I danni associati al consumo di più cibo in stile meridionale

Cibo e salute del sud. La dieta sembra mediare la maggior parte del divario di salute razziale.

Come una dieta a base vegetale può aiutare a ridurre le disparità di salute razziale ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-a-plant-based-diet-can-help-reduce-racial-health-disparities) era il mio video precedente su questo argomento.

Quel pasto da $ 3 non sembrava delizioso? L'AfroVegan Society ha un'ottima guida introduttiva per mangiare a base vegetale. Dai un'occhiata qui (https://www.afrovegansociety.org/african-american-vegan-starter-guid).<br/>
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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75 Risposte a “I danni associati al consumo di più cibo in stile meridionale”

  1. Vegan since 2018. Dr. Greger's books and videos have taught me so much.
    It is still a very hard sell to people who are used to eating fast food. People don't want to do dishes.

  2. I cooked a vegan whole plant based Christmas Eve + Christmas Day + New Year's Eve menu for my whole family and it was delicious, cheap and healthy.
    Whole Plant Based Diet is wonderful, can't recommend it enough!

  3. Thanks for covering this important topic. The impact on learning and Alzheimer's disease is scary to say the least.

  4. Can you create more videos about specific vegetarian/ vegan food, with specific benefits, for eg people with Alzheimer’s, arthritis, dry eyes, etc. Because recent videos are mostly talking about how superior a vegetarian diet is over non-vegetarian diet. These videos are very generic, and not useful to people already eating a vegetarian diet. 🙏🏻

  5. The Heath Care professionals are many ignorant of plant based. Their jaded ways are for profit not ones health. Stereo typing is weak and should be abolished,but big pharma is in control!

  6. Hi, Southern vegan here. Plant-based soul food is a thing, and Black vegans in the South exist. All the vegan restaurants in my area are owned and operated by Black women (and are absolutely amazing). But I do think telling any historically marginalized group that "your cultural foods are why you're dying" is pretty tone deaf and doesn't take into account the health disparities ingrained in our medical system for starters. Black people in America have MANY reasons not to trust medical professionals. Are they getting the preventative care they need? Are they being talked to like adults who can make their own choices? What kind of support systems do they have? Are they working two jobs and too exhausted to make a plant-based meal for dinner when McDonald's is literally right there and also cheap? And the commenters with the "LOL Southerners amirite" attitude…The South is not a monolith. It's the most racially diverse region of the country. Most of it is rural and quite poor. So be aware that when you laugh at us you show your biases and that doesn't help anyone you claim to want to help.

  7. how do eduction be controlled or ajusted for in a study when the poors rural africans with almost no ''standard eduction'' have the lowest chronic disease rate in the world ? how does going to school chnage any of this ? lots of doctors and engineer eat dogshit everyday too…doesnt seem to be a variable of importance in my book, or is it nutrition education or knowledge ? edit; yup last study talk about nutrition

  8. You'll also have to teach us southerners how to cook beans in a healthy way!!!! Because we typically add a pound of fat back or salted pork trimmings (i.e. the fat trimmed from salted cured pork) as well as bacon grease to our beans. By the time we finish with them, I guarantee (imagine that in Justin Wilson's Cajun draw) they won't be healthy!

  9. Such great info!!! Eating a whole food plant-based diet is much, MUCH less expensive than standard American. Animal products are ridiculously expensive, especially after the last 2 years of inflation. But that's just part of the picture. Lots and lots of processed foods are also a big waste of money. Buying the whole foods can save quite a bit. And then there's the dining out vs home-cooked disparity. It's a LOT less money to make your own meals than to buy from a restaurant. Of course, you can save even MORE money by growing your own food. In 2022 I grew at least $1000 worth of food on a very tiny property. Regardless, financially, there's no excuse for not going plant-based!

  10. Although I'm not fully plant-based (but have reduced the animal foods in my diet), I've been avoiding junk foods and restaurant foods in order to keep my immune system up and minimize inflammation. This works wonders at enhancing summer weight loss and reducing winter weight gain. As a result, I rolled back years of weight gain without even trying. (My weight was never really an issue. Even in my heaviest days, I was still thinner than most people.)

