I rischi dell'estrazione del petrolio

L'estrazione dell'olio può aiutare con la sensibilità dei denti, ma il rischio di indurre polmonite lipoide supera i benefici.

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Questo è il video finale di questa serie sull'estrazione del petrolio. Guarda i primi tre qui:
• L'Oil Pulling aiuta contro il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Oil-Pulling-Help-With-Cancer)
• Benefici dell'estrazione dell'olio per placca e gengivite (
• Oil Pulling per lo sbiancamento dei denti e testato per l'alitosi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Oil -Testato per lo sbiancamento dei denti e l'alito cattivo)

A proposito di dentifricio, ti sei mai chiesta quell'ingrediente SLS? Guarda i miei video recenti
Il sodio lauril solfato è sicuro? (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-sodium-Lauryl-Sulfate-Safe) ed è CABP in SLS – Dentifricio gratuito è meglio? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-CABP-in-SLS-Free-Toothpaste-Any-Better).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-risks-of-oil-pulling e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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100 Risposte a “I rischi dell'estrazione del petrolio”

  1. We need to ban hotdogs due to the possibility of deep throating and dying of asphyxiation we need a general surgeon General warning on hot dogs now too! And I won't rest until we are have it!

  2. Most interesting. Timely, sort of: I've done oil pulling twice, forgot yesterday and today. Now I'm having second thoughts.

    So confusing, all those (positive) testimonials on the one hand, and this video, so convincing and sound, logical, on the other.

  3. Boy these dentist will say anything for people not to leave them lol 😂 .. What do you have to say to people who actually consume 2 spoonful of coconut oil & never experienced any of these illnesses listed in the video but experienced the complete opposite! What then lol

  4. This guy is an establishment hack.
    He cherry picks his evidence and his voice is sooooo annoying.
    The dental association is against it?????? Of course!!
    Don't believe a word he says.

  5. I am glad to see others find this stupid. You would have to inhale the oil in order for this to happen, wonder who paid to put out this mis-information. Should we stop taking baths or showers because we "could" drown.

  6. 1:15 there are health risks is due to oil pulling. 1:40 lipoid pneumonia when oil clogs up your lungs. in 1925 it was customary to put metholated vaseline 'vaporub' in nostrils of kids until they died of pneumonia and on autopsy areas of lungs clogged with oily fluid.

    never put vaporub/vaseline/anything oily in nose before you sleep. intranasal butter or olive/baby oil can give an infant/person with stuffy lung, inhaling too much candle wax can do it, if you are a fire performer you can get fire-eater's lung from inhaling hydrocarbons/mineral oil in their acts.

    3:45 woman admitted 4x to hospital in 6 months, doctors found she was oil pulling 2 weeks before first admission and more afterward to 'remove toxic fx of rx' she had taken. after stopping, she has not had lipoid pneumonia since last discharge. 4:25 its one reasons the ADA advises against oil pulling.

  7. this video cites a handful of cases that dont relate to pulling coconut oil 3x/wk and spitting it out, then brushing teeth, followed by a salt/mouthwash gargle. also, i did the vicks in nostrils recently maybe 2-5 years back, and know many who do it all their lives, so i wonder how many unlucky souls this happened to.

    after a few hundred years of oil pulling in india, shouldn't they have endless stats on it causing lung health issues? we eat lots of grease and oil butter etc. every day, drink MCT oil in our coffee etc., we clear throats after a meal, maybe cough, and don't lay down or sleep right afterward. if we dont lay down go to sleep with a film of oil in the throat, i fail to see how this is super relevant.

    video production does a good job of building suspense graphically, but really had only 1 case of oil pulling causing 1 adult issues and we dont know how she was doing it or what oil was used or if she went straight to bed afterward, etc. most oil pullers rinse with salt or do their brushing routine after pulling.

    1-5 cases could be fake, so this doctor needs way more data, specific to popular coconut oil pulling, to make a better case that isn't anectdotal "4 children and 1 adult". 5 in 300 million is called a fluke/odd not relevant.

    if we apply the caveat by the medical doctor below "people with swallowing issues or at risk of aspiration should not do this. of course not for children" then we've addressed the rare token cases that lead to lipoid pneumonia and cleared the practice as safe. if you start feeling off, cut your dosage in half until it clears.

