I vegani hanno una densità ossea inferiore e più fratture?

Quali sono i tassi di fratture ossee e la densità ossea degli onnivori rispetto ai vegetariani rispetto ai vegani?

Il mio video precedente su questo argomento era I vegani hanno una densità minerale ossea inferiore e un rischio maggiore di osteoporosi? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-vegans-have-lower-bone-mineral-density-and-higher-risk-of-osteoporosis).

Per saperne di più sulla questione del latte, vedi Il latte fa bene alle ossa? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/il-latte-fa-bene-per-le-nostre-ossa/).

Perché non prendere solo integratori di calcio? Vedi Gli integratori di calcio sono sicuri? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-calcium-supplements-safe/) e gli integratori di calcio sono efficaci? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-calcium-supplements-efficace/).<br/>
Successivamente, esamineremo quale ruolo potrebbe svolgere la vitamina D nella salute delle ossa. Resta sintonizzato perché la vitamina D può spiegare un rischio di fratture ossee più elevato nei vegani (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/-vitamin-d-may-explain-higher-bone -rischio-di-frattura-nei-vegani).

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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51 Risposte a “I vegani hanno una densità ossea inferiore e più fratture?”

  1. Uggghhh, dreaded cliff hangers 🤣 be sure to come back and link to the next video from here after it is published! And .are it one of the end cards ❤

  2. Correlational work…anyone want to be randomly assigned to a large salad each day or not? I don’t see any downside to leafy greens. No need to wait for someone to “put it to the test.”

  3. Just had this convo with mom’ Rheumatologist. Limited studies on the effect of supplemental treatment for ESRD dialysis patients with low bone density. Even more so there’s no viable treatment at all 😮 Diet always reins true 🥬

  4. My bone density is fine. It's the gas, pain, and bloating from eating beans, grains, apples, broccoli, watermelon, cabbage, onions etc that I have an issue with.

  5. Vegans represented only 49 cases or 1.5% of the subjects in the study. Hard to draw a reasonable conclusion from such a small sample.

  6. The good doctor doesn't appear to be aging well

    Why doesn't he take and post his recent blood work results

    His recent DEXA scan results

    His recent CAC score

    It would be extremely interesting or is afraid of what they would show

  7. Birth control and many other pharmaceuticals have been found to lower the mineral content of bones, leading to osteoporosis. Would be interesting to look at the stats of this factor 🕵️

  8. I wonder what you think about K2 to make sure the Calcium goes to the bones instead of deposited in artery's and other unwanted areas of the body? The only foods with the best form of K2 (mk7) is from fermented foods, especially natto but not all vegans eat fermented foods? I started taking a small amount 100mcg of K2 (mk7) with my vitamin D3 to be on the safe side.

  9. They should do a video about how the meat industry is using any vague hint of a possible disadvantage of plant based diets to sow FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) about vegan diets whilst avoiding the elephants in the room: animal cruelty, Holocene extinction, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, climate change, zoonosis, antibiotics abuse. Etc etc etc

  10. I just got my herb's 🌿 from #DrAjayi for my hpv, I believe and very sure that after taking this herb's I will be completely cured forever wish me good luck 🥰

  11. Plant based diet is best move of my life bar none. Cheaper helthier, ethical, win win win.. delicious! just drown it in sriracha 😀

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