Le diete chetologiche sono sicure?

Gli effetti delle diete chetogeniche sulla sufficienza nutritiva, sulla flora intestinale e sul rischio di malattie cardiache.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Sono rimasti solo pochi video nella mia serie cheto. Ecco cosa abbiamo finora:
• Cheto è una dieta efficace per combattere il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-Keto-an-Effective-Cancer-Fighting-Diet)
• Teoria della dieta Keto messa alla prova (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/keto-diet-theory-put-to-the-test)
• Risultati della dieta chetogenica per la perdita di peso ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Keto- Risultati della dieta per la perdita di peso)<br/> • La perdita di peso durante la chetosi è sostenibile? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-Weight-Loss-on-Ketosis-Sustainable)

Ed ecco cosa sta succedendo:
• Diete chetologiche: crescita muscolare e densità ossea (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Keto-Diets-Muscle-Growth-and-Bone-Density)
• Una dieta chetogenica aiuta Diabete o peggiorarlo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-a-ketogenic-diet-help-diabetes-or-make-it-worse)

Il video che ho citato è Disbiosi intestinale: Starving Our Microbial Self (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/gut-dysbiosis-starving-microbial-self). Per ulteriori informazioni su come mantenere felici i nostri insetti intestinali, vedere:
• Microbiome: The Inside Story (https://nutritionfacts.org /video/microbiome-the-inside-story)
• Prebiotici: curare il nostro giardino interno (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prebiotics-tending-our-inner-garden)
• Qual è il tuo microbioma intestinale Enterotipo ? (
• Come modificare il tuo enterotipo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how- to-change-your-enterotype/)
• Paleopoo: cosa possiamo imparare dalle feci fossilizzate (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Paleopoo-What-We-Can-Learn-from-Fossilized-Feces)
• Disbiosi intestinale: morire di fame il nostro sé microbico (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/gut-dysbiosis- affamato-microbial-self/)
• Come diventare un super donatore di trapianto fecale (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/How-to-Become-a-Fecal-Transplant-Super-Donor)
• Come i nostri batteri intestinali possono utilizzare le uova per accelerare il cancro (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ Come-i-batteri-intestinali-possono-utilizzare-le-uova-per-accelerare-il-cancro)
• Microbioma: siamo ciò che mangiano (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Microbiome-We-Are-What-They-Eat)
• Come ridurre il TMAO Livelli (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/How-to-Reduce-your-TMAO-Levels )

Qual è la dieta migliore per il nostro cuore? Dato che le malattie cardiache sono il killer numero 1 di uomini e donne, considera una dieta incentrata su cibi vegetali integrali: come non morire di malattie cardiache (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-heart-disease/).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-keto- diets-safe
e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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100 Risposte a “Le diete chetologiche sono sicure?”

  1. Problem is he never mentions plant based low carb diets as an option. Why would i be defficient in sellinium if I have brazil nuts; or in fiber, if there are plenty of green veggies? Scurvy… with the existence of broccoli, blackberries, blueberries and lime/lemon?

    Such a deviation from his comment on the matter when he compared the "eco-atkins" vs the normal vegan diet and stated that as long as it was plant based, macros didnt matter, and the mortality rate was even lower. Now he only criticizes keto in the form of animal rich diets.


  2. Dr. Greger, please find studies of keto done the CORRECT way and discuss that (I won't be holding my breath on that because, I suspect if/when you do find those studies, they won't be in line with your agenda, so you'll simply move along without discussing). Keto done the correct way is:

    This might be a shock to you, but keto actually includes a STEADY (As in daily) stream of lots of plant food, like veggies, dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut and MCT oil, etc. Yeah, it deviates from plant food by adding in animal food as well like WILD CAUGHT salmon, WILD CAUGHT chunk light tuna, PASTURE RAISED sourced eggs and chicken, 100% GRASS FED AND FINISHED beef and butter (i.e. stay FAR away from the GMO grain fed food), and you've got keto done the CORRECT way. In addition to that, you add regular exercise and intermittent fasting, and that completely rounds out the CORRECT way to do keto. Got it? Understand???

    I hate the fact that there's all this vegan vs. keto going on. Do you all not realize that there's actually a fair amount of overlap in these lifestyles?

    What you're talking about in all of these hit pieces (Let's call them out for what they truly are) is NOT keto. It's almost more so atkins, or what I call dirty keto (i.e. the GRAIN FED SOURED bacon and butter way of eating).

