I diabetici dovrebbero prendere i loro impulsi

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DESCRIZIONE: C'è un motivo per cui le associazioni professionali del diabete raccomandano fagioli, ceci, piselli spezzati e consumo di lenticchie come mezzo per ottimizzare il controllo del diabete.

Che ne dici di evitare squilibri metabolici in primo luogo? Guarda il mio ultimo video Prevenzione del prediabete mangiando di più (

Cos'altro può aiutare?
• Amla contro Diabete (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/amla-versus-diabetes/)
• Semi di lino vs. diabete (

27 Risposte a “I diabetici dovrebbero prendere i loro impulsi”

  1. Thanks for another interesting video. I find soaking beans for 24 hours, throwing out that water and rinsing them, then slowly cooking them in a crock pot eliminates most of the musical qualities of this excellent food. Canned beans are the worst for causing undesirable side effects. 

  2. Through years of personal study, Dr. Wahls identified 31 microntutrients that the mitochondria need to function. She then learned what foods provide those nutrients and came up with her “9 Cups Daily” protocol: 3 cups (about one heaping plateful) of leafy green vegetables, such as kale, collards, chard, spinach or lettuce, which provide vitamins A, B, C and K. 3 cups of sulfur-rich vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, garlic, mushrooms and asparagus, because they support the removal of toxins from the body. 3 cups of colorful vegetables and fruits (ideally three different colors each day), because they’re full of antioxidants. They have to be colored all the way through, so apples and bananas don’t count as colored, but berries, peaches, citrus, beets and carrots do. – See more at: http://www.phoenixhelix.com/2013/04/08/wahls-veggie-protocol-qa/#sthash.8Pm1waJb.dpuf

  3. Typical that they sell chemicals with zero effect on diabetes as diabetes medicine.

    Also do notice that in two other videos Dr. Greger shows a whole food low fat high carb vegan diet cures and prevents diabetes type 2 and improves type 1 a lot.

  4. There are a lot of things that have happened since America's collective weight exploded … among them in the ubiquity of food, and the message that to eat all the time is great, fine.  What if some percentage was due to just eating all the time.  And of course what is around all the time is sugary, salty and fatty foods.  I just saw in an article about how fattening hummus is, and a lot of bean things.  I am sure they are fine on their own in unprocessed form … but do we ever get that anywhere?  It is processing where people make the money, and then also in marketing trying to make people think that eating something with 1% natural ingredient is the same as eating the food.  Americans and others are just on a massive stupid binge.  The other point is that as a scientist, these papers are written to imply lots of things, and especially when you leave information or other studies out … but what the real conclusion from these papers is … I don't think anyone can really say with certainty.

    Love the videos though, very informative.

  5. dr. i asked this in ur prev vid abt legumes as well. in india legumes pulses etc ARE the staple diet. millions of indians are vegetarians so this is all they eat. i grew up in a household like this yet every memebr of my family older than 50 or so had DM. all 4 grand parents and tons of relatives. in fact DM is so common its llike having a cold. We ate these almost all three meals a day. 

  6. 0:52 health authorities from all over the world universally recommend increasing consumption of whole grains and legumes?

    You mean just like they used to recommend bleeding and arsenic and uranium?  Come on, what kind of argument is that?

    If health authorities from all over the world universally recommended jumping off the Empire State Building …. ???????  😉

  7. Um, acarbose is NOT a popular drug. I work with people with diabetes daily and I've NEVER come across anyone taking it because of the side effects (flatulence, diarrhea, etc.).

  8. Green beans are low  carb, but other beans are much higher, can give BG spike.
    Black beans are very high in fiber, can cause constipation in some.

  9. The term "pulse" reminded me of Daniel, Chapter 1…Daniel asked that instead of eating the fancy food of the king's court (think Standard American Diet) he simply be fed "pulse to eat and water to drink."  (See verse 12)  Result?  At the end of 10 days, Daniel and his buddies who ate this way were described this way in verse 15:  "…their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat."  BTW:  "Fatter" didn't mean pudgy, it meant "firm" 

  10. I'm linking this to our group on FB.  (The Plant-Based Solution Health Group) There is still so much confusion about what to eat for managing diabetes.  The ADA basically recommends a calorie restricted diet, and while they do endorse eating beans/legumes and plenty of non-starchy veg, their take on starches is to eat whole grains, but limit refined.  And they still think that should be a very limited portion (no more than the size of a deck of cards) on your plate.  I wish the fact that these 'refined carbs' are also super high in fat, sodium, and a lot of other crap would be recognized as hardly appropriate to lump into the category of 'carb.'  It's very misleading.  Very glad for your videos. ~Tracy

  11. it depend on the level of your diabetes, 6- 15 mol is consider diabetes but the level is different. so your cure also varies

  12. We're told Type 2 Diabetes is epidemic worldwide. I've viewed countless videos and read large numbers of books and articles on the subject and am continually amazed by the contradictions I see. Dietary recommendations along with prescription drugs are legion. And now comes yet another study telling us that despite taking prescription drugs and/or insulin, they "fail to significantly alter the course of diabetic complications." But yet the risks and side effects remain. WTH, something not adding up here.

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