I vegani dovrebbero preoccuparsi degli umani?

“Ai vegani non interessano gli umani!” – non è vero, ma allora? Se non stanno facendo del male a nessuno non importa, vale anche per gli animali, lasciali stare, è semplice

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🙏 | Scarica Abillion per raccogliere fondi per beneficenza sugli animali (usa il codice di riferimento DAVIDRAMMS): https://abillion.onelink.me/42TD/abamb

— ———–Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————

Dominion: https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko
Terra di speranza e gloria (Regno Unito): https://youtu.be/dvtVkNofcq8
Unholy Cattle (India): https://youtu.be/30bCIsh3oh8
I rivoluzionari (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives (Netflix)
Risorse nutrizionali: https://nutritionfacts.org/

#vegani #mangiacarne #DavidRamms

28 Risposte a “I vegani dovrebbero preoccuparsi degli umani?”

  1. It's really hard not to be blatantly misanthropic sometimes. Have to remind yourself you were likewise once ignorant to the plight of animals and outreach accordingly.

  2. I have empathy for both, however, I’ve found it easier to get into animal rights activism. When I’ve reached out/applied to human rights organizations, I’ve never heard back. Many also lack info on their websites. In my experience at least, vegan activists tend to be more dedicated. It’s ironic when you realize how much backlash we get from non vegans for supporting animals. Y’all won’t even respond to an email 😂

  3. Exactly, even when people tell me, that they are personally not affected emotionally by what happens in animal agriculture, that does not mean you have to full on support it. I ask them if they can rationally understand its absurdity, because there are just so many other aspects 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. Hi David, I asked that question ha.
    Btw I would never actually harm a human only in self defence if it came to it.. it’s just my emotions. I don’t have much empathy for humans, but of course I would not want to directly hurt a human

  5. Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.

    Hebrews 13:1-2

  6. I have been vegan almost 6 years and have never watched a vegan documentary I have seen some footage of what goes on in the slaughter houses thanks to vegan gains and Joey carbstrong but I imagine I would get kinda sour if I were to watch one.

  7. Very well said, I don't put much effort into helping humans, but I will not intentionally harm them. As for nonhumans, I will defend them til my dying breath.

  8. Well said. Meat eaters accuse me of having no compassion for humans. I reply: humans are not at my mercy. I respect human rights, and that is all I am morally and legally obligated to do.

  9. As veganism is a rights-based philosophy that is anti-violence, anti-oppression and anti-exploitation, rooted in respect and compassion for all beings, should we not strive to expand empathy, for the benefit of all animals, human and non-human?

  10. I want to ask 3 question
    firstly if killing animal is wrong then answer these 3 questions
    . which sentence is right given below
    ( it is a plant or this is a plant)

    . plants need water and sun light just like other animals it's mean plants are living creatures also so eating plant is same as eating meat right meat eater kill animals and vegans kill plants
    . if the whole world became vegan so it increases population of animal which also eats plant and for your kind information if animals population increase there is 90% chances to get new viruses and disease which cause by animals and animals as well as human beings eat plants does this mean we are destroying green life of earth
    vegans are dum and you can't even able to answer these above question bcuz you all vegans are hypocrites and dum

  11. Not having empathy for someone does not mean you will hurt them. All of us have no empathy for something or someone.

    When there is a video of an animal abuser, the most vocal and the most insulting things are written by NON-vegans.

    The truth is, the more abuse you see happening, the more you can tolerate so we end up thinking we have no empathy. I am sure, if a human was in danger every vegan would help. Actually, I know.

    I have seen it. We were once in a non-vegan restaurant because the city had none. They had risotto so my friends ordered that – I only had a coffee. A Roma children walk in and start asking for money. The waiter was instructed by the owner to kick them out and he starts telling them to piss off and get out. Nobody in the restaurant cared to look at them. My vegan friends, however, asked waiter to pack risotto and give it to the children before asking children would they like to eat.

    Just the day before that, we actually had a Cube of Truth held in that city and things that have been said about us and my friends were the most vile. I was spat on by a teen but he missed. Those are the people who would think of themselves as "empathic people".

  12. I can’t stand those who refuse to stop torturing and murdering innocent beings, but at the same time I’m not abusing and killing these animal abusers! If it was legal it be “my personal choice”.
    I hope y’all understand what I’m saying

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