I migliori cibi per il cervello: bacche e noci messe alla prova

Studi randomizzati e controllati mettono alla prova la funzione cognitiva di noci, bacche e succo d'uva.

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Restate sintonizzati per il prossimo video Best Brain Foods – Verdure e barbabietole messe alla prova (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Brain-Foods-Greens-and-Beets-Put-to-the-Test).

Cos'altro possono fare le noci?
• Quattro noci una volta al mese (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Four-Nuts-Once-a-Month)
• Quale noce combatte meglio il cancro? (https://www.nutritionfacts.org/video/which-nut-fights-cancer-better/)<br/> • Noci e funzione dell'arteria (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/walnuts-and-artery-function/)
• Le noci possono aiutare a prevenire la morte (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-may-help- prevent-death/)
• Pistacchio per disfunzione erettile (https:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/pistachio-nuts-for-erectile-disfunction/)
• Frutta a guscio e obesità: il peso dell'evidenza (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-obesity-the-weight-of-evidence/)
• PREDIMED: mangiare noci previene gli ictus? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/predimed-does-eating-nuts-prevent-strokes/)

Cos'altro possono fare le bacche?
• Il succo di mirtillo rosso può curare le infezioni della vescica? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-cranberry-juice-treat-bladder-infections/)
• Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing- indolenzimento-muscolare-con-frutti di bosco/)
• Potenziamento dell'attività delle cellule killer naturali (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/boosting-natural-killer-cell-activity/)
• Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale entro due anni (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-slow-brain-aging-by-two- anni/)
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con le bacche (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/hibition-platelet-aggregation-with-berries/)
• Quanta frutta è troppo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-fruit-is-too-much/)
• Gli effetti degli avocado e del vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Effects-of-Avocados-and-Red-Wine-on-meal-inflammation)
• I vantaggi di Acai rispetto ai mirtilli per la funzione dell'arteria ( http://nutritionfacts.org /video/I-benefici-di-Acai-vs-Blueberries-for-Artery-Function)
• Gli effetti antiossidanti di Acai vs. mele (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Antioxidant-Effects-of-Acai-vs-Apples)
• Benefici dei mirtilli per la funzione arteriosa (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/video/Benefits-of-Blueberries-for-Artery-Function)
• Benefici dei mirtilli per la pressione sanguigna può essere bloccato dallo yogurt (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Benefits- di-Blu berries-for-Blood-Pressure-May-Be-Blocked-by-yogurt)

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75 Risposte a “I migliori cibi per il cervello: bacche e noci messe alla prova”

  1. The fact of the walnuts being baked ie cooked would surely negatively impact the available nutrition? Why not use unheated nuts for max benefit? Could have been blended into soups/smoothies/ dressings

  2. Ive been putting whole plant foods “to the test” for the last 7.5 years. I’m stronger, leaner and hopefully if your awesome videos are correct, I’ve slashed my risk of chronic disease. Thank you for all you do Dr G!

  3. I consume 150g of frozen berries at every breakfast and 3-4 times a week I enjoy a mid-afternoon smoothie with another 150g before going to gym. 350g a day is kind of massive for me, but I'll try to up it up a bit!

  4. "age related decrease" that just sounds like a total cop out to me – just a blanket statement reflecting a body of science that just has not been researched. There must be a plausible reason fro the decline in Cerebral Blood Flow

  5. I've been plant based for 3 yrs and have found my lipids are still not ideal and now my vasting glucose levels are at 100. I'm being told to not eat as much fruit and whole grains. I'm more confused now than ever. If I just eat veggies I don't get enough calories for the day. I'm a slender guy not doing this for weight loss just to be healthy. What am I doing wrong?

  6. Would it be better to eat my berries in the morning vs evening? I always eat them at night because blueberries are so staining, i could do a smoothy if i had to but would it matter?

  7. the only downfall of better brain function is that people seem to think slower when you interact with them, and you have extra seconds to stare into nothingness as if it was the camera in The Office

  8. Seeds and algae also in the same category as berries and nuts when it comes to brain health and function. Just my opinion though :p

  9. Can you comment on the safety/effectiveness of any cognition-focused mushrooms like lion's mane recommended by Paul Stamets? Would be great to get a video on this!

  10. Dr. Gregor can you please do a video about people who have been vegan for years and suddenly their health randomly declines? Just logically rationalism of what you think of this. Great videos btw! You changed the perception of many people!