  3. You say keto then you show an Akins model. By no means is this the same thing. Look into Dr. Steven Phinney. Dark greens are pushed more along with high fiber and low carbohydrate or net carb. Chia seeds or even flaxseeds are promoted in this lifestyle. The latest studies from Dr. Steven phinney and Perdue university talk about the microbiome and Improved health markers.

    I enjoy your information but to say keto and the put Adkins is not a true statement. Why not reach out to those that have published papers on how a keto lifestyle with suppressed feeding windows has been used to affect cancer in a positive way. Especially since cancer is a metabolic disease of the cell. Relying on carbs to continue their fermentation process.

  4. This is funny how you are also concerned about heavy metals in the seafood yet it is purely fine to inject someone with it and call it an adjuvant or better yet to be used has a sterilizer.


  5. One month KETO, one month vegetarian, also 1 month OMAD and one month plant b. Diet ( the combination of all – best results!!!
    I don't now why so many hate about the KETO tool for cleaning the body from the toxins… nothing will happen to try 1 month from all and you will decide which is best for you
    https://youtu.be/uXrdP06tfdw (BONE PROBLEMS?) Not so sure, please check this video and tell me more about it, I love to learn and know as more as possible about our food combination

  6. This seems incredibly biased. "50 sticks of butter in your coffee" come on. Also you're allowed loads of veg on keto, you're acting like it's literally just fat.

  7. You know that thing where someone presents such BS that they have to keep trying and keep trying. That what Keto/ carnivore diet people sound like. They have to convince themselves but the data just isn’t there.

    It’s only obvious to every person that plants are healthy and tons of fat and meat is bad. It’s like it’s wired into our being.

  8. carnivore and all above ground plants is fine by me….thanks, i'll keep it that way . it's my "how not to die" way of eating…thx, you kids can follow the money. me? I gots wood to chop, no time for dilly dallying. "educated idiots" abound and apparently some think they make the world go round….

  9. It is clear to me that this gentleman doesnt have a clue of what a ketogenic diet is. Personaly i eat a lot of fat, moderate protein and carbs in form of vegetables.
    The study about children getting scurvy on this diet is weird because a ketogenic is prety nutrient dense. Scurvy is even less likely to happen because glucose competes with vitamin c inside our body. If we reduce glucose levels via a lesser carb intake, vitamin c will be used more eficiently(look it up).
    Grains contain gluten which can go through our gut and cause inflamation, check what i have learned's video about grains.
    Beans are not a bad carb but are not essencial and humans dont need that much fiber, eating plenty of vegetables and legumes will do the trick.
    This channel is prety biased on ketogenic diets and seems to me to be kinda pro vegan/vegetarian(which is not a bad thing). But if you are tackling such a complex subject like nutricion and use cleary biased/missinformed arguments and show a general missunderstanding of what you are talking about, you are wasting your time and being dishonest with your audience.
    Have a good day

  10. I add chemo to my vegan diet everyday. Keeps cancer away. You can order chemotherapy drugs from Alibaba. It's where I get mine. It doesnt make it through customs sometimes. but it's a great place to get chemo into your diet.

  11. I ate a lot of rice and beans , my blood sugar was 180 2 hrs later. But my fasting blood sugar was 85 in the morning. I'm confused.

  12. I followed a ketogenic diet for three months and started suffering from both constipation and difficulty urinating, felt like there was a general inflammation going on. Afterwards, I went vegan a couple of months and all the problems went away.
    I'm currently following a plant-based diet, though on weekends sometimes I eat chicken or fish and I'm feeling great.

