined witb a loave of bread twice the size it should have been. Pop Tart and Crisco in the pie crust also high in trans fat. Add drinking a couple of gallons of milk a week and I was starting to decline already as a senior. Kellogg's cereals were no help either. Heaven only knows how bad I would have gotten with football, wresting, downhill sking, bicycling, swimming in the lake, mowing yard, boy scouts and later bootcamp. Lots of double edged swords with the foods. Thankfully we used butter instead of margarine. And most meats in the evening were lean, but we had all the lunch meats, ketchup and miracle whip.

    WFPB SOS has me feeling better at 65 and 66 than the previous 20 years.

  30. Microbial Contamination

    In general, peanuts are still the same type of plant pods which have a texture that is not so hard to be processed or molded. However, peanuts is a plant that grows under soil and dirt, thus it is very susceptible to the variety of microbial exposure.

    The damp condition of soil and the lack exposure to sun also take part in making peanuts to be the nest of some bad germs and microbe to live in it. If the peanuts are not planted correctly or having some problems during the growing process, the peanut sells might be weak and could not protect the nut properly and it will make the bad microbes enter the nut. If human eat these kind of nut, it might be result in a bad impact.

    That being said, make sure the peanuts that you eat are the good ones. Clean it and cook it properly in order to kill all the bad substances that might be found in the peanuts

    Several types of microbes have been found in peanuts are:

    Salmonella bacteria
    Mushroom parasite

    Typhoid fever

    As mentioned before, peanuts could be the place for Salmonella bacteria to live and grow well. Consuming peanuts that have been contaminated with germs and bacteria or does not clean and cook properly might result in having symptoms of typhoid fever. The transmission and spread of this type of fever is also closely related to the low hygiene of food ingredients that you consumed.

    Usually, the most common way to treat this kind of fever is with prescription antibiotics and medicine for fever. People who have this fever is not allowed to eat something that is hard to digest, it is better to eat something soft so as not to harm the digestive system since the bowel is in a weaker condition than normal.

    Some symptoms of typhoid fever:

    The symptoms might be different but some people experience severe fever during the night because of the activity of the bacteria that cause the fever are ‘moving’ according to the blood flow.
    Accompanied with limp complaints, dizziness and headaches.
    Symptoms of nausea to vomiting are also common things due to the unstable conditions of the digestive system because of the presence of bacteria in the stomach.
    Abdominal pain that is sometimes accompanied by bloating.

    Liver Cancer

    Still related to hygiene issue of processing and consuming peanuts, peanuts are also prone from contamination of toxic fungi species, one of the most popular types of Aflatoxin.

    This type of toxin could trigger cancer or carcinogenic substances. The organ that commonly gets attack is liver since this big gland is in charge of working hard to neutralize a variety of harmful toxic substances in the body.

    If the liver function is down drastically, yellow symptoms may also occur along with digestive problems and so on which result in the weakening of the immune system and the body in general.

    That being said, the hygiene factor should be considered when consuming peanuts so that you can enjoy the benefits of nutrients in it without having to experience unhealthy effects that any of us certainly do not want.

    Slowing Down Growth Process

    This condition mostly happens to children at a rapid age of growth. The toxic of particular fungus that may be found in peanuts also adversely affects the growth rate of children. Especially if consumed in large quantities and in a long term without realizing that the peanuts contains some bad substances, it will have an impact on child growth which will make the process is not optimal.

    That being said, be aware and always careful in giving attention to the small things that could have unknowingly impact on things that are detrimental to our health, especially in the long run.


    Peanuts are a mild snack rich in beneficial nutrients. However, behind it there are some people who have allergies reaction if they consume peanuts even if it only in small amount. People’s allergic reaction is very different from each other, some of them have mild reaction and the other have severe ones.

    People who have high sensitivity to peanuts are at risk in having severe allergic reaction even if they accidentally breathe in the peanuts powder. It should be noted that acute allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis can be very fatal for the safety of the life of allergic sufferers.


    Peanuts contains compound called Lectin. Lectin is very useful for peanuts to protect themselves from the threat of various pests.

    The lectin cross section usually has a sticky structure and when we consume peanuts, the Lectin is most likely will circulate in the bloodstream along with the glucose, which might cause an inflammatory reaction. We commonly recognize this condition as rheumatic inflammation that usually attacks our bony joints.

