Il Canada in fiamme

Dott. Peter Carter, Paul Beckwith e Regina Valdez discutono degli incendi in Canada, alcuni dei quali hanno causato una cattiva qualità dell'aria in molte città lungo la costa orientale fino all'estremo sud della Carolina, nonché altri incendi nelle aree della foresta boreale.

Questo video è stato registrato il 9 giugno 2023 e pubblicato il Giugno 10 giugno, 2023.

Alcuni degli argomenti discussi:
– Come Greenpeace ha pubblicato un articolo intitolato “Turning Up the Heat, Global Warming and the Degradation of Canada's Boreal Forest' in 2008 dove è stato coniato il termine 'bomba boreale al carbonio' ​​e come questo avrebbe portato a vaste quantità di gas serra emessi.
– In che modo questi incendi canadesi hanno avuto un impatto su New York City.<br/> – In che modo le condizioni di siccità primaverile hanno contribuito agli incendi, prima in Alberta e BC, poi Costa orientale del Canada in Nuova Scozia, e infine in Quebec, provocando un numero record di incendi.
– Come ogni grado Celsius di riscaldamento porta a 12 percentuale in più di fulmini.
– Come le città in India e la Cina sperimentano regolarmente una cattiva qualità dell'aria, come è stato recentemente sperimentato a New York City con conteggi di PM 2,5 superiori a 500 microgrammi per metro cubo e quanto questo sia pericoloso per la salute umana.
– In che modo l'incendio della foresta boreale presenta un doppio impatto in quanto non solo si rilasciano enormi quantità di CO2, ma si perde anche il carbon sink per un periodo di tempo molto più lungo.
– Come si può avere un impatto personale riducendo o eliminando il consumo di carne rossa.
– e molto di piu. . .

– Aumentare il riscaldamento: il riscaldamento globale e il degrado della foresta boreale del Canada

– Aumento previsto dei fulmini negli Stati Uniti a causa del riscaldamento globale doi/10. 1126/scienza.1259100

– Gli incendi bruciano in tutto il Quebec -quebec

– IQAir (indice di qualità dell'aria)

– Qualità dell'aria: l'inquinamento accorcia le vite di Quasi 10 anni dopo Delhi, afferma lo studio da-quasi-10-anni-a-delhi-dice-studio/

– Inquinamento da particolato (Wikipedia)

– NASA – Impatti dell'inquinamento atmosferico sulla salute salute

– Climate Reanalyzer

– LCA ambientale comparativo di The Impossible Burger con macinato convenzionale Hamburger di Manzo (pdf)

100 Risposte a “Il Canada in fiamme”

  1. You'd think the world couldn't live without eating a burger of some kind, but it is possible; plants are very varied and tasty in oh, so many ways, it's a world of discovery out there! People are addicted to oil, because we've all got used to the present Western lifestyle, but we can all do our best to curb excess, it's especially easy if you're skint.

  2. I’ve been calling for a peaceful revolution for several years now, so I’m pleased to hear Peter say that. But it really does feel as if we won’t rise up. We won’t boycott damaging products or services in big enough numbers, won’t withdraw our labour for the climate either. Perhaps we will, but considering where we are now politically and societally, I find it very hard to imagine. And even if we do, could the MEER project actually be enough to save us at this point if we were to rapidly deploy it at the same time as a global degrowth communist revolution? I think possibly it could, but I just can’t imagine us actually trying.

  3. Any one care to explain to me how 400 fires started at the same time . I checked , no lightening . No energy beams detected . What eco scum did this .,. ? !

  4. Well … If this gets old I guess we could ask the eco terrorists to stop burning our food processing facilities and our boreal Forrest’s ..

  5. Every action has equal and opposite reaction. This law also applies to human activities whether on the small or large scale terms. Because every action involves energy transfer, forced or spontaneous.

  6. There is a bit of info nobody actually talked about from that fire event.
    It was the smell of burned barbecue that was very well noticeable amongst the air… and it managed to linger for well over a day almost as long as the smoke was noticeable.

  7. You fail to point out that 82% of these canadian fires are being listed as unknown cause and are being investigated as possible arson!
    In the province of alberta alone 175 fires are being investigated as arson as the cause!
    Very few are accidentally set or nature set so not sure what your getting at!

