I pericoli della protezione solare! Rischio di cancro?

Il dottor Greger ha condiviso una recente notizia bomba sulla protezione solare e lozione abbronzante, quindi in questo video scopriremo perché molte creme solari sul mercato sono pericolosi per la nostra salute ma anche quali tipi sono sicuri da usare! Non consigliamo assolutamente di non utilizzare alcuna protezione solare, ma stiamo sostenendo di utilizzare quella sicura se puoi! È mia opinione che se finanziariamente non sei in grado di permetterti la protezione solare consigliata, allora è comunque meglio usare le cose che puoi acquistare nel tuo negozio locale piuttosto che niente!

Queste informazioni, incluse ma non limitate a testo, grafica, immagini, studi, audio e altro materiale contenuto in questo video o canale youtube sono solo a scopo informativo. Nessun materiale su questo canale è destinato a sostituire la consulenza e il trattamento medico professionale. <br/>
Effetto dell'applicazione della protezione solare sulla concentrazione plasmatica dei principi attivi della protezione solare: uno studio clinico randomizzato

Modelli di esposizione di filtri UV, fragranze, parabeni, ftalati, pesticidi organoclorurati, PBDE e PCB nel latte materno: correlazione dei filtri UV con uso di cosmetici

Creme solari: fanno bene alla salute? Una panoramica delle proprietà di interferenza endocrina dei filtri UV

Concentrazioni sieriche di testosterone e livelli urinari di bisfenolo A, benzofenone-3, triclosan e parabeni in bambini e adolescenti maschi e femmine: NHANES 2011-2011

Concentrazioni urinarie di filtri UV di tipo benzofenone nelle donne statunitensi e loro associazione con l'endometriosi

La promozione del benzofenone-3 della tumorigenesi mammaria è dipendente dalla dieta

Confronto tra l'assorbimento cutaneo dello zinco da diverse formulazioni di creme solari e la diversa esposizione ai raggi UV sulla base del tracciato di isotopi stabili

Mancanza di significativa penetrazione cutanea del biossido di titanio dalla protezione solare formulazioni contenenti particelle di TiO2 di dimensioni nanometriche e submicroniche

Confronto degli effetti dell'estradiolo (E2) con quelli dell'ottilmetossicinnamato (OMC) e del 4-metilbenzilidene canfora (4MBC)–2 filtri di luce UV- su diversi parametri uterini, vaginali e ossei

Canale YouTube del dottor Greger

Sito web del Dr Greger

Stock footage fornito da Videvo, scaricato da www.videvo.net e Pexels 33400736https://www.pexels.com/

58 Risposte a “I pericoli della protezione solare! Rischio di cancro?”

  1. It's important to load up on fruits and vegetables to get those carotenoids accumulate in the skin and protect us from oxidative damage

  2. A little bit of sun is good for you, surely. It's ironic that fat-soluble vitamin D (it can accumulate and lurk in the body) is being touted as the new religion. If the sun were that bad surely nothing would grow? Burning in the sun is a bad idea just as eating too much chocolate cake is a bad idea!
    Mental health issues may even be connected to staying out of the sun completely and then taking vitamin D supplements to compensate; vitamin D isn't a whole food and taking D supplements can perhaps lead to other vitamin deficiencies.
    The supplement craze is more than likely going to cause far more harm in the long run than cure mostly-imaginary problems. If the body shows low levels of vitamin D in someone whose diet is sufficient in the amount of food eaten and varied enough to take care of vitamin/mineral requirements, a low level might simply mean that the body isn't storing what it doesn't need.

  3. research how women have a higher rate of auto immune, it isn't10% or 20% more……..it is in the hundreds of percents more. I think I saw it at 400% more auto immune than men. Do a video on what are women doing differently!!!!
    The have Less vit D levels, putting more toxic lotions on body, eating more toxic GMO grains, not exercising as much, face make up…..etc, etc.

  4. Thanks for making this video. I use clothing instead of sunscreen. I'm always amazed at my healthy-conscious friends that slather the untested chemicals on their skin.

  5. What I'm starting to see in today's world with all the insanity running rampant everywhere, but especially around child-sexual mutilation, the harmful chemicals in our foods, water, and soils, and now this info on sunscreen harming the reproductive system in humans, is that the world's populations are being obviously pushed towards eugenics; it's screamingly obvious! The world is being pushed, coerced, and manipulated into reducing its own numbers with as little resistance to this self-destructive idea as possible: Media brainwashing, educational indoctrination, government influence, and pharmaceutical/medical force. That's all that has been needed and used over the past century or so to complete this long-ranged, narcissistically maniacal, fascist plan towards the nonsense we see exploding in the world today.

