I preferiti del venerdì: soluzioni dietetiche vantaggiose per tutti alla crisi climatica

La Commissione EAT-Lancet definisce la dieta migliore per la salute umana e planetaria.

Quindi, quali alimenti hanno l'impronta di carbonio più bassa? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/quali-alimenti-hanno-l-impronta-di-carbonio-più-bassa) e quali diete hanno la più bassa Impronta ecologica? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-diets-have-the-lowest-carbon-footprint).

Penso che l'unico video sul riscaldamento globale che ho fino ad oggi sia stato Dieta e cambiamento climatico: preparare una tempesta (https:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/diet-and-climate-change-cooking-up-a-storm/). Sono entusiasta di pubblicare l'ultima.<br/>
Un modo per ridurre l'impatto climatico della carne è passare a carne di origine vegetale o coltivata. Ho tenuto un webinar su di esso e puoi ottenere il download digitale qui (
https://drgreger.org/collections/videos/products/plant-based-and-cultivated -meat-digital).

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un regalo gratuito. Prendi il tuo qui: https://nutritionfacts.org/subscribe/.

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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49 Risposte a “I preferiti del venerdì: soluzioni dietetiche vantaggiose per tutti alla crisi climatica”

  1. Insanity in individuals is something rare, but in groups, parties, nation's and epochs, it is the rule. God have mercy on the sane.

  2. Carnivore reduces majority of digestive issues and radically increases muscular growth and strength.

  3. Go vegan for your health, whole food plant based.
    Go vegan for the animals.
    Go vegan for the planet.
    Go vegan and be healthier and happier.
    A lower risk of heart disease and cancer for you and a better planet for everyone, human and animals.
    Eating healthy is not a diet it is a healthy life style.

  4. Climate Change is making weather events more extreme. This will impact the worlds food supply.
    Floods, droughts, fires, excessive heat, snow storms and low water levels in reservoirs and in ground water storage are becoming more common. We must stop adding more fossil fuels to the climate fire.
    India, China, Brazil, Japan, US, Europe, Indonesia, Canada, Germany and Australia need to do more to reduce use of fossil fuels. They must stop building and financing more coal fossil fuels power plants.
    Time to go all in on wind and solar energy, battery storage and electric vehicles.
    Fossil fuels are a bad investment for people and the planet.
    Investors are divesting from fossil fuels. wind and solar energy investing is growing.
    The cost of dealing with the impact of climate change will be greater than the cost of reducing the impact.
    The world population is expected to grow by another billion people. Where will the food come from ?

  5. "Loss of jobs" is never good argument in an evil system (capitalism) that promotes evil jobs (farmers who enslave animals, slaughterhouses etc.).

  6. Luckily, Bill Gates is yjere to help us all with his syhetic meat, his vaccines and his planetary terraforming projects. We are so fortunate to have Mr. Gates and his WHO.

  7. Holy misinformation, batman! For someone who does so much research on nutrition, should apply the same to climate change. Next, you will be telling us electric vehicles will save the planet! I've heard this song and dance before, and I'll show myself to the door!

  8. If Dr. Gregor evaluated climatology in the same way he evaluates nutritional research, he would do videos exposing the man made global warming hoax!

  9. The problem with messaging like this is that people actively don't care. The indignance you'll receive at the mere suggestion that there's a different way! Without even pointing a finger and talking in very broad generalities, expect someone to blather about taking away their rights or shoving an agenda down their throats. Even topics you'd guess are non-political will paint you as a radical lunatic if they go against broader trends in America.

    Here's a fun experiment: Suggest that modern shoes tend to have toe boxes that are too cramped, and that feet naturally want to splay out for stability, so the fronts of shoes should be wider. Don't even get into the sticks of barefoot style shoes. A few people who are into fitness or biology might be curious, maybe, and they'll treat it with healthy skepticism but entertain the possibility. The large majority of people will cringe momentarily before shrugging it off and pretending it was never said. But a large minority will actually get upset, and chastise you for criticizing people's fashion choices. The narrower their shoes, and/or the more foot problems they suffer, the more likely that last outcome is. People who've been convinced that shoving their feet into wingtips or stilettoes will make them appear more classy and adult are the ones who always take most offense.

    And that's just the topic of footwear. If you want to suggest people eat less meat, or drive less / walk more, or that modern suburbs are bad urban design, you can even expect some amount of open hostility.

  10. Don't get happy because the world elite wants to cut Rice too. This would be devastating. Ultimately they want people both vegan and non vegan to eat BUGS. Remember eating plants requires energy and space which is against the environment to many.