  13. The studies that Greger is mentioning are from the American Heart Association which is in the back pocket of the sugar and grain industry. They have consistently made Fat evil and "grains" as healthy. And we have watched heart disease and diabetes soar in the last decades to unprecedented levels the higest in the world. In France they eat the most saturated fat, butter, lard of any Western country yet they have the lowest heart disease. Most people today are Granitarians they are not Vegetarians. Agriculture has only been around for 5-10,000 years which compared to our 2.5 million year existence is nothing. You will not stumble across a wheat field in nature. You can live without grains, you can't live without animal products (unless you synthetically take in B12) you would develop a B12 neuropathy and destroy all the nerves in your body and develop paralysis. We are and always will be Omnivores. You only have 1 hormone in your body than can lower you carbohydrate and sugars its called Insulin. You have so many hormones in the Fat and Protein metabolism that if you knock out a few you would be fine. If you knock out Insulin you are screwed, you just got Diabetes which is the number #1 cause of heart attack. Not to mention, if you sit down and eat a bunch of apples, your body will convert this to saturated fat and then burn the fat hours later. Ask yourselves this why can your body only store 1700 calories of sugar and carbohydrate, yet store 70,000 calories in the average thin person? This is like making a Hybrid Tesla than can store only a half gallon of Gasoline and then saying the Tesla is primarily a Gasoline car. It should never use Electricity, can you see the problem that would develop in that car? You would be consistently hungry, and it would destroy the machinery in that vehicle.

  14. Can we just call this channel "vegan bias facts" ? If someone threw 20 studies showing the opposite of what is said here would we ever hear about them? In fact, do we hear about a single study showing animal based products are healthy(when there are hundreds)? Ofc not. Not impressed.

  15. David Sinclair, Peter Attia, Rhonda Patrick these are some names that recommend (and follow) a low carb diet and they know a lot about nutrtition. They are also modest and admit when/if they don't have exact data or if they're wrong… they're not bias like Dr Greger. Doesn't matter what diet you follow make sure you check these guys as well.

  16. I eat lots of veggies and nutrient dense meats and organs. I just cut out grains, beans, potatoes, rice & starch veg. I can get all the nutrients I need while being able to maintain a caloric deficit and I am never hungry.

    Can’t all styles of diets coexist?

  17. Your ideas come from the gutter just like how the food pyramid was made. Those facts and pages you get your bull crap from is nothing but nonsense and you damn well know it. In my opinion people will eat what works for them and they will continue to eat what they damn well like. I don’t give a damn about keto or whatever you want to promote. Feel good and do good my people and eat what the hell that makes you happy. FACTS. ✌🏼

  18. This entire video presentation is false. There is absolutely no lack of getting all the proper nutrients on Keto. That is utter nonsense.

    What I have found when closely examining these so called studies is that either the study was very short term, or the participants weren’t actually consuming a low carb diet (>50gr/day). I’ll go with the results I’ve seen over the past 2 years and the positive results of thousands of others as well.

  19. Veganism is a complete disaster. Low fat diet has practically almost bankrupted the country . Billions of dollars being spent on health care from following the plant based govt. food pyramid . I guess "Dr. Greger " feels threatened that the truth is coming out and people are healing themselves. We no longer need or want their "medical advice ". Mainstream medicine is quackery, led by a lying greedy system. Humans are carnivores. If you choose to not be what you are , you will fail to survive.

  20. 3:54 Dr. Greger’s math seems to be totally wrong …
    1kg (2.2lbs) of bodyweight loss is associated with a 0.9 mg/dL (0.05 mmol/L) drop in total (and 0.36 mg/dL in LDL which is 0.02 mmol/L) blood cholesterol (1 lbs loss assoc. with 0.41 mg/dL total & 0.16 mg/dL LDL cholesterol decrease)

  21. Plants don't have:
    Vitamin A, B6 (Pyridoxal, Pyridoxamine), B12, D, E (Animal) F, K2, Q10. Amino acids: Creatine, Carnitine, Carnosine, and Taurine. Heme-iron, Collagen, CLA (Omega 3), Cholesterol and Complete Protein (Consists of 9 essential amino acids)

    Antinutrients & harmful substances in plants: Alkaloids, Alpha-amylases, Arsenics, Cellulose, Cyanogenic glycosides, Fiber, Flavonoids, Gluten, Lectins, Mycotoxins, Oxalates, Phenolics, Photosensitizers, Phytic acid, Salicylates, Saponins, Sulforaphane, Tannins, Terpenoids and etc.

    A vegan diet indeed prevents heart diseases, by delivering you to the grave long before the coronary risk comes.

    Show less

  22. 3:23 I could be reading this incorrectly but it looks like this part of the study is saying the opposite of what Dr. Greger claims … that there is not a benefit to plant-based low carb diets compared to animal-based … am I missing something?

  23. Most people who want to be healthy using the keto diet should only look to (1) the nutritional keto diet, not (2) the keto diet for epilepsy or (3) the Atkins diet or (4) various non-ketogenic "low carb" diet. If you don't know how to distinguish these four types of diets, you better first learn how to before starting your own keto diet. Only (1), the nutritional keto diet, is the diet you should be following, if you're interested in improving your health by the diet, not in curing your epilepsy or even cancer.

