I migliori alimenti per ridurre il rischio di ictus

Quali sono i componenti protettivi dei modelli dietetici e degli alimenti associati a un minor rischio di malattie cerebrovascolari (ictus)?

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Maggiori informazioni su come ridurre il rischio di ictus con la dieta in questi video:
• Come prevenire un ictus (http://nutrititionfacts.org/video/How-to-Prevent-a-Stroke)
• Prevenire gli ictus con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-strokes-with-diet/)<br/> • PREDIMED: mangiare noci previene gli ictus? (http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/predimed-does-eating-nuts-prevent-strokes)
• Antiossidanti alimentari, ictus e malattie cardiache (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/food-antioxidants-stroke-and-heart-disease/ )
• Cioccolato e rischio di ictus (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ cioccolato e rischio di ictus)
• La bibita dietetica aumenta il rischio di ictus tanto quanto la bibita normale? (

Cosa fa la vitamina B12 hanno a che fare con l'ictus? Guarda il mio video Vitamina B12 Necessaria per la Salute Arteriosa (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vitamin-b12-necessary-for -arterial-health/).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-foods-to-reduce-stroke-risk e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-foods-to-reduce-stroke-risk. Troverai anche una trascrizione del video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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51 Risposte a “I migliori alimenti per ridurre il rischio di ictus”

  1. I'm a dietitian and am on the stroke team at my hospital. Unfortunately, being in the South, many of my patients don't take diet and exercise seriously. I don't know where the disconnect is. Do you think some are in denial that their lifestyle potentially causes their stroke or do you think they are just not ready to change their habits?

  2. How stupid is it not to take b12 supplements since they are super inexpensive, safe and b12 deficiency can have detrimental consequenses?

  3. after I went vegan my triglycerides and blood pressure went up like crazy despite I'm eating whole plant food diets no junk foods anyone know why this is happening?

  4. I love this guy. I have adopted this lifestyle. I eat no meat I eat no Dairy I eat no eggs no cheese and no oil. With that said it gives me pause, it gives me tremendous pause to listen to various cardiologist absolutely present research stating that eating saturated fat is good for you. How could the nutritional community be so diametrically opposed both providing scads of research. I am new to this I am only three months in. Can some of you who have a greater understanding of this please help me to come to grips with how on one hand saturated fat is bad in on the other saturated fat is good? it absolutely positively blows my mind there has to be an answer.

  5. 8 years ago my mom had breast cancer. She smokes a pack and a half a day, in the house. Last year she nearly had a heart attack, her arm lost blood flow. She also drinks 2 liters of Pepsi a day. But as soon as she got out of the hospital she continued everything. Despite my best efforts, being a student in nutrition, she tells me I'm right then continues on. She is going to die and I don't know what to do. I will also probably develop cancer as well because of her bad habits

  6. Can anybody refute any of these articles or studies?

    Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease

    New Scientific Analysis Confirms Saturated Fats Have No Link to Heart Disease

    Do Saturated Fats and Trans Fats Cause Type-2 Diabetes?

    The association between dietary saturated fatty acids and ischemic heart disease depends on the type and source of fatty acid in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-Netherlands cohort.

    The Diet-Heart Myth: Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Are Not the Enemy

  7. My girlfriend is vegan and recently was shown her ferratin tests showing her at 20. Which means her iron stores are really low!!! Dr. Gregor, what would you recommend she eat on a daily basis in order to fix this issue?

    Since we found out her iron stores were low, we have been eating as much as maybe .5-2 oz of fresh spinach per day, random other raw foods, fresh fruits or fruit smoothies every day or two at the most. I try to mix in lentils but she doesn't seem to like them that much. I think the problem might be that we also eat a decent amount of processed foods. Things like vegan cheeses, quickly microwaved packages of rice that come in plastic, tofurky dogs…. etc.

    Are those things hindering her ability to get enough iron because she isn't hungry enough to eat the proper serving sizes of things like spinach and fresh fruits with the vitamin C she needs to better absorb the iron?

    She is also taking a iron supplement that a doctor prescribed her that I am worried about, because you said too much iron could be a bad thing! I cautioned her of this but she still takes it. How dangerous is this? It's been about a month. Combined with what we are eating I think it might be too much? Or maybe it's just about right since she might not be eating enough iron in her diet, even now that we have started trying to eat more iron? She is getting another test done very soon, I am just worried about the results and wondering what she should have been eating in serving sizes per day, when combined with her iron supplement. It says 325 MG = 65 MG elemental Iron.

  8. Hi! I am a 19 year old boy from Norway ( half Norwegian, half Ghanian) that suffer from reynolds syndrome. I wondered if there is a link between a fully pant based diet and reductions of occurence of this syndrome.
    Note: I am a vegetarian with little intake of dairy… mainly in the weekend.

