Curcumina di curcuma e cancro al pancreas

Gli agenti cancerogeni nel pollo alla griglia e al forno possono aumentare il rischio di cancro al pancreas, mentre la curcumina, il pigmento giallo nella spezia curcuma, a volte può aiutare anche nelle fasi avanzate della malattia.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un regalo gratuito. Prendi il tuo qui:

Mio nonno è morto di cancro al pancreas. Quando si presentò il primo sintomo, un sordo dolore allo stomaco, era ormai troppo tardi. Ecco perché dobbiamo prevenirlo in primo luogo.

In precedenza ho toccato la prevenzione del cancro al pancreas nel più grande studio di sempre ( e l'esposizione del pollame legata al cancro del fegato e del pancreas ( e tentativi di trattamento del cancro al pancreas nella terapia Gerson per il cancro ( e terapia in stile Gerson vs. chemioterapia (<br/>
Per ulteriori informazioni sugli agenti cancerogeni della carne cotta con ammina eterociclica:
• Agenti cancerogeni della carne cotta con estrogeni (
http ://
• PhIP: The Three Strikes Breast Cancerogen ( -the-three-strikes-breast-cancerogen/)
• Riduzione del rischio di cancro nei mangiatori di carne (
• Ammine eterocicliche in uova, formaggio e creatina? (

Ho realizzato un sacco di video sulla curcuma e vari tipi di cancro:
• Ritorno alle nostre radici: curry e Cancro (
• Effetti bloccanti cancerogeni della curcuma ( /effetti-cancerogeni-bloccanti-della-curcuma/)
• La curcuma curcuma riprogramma la morte delle cellule tumorali (
• Curcumina alla curcuma e cancro al colon (
• Applicazione topica della curcumina curcumina per il cancro (

E altro su questa straordinaria spezia (e altro ancora):
• Curcumina curcuma e artrite reumatoide (
• Curcumina curcumina e osteoartrite ( artrosi/)
• Aumento della biodisponibilità della curcumina (
• Chi non dovrebbe consumare curcumina o curcuma? ( )
• Prevenire l'Alzheimer con la curcuma (
Trattare l'Alzheimer con la curcuma (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -e-cancro-pancreatico/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: thedabblist via Flickr.

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29 Risposte a “Curcumina di curcuma e cancro al pancreas”

  1. I really like your channel but you really let your vegan bias show when you rely on studies showing correlations and make it sound like causation. 

  2. I love your channel but in this case, if pancreatic cancer is caused by the consumption of animal fat, how come Steve Jobs died of it since he was vegan?

  3. What kind of reasoning is this? "Steve Jobs was a supposed vegan, and he died from cancer. Hence the benefits of veganism are in doubt," That is such an illogical jump. Firstly, science shows us that vegans are indeed at lower risk of suffering from certain ailments, when compared with meat eaters. How much lower risk? That depends. Sometimes not that much lower, and other times many many times lesser. With pancreatic cancer, the risk is significantly lower. 

    Also, lower risk does not mean no risk at all. Vegans can still contract those diseases, but are just less likely to. And most importantly, with diseases such as cancer, there are hundreds of kinds of risk factors. Diet only comprises of one small portion of those risks. Genetics, lifestyle, exposure to environmental carcinogenic materials, workplace risks, etc. are also important cancer causing factors. Not to mention the obvious fact that we still don't know much about cancer and how to treat it well. 

  4. This is a great video.  I know a couple of people that have died of pancreatic cancer.  I also know someone that eats chicken everyday and lots of it.  His entire diet is almost exclusively baked chicken.  He works out a lot.  He is very lean.  But, this scares me.  I am going to show him this video, maybe he will eat more beans or something to replace all the chicken.  I am going to slow down on my meat, switch to beans and other plant based proteins in addition to fruits, vegetables and whole grains.  Thank you for confirming what I already know is healthy.  

  5. And fiber.  Thank you.  I have been dieting all my life as I gain weight very easily.  I gave up on fruit juice years ago, I am glad I did.  I have organic whole husk cilium that I try to consume as much as possible.  I saw a nutrition video that recommend a spoon of cilium in a glass of water before bed.  I feel great when I do that.  

