Miglior integratore per afte

Vitamina C, curcuma, fibre di beta glucano e vitamina B000 vengono messi a dura prova per le afte ricorrenti (afte).

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Ecco il link al video a cui ho fatto riferimento sui notevoli risultati del miele: Miele topico per afte (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Role-of-Dairy-and-Gluten-in-Canker-Sores).

Cos'altro si può fare per le afte? Dai un'occhiata a questi video:
• Il sodio lauril solfato è sicuro? (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-sodium-Lauryl-Sulfate-Safe)<br/> • Il CABP nel dentifricio senza SLS è migliore? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-CABP-in-SLS-Free-Toothpaste-Any-Better)
• Il ruolo dei latticini e del glutine nelle afte (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Role-of-Dairy-and- Afte di glutine)

Non ho assunto vitamina B video da un po' di tempo, ma ecco i tre più recenti sulla sua importanza fondamentale per chiunque segua una dieta a base vegetale:
• Vitamina B000 Necessaria per la salute delle arterie (
• Prevenire l'atrofia cerebrale con le vitamine del gruppo B? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-brain-loss-with-b-vitamins)
• I migliori alimenti per ridurre il rischio di ictus (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-foods-to-reduce-stroke- rischio/)

Non conosci i benefici del lievito alimentare? Dai un'occhiata a:
• Il miglior cibo per prevenire le comuni infezioni infantili ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Food -per-prevenire-le-comuni-infezioni-infantili)
• Miglior cibo per contrastare l'immunosoppressione indotta dallo stress (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Food-to-Counter-stress-Induced-Immune-Suppression)
• Miglior cibo per la febbre da fieno (allergie stagionali) (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Food-for-Hay- Febbre-Allergie stagionali)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-supplement-for-canker-sores e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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83 Risposte a “Miglior integratore per afte”

  1. I used to get sores all the time and i havent had one since going vegan… I didnt even think about it. I dont know if its the good diet or the b12 though. But i dont really care im just happy i dont get em any more!

  2. Can you please make a video regarding the controversy surrounding b12 injections that people are talking about these days?

  3. 2 days is about as long as it takes for a canker sore to heal on its own anyway, so taking 2 days for a b12 ointment to stop the pain seems ridiculous.

  4. What about lysine supplementation? I have personally hear case reports of it reducing the duration severity of shingles outbreaks and cold sores.

  5. i've had the best success with Lysine supplementation…it is an amino acid that vegans can become deficient in, too, so i take 1g a day in powder form…i also try to avoid Arginine rich foods, such as chocolate and cashews…
    in my experience, it's all about the balance between Lysine and Arginine…too much Arginine and you tend to get sores more easily…supplementing Lysine helps to balance things out…i've also been told it is antiviral so that would help to control the virus that causes the sores…

  6. Thank you for this video Dr. Greger! I recently became vegan, switched my toothpaste to non-SLS and started taking b12 all around the same time so I guess I'll never know which it was that helped. All I know is I'm glad to be canker sore free!

  7. Clove oil always got rid of them for me within a day or 2 max, and numb the pain at the same time. One down side is the very strong smell, but it works very well. But since being vegan for the past 2 years I haven't has a single one.

  8. hahaha, this is so funny. I used to have Canker Sore since kid and the old traditional way is simply to rub salt on it. A few CS outbreak later, they simply surrender. it cost next to nothing, except that you have to accept the sharp pain.

  9. I do have canker sores a lot, especially during my menstrual cycle when my body and my gums are swollen/ bloated. Dr. G, in the last year I began taking less B12 because you said I could use a larger dose just once a week. I guess I should up my B12 intake again.

  10. My whole family suffers from "canker" or "cold" sores, or "fever blisters" but for years was able to keep them at bay for over 90% of the time by taking 1000 mg of vitamin C twice per day. I quit taking vitamins many years ago now and find that if I eat at least 1/2 of an orange every day, I get the same protective effect. I am not a vegan but keep my meat portions to under 6 oz. per meal. I thought these were caused by the herpes 2 virus.

  11. What is it with those people?!? This guy @ 4:18 has titles more than twice as long as his name – overcompensation much? And I’m sorry but „B.L.A.M.“ @ 4:25 as a first name abbreviation must be some kind of a joke.

  12. Canker sores are just one thing among a whole host of other problems I used to have which I completely forgot about! This video reminded me that I’m on the right path now for 2 years avoiding all animal derived foods!

  13. This video explains so much Haha was wondering why I stopped getting them, would get them every so often through our my life. Changed my diet last year and they are gone.

  14. My 13 yr old has been suffering for months. Braces are really aggravating it even more. We ordered Canker Boy supplement but haven't rcvd it yet.
    I'm going to try b12 topically tonight.

  15. NB: Linus Pauling said he took 18 grams of Vitamin C supplements a day in his book about vitamin C It sounds like a very high dose, yes? . I put a tea bag on mine and that seems to help.

  16. Gotu kola is my go-to for cankor sores. I prefer it as a drink because the freshly juiced iced gotu kola drink is more palatable. It relieves pain immediately and I usually recover within 3 to 7 days. If it's really bad I try to chew on the leaves and try to keep the chew on the cankor sores, though it's not as tasty as the drink.

  17. I used to get them every other month bad. I didn't make the correlation they went away when I moved away from meat as much.
    I also use carmex lip stuff every night before bed which I assumed was the reason they went away, but maybe not.

  18. I've been suffering from canker sores most of my life and really appreciate this research. I have found that the closer I eat to eating completely whole foods plant-based, the better. This is a nice reminder to stay dialed.