  6. The one summer I used sunscreen on my forearms and I got pea sized a dark spot on my arm that never went away. I won’t use any chemical sunscreen ever again. I either stay in the shade or wear clothing covering. And remember the video where Dr Gregor stated research that showed that eating berries was very protective against sin damage? Well I noticed that since eating blueberries daily my skin just doesn’t burn. I have Northern European ancestry.

  7. "Conspiracy theorist" was right once again but too early and being right too early is like being wrong for many people.

  8. I'm against titanium dioxide, so if I ever need sunscreen it's zinc oxide. But I tan so I rarely use sunscreen because my skin's melanin protects me. I go outside every day for a walk. I never let my skin burn. My favorite zinc oxide cream is Desitin Maximum Strength for diaper rash.

  9. Dr. Greger's statement is true for the chemical sunscreens approved for use in the USA.

    However, please note that Australia and Europe have chemical sunscreens based on materials like bemotrizinol or bisoctrizol. They're not readily absorbed into the skin, they don't have any known hormonal effects, they don't impact marine life, they're extremely UV-stable as far as chemical sunscreens go, and they protect against a wider range of wavelengths than mineral suncreens.

    The FDA never really investigated these because the never got approval in the first place. Manufacturers do not use these in US markets. So, if you want the good stuff, you'll need to import it.

  10. Wait what? Dr Greger finally starting to make some sense?? Now it's time to finally admit how harmful wifi/cellphones are and how incredibly healthy (raw)meat, fish and eggs are – to name a few. There's still lots to learn, people! Plants, for nutrition, are NOT the way! Humans cannot digest fibre, plants contain very different versions of nutrients that are barely absorbable(low bioavailability), contain lower overall nutrients and there's even at least 15(!) nutrients not found in plants. Supplements are a(n expensive) joke. Plants are toxic by natural 'design' as a defence mechanism. Nuts and seeds are not for human consumption either and must be soaked adequately before they even become somewhat useful. Raw (organ)meat is the pinnacle of health food(including anti-aging). However, in today's world, good sources are often hard to come by. So we resort to cooking. Don't overcook your food, or this could make it carcinogenic. Goes for meat, potatoes – anything. Good, natural sources of cholestrol are NOT bad for you. Don't be afraid of the full-fat dairy! Saturated animal fats are incredibly good for you. Avoid grains and vegetables to clear your skin issues right up. I could go on but I think you get the point – there is enough to change your life considerably here. Also, FDA greenlighting something doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you. Just be smart and don't overexpose yourself to the sun, especially when the UV strength is high.

  11. I don't think it is Good to use ever. Just use a hat. I've got great skin and do burn but with good diet your body can repair skin. I am a contrarian on this one

  12. The white guy I am with Mediterranean parents, lucky me, I don't use sunscreen. For many years now I've been going to Mexico and I limit myself to direct sun on my head to about 40 min a day. (Real strong sun at the 22 latitude). So far so good, no skin lesions or cancer. I love getting tanned! 🌞☀️🌵🌴 I don't even use mosquito repellent. But that's a mistake. The mosquitos bite me to death. No dengue fever so far. But Here comes the citronella spray for the mosquitos at least😢!!

  13. Never used suncreen before. Regarding my grandma and mother, they both have never had access to sunscreen since 1960s and they are still fine now. No skin cancer known even exposed to high amount of sun during middays of summer.

  14. We have known this for a long time. What changed or came out more recently that Dr. Greger is only letting us know now?

  15. Here in the US I use sunscreen, not often but when I do I use products from a company called Badger. I think theirs is very clean and safe.

  16. Despite being a red head, I didn't want to use these. I follow the idea that you shouldn't be putting anything on your skin that you wouldn't eat.

  17. We are all gonna die one day…We must accept that fact to live happily. I will keep on using sunscreen because I know how painful a sunburn is. Oxybenzone is in my sunscreen, I just discovered…I will try a mineral sunscreen this summer to see, if it also works.

  18. I live in NZ and the sun is harsh. I limit my exposure and cover up often. I am very active and focus on keeping out of the sun between 11 and 1. However I never use sun screen and I am 62. No skin problems. My method is to take 1 brazil nut (from Brazil) per day. You need selenium for your body to establish your natural protection. However my friends all use sun screen and are often getting cancer growths removed.(50 years of observation). Reduce your exposure to chemicals and never, ever take untested drugs like sun screen and mRNA.

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