    I made a limited return to junk foods and restaurant foods in October (after my updated COVID booster in September). Some things I discovered:
    1. My taste buds are more sensitive to sugar. While the sugary things I ate were still delicious, they were sweeter than I remembered.
    2. My taste buds are more sensitive to salt. The pizza from the pizza place where skipping the salt was not an option tasted saltier than I remembered.
    3. I'm more sensitive to oil than I used to be. The pizza from the pizza place where skipping the oil was not an option (the same pizza place I mentioned above) gave me a food coma. I don't remember getting a food coma from the same pizza in the past.
    4. Only a small percentage of restaurants offer the option of skipping the salt and reducing/skipping the oil.

    I think I'm effectively banned from visiting the South until I learn to hunt and gather my own food.

  11. @tinahatch7440 has a great response to this video. I won't repeat what she said here because we can read her comment and respond directly. However, this video will likely turn an educated person off and ring hollow on many major points of the argument.

    First, "more likely to eat a Southern-style diet" actually does not define what people eat outside of stereotypes. Both sides of my family are from the Carolinas, and our staples were corn, rice and greens. My grandparents grew most of their childhood favourites and made their own bread daily. Our entire community ate this way because everyone in our predominantly Black community owned an appropriate amount of land to feed their families. We ate Southern food every day. We also ate less processed food and meat than our white counterparts in the area. There really is more than one pattern of eating in the South.

    Secondly, white Southerners eat the same foods regionally and still have better health outcomes than Black, Latino and Asian southerners who are more than 1 or 2 generations removed from immigration. A plant-based diet will not resolve the issues of systemic inequity and medical bias that kill. Pretending otherwise is fundamentally dishonest.

    Most people who watch Nutrition Facts are here to learn how to enhance their plant-based experiences using evidence-backed choices. A video like this, where major foundational points of the argument are glossed over, does a great disservice to the community and will inevitably turn off new information seekers. If a conversation requires nuance, do the community a different service and make more than one video on the topic.

  12. A lot of what you're referring to is discussed in Eric Adams, the Mayor of New York City's, book, "Healthy at Last". What's also great about mayor Adams's he would love to incorporate a WFPB segment into the medical school curriculum!

  13. The narrative is racism food deserts and lack of access to health care. As always…no its the crap you put in your mouth.

  14. According to this recent report African Americans are the fastest growing vegan population in the United States 🇺🇸: https://youtu.be/Dzg3hJYoivQ. Even the number of African American Vegan/Plant-based Youtubers is on the rise. Their typical what I eat in a day videos do not include Southern Cuisine. Growing your own food YouTube channels are on the rise among African Americans, too. In many food deserts, vacant land is being converted by African Americans into urban farms. This bodes well for improving the overall health of African Americans and the planet.

  15. Seems to me that the way that researchers have taken to defining a "southern diet" is very biased and narrow. What about grits and greens and chickpeas and all the tomato dishes? If you type in "southern diet" into google now, you don't even get any genuine traditional southern dishes anymore, you just get "added fats, fried foods, bacon" yada yada

  16. Thank goodness the younger more alternative Black generations are doing away with those old cultural eating habits. Many are also updating the meals to be healthy and whole food plant based without unhealthy fat. 👍🏾

  17. Its important to consider the deep tradition, history, and emotional connection to this cuisine. The consumption is not logical it is psychological

  18. My grandfather was diagnosed with heart disease and switched to a keto carnivore diet w/ no salt restrictions. He's outliving his prognosis, doctor is amazed…Reversed high liver enzymes, cognition is sharper, testosterone even increased to above average for his age. Hair balding even reversing. He thinks the meat-salt combination is key, I agree, since it increases absorption of minerals from stomach acid

  19. By the way, she doesn't post anymore but the channel "Plant Based Storm" has a lot of southern style starch solution recipes for those who like that style but want to eat healthy!!!!

  20. I grew up eating meat at every meal and consuming lots of sugar. Over the last two years, I switched to eating low cost can mackerel or plant sources of protein instead of meat and almost no sugar. I find it helps to substitute bad items with good items one at a time instead of making large changes. Also, if something is good for you but you don't like how it taste keep searching for different ways to cook and prepare it. I never liked tofu but now it's a wonderful low-cost addition to my diet. I marinated and grill it on my Panini Grill. Giving up sugar was probably the hardest. Sometimes I get really tired and if it continues I will purchase and eat some beef liver. But instead of having meat at every meal seven days a week. Now it's only a few meals in a couple of months. Learn how to make a good vegetable bean soup and have it at lunchtime every day. For dinner or supper. I just have some berries that were soaked for 24 hours with some amla powder and bland it up. I have lost weight from 215 to 190.