    Rheumatic patients are also commonly recommended to reduce the variety of low-purine foods in addition to consuming nuts, seafood, instant foods, and certain vegetables which can further aggravate the existing symptoms. In order to avoid this kind of issue, drinking more water and limiting the amount of peanut intake would definitely help fix it.

    Weight Problem

    In some other cases the content of Lectin in peanuts also turns out to be incompletely digested by our digestive systems due to their sticky texture. And also the content of this Lectin has the potential to disrupt the system of the body that is closely related to the function of insulin and lead to the body’s chaotic system in controlling the weight regulation.

    Also read: Foods That Will Guarantee Chubby Cheeks

    Heart Condition

    Peanuts have a rich content of omega-6 fatty acids but inversely proportional to omega-3 fatty acid content that tends to be low. Excessive consumption of peanut will increase the levels of omega-6 fatty acids that can actually inhibit the performance of omega-3 fatty acids in the formation of DHA and EPA that are important for the body.

    Some of the health problems caused by the lack of both these fatty acids are the potential for inflammatory problems in the body and also manifestations of heart disease problems. Our body needs to consume balanced nutrients in order to function maximally. Thus, make sure to consume other foods, particularly some foods that contain high omega 3 in order to balance the daily nutrients intake.

    Here are some types of foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids high enough to balance the levels for the equivalent of the amount of omega-6 fatty acids:

    Mustard oil
    Fish oil
    Chia seeds
    Flaxseed herbs

    Pesticide Threats

    It has been mentioned earlier that peanut plants are very susceptible to pests and fungal parasites. Inevitably, many farmers try to use pesticides to save their peanut plants even though pesticides are a toxic compound that is dangerous if it enters into the human body.

    Here are some health problems that can be caused by pesticides for human body:

    Blurry vision
    Symptoms of nausea and vomiting
    Excessive sweating or abnormal sweating
    Get tired easily and frequently
    Prone to nerve problems
    Diarrhea or its symptoms
    Have a tendency to get thirsty easily and dehydration
    The appearance of irritation around the skin, eyes, throat and also the nose.
    Dizzy, migraine, and headache

    Cardiovascular Problems

    Heart or cardiovascular problem is still related to the high amount of saturated fat in peanuts. One of the most common problems that will happen because of saturated fat is heart problem.

    Peanuts are actually containing some substances that might be good for our heart but if you are someone who already has a heart problem, it is better to limit the consumption of peanuts.

    Those who do not have a heart problem is also recommended to eat this kind of beans only in moderation in order to keep your body to stay healthy.

    Here are some lists of cardiovascular health problems that can occur because of the excessive levels of saturated fat in the body:

    High blood pressure
    Might trigger problems in the digestive system
    Blockage in arterial blood vessels
    Might trigger cerebral blood vessel rupture or stroke
    Might trigger sudden heart attack

    Also read: Early Symptoms of Heart Disease

    11. Disrupting Your Diet Program

    When we eat flavored peanuts as a snack, we usually want to eat it more and more until we satisfied. This kind of eating style is not good for those who are going through diet program. Instead of eating peanuts, it is better to munching on fruits or vegetables that contain fiber and water in order to support your diet program

    Keep in mind that per 100 grams of peanuts alone, it contains 567 calories, which is considered as a high number of calories. Let’s just compare the calories contained in the two different foodstuffs such as peanuts with apples in the same dosage of about twenty ounces each.

    We will find surprising and quite different caloric results. Apple contains 320 calories while peanuts have 3400 calories. So if you are on a diet program, then be smart in choosing the type of food, the same dose but different types of food has a different quantity of calories.

    Kidney disorders

    Eating peanuts that have been flavored previously can threaten the health of kidney and cause some other health problems because of high sodium content in it. Some other health problems that may arise such as cancer in the gastrointestinal tract, fragility and bone loss or osteoporosis, heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and hypertension.

    Do keep in mind that peanuts are also beneficial for the balance of body system performance if consumed within reasonable limits because it contains natural sodium and mineral. That being said, let’s be aware of the amount of food we eat and also the hygiene.

  31. I’m beginning not to trust anything out of a jar or packet. No matter how “natural” and “healthy” they claim to be, when you look at the ingredients there are nearly always chemical additives.

  32. Perhaps folks who rely on peanut butter sandwiches because they don't want to cook or know how to cook is the bigger issue. The people I know as peanut butter fiends are pretty lazy! They just want instant gratification!