  8. Don't have much sympathy for "Broadway" or the other extremely privileged people on the planet, who quietly sit by as the American empire destroys one country after the next, killing 10 million people in the last two decades and destroying the lives of countries full of people, while Americans go to "Broadway"…

  9. Comfort is for the sequestered destroyers of nature who manage to kill from remote safe compounds with lush appointments and adequate security. Arrogant ignorance from the blind, deaf and dumb response to existential degradation. Crimes of Nature will be prosecuted by the woke as surely as our world continues to suffer Mans cruelty to all living creatures. ShakeUp XR

  10. 1°C global temperature increase = 12% more lightning strikes … Poor Boreal forests, loaded with highly flammable volatile oils in their needle shaped leaves!

  11. When we put irrational egoists in power, who are the fools?
    WE ARE. And we justify the result by blaming anyone but ourselves.

  12. "This is a very unique situation, with abnormally warm North Pacific, North Atlantic, and the rest of the globe running warmer on average. Usually, there is a larger contrast with an El Niño, but this year, the oceans are already running record warmest, without the El Niño properly developed yet.

    We are entering uncharted waters with such a global configuration, so this El Niño might be something we have not seen before yet."

    El Niño is now developing rapidly, with long-range data already showing a strong event is likely, impacting the Fall and Winter Weather patterns – SEVERE WEATHER EUROPE

  13. The forest fires in Canada makes me think that this will be the future of summers in North America. Summers will almost become a horror show either with non-stop wildfires or intense summer heat.

  14. Have been watching the fires since April… Its only now people want to talk abt it coz an American is choking but wen the Canadians choke noone wanted to kno…. Just watched another video from that famous YT who first broke these stories 2 months ago, Mexico has just lit up again but noone will report it coz its mexico not america…. I WANT TO KNO whos paying for the carbon emissions coming off from these fires!

  15. Living in the lalaland called NYC and complaining about somebody else wrecking the environment. That's rich….

  16. Perhaps what we really need is for a small percentage of about 1% of people that live in large Eastern US cities like say DC to move to places like Wyoming. I'm pretty sure that would turn the state of Wyoming blue since it would double it's population. Thanks for the idea Piton Pete;)

    Let's not stop there. We could do the same with other large metropolitan areas like NYC, LA, etc… and flood Montana, Nebraska, Idaho, N. Dakota, and S. Dakota as well since there combined populations are less than the population of DC including Wyoming and yet they each get 2 senators and DC gets NONE. I think this would solve so many of US issues including the ability to act on climate change with the urgency that is needed.

  17. Modern civilization has kind of got us locked in by it being dependant on fossil fuels. I live in Colorado and they were talking about building a train rail going from Denver along I-25 all the way to New Mexico, but it never happened. Efficient public transportation is being sidelined. I think people who have interests in selling vehicles and gasoline are preventing change. The only way that humans can stop polluting and causing disaster is to stop what we're doing and I don't know if most people want to. All that we do requires an energy source and the alternatives to fossil fuels are still products of fossil fuels. The destruction of habitats such as mining is required for steel and materials used to make alternatives such as solar panels. The process is really dirty. The planet is going to do what it will and humans are a natural disaster like thousands of volcanoes errupting at once.

  18. This isn't a problem to be solved by blaming people, eating impossible burgers, or even revolt. Our 8+ billion population absolutely depends on burning fossil fuel to survive since we've gone way past the carrying capacity of the Earth. As Michael Dowd put it: It's not a problem to be solved, but a predicament to be faced.

  19. Peter, you've read '1984'…? The uprising is impossible. You can see the increase in control over the people, with facial recognition and soon, UBI, where your livelihood is entirely controlled by Big Brother. Dystopia is being planned to protect big corporations and their profits, which incidentally, pay pensions, welfare cheques and other services which we take for granted. A compassionate degrowth is the appropriate action, but a reduction in aerosol particulates speeds up the heating. The optimism comes from where…?

  20. Thank you Peter, Paul, and Regina. I do prefer Regina to Mary Travers. Well done. Broadway shows being canceled: Boo-Hoo. The elites don't give a damn about us, so I have a hard time caring about elite entertainment and distractions. You can eat impossible food, if you want to be a guinea pig. I prefer to eat real food and flush my toilet with water I capture from taking showers.

  21. Well… I am in the US and have friends and family who are concerned about climate and are good people who if anything are eating more meat for their low carb longevity lifestyle and flying more, living the good life and don't seem to have any insight that the necessary reduction in emissions will change western lifestyles and everyone's aspirations. The denial and disconnect are profound.

