I benefici per la salute delle noci sono limitati a coloro che seguono diete sbagliate?

I mangiatori di noci vivono più a lungo semplicemente perché scambiano proteine ​​vegetali al posto di proteine ​​animali?

Nella mia lista di controllo della dozzina giornaliera (https://nutritionfacts.org/daily-dozen/), ne consiglio un quarto tazza (circa un'oncia) di noci al giorno. Guarda alcuni dei miei altri video sulle noci per capire perché:
● Noci e funzione dell'arteria (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/walnuts-and -artery-function/)
● Le noci possono aiutare a prevenire la morte (https://nutritionfacts.org /video/nuts-may-help-prevent-death/)
● Nuts and Obesity: The Weight of Evidence (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-obesity-the-weight-of-evidence/)
● PREDIMED : Mangiare noci previene gli ictus? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/predimed-does-eating-nuts-prevent-strokes/)
● I benefici per la salute del burro di arachidi includono la longevità? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-the-health-benefits-of-peanut-butter-include-longevity)

Se sei stato incuriosito dai dirottamenti del settore della manipolazione dello studio, probabilmente ti piacerà:
● BOLD Infatti: La carne di manzo abbassa il colesterolo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/bold-indeed-beef-lowers-cholesterol/)
● Come l'industria lattiero-casearia progetta studi fuorvianti (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-the-dairy-industry- design-fuorvianti-studi/)
● Il burro è davvero tornato? Cosa dice la scienza (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-butter-really-back-what-the-science-says/)

Presto arriverà un'intera serie, a cominciare da How Big Sugar Undermines Dietary Guidelines (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-big-sugar-undermines-dietary-guidelines).

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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58 Risposte a “I benefici per la salute delle noci sono limitati a coloro che seguono diete sbagliate?”

  1. Jesus Christ the son of God who came from heaven and was crucified for the forgiveness of our sins is coming back very soon to bring fiery judgement upon this wicked world and to gather his faithful ones with him to paradise just like it is prophesied. Seek him now and come to him while there is still a little time left for your soul. Read the gospels for yourself in the bible to know him and the path of Salvation. No one comes to God but by him and by his precious blood which was shed for all our sins when He was crucified. Heaven and hell are real places and there are countless testimonials of people who have had near death experiences that witnessed them firsthand. The bible is a real book. Everyone shall be judged by their hearts and actions in this life. Only Jesus is able to set you free from your sins. The time is very short. You have been warned. God bless you all that seek the Truth!

  2. This is appalling. It should be a crime to deliberately mislead the public in this way. Especially by respected scientific journals.

  3. The wholesale co-opting of the journal by food company special interests is a huge red flag alerting us to the need for serious administrative reform here in the U.S., because you know this nonsense is influencing policy. Thanks for shining a light on this, Doc!

  4. Not to worry the gub-ment is setting us up to eat bugs, stopping all meat production as animals fart and promote global warming……

  5. Dear Dr Greger. Could you please tell me if you need to take folic acid with b12 for absorption. I thought just eating plenty of leafy vegetables would be enough. Many thanks Tony.

  6. Sprouted nuts are best (I've learned from the good doctor) I get the Go Raw brand. Thank you Dr. Gregor your name is the first thing I mention when talking about nutrition to someone.

  7. There is a big problems: most vegetarians eat dairy, eggs and even junk foods.

    So we would need a video: "Are the Health Benefits of Nuts Limited in vegetarians group to the ones eating Dairy and/or eggs and/or junk foods?"

  8. This video:
    1. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is bought by the dairy, sugar, and meat industry. They mislead readers about the health "benefits" of red meat.

    2. Eat nuts.

  9. Being vegetarian isn't a diet, it's the natural lifestyle of humans since before the "artificial", "synthetic", "factitious", "imitation", "unnatural", "man-made" industrial revolution after ww2. Nowadays we're going back to our roots, the world is collapsing and the earth is entered the self-destruction mode to get rid off all of those I mentioned earlier.

  10. I have never seen a study that looked at people eating more nuts than the recommended amount and what the impact was. I've never seen justification for the serving size.

  11. If you put 2 nuts on the wall what would you have? Walnuts?
    If you put 2 nuts on a chest what would you have? Chestnuts?
    If you put 2 nuts on a chin what would you have?

  12. I love nuts. Fresh unsalted nuts. The flavour the texture, the variety.
    It's nice to know that in addition to the pleasure of eating them, there's also the short, medium and long term health benefits…

  13. If you're interested in the health benefits of linoleic acid, you don't need to eat nuts. Just drink half a cup of soybean oil everyday and you'll be full of linoleic acid.

  14. Did they control for the dairy in that vegetarian study? Maybe they swapped dairy with nuts and that's why their mortality decreased?

  15. This makes me so angry!! Any of other industry if you were operating with such blatant negligence you’d be hauled over the coals and have your license to practice taken away. But these scientists just keep on lining their pockets while the public suffer.

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