  8. If you read the whole paragraph, it clearly states that the woman probably aspirated some of the oil, it was not caused just by oil pulling. She probably was not doing it properly. Learn how to do it correctly and then blame whatever you want for lipoid pneumonia.

  9. Most of these comments defending oil pulling sound like the typical conspiracy theorist types. "TOOFPASTE HAS CHEMIKILLS" and whatnot. If there's this much evidence showing against it, its probably a good idea to go with the doctors instead of some mom on the internet who claims her amazing all-natural lifestyle is being threatened by the big bad gub'ment.

  10. Petroleum jelly is a by product of oil. And I am not talking about cooking oil or body oil. This is the oil left over from refineries.

  11. Oooooohhhhhhoooooooooooo my god oil pulling is risky………
    So guys don't go for and don't go for swimming also as you might drown and water will get into your lungs which is really dangerous 😨😨😨😨

  12. Wow! I had just watched the video that showed it reduced plaque and was going to start oil pulling. I’m glad I watched this one before starting!

  13. The instructions clearly state on Vick's vapor rub not to put it in the nostrils, so forth & so on. Most salad dressings contain oil. Most foods manipulated from normal form have oil like fried foods, etc…., people swallow & hope that little flap over the lungs is functioning properly.

  14. Hmmmm, very interesting. I've been oil pulling for almost 3 yrs & realized recently my chest / lungs have been more congested than ever; had a chest xray & seeing doctor in 2 weeks for results.

    Will bring up oil pulling & potential Lipoid Pneumonia – trouble is most Drs never heard of OP.

  15. This channel does everything against what keto supporters do ! I disagree with just this video from this channel. Or else I love this channel.

  16. Yeah let’s spread FEAR TO MOMS that there kids can choke hmmmm yet kids eat every day….
    do food companies tell you not to eat or your kid can choke. OF COURSE NOT.
    They are just doing this video against oil pulling so you don’t get healthy teeth and therefore won’t need them so much because our visits pay for their Mercedes car payment that every Dentist pretty much has. Lol

  17. Does anyone know if you can oil pull after getting your teeth pulled?
    I got my wisdom teeth pulled last week (5 days ago) and I want to continue oil pulling but I don’t know if that will cause my clot to come out..

    Should I wait 2 weeks (done healing)
    Or am I safe to oil pull now?

  18. Who is this quack doctor, talking about a case study at 4:10 instead of an actual group study?

    People, learn the Flippin difference between a case study and a group study.

  19. Now I know this channel is crap. I've been oil pulling fo two years now. I no longer have hypersensitive teeth and they're much whiter. I used to believe you, Dr Greger. Now everything you said will be taken with a grain of salt…uh…skepticism.

  20. But don’t the ADA still swear blind that mercury fillings are completely harmless? Hahah I don’t think I’ll be taking there advice on this one because of literally one case. People have practiced this in India for thousands of years with only benefits.

  21. I brush my teeth at least 3 times daily but my teeth always smells really bad, now my teeth no longer smelly after first try of oil pulling, im amazed by the result.

  22. doctors and dentists don't want you to use home remedies because it means they won't be making as much money

  23. I guess this guy is very worried about the clog sinks of people who practice oil pulling. Very nice of him, but we usually spit it in a trash can, empty cup or anywhere else than the sink. Thanks for worrying for my sink. How caring.

  24. Oil pulling has no side affects at all .it only has a lot of benefits.Dont believe to the science always coz they change their mind too

  25. Well I don't see anything wrong with oil pulling,you claim our lungs can inhale the oil but don't we eat oils everday? We put oils in our food and salads etc…..

  26. So, by the same rationale I guess mouth-washing is dangerous too. Someones lungs could fill up with Scope. And be very careful when rinsing your mouth with water after brushing your teeth, u may drown due to pulmonary something or another!

  27. I oil pull every night for an hour. Part coconut oil, part turmeric, part clove oil. My teeth are perfect. No cavities, no inflammation, no discoloration. I do go to the densest every six months for a cleaning and he is always amazed. Hearing this is scary, but, I have not yet swallowed any oil, but now, not sure if I should continue. I love oil pulling. It keeps my mouth so healthy and my teeth so clean.

  28. You are despicable. I have hardly visited dentist every in my life. I clean my teeth with tooth powder made of herbs and then i go for my oil pulling routine. I haven't brushed my teeth in last 5 years with that chemical laden paste. My teeth and gums are healthy and strong. No wonder why dentist hate the natural approach, as it will render them jobless.

