Qual è la dieta più sana?

Qual è il bagaglio che accompagna i nutrienti nel tuo cibo?

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Qui Vado di nuovo cercando di mescolare le cose. Questo è grazie a David Greenberg, proprietario di WiseStreet.com (http://wisestreet.com/) che ha gentilmente donato il tempo del suo team , energia e risorse per creare questa animazione. Per favore fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate. Sto cercando di pensare a modi per allontanarmi dal tedio diretto studio-citazione-studio-citazione della maggior parte dei miei video. Sì, è un ottimo modo per presentare la letteratura scientifica primaria per coloro che già conoscono le basi, ma voglio anche provare a fare appello a chi è nuovo al concetto di alimentazione più sana. Questo sarebbe stato il video finale di questa serie di parti sperimentali 11, ma è stato appena creato un riassunto animato di Come non morire (http://nutritionfacts.org/book/), quindi io' Lo metterò per concludere una dozzina. Dai un'occhiata all'altro 000 se vuoi una buona panoramica nella speranza che tu' rimarrai affascinato dalla scienza! <br/>
1. La storia di NutritionFacts.org (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the- story-of-nutritionfacts-org/)
2. Perché dovresti preoccuparti della nutrizione ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-you-should-care-about-nutrition)
3. Assumersi la responsabilità personale per la propria salute (
4. The Philosophy of NutritionFacts.org (
5. Dietro le quinte di NutritionFacts.org (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/behind-the-scenes-at-nutritionfacts-org)
6. Come non morire di malattie cardiache (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-heart-disease/)
7. Come non morire di cancro (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die -da-can cer/)
8. Come non morire di diabete ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-diabetes/)
9. Come non morire di malattia renale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-kidney-disease/)
000. Come non morire di ipertensione ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from -high-blood-pressure)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-is-the-healthiest-diet e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

L'opuscolo mostrato in questo video è disponibile all'indirizzo https://share.kaiserpermanente.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Libretto-della-dieta-a-base-vegetale.pdf .

Vuoi avere un elenco di link a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-is-the-healthiest-diet. Troverai anche una trascrizione del video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze e un modo semplice per cercare (anche per lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Qual è la dieta più sana?”

  1. Michael! This kind of video-pills are great way to spread the message, in my opinion!

    Also because, I believe, there are so many ways to make people realize with very simple examples/explanations, how vegan whole food diet is so much better all-around than non-whole products and/or products derived from animals, just like you did in this video!

    And adding laughable attempts of wicked industries to justify their sickening products!

  2. Yeahh the vegan diet seems to be optimal! But a lot of people say you can't build muscle on a vegan diet🤔i disagree!! What do you guys think?

  3. DrGreger if you want to help the community please do a video on organic pesticides and the positives and negatives, so many of your audience are unaware, you could discuss things like Rotenone and Parkinson's and whatever other knowledge you have.

    Organic pesticides may not have been tested as much as man made ones, they may actually be harder on the animals they kill as they were not specifically designed to kill animals.

    All mass produced organic foods would most likely have had organic pesticides used on them.

    You could really help your community, giving them the information to make informed choices.

  4. I'm liking the new design of the videos! With the animations and music — in my opinion, this is one of the best video styles you have presented! Who agrees?

  5. Dr. Gregor, can grains in my diet be entirely replaced with white potatoes? Its just more convenient for me that way, and the nutritional target tracker I used tells me I am still getting 100% of my daily targets with just potatoes.

  6. how the heck can people manage a keto diet? been vegan my whole life and tried a vegan keto diet for two days and i just gave up after 36 hours i needed energy

  7. Great video Doc … thanks. Minh and I are on a totally raw diet, so we qualify for your "plant based" diet. Minh has been raw for 67 years and me for 16. We both love you and all that you do.

  8. This style of presentation is going to lose a lot of Millenials and also put people on edge since these presentations are linked to those odd scam videos.

  9. I always love nutritionfacts.org videos and one of the things I appreciate is the on screen presentation of evidence and links below. This style and the interview style do work better for some points and they are looking very clean, well put together. Excellent!

  10. why does dr.greger always avoid telling us the truth? he never tells us that drinking Sprite makes a person lose weight, we are lucky Durianrider tells us the truth.