  21. I can't watch this. Southern food isn't all the same. All this fried crap and meat is not traditional. My Southern relatives lived into their 90s eating a mostly vegetarian diet. Yes they ate some pork and lard, but they would eat a plate full of greens and beans and other veg, way more than I've ever seen people in the North eat.

  22. That's why my grocery bill almost halved when I first switched. I was shocked when I first saw the difference!

  23. I'm approaching my third anniversary of going fully WFPB (thanks to this channel) and apart from anything else the financial savings are truly remarkable. There is no doubt about the affordability of the vegan diet.

  24. Wait, you mean to tell me that blacks aren't helpless victims everywhere all the time, and that they are in fact responsible for their own problems? pfff

  25. I live in Brazil, and today I was in a popular market and I found an elderly couple, talking about being vegetarian, and how much benefits they got after just a year. And they are willing to become WPB. We talked a bit and they seem so excited about this discovery. They seemed really humble and poor, and they said usually the doctors don't recommend such change in their diets. They got lucky that someone else told them about this. Now their lives have changed. I was really happy to meet them, and they seemed happy too, to know more people are understanding this.

  26. I try and teach all my clients that they DO NOT have to eat meat every meal or every day. Alot of people really like meat. Personally, I go / have gone weeks / months without eating meat. It's really hard to convince people to go that route.

  27. the guys at work never can understand why I have so much leftover income at the end of the month. Thry regularly complain that it costs them north of $600 to feed their families every month!

    I sit around $300 largely because we have learned to love our veggies.

  28. I was surprised how much money I saved when I stopped eating animals. The only thing I can imagine that would raise cost would be if I was buying fake versions of meat and dairy. But I’m not, who needs to?

  29. I love Southern food, but as a veggie there's precious little I can eat.Even the vegetables are probably cooked with ham hocks. And as much as I love corn bread, I save it for special occasions as it is not that healthy. And it gets worse as you edge toward vegan territory. When I do eat Southern food I go for the plant based options and HOPE there's not enough meat residue to overwhelm my GI tract.

    Fortunately, Oakland now has a vegan Southern food cafe.

  30. I grew up in the South and it was all salt pork, lard, and fried stuff. Stroke Belt indeed. I ditched all that and kept the collard greens.

  31. So if it's double the cost it would work out cheaper to eat meat since it's more calorie dense. You'd have to eat 3x as much legumes and vegetables to get the same intake so it would be more expensive. I know, I went from $80 a week to $125 a week eating whole food plant based. Have to shop every second day as I don't have the room to store all the food.

  32. First off, the "Southern Diet" has links to slavery. That's strike one on Europeans. Second, that diet alone is NOT the issue when the government floods fast-food restaurants and liquor stores into the so-called African-American community. That's strike two on a European. And lastly, forget about access, income, and the prices of healthy food… it's literally about HABITS THAT WEREN'T OURS TO BEGIN WITH BEFORE SLAVERY! Strike three on a European. The bottom line is yes, changes can be made to improve the health of so-called African-American people via a predominantly whole food plant-based diet but let's look at the forced factors before judging the people. I'm done with these blanket statements or ideologies without getting the full story because y'all tend to work or think from those assumptions.

  33. You're 100% correct as a child a teenager in my early adult I did not like me my elders kill chickens and pigs and I did not like meet to this day I'm more of a vegetarian black Americans they have to have protein the animals are full of diseases every meat we eat the animals are full of diseases and different blood types this is what make a heart attacks anger I can't think right the meat that they eat the diseases that's in their blood government is making fake vegetables and natural foods raw foods

  34. Beans give me nothing but stomach cramps after a few days of eating them. Horrible. No matter how much I try to eat them and prepare them. Been like this for years. I'll stick to eating my meat and vegetables without the beans.