    The most important thing about (1) that is different from the other three is that you're supposed to eat as much as greens (aka, fiber). The fiber is not counted toward your net-carb intake, which should be limited to 5-10% of your total calorie intake. Also, it's not a high protein diet.

    Now, if you don't know how to distinguish these four, you better not try to attack (1) by showing side effects of (2), (3), and/or (4), which is exactly what Dr. Greger is doing in this video. Unfortunately, I doubt that he doesn't know the difference between these four diets. Rather I suspect that he is very well-read in the nutrition papers and that he should be able to distinguish (1) from the rest. Easily. However, he deliberately goes on to attack (1) by showing side effects of (2), (3) and (4).

    Here are all the papers he cites in order:
    0:06 Paper #1: (2) the keto diet for epilepsy
    0:39 Paper #2: (3) the Atkins diet
    1:13 Paper #3: (2) the keto diet for epilepsy
    1:40 Paper #4: (2) the keto diet for epilepsy (There are three variations: "classical" KD, MCT KD, modified Atkins)
    1:50 Paper #5: (2) the keto diet for epilepsy
    1:55 Paper #6: (4) various non-ketogenic "low carb" diet (high fat/low fiber)
    2:30 Paper #7: (4) various non-ketogenic "low carb" diet (low carb/low fiber)
    2:48 Paper #8: (4) various non-ketogenic "low carb" diet (low carb/high protein)
    3:02 Paper #9: (4) various non-ketogenic "low carb" diet (low carb)
    3:27 Paper #10: (4) various non-ketogenic "low carb" diet (low carb/high protein or high fat or both)
    4:00 Paper #11: (1) the nutritional keto diet (Very Low Carb Ketogenic Diet, VLCKD)
    4:30 Paper #12: (3) the Atkins diet (LC Atkins' style diet)
    (I've omitted several papers that don't directly address types of diets)

    Of these 12 papers, only one (#11) is about the nutritional keto diet that you should be doing if you're on the diet to improve your health! The other 11 papers are about different diets that cannot be subsumed under the proper keto diet for nutritional benefit.

    Now, the only "correct" paper, Paper #11, is here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236652851_Very-low-carbohydrate_ketogenic_diet_v_low-fat_diet_for_long-term_weight_loss_A_meta-analysis_of_Randomised_controlled_trials

    And the paper says:

    "Undoubtedly, the present findings demonstrate that a VLCKD has favourable effects on body weight and some cardiovascular risk factors, as stated by Santos et al.(12); however, in the long term and when compared with conventional therapy,the differences appear to be of little clinical significance,although statistically significant. Healthcare professionals should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of recommending a VLCKD and consider their patients’ will power,since this therapy prominently alters an individual’s daily habits."

    "In conclusion, the present meta-analysis demonstrates that individuals assigned to a VLCKD achieve significantly greater long-term reductions in body weight, diastolic blood pressure and TAG, as well as greater LDL and HDL increases when compared with individuals assigned to a LFD; hence, the VLCKD may be an alternative tool against obesity. Investigations beyond that of blood cardiovascular risk factors merit further study."

    That is, the only paper about (1) the right kind of keto diet that you should be following speaks favorably about the keto diet.

    If you know what I'm saying, I don't know how you could honestly say this doctor is not cherry-picking.

  24. Obviously (basic Logic) we are plant eaters, not meat eaters, because we eat plants raw and we eat animal products cooked/Burnt with raw plants or plant-based condiments, spices and herbs to change the taste to plants. Example: Banana, Apples, grapes, cheeseburger, lobster, duck soup, bacon, omelette, etc… Also plant foods generally don't need refrigeration but animal products do (they spoil within hours without refrigeration). Food Refrigeration was invented less than 200 years ago, we have been around for millions of years. http://YBurnMeat.com

  25. I’m not keto but don’t they make an emphasis on eating leafy greens ?? I don’t think it’s all about meat… I’m vegan I’m just saying we need to respect anyone eating healthier then Doritos and twinkies … it might be a transition to them. Who just straight up went overnight and ate 100% healthy.. none of us and we can always improve

  26. It's hard to tell if Greger is being intentionally deceptive, or if he actually is just this bad at research. At a bare minimum, anyone making the claim that "selenium deficiency" can affect people whose diet considers eggs as a staple should be view with strong skepticism.