  19. I have anecdotal evidence that methylcobalamine works better than other form for my canker sore. Can different form be different?

  20. Supplements are poison.
    Everything we are taught is fake like the low cholesterol agenda to turn humans into brainless cattle when our brain shrinks.

  21. My canker sores vanished when I started using an electric tooth brush. SLS free tooth paste helped prior to this but I realized that my canker sores correlated with times that I slipped with my manual toothbrush and damaged the lining of the mouth.

  22. cancer sores = table sugar, starches, cheap salt, convenience food
    aka everything that clogs ur transverse colon so that ur head lymph cant filter

    stahp cooking right naw,or ull end up ex vegan sooner or later cuz starch is the devil

  23. So what about sores in the gastrointestinal tract – like crohns disease – sure curcumin and an high B12 intake will help (?) – seems to be logical.
    So I take now – after this video
    1. antioxidance
    2. Curcumin
    3. B12

  24. I should point out that birth control pills can cause your body to not absorb B vitamins which was one of the factors for me. Being vegan, getting off BC, and taking vitamins has all helped but not totally gotten rid of them.

  25. Idk if it was the fluoride or SLS or whatever but switching to a herbal toothpaste has done wonders. I recommend Himalaya to everyone! It's also the rare kind of herbal ones that actually cleans your teeth completely and gives you that fresh feeling like normal toothpaste does, just without your gums bleeding or infections 😀

  26. How about stopping with foods that cause canker sores to begin with? BTW, Vitamin C bowel tolerance is completely dependent on what is the anti-oxidant need of the body. On some days it is 1-2g for me, on others it is 10-15g… Even Linus Pauling noted this.

  27. I've been doing some research on mouth ulcers (canker sores) and came across an interesting human clinical trial which you can read here. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27418192

    From what I can understand these clinical trials were done on patients in Japan with severe canker sores (oral mucositis) as a result of radiation therapy. They were given a lozenge containing zinc L-carnosine twice a day. The research concluded that the lozenge was highly effective for treatment and prevention of oral mucositis. Hope this is helps!

  28. So interesting. My husband used to get these all the time. He’s been taking a B12 supplement for a while (as he’s now 90% plant based) and sure enough he hardly gets an outbreak anymore!

  29. I don't really take B12 but i think i've had one in the last 5 years since going mostly plant based and i think that time i ate a lot of junk/processed food and wasn't as active in exercise and spending less time outside in the sun. Before plant-based i used to get them few times a year.

  30. I knew that lack of b12 was linked to mouth ulcers!!!!! Until now I had no proof so this is fascinating to see. I suffered with them terribly all through childhood and into adulthood. I’d get them monthly and they would get so big and painful. When I went vegetarian they subsided a bit and when I went vegan they were still there so I was so confused…but when I started supplementing with b12 they got so much better and it’s been ages since I’ve had one now!!! Thank you veganism for leading me to b12…thank you dr Gregor for the facts!!

  31. Great video, very useful information. I feel, the information would be easier to follow, if the person who does the voice-over would deliver the lines in a more straight fashion, without drawing vocals and consonants as long as he does sometimes, or without starting words with a long noise. Less stuttering all in all would have a positive effect. I am sorry if this comes across as harsh, no ill intent or offense meant. Thanks for the video.

    Hello I'm from California, USA , I have been suffering from HERPES virus for the past 3 years and i had constant pain especially in my knees, During the first year I had faith in God that i will be healed someday, but this disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came in search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of so many people who has been healed from HEPATITIS B, HIV/AID, MRSA DIABETES,HSV, ALS HPV. LEUKAEMIA and Cancer by this Man called Dr. Ozala, and he also gave the email address of this man and advice we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr. Ozala telling him about my HERPES Virus he told me not to worry that i will be cured from this deadly disease i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man, few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Doctor assured me that i will be cured,after some time i went to my medical doctor to confirmed if i have be finally cured behold it was true,and now i'm cure totally with Dr. Ozala medication, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr. Ozala on this email; drozalaherbalcure@gmail.com or add him up on WhatsApp +2348156857280

  33. I felt embarrassed being diagnosed of herpes virus, I use a herbal supplement which I got from Madidaherbalcenter.weebly com and few weeks later I discover the illness was diminishing and I had to go for test and was completely cured and negative again.

  34. God bless drakahomen on YouTube with his marvellous work in my life with his herbal medicine that cure my herpes hsv virus contact him with this number on whatsapp +2348051567735 Email drakahomen@gmail.com.

  35. I have really grow up to realise that I don't really need to care about people judging me, I remember a friend condemned me of using Dr Madida medication for my herpes virus infection and I was so lucky that I was cured with the medication. That friend of mine came just yesterday inquiring about the medication that she also bought medicine from Dr Madida on YouTube for her HPV that the medicine works awesomely and all her genital warts was gone. Am really happy for her that she could find help from Dr Madida.

  36. Bad breath (Halitosis) is a disease from the stomach and not something you can fight from the mouth only. I use to think I can use all kind of mouth wash product to cure mind and for many years no positive change until I meet a herbal Doctor who helped me with his herbal remedy to cure it permanently from my body just after two days (2) taking the medicine as directed by him I began to see some good changes, my breath was noticeably fresher and cleaner and most importantly now I am cured, all thanks to God. ‘’My dragon breath’’ hasn’t returned since and till now I’m free. Only Dr.Ani John has the herbal remedy to bad Breath. Contact him today for your cure, all thanks to Doctor Ani for saving my life God Bless you sir.

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