I vantaggi della Moringa: è il cibo più nutriente?

Il cosiddetto albero dei miracoli è all'altezza del clamore? Uno sguardo ai benefici nutrizionali della moringa.

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Stay ottimizzato per L'efficacia e gli effetti collaterali della polvere di foglie di Moringa (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacy-and-side-effects-of-moringa-leaf-powder ).

In precedenza ho menzionato la moringa in I migliori alimenti per l'avvelenamento da piombo: clorella, coriandolo, pomodori, moringa? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-foods-for-lead-poisoning-chlorella-cilantro-tomatoes-moringa/), uno dei video della mia serie su lead.<br/>
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100 Risposte a “I vantaggi della Moringa: è il cibo più nutriente?”

  1. "Moringa enhances the sexual performance of stressed rats…erm what are you supposed to do with that?" lol. Dr Gregor cracks me up.

  2. But don’t eat too much Sugar, because Sugar is Bad, but not if it is contained in the fruit 🍌 then it is okay, oh and don’t eat rice because in The United Bluff it is contaminated with arsenic, so rice from the hole world 🌎 must be contaminated with arsenic and therefore Bad🙄
    Doctor Million Dollar Greger, I am so confused about some of your videos..

  3. It has anti nutrients in it. All that powder can't be good for you unless you eat it with something else. Anyone want a pound of it? The source is very important too, it could have heavy metals. I'm disappointed that Gregor didn't mention these things.

  4. I bought a bag of dehydrated Moringa leaf a couple of years ago to add concentrated protein to meals devoid of the more common plant sources. I've had difficulty using it because I find it unpleasant tasting, like cooked spinach mixed with spearmint with a touch of tea tree oil, so I won't repurchase it. Still interested in any research concerning this plant, though, so TFP!

  5. We get moringa for free. My partner just picks it from the trees outside, boils it up, and we have free lunch. It's delicious too.

  6. I add moringa powder, turmeric and camu camu to my coffee each morning. Because of the lousy taste I drink my first cup of coffee lukewarm to get the ingredients down

  7. Maybe not necessarily nutritious, however I don't take it for that reason, I take it for the moringin and sulforaphane, the longevity/anti-aging compounds it contains.

  8. Mail order exotic powder? This tree grows in every front and back yard in our neighborhood. It tastes great in a soup.

  9. It grows super fast and easy , it is a constant source of greens that I have in addition to all the other greens I consume .I have several moringa trees growing in my yard and I utilize them. the leaves and flowers are a delicious addition to my green juices as well. I really hope all isnt debunked as far as this amazing tree is concerned. That would make me sad.

  10. Your privilege is showing Dr G! Who eats trees instead of broccoli? Anyone who lives in a hot climate, wants good nutrition, is sick of the limited selection in stores and doesn't have money to buy organics! I don't consider moringa or any specific food a "miracle", or better than any other, I think eating a variety of local foods is the best option, and growing what you can, especially on a very tight budget! I have a few moringa trees in my yard, and though I do dry and powder some leaves for off season, powder is NOT how it's primarily consumed where it grows. Here in Florida where "traditional" garden greens just give up in the heat of our summers, moringa grows like a weed. It's generous branches are harvested regularly, then the leaves are stripped off and cooked like any other green. It also produces edible flowers and "drumsticks", elongated seed pods like oversized beans. I don't consider any part of the fresh plant bitter, though it does have an unusual, though agreeable flavor when you get accustomed to it. It is certainly no more distasteful than broccoli, but far easier to grow, and I eat a ton of the stuff! I appreciate grocery stores like everyone else but the comparatively tiny selection of cultivated produce tailored to shipping, not nutrition, and the prohibitive cost of organically grown food does makes my moringa a goldmine. Moringa is far from the only "tree" vegetable in hot climates, I also grow and rely on chaya, (tree spinach) katuk, green papayas, yuca… even sweet potato vines are edible and nutritious! I am also a foraging aficionado…another awesome way to acquire nutritious, free, local produce. I think you forget much of the world still has to do the same as our ancestors did to feed themselves.. before privilege and grocery chains and became the "norm".

  11. I live in Brazil and broccoli only grows in the winter but moringa can be quite plentiful year-round and is useful for other purposes so I am eagerly awaiting the next installment

  12. Darn it I tried Moringa, and after 2 days I had blood clots on my ankle. I saw after there's a study showing that it causes platelet aggregation.

  13. I have in the 600’s level of RA and take moringa capsules to help with my joint pain. But i also take sea moss and maca root with it. I’ve noticed a lot of change in my pain levels but that’s just me. Not sure how it’ll affect others.

  14. Science can be corrupt and biased because of monetary interests, but Moringa does effectively reduce my sugar levels according to my own personal studies.

  15. Thanks for this. I got a moringa tree but it is a bady. Good to know I can just eat a few leaves and still get something. Something is better than nothing. I mean I don't eat yogurt every day.