    Then he goes on to say a keto diet makes people constipated, completing his departure from reality…I mean, it's pretty obvious what happened here: Mr. Greger doesn't understand the difference between Atkins and keto.

    The fact that someone with a doctorate does not understand the difference between fat and protein should be incredibly embarrassing to whatever institution bestowed that MD upon him. Shame on Tufts University for allowing this travesty.

  27. Hi,

    Love the content on YouTube. Question for you. I was on a keto diet and suffered dvt and embolism. It's been years now no problems. However, now that i have adapted a vegan diet I have felt chest pains and most recently have a "hot spot" on one part of my leg that originally had the dvt. 

    My question is this: since I am on a different diet is this the plaque and residual blood clots finally breaking up? Or another factor I'm overlooking. I feel great. More energy. But this is the one thing that I have concerns about.


  28. Keto is a FAD diet, Vegan is a FAD diet, and all the rest are FAD diets that there's a WAR between advocates (study here – study there, debunk here – debunk there) of them on YT. Whatever happened to eating right (within all the non-manmade food groups) and exercise?!

  29. So, I've been on the Keto diet for almost 2.5 years. I've had zero issues with my gallbladder, and actually my bodily functions have improved drastically compared to a normal living of food intake from other things. I get more restful sleep, no hunger pains, less carb cravings, my brain functions better, breathing, circulation, almost no aches and pains besides the usual headache from work related stress.
    I've also lost 100 pounds and my doctor last time I saw him in April said I was in a much improved bodily state then previous check ups and blood work came out vastly improved.
    I stay within my limits and try out a lot of different foods and experiment on what I feel works and what I feel is just to much for the effort. I'm not the "I GOTTA EAT A POUND OF BACON!" kind of person, infact, not big on bacon. Family and I try out lots of different foods and educate ourselves as to what really classifies as being Keto versus what a lot of what the market says. For instance we don't do any of the formula's you get at a vitamin store, most say right there on the label, "May contain soy or milk based product" ……that's not Keto. We meal prep for our lunches during the day and have a decent dinner few hours before bed. We of course throw in a vegetable here and there like cauliflower mash or a salad. But we avoid the wheats, grains, soy, and all the likes.
    I can say that my life has been a lot better and for a lot of the studies that disclaim the diet program to be harmful I could probably point out several others proving the opposite. This program isn't for everyone, and it only works if you try and do your research and follow it properly. But compared to the other stuff I've tried over the last 15 years, this has worked out for me.

  30. Ate half a loaf of crispy baked whole grain bread with rich vegan chocolate spread while watching the battle between Dr. Greger and the meat isle shoppers unfold. Not gonna lie, I feel a bit bloated now, but man am I satisfied!

  31. People are so carb-phobic nowadays. Don't they realize IV drips have sugar in it? or do they use butter or bacon dripping?

  32. Dear Dr Greger, I have some important scientific input to the dangers of keto. Maybe you can make an extended video with that. Fact 1: with a keto diet, the glucose and insulin levels will be too low to trigger glycogen storage in the liver and our skeletal muscles. https://youtu.be/t12pXyMg7NQ,
    In the light of impaired glycogen storage during keto, this has to lead to similar complications as in the Glycogen Storage Disease: https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/glycogen-storage-disease-type-0#inheritance.
    "Some individuals with muscle GSD 0 have a disruption of the heart's normal rhythm (arrhythmia) known as long QT syndrome" – which explains my heart arrythmia during my 2,5 years long stupid keto self experiment. Hope you find this also interesting although it is very alarming.

  33. Dr. Greger as someone who struggles with epilepsy I can assure you cheeses and the keto diet doesn’t help. Testimonies volume 2. E.G White says that cheese is an unfit food. Ahhh you say but does it stop seizures? No… Finally I find that the purity of my thoughts are better managed with out dairy.