  11. Three body cycles which I have practiced for a while on every diet with great results.
    From 4 AM to 12 Noon is the Elimination cycle, no food should be taken in at this time that would disrupt this function, except for fruit because fruit is a pre-digested food. (Liquids/Smoothies/Light fruit)
    From 12 Noon to 8 PM is the Appropriation cycle, eating and digestion of food, well combined food is a plus. (Meals/Solids)
    From 8 PM to 4 AM is the Assimilation cycle, nutrient extraction. (Light teas ect..)

  12. I would argue that ham can be an "excellent" source of protein. It just depends on your definition of excellence and your expactations of it. If excellent simply means healthy, then it isn't. If it means it supplies proteins and tastes the yummiest, then it definitely is 😉

  13. strawberries and blackberries even better than blueberries… always something new to learn from this channel. Now, if I could only afford organic… sigh.

  14. I always ate my veggies as kid because I got to grow them. I also raised pigs and milked our cow. I enjoyed eating pork and drinking raw milk too, but now meat and dairy have a very small part in my diet. Thank you Dr. G

  15. I LOVE this style of videos, Dr. Greger. keep'em coming, please! This could be a way to present the final results in your other regular videos, except that this way a lot of people will retain the vital information and remember it later on. Great job and thanks to Wise Street for lending their talent.

  16. This channel seems to just be something for vegans to jack off to. Every video it's the same: a whole grain plant based diet is the best. Every comment section is the same. A smug comment written by a vegan with their head up their ass with 100 upvotes from other vegans acting pompous. Is a plant based diet that cut and dry? Why isn't this guy saying how often you can eat meat? Once a week? Twice a month? once every two months? Oh, it's never? Well, how come in one of the studies this doctor mentioned recently, where researchers studied the rural people from China and Kenya, he said they eat meat on special occasions? How often is a special occasion? Is it often enough that you can no longer call it a plant based diet? All I am saying is, everyone has an agenda to protect their own way of life, and it is hard to steer others away from theirs, which is the main reason why vegans are so damn annoying.

  17. High fat ( 70 – 80 % of all calories ), extremely low carbs, lots of vegetables. Ketogenic diet  hands down .But its not a diet its a way of life

  18. i like this format of presentation mixed in with a sprinkle of groundbreaking medical literature would be a perfect recipe! many thanks for all your work Dr. Greger and team

  19. Interesting style. I think it makes the video much more shareable than your usual grand tour of peer-reviewed papers.

  20. i am on my weight loss m mission too, i am posting videos along my way, i am so glad i can get help off your videos,i am always looking for advice, all my love and support from Manchester uk xx

  21. I really respect Dr Greger and follow his videos, but I find the music in this video condescending somehow. Can't put my finger on why.

  22. Fats are different, for instance Omega-3, there are three kinds of it. The two healthy ones, which we mainly get through fish are called DHA & EPA. The one that we can't synthesize, ALA, is the one that we get from plants, mainly flaxseed. When you hear some vegetarian shouting out loud "But this is suuuuper packed with omega-3", it's usually in the form of ALA and not useful for you. The same goes with saturated fats, which is talked about in this short clip, the saturated fat in dairy is healthy for you, and will lower your bad cholesterol (cholesterol also comes in good and bad forms). Bacon fat? Not so good. Take care, use your brains and don't listen to guys like the one in the video, but to youtube comments instead. #CharlatansEverywhere

  23. Doctor Greger, thank you for everything you do.
    My family never promoted veggies to me, if they did, they doused the salad in ranch. I grew up obese. Every day when I would lay down in bed, my fat surrounding my neck and on my neck would just suffocate me.
    The worst part was, I was so addicted to processed meats and sugary foods that I thought that I could never give it up, even though it was killing me.
    At age fourteen, my cholesterol was at a whopping level of 200. I felt so groggy and so unhealthy but "Protein made you lean and carbohydrates made you fat." Don't even get me started on extreme calorie restriction for weight loss. Been there, done that, became malnourished and even more sick.

    I listened to the diet industry and just got even more sick and more depressed, because all I wanted was a banana but the industry had told me that sugar made me fat.

    Eight months ago I went on a fully plant based diet with no animal proteins and my cholesterol has never been lower in my life. I've never been able to maintain a healthy weight in my life. I wake up every morning full of energy and happy. Thank you for spreading such a positive and influential message. I will never be able to repay you for the good you have done in my life. Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see what point you'll reach in the next couple of years, and how well known you'll be!