  22. We got to stop blaming "others"  for what we each do to accelerate climate change.  I am responsible for climate change and so is everyone else. Each of us has to cut our consumption of energy.  turn off our lights, take public transportation, walk, ride your bike.  stop wasting 40 percent of your food.  Face it, a politician who runs on a platform of "using less and paying more for fuel" wouldn't have a chance of being elected.  And by the time this really sinks into people, it will be too late.  I hope  I am wrong.

  23. Why don't we all know it's not only petroleum that's causal, it's also deforestation. Is it because it happens out in the hinterland? (out "in the sticks", as were, most sadly)

  24. I think the nuts that puncture tires in SUV do start the fires too. And that's not investigated because it fits the new political agenda.

  25. Thank you for continuing to try to educate the public about what is happening. I live in southeastern PA and was stunned by the smoke and darkness from the wildfires. I stayed inside and only let the dogs out for a moment. My eyes have been stinging for days. I can't see how the government and corporate genocide will ever end. They are too greedy. I have wept for this and for all the creatures of the earth, and am not feeling at all hopeful. 😭

  26. Why are you going on about Broadway for FIVE MINUTES while the Boreal forest is burning in 2,200 wildfires so far this year? You want to make the point climate change affects everything, choose a better example than your musician friend lost one day's worth of work which sounds trivial and callous when someone else's COUNTRY IS ON FIRE.

  27. What's it going to take Peter?

    Unfortunately what it will take is a crisis so massive and global that it will be too late for the global action needed.

  28. I really like Regina’s point that we seem to expect someone “from above” to do something about it. There’s no help coming, we’re on our own. They are just too corrupt and compromised to actually take meaningful action. It’s kind of scary, but also empowering in its own way if the People can take the lead (in some ways we already starting to). As some say, “All we have is each other.”

  29. The people likely wont rebel. Why? Becuase their priority is being able to afford things. If we can achieve eveything mentioned by climate groups with a cheeper price, than carbon only then theyll switch. If the prices go up then they will seek ever more fossil fuels becuase even on a good day they couldn't afford gree tech and renenables. A bulgarian woman has told us that she won't care about emmissions if she and others cant afford the alternatives period. So people want to live like they always have been just without the carbon and that is the biggest issue here becuase most people live in excess. I for one have had zero to negative growth over the years and still have a good life due to having the basics. But most people are just equating happiness with wants rather then needs.

  30. The fires looked like they all started at once on a shot from outer space! We have also been taught to put out all fires and this leads to a lot of under brush then when these fires do catch it is way more harmful to the forest as it kills all the growth instead of the big old growth that have thicker bark that can survive the fire and are staying after these fires. The facts have to be clear because there is a lot of fluff lately that is to be taken as the truth but is not the actual truth!

  31. Also noting that specially film industry is one of the worst polluter. Think about all they'll build for few hour movie. Sometimes whole towns and not even in one place, but in exotic location where everything has to shipped or brought via air…

  32. The information, values and passion you convey are all very relevant now; thank you. As Regina said, I used to think that governments would take care. The realisation that they are not, and that climate change is increasingly running out of our control, has filled me with alarm.

    I decide my vote based on this, but that is not enough if we don't have more people on board. So maybe if we start to build resilience, retrofit away from fossil fuels, eat local vegetables, consume less, share more, source materials from nearby, produce no waste… maybe that will help heal and show the commitment and the way forward that we need to live well and stop doing harm.

  33. Canada on fire…and where was our useless Prime Minister??? In Ukraine giving away half a billion dollars so they can prolong a useless war. That cash would buy a lot of firefighting equipment!

  34. Between Covid, Nuclear War in Ukraine, Climate Doom, Chinese Spy Balloons and Canadian Wild Fires, I choose Canadian Wild Fires. Support Canada first! (Oops, I forgot about Aliens and the Banking Crisis)

  35. Thanks Paul.. Fires burning in Scottish moorland. Unusually hot and dry.. Very little being reported in main UK news. Including BBC. One report for less than 2 minutes on smoke in NY.. Look at numbers looking at environmental youtube channels is so low. People are not listening.

  36. Pretty Stark reality for sure.. Not sure there is a positive note to add except, it’s been said that 70% of microbes that live on the earths crust, live beneath the earth surface..I never thought I would tantalize the idea of being a subterranean species ..but it kind of looking like a last option for survival at this point.