  34. There are some serious mistakes in the video:
    1) The guy in the video claims as if vegan and/or plant based diet cannot coexist with Keto diet, which is wrong, since there are lots of people doing vegan keto.
    2) The guy in the video claims that people on keto cannot get enough fiber, which is pure bs since there are dozens of veggies with high fiber & low carb.
    3) The guy in the video claims that people on keto should eat more than 35.000callories per day to fulfill their nutritions, i got my nutr. fulfilled with 2k callories according to cronometer tho.
    4) The guy in the video claims that selenium defiency is a common problem for people on Keto (Even 2 kids died right? Pathetic), even tho fish meat & fat are important food sources for people on Keto.
    5) The guy in the video claims that atkins & keto are the same thing, and so that huge amount of animal protein will cause big problems. In fact, you will kick yourself out of Ketosis if you eat so much protein. Protein must not be high & should be around 1g per kg body mass, which is around %10-%15 of total caloric chart, depending on your exercise activity.

  35. I follow some of your advices, but you are so wrong about it, don't cherry pick science, keto is fine and sometimes better plant based diet, ldl colestherol is good, just check new studies

  36. "Dr" Ryan lowery went vegan, keto vegan of course, for 30 days and was alarmed at how much lean body mass he lost. He did it all wrong.

  37. Got off keto. Too much meat and fat. I veered to the Mediterranean way of eating which for me is healthier. Being on keto was painful and draining. Since I do not need to lose weight , I am happy eating fruits and vegetables. I love bread and will not deprive myself from it. I banished all sugars, that is white sugar. I feel great and am full of energy.

  38. For every study that says a pseudo keto diet isn’t health nor sustainable there is another study that proves a properly formulated keto diet with moderate protein is very healthy and sustainable long term. People have to make up their own minds. I know in my n=1 case keto has helped me to reverse my diabetes (a1c now 5.4 without meds), I’ve lost loads of weight and am also off my blood pressure meds which I was taking for over 10 years. Liver and kidney function are normal. After nearly 1 1/2 years of keto I am enjoying the food and am finding it very sustainable. I’m only n=1 but I’m the only n that counts lol!

  39. I find it funny how some people are trying to disprove the guy because of what he said or didn't say.

    All I know is that eating overly processed carbs have a direct link to obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

    Whole grains are a amazing source of vitamins, minerals and fiber "Somethimg that overly processed carbohydrates lack". Eating whole grains can also help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and keep the digestive system on track.

    None of the things listed on the whole grain side of things sound like a negative, so I fail to see the logic in not partaking in it ( :

    Of course, this was all in my college textbook on understanding nutrition.

    I think people forget the saying "Keep it simple stupid" all to often.

  40. I tried keto. I hated the experience, felt weakness, fatigue, stress levels increased. The weight I lost left me looking soft. I wanted it to work but it isn't sustainable.

  41. Dr Greger talking and flashing up highlighted sections from papers – vegans hanging onto every word as gospel truth – vegans patting each other on the back on how they’re the saviours of everything bad – if only the world was that simple – well done for trying though

  42. My digestion has improved on this low carb, keto-ish diet. I eat kim chi and kombucha and prebiotic kefir. Problem solved. I think low carb or keto or vegans can all be successful if you do it correctly and not eat dirty

  43. I have no doubt plant-based diets are healthy and lead to weight loss if sustained. But over the 50 years I've tried (and could not sustain) sensible, healthy plant-based diets, I gradually gained a hundred pounds, and was finally diagnosed with diabetes. Three yrs ago I discovered keto as a way to manage diabetes. I eat a good variety of keto-friendly vegetables every day. (I believe it is paleo rather than keto that is extremely low on veg.) I also take a daily multivitamin for seniors, and a fiber supplement "just in case." Results?

    My physician says my diabetes is effectively reversed, for three years now, lipids good, etc. My bloodwork proves it. I lost 80 pounds in a year, and have sustained that weight loss without difficulty. There's no magic here. The keys are (a) truly following good, medical & science-based information and guidance (I use an incredible site run by physicians out of Sweden), and (b) the pure livability of keto/low-carb. For me it is a way of eating that can be sustained because the food is delicious, and filling. It's become just "the way I eat" rather than a weight loss diet.

    I'm not proselytizing for keto. But I do know for certain that there's a lot of incomplete information out there. Properly followed, it's made me healthy for the first time since my teens.

  44. How sad that this shill for commodity agriculture has a degree in whatever. Keto diet helps more people improve their health than any plant-based/vegan diet. It is frightening how many so-called professionals do not understand basic nutrition. However if you like having to be jabbed multiple times during a pandemic, by all means eat whatever swill this quack is pushing. I prefer to have a functioning immune system from eating whole food keto.

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