  6. For all of you who keep harping on about Steve Jobs, read this:

    'Ashton Kutcher followed the diet to get into the mood for the role and ended up in the emergency room for his efforts as his insulin levels fluctuated out of control. The actor lost 18 pounds to look the part of the thin Jobs and actually criticised the diet.  ‘[The book] talked about the value of grape sugar and that was probably the only pure sugar you could have in your body,’ Kutcher told reporters during a Jobs press conference in New York City. ‘I think the guy who wrote that book was pretty misinformed. My insulin levels got pretty messed up and my pancreas kind of went into some crazy, the levels were really off and it was painful. I didn’t know what was wrong.’

    This is an extract  of an article below: 

    Also from the same article, it says that Jobs would eat carrots and apples for weeks at a time. I am sure the fructose overload must have been very health for his pancreas.

  7. "Legumes and dried fruit found to be similarly protective." YESSSSSSSSSSSS! I eat beans or lentils pretty much!

  8. Is there any research on the effect of turmeric on PREVENTING pancreatic cancer in the first place? There has been some research on turmeric as a preventative in the formation of benign neurofibromas.

  9. The up and down cadence and volume of his speech makes him hard to understand and follow. Would be better if presented a little more straight forward.

  10. What is the best way to ingest turmeric? I take one pill twice a day but am curious if there’s a better way I should/could get turmeric into my system

  11. My partner has had pancreatic cancer for 8 years, went vegan after diagnosis, and still going strong despite all the radiation and chemo, still running a business, working full time…and we didn't even know until today about circumin! Must try.

  12. i was told to eat crap loads of fish and chicken since my BAD pancreas attack…idk why this knowledge is not well known, do doctors need to go back to school?

  13. what I would like to know is how can you benefit from curcumin when you need to have fats and bio perrine for absorbsion. no mention of that in this video. and anyone with pancreatitis is not supposed to have fats. this just doesn't make sense. if you can't absorb it, then it can't possibly help you

  14. Sudden Severe pain in left side and unusual excessive belching were the only symptoms of my pancreatic cancer. No nausea or any food related symptoms. CT scan did not show anything but very mild diverticulitis. After two weeks of antibiotics it seemed to subside. A year later when the excessive belching and pain in side reappeared, another CT scan revealed 3 cm mass on pancreas. It was a very painful experience for me, Spent a lot of money on drugs did 7 rounds of chemo and radiation and still yet no results it was a near death experience for me i was having headache ,backache ,tiredness ,pains in almost all part of my body i was nearly on the verge of loosing my life before i found about Dr Harvey on YouTube on how he cured people from pancreatic cancer and other deadly diseases so with believe and faith i collected his contact information contacted him and told him about my pancreatic story and he told me to have faith and believe in him which i did, He prepared an herbal supplements for me and his natural Propolis lecithin capsules and shipped it over to me alongside with the prescription on how to use the products to my greatest shock and joy after making use of this products for 3O days i went back to carry out my tests and i was totally cured from pancreatic cancer and no pains or any symptoms was in my body Dr Harvey I'm grateful sir for saving my life and family i love you anybody having this disease or anyone he/she knows contact Dr Harvey today..

    You can contact Dr Harvey VIA

    EMAIL: (


  15. My name is Sunli gandhi, Dr. Harvey is the only herbal doctor who could ever get my HIV cured with his herbal products. I have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution for the virus, despite all these happening to me, I always spend a lot of money to buy HIV drugs and other supplements to keep me healthy and taking several medications. Until one day I was just surfing through YouTube when I came across a great post from Anita, who said that she was diagnosed with HIV and was healed through the help of this great herbal supplements of Dr Harvey, Sometimes I really wonder why people call him the great Dr.Harvey, I never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing. So I quickly contacted him and told him everything happening to me, and he asked me a few questions and he said something I will never forget, that anyone who contacts him is always getting his/her cure within a few weeks after doing all he asks them to do. So I was amazed all the time I heard that from him, so I did everything he said only to see that at the very day which he said I will be cured and should go for a test to confirm my status, I went to hospital for the final test and the doctor after running the test said I'm HIV Negative wow. I'm very amazed and happy about this cure i have really gone through so much pain and tears for this Dr.Harvey cured me with the help of his natural herbs.If you have Anybody going through this same Situation or any kind of cancers or Diseases at all contact Dr Harvey today he cures them all save a life today.You can contact Dr.Harvey EMAIl::[]

  16. Watch out for powdered turmeric, lead chromate is often added to enhance
    the color, and to add weight, as it is sold by weight. Fresh turmeric
    should be ok.

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