Rimedio dietetico naturale per l'insonnia

Cibi per l'insonnia. La lattucina, la componente ipnotica della lattuga, viene messa alla prova in uno studio randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato con placebo sui semi di lattuga.

Gli altri video sull'insonnia I citati sono Kiwifruit for Insomnia (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/kiwifruit-for-insomnia/) e Tart Cherry for Insomnia (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/tart-cherries-for-insomnia/).

Per le quattro regole per il condizionamento del sonno e le quattro regole per l'igiene del sonno, vai alla tua biblioteca pubblica locale o libreria indipendente e prendi How Not to Diet ( https ://nutritionfacts.org/book/how-not-to-diet/). (Tutti i proventi che ricevo dai miei libri sono devoluti in beneficenza.)<br/>
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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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95 Risposte a “Rimedio dietetico naturale per l'insonnia”

  1. I wonder if it helps to keep you asleep once you get to sleep, for the people who wake up many times per night.

  2. 2c of Lemon Balm Tea a few hours before bed has helped my sleep immensely – both getting and staying asleep.

  3. This is pretty fascinating because last night I ate Romaine for the first time in a long time—I slept like a baby. And then this morning I see this. I suffer regularly with insomnia. I wonder if lettuce seed comes as a supplement. Also, I know that it’s not good to eat the same greens every day. I wonder if you can take a seed supplement from the same type of lettuce every day wo harm.

  4. Since I began my strict Whole Foods, plant-based, no processed foods, no oils diet…. my sleep apnea was reducing until what it is nowadays… IT IS GONE !! No more sleep apnea for me, no more snoring. 12% body fat right now and healthy !

  5. Can you discuss the interaction between antioxidants and casein protein? I don't think its been covered in a while and I am interested to see if there is more definitive data as to the effect of casein on antioxidant levels.

  6. I have several intense hot flashes a night that I sleep through. I wake up freezing and soaked. It takes an hour to change, dry, and warm up! This results in extreme sleep deprivation and difficulty keeping a job. This has been going on for 15 years!

  7. If I got even five solid hours a night, I'd be good. And six, I'd be doing back flips. I am lucky to get there or four. My throat sometimes close up and constantly wake up. Plus any kind of sound or vibration will wake me up.

  8. I have always had bad sleep since my 20s. But found that eating lettuce always helped. I just started noticing. So im really happy to see this. Because 25 years ago, nobody believed me. They all thought I was imagining that lettuce helped. But now im in my 50s and I'm going through menopause it's a bad sleep every night for the last 4 years or so. Lettuce doesn't work now. Sadly. Now im on 10mg amitriptyline every other night and an allergy (drowsy kind) every other night. These work. I don't like taking them though.

  9. I've had chronic insomnia since I was 5 from severe night terrors and inability to self calm. I'm lean and healthy and a disease dietitian! Yet I Got addicted to Ambien for 7 years of daily double dosing- six months off now. I use tart cherry juice, GABA supplements, and calcium citrate to attain tryptophan and the calming effect of calcium. So far so good. For lettuce oil, use specifically Sativa (garden lettuce) and no, not the other kind of sativa!

  10. Ok…so….do they sell lettuce seeds for consumption?…or do you think eating lettuce…and how much would do the trick?? Anyone????

  11. oh my god, what are the chances – this is exactly my issue currently. several factors led to me messing up my sleeping schedule and now I'm not only having trouble with falling asleep at night, but also with getting appropiate appetite to appropiate times – it feels like a reverse devils circle especially because I already HAD a perfect schedule regarding food intake and sleep not too long ago. I'm vegan since end of 2016 and I learned so much already over the years with the help of you guys. <3 but I felt a little overwhelmed recently because I didn't know exactly where to look for a quick fix that could help getting sleepy at night but here is a video from our favourite Doctor, fresh and right when you need it 😀 thank you so much, I'll definitely try the lettuce and Kiwi x)

  12. I know this is a relatively short video, but people who aren't getting sleep know how bad it is. You don't need to spend the first half of the video making us feel worse about it when we're here to learn about the nutrition thing you supposedly want to tell us.

  13. Years ago I travelled with a girl who didn't sleep very well. I said she should watch what she eats during the day. She said "Are you suggesting there's a correlation between food and sleep?" I'll never ever forget how stupid that comment sounded.

  14. Some people use the wild lettuce, but regular Romain or leaf lettuce works too. You want the milky sap to be flowing from your lettuce. I like Romain the best definitely has a mild sedative effect.