  11. As a berry/nut lover, I can tell you from my personal experience: fruits and nuts don't promise you optimal health, other foods are needed, animal protein/fat is essential for one's neurology.
    Researches show conflicting theories every 5 years. So there is no point listening to them.
    Nowadays, nutrition is really minor comparing to food safety. In this highly industrialized world, even salmons are farmed to be vegans and feed on soy and corn (GMO, in many cases). I decided to eat whatever I feel like no matter what any expert says.

  12. Doc, I'm sure you're busy, but would like to see you begin to lift a little and show us how diet and light bodybuilding can work together to improve health.
    Thanks for all you do.
    And yes, have been following your dietary recommendations last 6 months and lifting (with cardio too) 3x/week the last6 weeks.

    One other key point… If people have some difficulty (bored) with solely eating greens & vegs, beans y lentils and rice in salads and cooked (esp. when adding turmeric and pepper all the time), then adding diced fruit or raisins (golden) to their salads and cooked vegs is a HUGE boost to flavor, edibility, and enjoyment. It nearly – if not totally- cancels out the monotony? distaste? if turmeric. 😉 just my opinion.
    Today I tried 1/3 diced Jazz apple and it changes the flavoring and adds edibility by at least 50%…especially countering the turmeric flavor (I just get tired of it).

  13. So where does this put the low carb-high fat/protein diet in terms of health? One doctor says that fruits are poison. But since I have 14 fruit trees in my backyard and a 70' veggie bed, I can't say that I agree. Just wish I had room to grow berries!

  14. Nuts but how much nuts are an healthy amount? Vegan People on high nuts intake gets stroke and arterial blockages and Dr Esselstyn has seen many of them. Go easy on nuts as they have 50% to 70% fat content by total weight. You have been warned.

  15. Mix 3 dates with 6 walnut halves for a healthy daily treat. Purchase organic walnuts in bulk then keep them in recycled plastic jar. After dinner dessert checkout Danon 80 calorie Greek Yoghurt (low sugar) mixed with 1 cup blueberries or berry of your choice.

  16. I'm all for plant-based diet…

    but that study about grape juice sponsered by Welch's… 🤨

    and no mention of the huge amount of sugar in fruit juices…

  17. Maybe people that are smart enough to eat their vegetables are more likely to be smarter in general than people who don't? Which is why they have less cognitive decline as they age

  18. Claiming anything can "delay cognitive aging" is such crap. That is like saying, "you don't look like you are 60 years old". There is no way to establish a normal. Comparing improvement or decline to one's self seems scientific but they would need to study the SAME person in several trials randomly giving walnuts or not to that individual. Did the study control or track: day of week test was given, time of day test was given, amount of exercise before the exam, amount of mental stimulation before exam, what else was eaten before the exam? So many factors could have contributed to decline or improvement. I call B.S.

  19. I have a question about mixing Berries for example with oatmeal. Is it OK to mix fruits with grains or should you eat them separately to improve digest ability?

  20. So, my mother was right all these years since my childhood when she would tell me to eat walnuts as it would make me smarter. Lol. Mums indeed are the best.

  21. My meat loving family: You are crazy. Your gonna get fat with all those nuts.
    Me: Ive been eating like this for 6 years.
    Family: So its coming really soon

  22. Hi Dr Greger, PLEASE change that audio voom at the start of your videos. It trips the circuit breaker in my receiver — a real annoyance!

  23. You have to start early eating berries and walnuts daily. My mum already has dementia and even though I put her on a plant based diet since 6 months where I have given her blueberries and other berries as well as walnuts, linseeds, kale and broccoli daily since 6 months now. It did nothing to slow her dementia down. But she also has to take an epilepsy medication which has the side effects of brain damage, so maybe the food is not strong enough against any further damage to the brain by the medication. I'm glad I stopped eating meat when I was 12 (23 years ago) and that I'm vegan since 8 years. I hope that will prevent me from getting the horrible illnesses my parents had. Even though I stopped eating animal products for the animals. The positive health effects are just a bonus to me. I also recently realised not only the food you eat is important for brain health. You also need enough sleep and physical excercise, meditation and try to avoid stress as much as possible.

  24. Better be biological because pesticide kills the black matter in the brain and thereby causes parkinson. Walnuts like soja and beer: too much fyto estrogen . As man or athlete you don't want that.

  25. Can we just get a general conclusion? Should we optimize for nitrate rich foods, or is a general plant based diet equivalent, with berries, nuts and vegetables? Getting a bit tired of the cliffhangers.

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