  29. The only way that's possible is if they're actually swallowing the toxic oil after pulling and their bodies are not acidic enough in a healthy way to neutralize the gunk. You're suppose to spit in cup and toss in trash, not pipes or your goddamn lungs!!!

  30. lets do science. what percent of people who oil pull get a case of pneumonia . or how many cases per year of pnumonia are due to oil pulling?

  31. why would you put vicks INSIDE your nose?! especially since the reason people usually use it is because of a clogged nose already lol. As a kid I remember putting on my chest or something so that you smell it but inside the nose just sounds dumb anyway.

  32. I’ve been oil pulling for a month and the orange substance that was stuck in the sides of my teeth for years is finally gone also my teeth are whiter…so ….yeah

  33. This comment section is cancer. Like are you seriously going to use the 'us vs them' mentality? That is so immature. You know there might actually be some reason that oil pulling is being sold as a treatment. Doctors and Dentists dedicate quite a huge portion of their lives studying and performing actual evidence based studies. If they are all about money then wouldn't they be selling this as a treatment right now?
    I'm not saying that oil pulling is false, I have nothing against people who do it, it's just that I find disregarding another perspective by stating, "OH this person is lying because of A B C agenda/reasons," when you yourself aren't providing legitimate evidence as to how they are lying or how your perspective is true is the incorrect way of going about this. Like what if this is actually harmful for you? It may be harmful, it may be beneficial or it may be nothing but a placebo, who is to say? Because there aren't many studies done about this.
    For the people who want to continue doing the oil pulling go ahead I mean you weren't gonna stop because of my comment anyways, but I personally would rather follow evidence based treatments as to not put my health at potential risk.

  34. Vaseline and plant oil are two different things. Paraffin, petroleum and petro jelly are cancerogenic and do not dissolve the same way as plant oil does, of course you should not inhale the plant oil too since it is oil and naturally it would do damage to the lung tissue due to it's physical properties, but teeth oil pulling is very healthy and safe(the oil should be spit out), petroleum on the other hand damages almost every tissue it comes in contact with. Stop using petroleum people(yes that includes Vaseline), stop using it on your skin and body.

  35. I went to the dentist for a teeth cleaning around 45 days ago. I noticed they didn't do a very good job behind my lower teeth. I started oil pulling with coconut oil a week ago, and I was able to clean most of what they had missed! It's a great feeling moving my tongue behind my clean teeth. I took a picture the other day, and will monitor to see if my teeth become whiter as well. I'm glad I watched this, because it's good reminder for me not too use too much coconut oil at one time, because it can sometimes be difficult not to swallow a tiny bit. Will be more careful going forward!

  36. Don’t brush your teeth. You might inhale toothpaste and absorb it through the lungs and poison yourself instantly. And if you happen to be on missile watch, Russia might sneak a nuke past you and blow up the earth. 1 case has already been reported.

  37. Be careful with new fads, like oil pulling with coconut oil, because it caused lipoid pneumonia for me, when some of the oil accidentally seeped into my lungs. And I’m a healthy individual who runs a lot and works out. It messed with my lungs for months.

  38. Any oil placed in dry sinuses is dangerous. Just use normal Sterimar Saline Spray, and spray that inside you’re nose, gently blowing one nostril at a time, while blocking the other with you’re thumb or finger. Using #buteyko breathing exercises, like, breath holds to open up you’re sinuses naturally. So you’re sinuses will drain properly, drinking plenty of water.

  39. This has to be the dumbest argument for something so beneficial. If that was the case wouldn't u have a high risk eating fatty foods anyway? I would also think you'd have to really be illiterate to be swallowing coconut oil.

  40. “The risks” He’s right. If you oil pull HE’S at Risk of going out of business!😆😆 Oil pulling is a fantastic way to rid your mouth of germs and brightens your teeth without using chemicals.

  41. This is why you have to be very careful not to swallow any. I use gravity to keep myself from swallowing any by tilting my head down. Sometimes you might swallow a drop or so, but its as likely as going into your lungs as any other drink you have all the time. And don’t put it in your nose, lol. Honestly though, just be careful, and you should be fine.

  42. After doing it for several days, I already notice my throat is less parched and I don't often sneeze or cough when dust bothers me. I hope this isn't just my imagination.

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