  9. Help! I'm confused about B12 for children. How can I be sure my children (3&6) are getting what they need? The oldest eats a wide variety of plant based food, the youngest not so much (still plant based, but not as broad). They both take vitamin d drops daily and Progressive Childrens multi-vitamin (but I hear mixed feedback on multivitamins too.ugh). I'd love some fact based advice. Thanks!

  10. See here is the problem, when we state the B12 issue as if it’s specific to vegetarians we give meat eaters an automatic out. We need to ALWAYS reinforce that many people are low or deficient regardless of diet, that all people over 50 have a hard metabolizing it, and that it’s recommended ALL people take a supplement.

  11. There is no discussion on the paradox of high risk of stroke in Japanese populations with low risk of coronary heart disease.

  12. My mother died from a stroke. That was 53 years ago, and when I asked the doctor what preventative measures I could take to possibly circumvent this he said, "Rutin will help you." "And where do I find that?" I asked. "Under the skin of citrus fruit," was his reply, adding, "but you’ll probably have a stroke anyway because you’re genetically prone to this." I'm presently 85-years-old, and in top notch health, which I attribute to having eaten a plant-based vegan diet for a number of years. That doc is probably dead and gone.

  13. so i actually smoked cigarettes for about 25 years of my life. i started at age 11 and i am now 37 going on 38 come the end of 2021. i have been a non smoker since 2017 on account of my being incarcerated for a short stint of time in an Albertan, Canadian jail. as it were, when you get arresteted in a Canadian jail or remand facility, it turns pout you are gunna have to quit smoking cold fukn turkey, whether you want to or not! Anyway, some people really let it go to their head and they struggle with the not beng able to get their nicotine fix while theyre stuck inside a correctional facility, which I always found difficult to go though at the begining but after a day or two, I noticed that without other people smoking in front of me regularily, I seemed to completeley forget about cigarettes all together! Long story a tad bit shorter, since I already made it fukn long as all hell already, you are forced to quit smoking if you ever get arressted and incarcerated and you dont give yourself the credit you should for being able to quit any type of subatance abuse while inside a jail or remand facility cold turkey as expected because it can be very difficult for most everyone who is ever put into that same situation. but it does teach you that you maybe uncomfortable to say the least of the aggravating symptoms, but you did actually manage to qut. just like that. so you can absolutely do it, no probem! Once you are released again though, if the first thing you do is have a fukn smoke, then its your fauly for not continuing though with just not smoking again. I have had to go through this exact scenario more than a few times in my past, but the last time was the longest and so after 4 and half months of not smoking, i wasnt about to just go ahead and light up a dirty cigatrette agin just to get back into a habit that i managed to kik while i was stuck inside. I have nevwr felt better than I do today still, I am cigarette free still and I feel wwaaaaaay fukn healthier, happier, i don't smell like a dirty ash tray and the best part, is that I wont continue to age in the face and neck area or get a gross cancer in some part of my respritory system either. I actually picked up a vuse vape pod from Seven 11 just so I had something to fall back onto if I had bad craving while other smokers were around me smoking, but I dont smoke it anywhere near as much as i used to smoke nasty fukn cigarettes. It was the best decision I have ever decided to stick with and I wont ever get back into smoking ever again in my life I don't want to age or look like im agin faster or eve just die from hacking up lung butter or something gross like that. My breath smells better. My teeth are not yellowing anymore. My face and skin look so very much healither. I dnt get winded by walking up a small flgith of stairs. I can do anything and everything so much better and feel better while doingit as well as look younger as i do all of the things too. Best. Deciion. I ever. Made. longest rant but worth it as far as testomonial. if you dont want to read it then no worries, but more people should give themselves the chance to quit and faith in themselves to follow through with it. other people should understanf and not be dinks around that person and smoking in their face and space….but ya, im dont typing now. rant. over, suzi. out…

  14. It’s a vascular problem really, not a neurological disease? (Of course they cause devastating neurological consequences.. but healthy vascular system doesn’t end up with strokes).

  15. I am not comfortable relying on supplements and fortified foods or even seaweed. So, I think I may opt for the Mediterranean diet with some minimally processed, quality animal flesh / products, but heavily whole plant based.

  16. As a stupid ex smoker for 10yrs myself…it’s simply live or die choice … make the choice before too late folks.. thx Doc for the joke ab incineration ..Lol

  17. Not eating meat…b12…plant based food. Everything is OK but what about the stress? isn't it the biggest culprit? And in this part of the year we don't have alot choise of vegetables. lettuce is full of nitrates, tomatoes surly and its difficult to stick to plant based diet.

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