Trattamenti dietetici per l'affaticamento degli occhi al computer

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DESCRIZIONE: Alcune bacche possono aiutare ad alleviare l'affaticamento visivo associato allo sguardo fisso sullo schermo di un computer tutto il giorno

Questa è la puntata finale della mia serie di video in 4 parti sull'ultima scienza sulla protezione della nostra vista. In Greens vs. Glaucoma (, ho elencato i migliori alimenti per aiutare prevenire il glaucoma e nella prevenzione dietetica della degenerazione maculare legata all'età ( Ho fatto lo stesso per la degenerazione maculare senile. Poi ho affrontato il trattamento dietetico del glaucoma (, in cui ho anche menzionato il ribes nero (oltre che in Enhanced Athletic Recovery Without Undermining Adaptation, -undermining-adaptation).<br/>
Utilizzando una scrivania in piedi o su tapis roulant, possiamo evitare alcune delle altre effetti negativi sulla salute di stare seduti al computer tutto il giorno. Guarda il mio video In piedi per la tua salute ( Ora sto accumulando fino a miglia al giorno!

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: BenFrantzDale, Vincent Ma, Bgblogging, Elizabeth Thomsen e glimorec tramite Flickr ; ParentingPatch tramite Wikimedia; e il Calgary Board of Education.

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19 Risposte a “Trattamenti dietetici per l'affaticamento degli occhi al computer”

  1. Goji and because it acts on the liver, chrysanthemum. Other liver foods and herbs like amla are likely also helpful. Really, you would have never discovered amla if it weren't for the studies. If living to 120 is your goal, try more untested ancient medicines. And read the original texts. Countless things not mentioned by modern chinese or Ayurvedic doctors. Read Hippocrates, Galen, "pseudo"-Aristotle and Celsus too.

  2. I have been working with this problem and trying out different techniques for years, and have found something that really works: doing a baking soda mask after using the computer. There is plenty of information on this procedure in the internet for beauty purposes, etc., but it works wonders for computer fatigue, eye fatigue after computer use, feeling like a zombie after hours at the computer…

    You simply make a paste of baking soda and warm water and apply it to your face. Leave it on for about 5 minutes, maybe a little more, then wash it off. When I do this after hours at the computer, I feel like the tiredness in my face and head is completely lifted away, I feel totally refreshed, like new. The only side effect is that it dries your skin, so it is good to apply some moisturizer on your face afterwards. (I prefer warm sesame oil or warm olive oil for this purpose, as they're much healthier for the face than commercial moisterizers)

    Why does this work? Baking soda is known to suck away negative or harmful energies from the body; baking soda, or baking soda/salt, baking soda/epsom salt baths are well-known for this purpose. Not everyone might believe in such an apparently mysterious means of action. This doesn't matter, though, since it works whether one believes in it or not.

    Wishing good health, in spite of computer use! 🙂

  3. wow I wasnt aware of a n eye specific diet thanks for sharing 🙂 i happen to be using some black currents in my chocolate dessert this morning lol. never seen bilberries. do the sell those at the supermarket in uS?

  4. He doesn't like supplements but pycnogenol has been tested to have beneficial effects. And my Dads eyesight got better after taking astaxanthin.

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