  15. Wild lettuces are very common in fields, and at roadsides. I have even found wild lettuces in my yard. I have prepared clean leaves and stems by simmering a handful in a pot of water for half an hour, and then letting the "tea" sit covered for several hours. Start with a 1/4 cup of the liquid before sleep just to try it out; then adjust strength and amount as you learn what is effective for you. Do your research and learn how to identify wild lettuce. Find an herbalist's recipe for wild lettuce tea or tincture. There are even YouTube videos on how to prepare wild lettuce to be used as a sleep aid. It has helped me, and it may help you. It's worth a try. Just make sure the wild lettuce you pick is not growing in an area that has been sprayed with any kind of chemical. Wild lettuce is very common, and doesn't cost a penny.

  16. Makes sense- I remember hearing over 30 years ago that lettuce had a sedative in it. I think it was actually investigated for psychoactive properties eg getting high.

  17. I ate a boatload of lettuce last night and slept very deeply. Woke up still very sleepy. Been sleepy all day today. Normally i don't sleep so deeply or feel drugged during the day. Then i watched this vid and now it all makes sense.

  18. My lack of sleep is because of my work schedule. I work swing-shift, working a 1st shift, two 2nd shifts, and two 3rd shifts a week. My body doesn't know when it's supposed to sleep. Sleeping at night one day and during the day the next is very difficult; especially with a 20 yr old cat that absolutely hates me trying to sleep when the sun is out… BTW, I wonder if just juicing lettuce would help?

  19. Not sure I believe that everyone needs 7 hours of sleep. Some people do fine with 5, others need 8. We're all different. I do best with 6.

  20. Lettuce? Interesting. I've recently gone decaf-only again and am now more sleepy when i wake up after just a few hours and am able to fall back to sleep, as opposed to being wide awake for most of the night. I will definitely increase my letuuce consumption now. I just want a normal sleep pattern again.

  21. I can’t help my bad sleep due to my narcolepsy. If unmediated (by choice or otherwise), are narcoleptics on path for the potentiality of all of these adverse affects of poor sleep? I’d appreciate if you would address this. It’s always quite sad listening to all of the bad effects of poor sleep when there’s literally nothing we can do about it 🙁

  22. Not going to eat lettuce seeds. I'll keep taking 20mg of Melatonin 40 min before bed and 250 mg Niacin B3 (flush) 10 min after Melatonin and then when in bed cover my eyes if necessary to achieve complete darkness. Started this detox during Covid as recommended by Dr. Kats and others, but found I got my best sleep ever.

  23. Hi Dr. Greger.
    I’ve been learning from your content for about 8 years now. I started when I was diagnosed with T1D and came out of the hospital the most overweight ever in my life, with neuropathy, and really bad retinopathy, this just due to the high carb diet fed to me for a week at the hospital. Within a week and a half after arguing with the hospital’s nutritionist about the high carb diet supplied to me by them (she argued they were giving me the amount of calories necessary for my body) and committing to a plant based eco atkins diet, I got way better and never went back to high carb. I notice in your recent videos all the criticism you’re making about the low carb diets but I don’t see you making a distinction between animal based and plant based low carbs diet anymore. It feels as if you had forgotten or retracted from what you said in the Plant Based Eco Atkins diet video. Is there a particular reason or any recent studies that made you stray away from that recommendation or discussion?

  24. Saying there's an increased risk for anything is a cause and effect statement. Cite your references to the controlled scientific studies that proves that risk? And epidemiology studies don't count as they're useless and not a controlled study.
    If you don't, you are a Charlaton like so many others.

  25. I haven't had a decent night's sleep in several decades due to stress. Hoping something besides Romaine helps. Romaine is consistently contaminated, from what I've heard by animal agriculture. Growing my own isn't feasible at this time, but maybe one day.

  26. OMG…I have a night shift JOB, part time as a nurse. Generally fairly healthy but a bit concerned about cancer since my dad had prostate cancer, and good sleep Is one of life's activities to prevent cancer. Good luck to me. Will stop by the grocery store, vegetables section in the morning. Thanks Doc!

  27. Meditation and guided visualisation exercises has worked wonders for my sleep.
    I still have some trouble staying asleep, but compared to the problems I had before, it's a massive improvement.

  28. Being diagnosed with Cancer has been a major loss of money and has caused major problems in my immune system,but when I came across Dr. Osaka on YouTube Channel and he recommended his herbal medicine I got completely cured of CANCER.

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