I pasti grassi possono compromettere la funzione dell'arteria

Abbiamo finalmente scoperto perché un singolo pasto ad alto contenuto di grassi può causare dolore toracico anginoso.

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Questo L'effetto potrebbe certamente aiutare a spiegare i risultati di Low Carb Diets and Coronary Blood Flow ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/low-carb-diets-and-coronary-blood-flow /). E i cosiddetti grassi sani come l'olio extravergine di oliva? Questo è l'argomento del mio prossimo video: Olio d'oliva e funzione arteria (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/olive-oil-and-artery-function).<br/>
Per ulteriori informazioni sull'angina, questo è l'argomento su cui ho iniziato il mio 580 discorso di revisione dell'anno con: From Table to Able: Combating Disabiliting Diseases with Food (http://nutritionfacts.org/ video/from-table-to-able/).

Un'altra conseguenza della disfunzione endoteliale è la mancanza di afflusso di sangue ad altri organi. Dai un'occhiata a: Survival of the Firmest: Disfunzione erettile ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/survival-of-the-firmest-erectile-dysfunction-and-death /) e La morte e la dieta Atkins: problemi a tenerlo in piedi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/atkins- problemi-di-dieta/).

Il grasso nel flusso sanguigno può anche compromettere la nostra capacità di controllo livelli di zucchero nel sangue. Vedere:
• Che cosa causa la resistenza all'insulina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/what-causes-insulin-resistance)
• L'effetto di spillover collega l'obesità al diabete (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-spillover-effect-links-obesity-to-diabetes )
• Lipotossicità: come i grassi saturi aumentano la glicemia (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/lipotossicità-come-il-grasso-saturo-aumenta-lo-zucchero-nel-sangue)

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fatty-meals-may-impair-artery-function e cercherà di rispondere!

Immagine di credito: The Hamster Factor via Flickr.

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46 Risposte a “I pasti grassi possono compromettere la funzione dell'arteria”

  1. If plant based diet will help to lower risk of most common causes of death, what are the leading causes of death for vegans? Are there any statistics on that?

  2. wer immer noch nicht glaubt, dass öl schädlich für unseren körper ist, schaut sich mal diese studienzusammenfassung an:
    thanks to dr greger!!!

  3. It says that isolated plant oils have a bad effect but what does isolated mean? Are all plant oils bad?

  4. If high fat along with animal protein and other substances like roasted flavors i.e. AGEs are so deleterious to health, why are we sensitized to them, why do we crave them? It's just all too cruel.

  5. I try to get at least 75 grams of fat each day. One needs that for max T production. It's actually not that easy. Not enough fat, and estrogen takes over, and one gets fat.

  6. Dr. Greger failed to mention that Canola oil and Salmon oil don't have the same negative effect as even the great and touted heart-healthy olive oil.

  7. I'm curious, is there anyone following a whole-foods plant-based diet for long enough to see the benefit who feels compelled to troll Paleo diet websites and spew nonsense? I can't imagine anyone wasting that much time . . . unless they have a financial interest or an eating disorder.

  8. Let's say you add two tablespoons of cold pressed avocado oil to your medley of vegetables and whole grain rice, millet, or quinoa after everything is prepared so as not to damage the oil from heat, would that be harmful?

  9. I have a chronic illness/disease that affects the dilation of my arteries when changing positions from lying, to sitting, then from sitting to standing. Essentially blood pools into the calfs of my legs and because there's no dilation it doesn't constrict my blood pressure from droppping, therefore it doesn't reach the brain,  I'll then obtain tachycardia (fast heart rate) to compensate. In the mean time I'll go woozy have a spaz fit.

    I think I've damaged my body from never eatinghealthy food, lacking nutrients, and not exercising. :/
    society with its addicting processed foods and animal products and ill information is the reason I have such a restrictive life with a shitty chronic illness.

  10. Complete nonsense! There is no evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease whatsoever! 

    Since the 1970s when low-fat diets were promoted, obesity rates have skyrocketed from just 2% to a whopping 25% of the population!

    Why would I choose margarine, which is a slew of chemicals and is grey before it's dyed yellow, over natural butter containing only cream and salt?

  11. I was starting to get heart pain during my high fat vegan diet experiment a few months ago.  I was consuming nuts and seeds, avocados, and coconut, olive and flax oil for the bulk of my calories, along with tons of vegetables and some low sugar fruits.  It wasn't working at all.  Was getting arthritis, and other terrible symptoms that all went away when I went back to high carb.

  12. I've been vegan for a few years now and maybe it's just me, but I've become so sensitive to my body that every once in a while when I do eat butter or cream or egg yolks I can almost feel it in my heart the fat clogging in my artery, LOL

  13. Help me understand what morons click dislike on this video when they can even spell endothelium without autocorrect helping. Seriously. What's to dislike??

  14. Inject fat via IV? Is that how we eat fat? Or just to win the argument no matter how absurd is the experiment? I am not a doctor, common sense, which every human are born with, tells me something fishy going on here.

  15. For more info on this, read up on Dr. Roy Swank, who began to research this topic more than 50 years ago, even though he didn't have the means for such in depth findings then, of course.

  16. Aha I just don't have the time for this, FAT DOESN'T CAUSE HEART DISEASE. For fuck sake. Instead of telling people to avoid a vital component in their diet tell them what they can actually do to help there heart. It is ironic that these fats and cholesterol are so demonized since they are so vital for heart and arterial integrity. The bodies inability to heal and maintain these components are the reason they are failing.
    Vitamin C is certainly the most important factor, I honestly think if everyone in the Western world took 2grams of Vitamin C a day (assuming they have enough copper) almost no one would get heart disease. There are other factors too like Low selenium can induce a weak heart etc. But Vitamin C is the single most potent thing anyone can do to help there heart.

  17. Anyone with any thoughts on algae-based DHA as an "isolated plant fat" affecting arteries? I wonder of there's a certain threshold for it to exert an effect bc it's a minute amount

  18. Fatty meals MAY impair artery function, but they DON"T. Insulin resistance is killing more Americans every decade, yet you keep urging people to eat a low-fat (high-carb) diet. That's what gives us obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and a whole rogues gallery of ghastly diseases that you physicians can only shake their heads at and offer not cure for. It's the diet, stupid!

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