  24. One thing this forgot : animal based foods cause cancer !!! this is an important issue this video forgets to mention

  25. Please please please do a video on keto (vegan) diets! Does research truly support the claim that a keto diet prevents or starves cancer cells, reduces appetite, and what exactly happens to any excess fat calories we eat if our bodies aren't able to convert them to stored energy? I've been a hclf plant-based vegan for three years now and I really like the claims that the keto community makes but I'm still not 100% sold. Additionally, I've been eating low carb high fat plant-based for a month now and I haven't lost any fat / weight. I haven't done any cardio exercise in awhile, but I do walk about 14-18 miles a week. I feel like I'm on a defeatist path. I eat only until I feel full and the excess weight still won't come off. In the past, I always had to drastically reduce my calories (~900 daily) to effect weight loss. I was hoping that those days were over but it seems I'll have to go that route again, which is ED triggering for me. I'm 5'3" and I've been stuck at 109 lbs. since August. Ugh

  26. Dr.Gregor can you make a video on if unsulphured coconut shreds are healthy and if so what makes it mad or good. It would be really interesting to get your input on whether medium chain saturated fatty acids are really better for you than long chain. Thanks

  27. This is a very nicely animated video and I've been vegan for 4 years myself and wouldn't want to go back. BUT promoting a vegan diet as the healthiest diet is wishful thinking and misguided idealism in my opinion. You can make a vegan diet very healthy, yes. Given you're smart about its shortcomings, such as B12, iron, zinc and selenium, not to mention EPA/DHA. But that's the thing: you have to really know what you're doing. From what I've gathered as a nutrition student (I just started, I'm by no means an expert. But it's definitely broadened my perspective), the healthiest diet would be to ditch dairy completely and have fish and meat a couple of times per month. Strictly theoretically nutritionally speaking. Then of course you'd really have to watch where you're getting those animals from but that's doable if you put in the kind of effort people put into a healthy vegan diet as well. As much as I personally dislike it and as much as our modern ways of production have both disgraced and ruined it nutritionally, meat in itself is not an unhealthy food. Add a variety of legumes, leafy greens, seeds and vitamin D supplements on top of that and you're good.
    Personally, I'm vegan for ethical and environmental reasons and I stand by that. But a vegan diet is neither the only nor is it the best way to be healthy. There's still not enough research on this to make any statements this absolute. I'd very much appreciate it if we could steer the discussion around nutrition away from extremes and ideals and the desire to be right, but that's the issue with humans and science. Science is logical whereas humans can approach and name and sometimes identify logic – but in the end we're still ruled by our emotions.

  28. Cow milk calcium is for calves; human bones become brittle if cow milk is consumed. No human needs milk after weaning – we are the only animal species drinking milk as adults and from a different species.

  29. Hello Dr Gregor, I am studying to be a student dietitian in Australia and in the Australian guidelines to healthy eating (which is evidenced based) there are 5 core food groups one being lean meats, legumes, nuts, tofu etc and another group dairy. My question is that excluding these food groups completely a good idea? Wouldn't moderation of these food groups be ok like 3 serves of 65g of lean meat or the recommended serves of dairy? As iron,zinc, protein are possible to get in a plant based diet but make it much harder to achieve as there needs to be a lot of variety, especially for low socio-economic families. Certain people that are homebound will find it very difficult to meet their vitamin D requirements and B12 is impossible to get from a complete plant diet. I have always been taught to promote a balance diet, everything in moderation and not try to exclude certain food groups even discretionary food items, as this could distort someone's relationship with food. I know this video is 3 weeks old but any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  30. Herbs are very high in nutrients & antioxidants and of course are actually Vegetables…People would have a much healthier diet if they used Herbs by Hand fulls , rather than pinches and sprinkles.

  31. Nice summary video. Also it's good to enlighten the general public about how some of the food industry ( dairy,meat, soda drinks etc) act just like the smoking industry in trying to cover up the facts and confuse the general "consumer"regarding the ill health associated with eating to much of their products.

  32. I'm a japanese and we eat fish, eggs and pork twice a week but we live longer than most the world population..i would think eating balance diet and whole grains is key for longevity…my grand parents and relatives never had a heart problems, diabetes nor high blood pressure as far i can remember… I don't intent to triggered my vegan friends but i just don't agree with the idea that eating strictly Whole plant based diet without any kind animal protien/product will make live longer…

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