  35. Hi peeps! Could you recommend some cool books – fiction – to read where the main characters are vegan? Science fiction, fantasy, everything is a fair game as long as the plot and writing are good

  36. Last Thursday I made a cornbread and I was eating on it every day, plus I was eating corn tortillas instead of bread, and and by Saturday I broke out in a really itchy rash on both lower calves, just above my ankles.It itched so bad that I scratched them and made them bleed in several places (small sores). I tried to think if I was doing anything different diet-wise, and I had the thought that maybe the excessive amount of corn I was eating might be the cause. So I got online and typed in "Corn Allergy Symptoms" and I found out that the corn was the culprit. So it's been two days now since I've eaten any corn and the sores are going away and the itching has pretty much stopped. I sure do love cornbread. For the dry ingredients I use a cup of organic corn meal, half a cup of organic white flour, a fourth cup of organic flaxseed meal, two teaspoons of baking powder and one teaspoon of baking soda. I mix it up really well. For the wet ingredients I use one cup of whole buttermilk, one egg beaten, one third cup of 2% yogurt, and one third cup of organic olive oil. I mix everything together and pour the dough into a bread pan and bake it at 400 degrees for about a half hour. This recipe makes the best tasting cornbread I've ever tasted. But now I can't eat it. Life isn't fair sometimes.

  37. There are ways to eat the healthy version of Southern or fattening food. I use chickpeas for everything. I make chickpea cornbread, chickpea waffles, chickpea cake. I'm not necessarily plant based but, I don't eat much meat.

  38. Yep….NO excuses other than personal preference to kill yourself eating animal protein…..and spending more money…..its funny how people rationalize not doing the right thing and how powerful people's belief systems and unwillingness to change is……

  39. But? What about a southern-style plant-based diet? I'm thinking: southern fried oyster mushroom "chicken" strips, candied yams, collard greens, cornbread, with some homemade peach cobbler and sweet tea made with honey instead of sugar? 😋🍽️

  40. Really hard to address this as a “you pick the wrong food”

    Vs acknowledging the food deserts and lack of quality food in these areas

    Also a lot of this is geared from slavery not understanding the reason those foods are “traditional” is because they received the scraps and season everything or cook it in a certain way to make it taste better

  41. I made red beans and rice and greens and roasted lemon pepper chicken last night … the only added fat was in the greens when I cooked all the veggies in tallow , that I make myself from grass fed beef, the chicken is pasture raised and the tallow is from a local Amish farmer (I render it down from grassfed beef myself) and all the veggies are organic , the rice is imported basmati from India (Tilda)

    (I’m not sure they label products organic bc they probably don’t have such a poor standard for food that they need to delineate how food should NORMALLY be grown)

    and the the andouille I added is from pasture raised pigs

    My organic grassfed meat comes out to six dollars a pound through cooks venture divide that by four and it’s less than 2$ a serving

    However these delivery services do not deliver to every area , so even if you know about them you wouldn’t be able to get the food if you lived in a food desert

    You should do som reesesrch on why lard has the highest concentration of vitamin D and why everyone in America is vitamin d insufficient 🤔 probably bc they are using those plant based oils that cause inflammation and the only reason we switched to that was bc of one of the wars and they were “easier /faster” to produce while the women were at work since alot of men were at war and we just never went back

    This is not the most sound video on food health

  42. This is a very prejudice statement/video. You just stereotyped a whole region based on popular opinion. There are several reasons African Americans have cardiovascular disease that do not have to do with diet (stress, this countries history of treatment, socioeconomic, etc). And it happens outside of the south. How you or your family choose to eat is a reflection of you and your familial traditions not a region. I am southern we ate extremely healthy. Our foods were not prepared as some of our neighbors or friends but again based on background, not a region. Fried chicken a treat that was enjoyed every-once-in-a-while. Not daily or weekly. Do you say Italians have high BP because they argue all the time and eat lots of heavy sauces. No because that would be a stereotype. Do you right articles on british having bad teeth and it's association with heart issues -no, because its a stereotype. Also consider the fact that so-call medical facilities automatically jump to the assumption of how you eat or your lifestyle based on people's skin color instead of the actual facts. 🤔 This country is always seeking separation and division.

  43. It's more convenient to buy ready-made processed foods than cook beans where you'd have to plan ahead. Teaching people how to live and cook in a plant-based lifestyle could help here after exploring the benefits.

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