  11. Climate crisis my left buttock. That whole canard is a fraud and pandering to it is unworthy of a scientist. Shame on you.

  12. If you've come here to see some climate change deniers, you will/won't be disappointed- depending on which way you look at it…

  13. Dr. G didn't mention all of the benefits of a fully plant based food diet.
    Can anyone refute any of these compelling reasons to boycott animal products?
    1-Your own health (vegans are less likely to get the most common chronic, deadly diseases)
    2-Helping to end animal agriculture would reduce the chance of another pandemic & other zoonotic diseases
    3-Helping to end animal ag would reduce the chance of the development of an antibiotic resistant pathogen.
    4-Animal ag wastes a huge amount of fresh water. Each vegan saves 219,000 gallons of water every year!
    5-Animal ag is a major cause of water pollution
    6-Animal ag is a major cause of deforestation
    7-Animal ag increases PTSD and spousal abuse in the people who work in slaughterhouses. Workers in meat packing facilities often endure terrible, dangerous working conditions.
    8-Animal ag is a major cause of the loss of habitat and biodiversity
    9-Needless killing of innocent, sentient beings cannot be ethically justified.
    10- It is the single most effective way for each of us to fight climate change and environmental degradation.
    11- Longer lifespan.
    12- Healthier weight (vegans were the only dietary group in the Adventist Studies that had an average BMI in the recommended range.)
    13- A healthy plant based diet significantly reduces the chances of ED later in life, and even 1 meal can improve bedroom performance
    14- Vegetarians and vegans have lower rates of dementia later in life
    15- A plant based diet could save money! You could reduce your food budget by one third!
    16-A fully plant based diet improves the immune system according to a study published in the journal BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health
    17-A fully plant based food system would greatly reduce food borne illnesses like salmonella
    18-A fully plant based food system would be able to feed millions more people. Our population is growing!
    19-A fully plant based food system would save 13,000 lives a year from the air pollution caused by animal agriculture, according to a study
    20- A vegan world would save 8 million human lives a year, and $1 trillion in health care and related costs (Oxford Study)

    Links for some of these are at my channel under "About."
    If you doubt any of them, I would be glad to cite evidence from credible sources to back them up. YouTube only allows a certain number of links at my channel.

    After I made my list, I found this video with his own list which overlaps mine. He cites evidence from credible sources in the description.


  14. I am questioning if animal husbandry jobs would not actually go up… but shifted to the other animals on the planet besides the meat industry. An example… some organic farmers use guinea pigs to mow orchard grasses instead of gas powered equipment. Fewer cows… more buffalo and other animals.

  15. By stretching the vertical axis on the graphs and flashing them quickly, you can give the impression that it's much worse than it actually is. But I say that things are actually getting better. The small rise in CO2 and the increase in temperature (most of which is due to the sun, not anything we can control on earth) and the accompanying loss of ice in the polar regions means that we are getting nearer to resembling conditions as they were on Earth during the Eocene epoch. At that time, there wasn't any Ice or snow on earth and mammals thrived. With more CO2 and greater temperatures, more green plants grew, increasing the earth's ability to support a larger population of animals. Over the last 50 years, I've seen people panic over a dozen different supposed ecological crises, one after another with concomitant prophecies of doom. Yet none of them ever came true. Should I remind you that New York was supposed to be underwater 23 years age? I wonder at what it is about human nature than makes it want to believe the most pessimistic ideas so that they (not me) can panic and feel miserable and hopeless. I eat no animal products, but because I'm concerned about my health, not because the earth is doomed any time soon. Now, can we please get back to talking about healthy nutrition?

  16. 3:50 Reducing meat consumption. Meanwhile 95% of the animals in the wild eat only that. Vegans, then, should kill them too, or make them vegan to save themselves (the animals) and the planet.

  17. I no longer believe our government and pharmaceutical organizations want us to be healthy.
    Many general medical practitioners would also suffer from financial loss.
    So, money will always be more important than people…have the same elites considered
    what would they do without people? After all don't they need their slaves? Crazy times.

  18. World Joke Organisation more like. Money over protecting people's health & our habitat, that's what it is 😮‍💨 You can get a fresh start at a job but you can't get a fresh start at health 😑

  19. hello, nice to meet you. Your work and research about nutrition are so interesting. I share nutrition tips for my audience, and i think what you will be a mentor for it. It will be possible to do an interview of you ?

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