  33. Also, peanuts used for peanut butter are roasted. Some whole peanuts on the market are also roasted, but others are raw. Perhaps the difference in health effects could be explained by roasting (creating trans-fats etc)?

  34. First of all the peanut is not a nut it's a lagume and second of all peanuts have something called micro toxins and are not good for you at all a real nutritionist will tell you how bad peanut butter is for you it's whole website is b***** cuz everyone knows right now we don't need more grains either!

  35. In my village in Cameroon, peanuts are so highly estimated that we share them as gifts during weddings and other special occasions.. For hundreds of years we’ve been cultivating and consuming it… Am glad science has proven my ancestors to be clever people..

  36. Nearly all peanut butter has added sugar. That alone could negate all benefits. In 'The Case Against Sugar', Gary Taubes argues that refined sugars (high fructose syrup and refined baking/table sugars) is uniquely harmful among foodstuffs. Has the Nutrition Facts team read that book and do they agree with most of its conclusions?

    If so, the fact that any food isn't a soda really is its best benefit. That primary advice should not be 'just eat more fruit' but 'first stop consuming processed sugar'. The next goal would thento be to evaluate products like peanut butter in terms of added sugar or not. If we aren't controlling for sugar, we are likely leaving out THE most important factor in something like peanut butter, and the relatively reduced amount of added sugar consumed with whole nuts (my dad eats them salted, but not sweetened) really could be a large part of the equation.

  37. Raw peanut butter especially organic isn't bad (although it's very calorie dense so you have to be mindful of that), it's the cheap stuff on most supermarket shelves that's the problem. They are usually loaded with palm oil or some other rancid vegetable oil, sugar, stabilizers, etc.!

  38. I'm European and around 3 of the 4 peanut butter brands in the supermarkets are just natural organic peanut butter, either unsalted or salted. I can't imagine eating peanut butter with anything else other than salt in it, which I never tasted salted either way. It's crazy America feels the need to add so much unnesscariry ingreidants to an already delicious product

  39. Most common peanut butters not only are full of either trans fats/partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (very bad) or palm oil (neutral) instead of natural peanut oil (pretty good), they also have a lot of added sugar, without bringing jelly into it. Read the label on Jif, or equivalent store brand peanut butter, next time you're in the store. Common peanut butter is basically candy.

  40. Just my opinion but peanuts are not very optimal, being a legume usually can lead to digestive issues, very high in lectins, phytic acid and of course natural occurring Aflatoxins

  41. They also don't digest very well causing gut disbyosis!
    Many nuts also can also be rancid causing bacterial problems within humans.
    Fruit too, has proven to be the easiest way to aquire hypertension?
    If a person only ate fruit and nuts, only they would soon run into health problems, however Mankind is closer to the mammal?

  42. The peanut butter I eat is just peanuts, nothing else. I also eat walnuts and some cashews occasionally. I was under the impression that seeds were just as good as nuts and I eat plenty of seeds regularly. Are they not equivalent?

  43. ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor

    1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos

    , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos

    desde pantalla,, se que estuvo

    Sorprendente .

  44. Bugger there goes another of my favorite foods God us poor vegans – like my kid says just go out and eat some grass! and how many those in the study eat just pure peanut butter vs in Palm oil sugar etc. etc. need another study Until then I’ll keep on putting down the peanut butter bugger you all!

  45. I think the research study cited as well as the general tone of the video are incredibly premature. There are too many factors to control for that weren't controlled for that likely played a role in the outcome of the study and let's also remember that association is not a cause and effect relationship. Here's a recent study that showed that peanut butter had higher bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds, suggesting potentially greater gut health benefits due to greater bioaccessibility from the crushing of the peanuts to make peanut butter- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35204306

  46. I love the videos, but I don't like waiting 20 seconds for the end credits to roll so that the video shows as COMPLETED. Shortening that would be nice.

  47. If we are using the argument that the whole counterpart is healthier then doesn't that apply to literally everything we blend/process? My smoothie with broccoli and kale, my homemade almond milk, cashew cream, etc. We need much more research before we begin to even speculate something that broad.

  48. The best 'superfood' to live longer and healthier is…no food! Fasting from dusk until dawn, and consumes a minimum food when break the fast was the super real exercise

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