I preferiti del venerdì: i benefici dei mirtilli per la pressione sanguigna possono essere bloccati dallo yogurt

Cosa è successo quando i ricercatori hanno cercato di scoprire cosa c'è nei latticini che interferisce con i benefici per la salute di bacche e tè?

E lo yogurt di soia? Ci sto lavorando! Resta sintonizzato.

Cos'altro possono fare le bacche? Check out:
• Il succo di mirtillo può curare le infezioni della vescica? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-cranberry-juice-treat-bladder-infections/)
• Riduzione del dolore muscolare con i frutti di bosco (
• Aumento dell'attività delle cellule natural killer (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/boosting-natural-killer-cell-activity/)<br/> • Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how -a-rallentare-l'invecchiamento-cerebrale di due-anni/)
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con i frutti di bosco (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/inhibiting-platelet-aggregation-with-berries/)
• Benefici dei mirtilli per l'arteria Funzione (
• Benefici dei mirtilli per il cervello (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-blueberries-for -the-brain/)
• Benefici dei mirtilli per le malattie cardiache (
https ://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-blueberries-for-heart-disease/)
• Bacche per il trattamento dell'infiammazione e dell'osteoartrite (
• I migliori cibi per la mente: bacche e noci messe alla prova (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/best -brain-food-bacche-e-noci-messe-alla-prova/)
• Mirtilli per una dieta diabetica e riparazione del DNA (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/blueberries-for-a-diabetic-diet-and-dna-repair/)

Ma aspetta. Se non mangiamo latticini, che dire delle nostre ossa? Vedi Il latte fa bene alle nostre ossa? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/il-latte-fa-bene-per-le-nostre-ossa).

Per un approccio dietetico completo per combattere la pressione alta, vedi Come non morire di pressione alta (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-high-blood-pressure/).

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46 Risposte a “I preferiti del venerdì: i benefici dei mirtilli per la pressione sanguigna possono essere bloccati dallo yogurt”

  1. I’ve been eating 1 cup of blueberries every day for the last 6 years. My blood pressure is so good that nurses/doctors ask if it’s normally that low. 90/60! I don’t eat dairy yogurt though. 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for clearly presenting the science for free. For those of us who are both on a fixed income and managing chronic disease, this is both a sanity check and a godsend. Every success in your work.

  3. I've been eating 8 oz of blueberries every day with oatmeal or ezekiel cereal with no dairy products for the last 5 years and my BP has not gone down but has risen to the 160/85 area in the morning. Plus I've been a vegan during that same period.!

  4. I have been making my oats w water since I started eating vegan 6 years ago, I add half cup +, blueberries … very enjoyable.

  5. Thanks for your videos. Its not clear that Yogurt is detrimental from the study you cited since it only looks at milk. Please post studies relating to unsweetened, plain natural yogurt and kefir. Thanks

  6. Do you know of any studies of, what we in Scotland call blaeberries, called bilberries elsewhere? I hear they're even healthier than blueberries.

  7. Ive bought powdered blueberries and powdered kale for my uncles Axenfeld Rigers syndrome which makes chewing even cooked broccoli difficult for him I eat red cabbage raw which has the same anthocyanin content as blueberries I've also bought powdered blueberry and passionfruit and moringa powder (moringa is surprisingly high in vitamin k and calcium and iron which he really needs) and am blown away the amount of antioxidants in this fruit and for my uncle who struggles chewing because of his autoimmune disease attacking his gums making chewing harder I'm going to experiment to see if I can boost his fruit and green intake in Powder form mixed into sweet potatoes and porridge !

  8. all these foods that supposedly lower blood pressure and I am regularly in the 140s over high 90s.

    Not overweight, workout most days of the week, nearly 100% plant diet and…..high blood pressure.

    Oh, retired so no job stress and marriage is great.

    Some of us are just doomed from the start.

  9. 1/10 cup of strawberries is around half a Strawberry for regular grocery store size strawberries. Usda way underestimates the size of certain foods for their nutrition facts. Often a tiny fraction of their typical size

  10. I wonder if consuming milk with unhealthy foods will block absorption of the unhealthy nutrients?

    I am just trying to turn lemons into lemonade 😅.

  11. I had a dream about my friend called Nima a turkey 🦃 I was at home and this family came over and asked me to help make dinner – they brought Nima in and played with her and their baby pet her and fed her water and then they put peas and carrots on her until she was so covered she couldn't breathe she was confused why was she being suffocated by peas and carrots I said to the baby tell them let Nima go the baby looked at her eyes and screamed let Nima go let my Nima go she not food she my friend. This is why I'm confused by the message to eat whole foods plants as opposed to whole foods vegan because anyone can be whole foods and still eat animals, they're not specifically protecting Nima. How would you feel if I called you food and wanted to eat you with peas and carrots you would say no I'm not food you can't eat me is the question I feel when someone questions me

  12. Several mistakes here. First, I didn't see anything in the studies talking about yogurt, yet your title says "yogurt". How about sheep and goat milk? Was the milk organic or did it have hormones and antibiotics in it? so the inference is that milk is not good for you or worse dairy is not good for you or worse, if you drink milk you'll have higher blood pressure. Do you see where this is going?

    If you eat a cup of blueberries a day then you have to omit something else from your diet. So, okay, blueberries are good for your – in moderation – just like any other food but blueberries have fructose in them which is not so great, where's the study on that? So it's another selective study only looking at one or two factors. Life isn't one or two factors, different physiologies, diets, medications, etc.

    I'll be 78 in April, my blood pressure is around 110 over 60, I rarely eat blueberries, I do, however, walk two miles a day.

    Life is about balance, not about eating a cup of berries everyday because you can't manage your blood pressure. If you blood pressure is high, change your diet, change your lifestyle.

  13. can you make a video on IBS because I can not find things about what is best.. nutrition and excercise and sleep do you need more sleep or is 7 hours enough. I would love a video about this. Feel tired all the time and just want to feel better.

  14. What about the effect of adding any protein or any fat (that is non-milk protein/fat) to the blueberries? The fact that it was specifically milk in this case may be insignificant.

  15. What about blueberries and Kefir? Dr. Pradip Jamnadas mentioned that he eats blueberries with kefir. Kefir contains the good bacteria to go into your gut. The blueberries carry the polyphenols with which to feed your good gut bacteria. Kind of a symbiotic benefit. Not sure if kefir also inhibits absorption of nutrients. The video reference is here: watch?v= uAJ6-X3ESS4

  16. This is really helpful! Generally I consume little to no milk or dairy, however I do have milk based kefir. It doesn't appear that you've done any videos on kefir (milk or plant based). It would be great to understand more about and what's hype and what's not.

    At the moment many plant based kefirs have a lot of additives whereas milk kefir (at least that I gave access to) is more 'natural'.

    Does kefir yoghurt impact the Blueberries in the same way as milk? 🤔

  17. What more proof do people need to prove that animal's body parts and their secretions are not meant for human consumption?! I mean, c'mon now.

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