  37. Yeah!!! What’s up with the recent Co2 spike I have been watching it for decades now and it’s never done anything like this that I remember

  38. Thank you finally somebody talking about the extermination and the extinction of the humans on planet earth. How are you doing? Another blessed day. Math and science.

  39. Far too much talk and very little happening to prevent a catastrophe
    I firmly believe humanity is in its last throes of extinction it’s literally a few decades away
    Increasing populations is our problem! 9,7 billion by 2050
    By the time humanity reacts it’s too late

  40. Algonquin park is one of the gems of Canadian parks. It’s a sad and shocking state of affairs. I read recently a climate scientist in Canada said BC was “ground zero” for climate change. Having a home in rural western Washington we got hit by glancing blow Nov 2021 of one of the first “atmospheric rivers” . It was the night 3 major concrete interchanges were taken out overnight.

  41. Your personal suggestions to eat impossible burger is strange. Better to ditch the car for a bicycle and plant trees. I have lived without a car for 15 years. Cycling to work, shopping, travel. I have never been happier.

  42. 105 nations , Canada included have requested the Int Court of Justice determine gov responsability to address climate change.
    The UKR gov called out Putin's military for committing ecocide for indescriminate kiling of marine life in the Black Sea.
    Numerous states have the petroleum corporations in court for climate negligence.
    While the fed and ON gov are facing climate negligence court cases.
    This while the ecocide law campaign to prosecute extensive , long term damage to the env, to our life support systems grows . Ref @StopEcocideCanada

  43. Mother nature is a living source lightning started this fire and going back into the past of millions of years we didn't have fire departments from all countries to fight this battle everything is mother nature

  44. I really wish you would do a segment on methane gas mother nature releases daily under lakes oceans and land human isn't the only life that creates global warming I love your channel tho excellent video I feel really bad for the animal life of loss

  45. Port Alberni on Vancouver Island BC has been cut off from the rest of the Island from food, gas and supplies for six straight days due to forest fires. But please, tell us how bad people have it on Broadway.

  46. The polluted cities in the 3rd world are making our stuff. Our standard of living would decrease if their cities had clean air. It's called globalism but it's really economic exploitation.

  47. If fires become big enough they can start making their own weather like wind, lightning which can continue the fire and also fire tornados which are terrifying.

  48. Impossible and Beyond Beef are Johnny come lateens. There are many brands that are good. Any Gardein or Bocca or Tofurky things are good. And you can get firm tofu and fry it, season like meat and its great.

  49. By 2050 it will be too hot to grow crops south of Canada. All that newly cleared forest will be needed for growing food which is tragic but probably inevitable now.

  50. Too many tipping points are in the rear view mirror. All that is left, is to prepare for Hothouse Earth (where Earth spends the majority of its geologic history). Will the 6th Extinction be a Permian type (95%) or a Paleo-Eocene type (55% land 65% sea life going extinct), or something much different.

    How many Humans will Hothouse Earth support?

    Can we help certain biospheres survive, by moving them north or south?

    How much technology, can a smaller population maintain?

    How far will the Equatorial Deserts expand?

    How much damage will the Ozone Layer suffer?

    Sooooooo many questions !!!

    I'm sailing South, where it's changing only half as fast (January peer reviewed study).

  51. Could Paul comment, on whether the Greenland Jet Stream Effect (17° pull from the pole) is part of why the smoke is being directed where it's going? Indeed, is the GJSE drying out Canada, increasing the chance of these wildfires?

  52. How come nobody is addressing the carbon inputs of war? They far exceed anything else (especially methane) and yet they're largely ignored. Every war is an ecological disaster and yet the military Industrial complex is never held responsible or rained in. Calling humans civilized when politicians profit from pollution is ignorant. The WHO wants to issue climate lockdowns for you and I but has nothing on the docket for mega Industrial pollution profiteering. Billions have been spent and yet our air, water and soil are still toxic and government is to blame. Politicians get richer and citizens get sicker… period.

  53. In the 80's and 90's, people were derided for warning of climate change. All they could think of was the effects on their income and lifestyle. Now they aren't appologizing, just quietly watching as events like this Canadian maelstrom envelop the planet. I'm guessing that the deniers in Canada have by now mostly acknowledged the truth.

  54. I’m now in my 60’s. When I was in college in the early 80’s, I made the decision not to have kids in part because of the climate forecasts. I hope it’s not too late for humanity but I believe it is. “Only love remains “ – Guy McPherson.

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