  16. we make Moringa broth ဒန်ဒလွန်ဟင်းရည် in Myanmar, its a part of our cuisine. it’s not exotic here , very cheap compared to imported broccoli

  17. A lot of exaggerated "moringa hype" here in Brazil. But I'm curious to find out how good it actually is.

  18. @ 2:48 You compare 100 grams, a measure of weight, to 1 tablespoon, a measure of volume. This give no basis of comparison between the two measurements.

  19. Broccoli need lot of pesticides to grow but muringa does not need any pesticides so it's much safer to have muringa than broccoli.

  20. No matter how sarcastic the video is, facts are facts: moringa has improved my health in multiple ways based on comparable before and after blood test results. Sorry buddy but from personal experience it IS a miracle plant.

  21. In India, vegetables grown to this moringa tree called as drum sticks are known for the increase in sexual performance.

  22. I ordered seeds over 10 years ago. Planted them in the 5 acre lot of my in laws. The tree grows like a weed. It grows almost anywhere and once established it can weather the cold fairly well. We use the seed pods for soups as a thickener. The seeds can also be roasted and seasoned.

  23. It’s disgusting, i put a fruit from this in my mouth. The disgusting sweetness slowly started to build and build so intense it kinda frightened me. I washed my mouth out several times, but it took twenty minutes to go away.

  24. Better than just talking , try it , have your blood levels checked before and after, then talk about it. Moringa as with many other plants, diets, foods, affect certain people better than others. You need to try it in powder which is best potent way. Especially if you are over 50

  25. I can see so far from that video that it is nutritious, but probably not more nutritious than other green veggies like broccoli. For those of us who have free meowing a growing in our yards, it’s therefore probably still good to eat it rather than buy expensive imported broccoli. For those who don’t have mornings growing near them, it makes more sense to eat broccoli. So don’t forget that you have people watching your videos all over the world and we don’t all have the same access to the same foods.

  26. Guess facts guy should take a look at how moringa is improving the nutrition of African kids. It seriously looks as though all content generated seems to consider US as the centre of the universe. It's revolting.

  27. I have 2 trees I grew from seeds here in Central Florida, I eat the fresh leaves when I am in the garden and I also dry and make Moringa powder to put in my smoothie, it has helps with my arthritis in my back, everyone should grow this plant!!

  28. Great info, as always!!! For us in central Arizona (Phoenix area), moringa will grow beautifully and perennially and provides fresh greens throughout summer. Purslane is another that will do it, even in our extreme heat and in low-water conditions. In hotter regions on the earth, this could be the response to why you don't "just eat broccoli", especially considering that our broccoli growing season is about 2 months long, in our "winter". If I had to purchase moringa, I wouldn't eat it, of course, and I'd rely on frozen or fresh broccoli from the store, but knowing that the nutrition profile is that good makes me really happy! We eat it fresh and also like to dry the leaves and use them in teas, or we like to powder them. Moringa grows ridiculously fast and well and it has been planted by charitable organizations in certain regions to help combat malnutrition. Anyone reading this who lives in a relatively warm climate should consider growing it rather than purchasing it from a store. (But we do still eat broccoli.)

  29. in my city in india moringa tree grows everywhere , u can just pluck it off how much u want and we eat its flowers leafs and also the long bean

  30. It sounds like you are just bashing the plant. Therefore i do not believe anything you said. Even your tone. You basically said nothing good about the plant. Which is why i seriously doubt your video. You sound like a determined skeptic.

  31. While it's OK to take the piss – consider, in one tablespoon of moringa, which could be a capsule or two, you can instantly intake the equivalent Vitamin A of of a quarter carrot, vitamin C, Calcium of half cup of milk, potassium of a quarter banana, iron of a cup of spinach and protein of a thid container of yoghurt.
    Take 2 tablespoons … not a bad deal, I reckon.

    Or, you could eat a sugar-doughnut.

  32. It looks like I was tricked deceived and misled by the hawk nose American Wall Street retailers once again with yet another lying sales hype scam. If I would have known this I would not have bought all this Moringa supplementation. 😡😡😡😡😡

  33. So, Dr Gregor does a video exposing a wildly misleading and unscientific ad campaign for moringa, only to see the comments section fill up with.. wildly misleading and unscientific claims, by his own “listeners”.

  34. why is this dude trying to say moringa is bad? even saying it has lead, it depends where you get it. just like how your carrots have pesticides, maybe we should all just eat mcdonalds and kfc so the food industry and pharma could milk us more

  35. no clinical or scientific studies is intentional. it is to keep the people hooked on big phsrma. same as in salt is deadly, eggs are bad for you and coconutcoil is poison. oh and animal fat cause heart attacks.

  36. I put about a third of a tablespoon in a cup of water and leave it over night in the fridge. I drink it in the morning and have since stopped juicing and eating vegies. I have so much energy at 65 than I know what to do with. Fiah fi yuh ball head!

  37. I’d never heard of this plant before. Could be interesting… Ahh! I see. So, just sticking to a WFPB vegan diet is just as good, or better. Okay. That’s good. Lol! 😄💜🥦🖖🏼🍎💜😄

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