I presunti benefici della vitamina K2: dovresti assumere integratori?

Il nostro corpo può ricavare la vitamina K2 dalla K1 delle verdure a foglia verde.

Per riassumere, non ci sono prove valide che la vitamina K abbia benefici per le ossa, il cervello o il cuore oltre alla sua funzione di coagulazione del sangue. E, anche se tali prove fossero emerse, possiamo ottenere tutta la vitamina K di cui abbiamo bisogno dalle verdure, poiché non vi è alcun requisito specifico per la vitamina K2. Inoltre, se sono emerse alcune prove che ci fosse qualche vantaggio unico dal K2, il nostro microbioma produce K2 dal K1 nei verdi. Inoltre, anche se avessimo un problema con il nostro microbioma, le nostre stesse cellule possono produrre K1 da K2, proprio come fanno gli altri animali. Quindi, la linea di fondo è: Mangia la tua verdura.<br/>
Per una deliziosa dose di vitamina K, prova la mia ricetta per la Ribollita con Fagioli Bianchi e Cavolo (https://nutritionfacts.org/recipe/ribollita-con-fagioli-bianchi-e-cavolo/).

Per la mia raccomandazione sull'assunzione giornaliera di verdure a foglia verde, così come altri gruppi di alimenti, dai un'occhiata alla mia Dozzina giornaliera – https://nutritionfacts.org/daily-dozen .

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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94 Risposte a “I presunti benefici della vitamina K2: dovresti assumere integratori?”

  1. Thank Dr G. There’s been so much talk about it and people recommending supplements. Thank you for this video. I’ve been waiting to see what you’d say a it. 👍

  2. The K2 supplement marketing effort is very strong. I'm sure this comment section will be flooded with bots saying it's mandatory to take your K2 supplements, "and especially if you take vitamin D!" I've pointing out their flawed logic for years. There was a whole book written to promote these supplements. It's sad the lengths these industries will go to to make money.

  3. The Rotterdam study shows the level of vitamin K2 is highly correlated with reducing all-cause mortality. So taking vitamin K2 is not for everyone, only for people who don't want to die young.

  4. Why do you use the term "vitamin K" instead of specifically referring to K1 and K2. Your video doesn't seem to consistently differentiate between the two. Do you use this technique when referring to vitamin B? Does B1 act similarly in the body as B6 or B2? Likewise K2 MK4 isn't the same as K2 MK7. I agree that we need more scientific research on all forms of vitamin K, but this video seems to cause more confusion, by not distinguishing between the various sub-forms of vitamin K.

  5. Would you recommend K2 supplements for people who can't have too much oxalates? I'm currently taking one dose of K2 Mk-7, once a week and drink homemade kefir every other day.

  6. Thank you so much for this valuable information. Not so long ago, I was considering taking K2 supplement because people said you can't get enough K2 while only eating plants, but now I can be quite certain that I don't need to since I eat a lot of green leafy vegetables. Science proved.

  7. Oh my god I've watched 100s of videos the past year on the website and i'm not even subscribed. Thank you Dr. Gregor for levelling up my health!

  8. Thanks for this! I just bought a K supplement but I try to eat garden greens at every meal! Out it goes (the K) but the container is nice!

  9. Yes but you cannot study one vitamin independently from other nutrients as they work synergistically. The K2 most North Americans need comes from fermented foods….which most of us don’t eat. The one thing I do agree with is the “eat your greens” part. The Japanese have less cardiovascular disease (and cancer) than most in the world. They eat more fermented foods than the rest of us. Research seems to suggest that there could be a correlation.

  10. wow! I love this style of informative approach. Not only stating the conclusions but showing the conditions around it is sometimes necessary to make the information stick and be reliable.

  11. What??? Are you serious?!!!! Well… I guess I'll be saving money, but so bummed out that I'm not getting the benefits I thought. Thank you SO much. And thank you for the leafy green explanation. Now I know how to measure our daily intake. Love the clarity of this video. Great job!

  12. Common practice is to inject babies with Vitamin K as soon as they are born… Is this necessary if mothers eat their greens throughout pregnancy?

  13. THere's so much convincing eveidence in the youtube world about the necessity of K2 via fermented food consumption how preventative it is against calcium formation in the walls of the arteries. Having now come across this latest Greger video – showing in several other studies – that it's just the greens that we need to consume to allow K2 to form within our own bodies. That's great news as it alleviates from me the burden of taking yet an additional supplement, K2, as I age. However, it also adds to the confusion about which is true, although I don't doubt the sincerity behind both claims and the studies that these claims were based upon. I am just going with the greens at this point since Greger, has in the past, corrected some of his own claims based upon updated or misleading studies which were either later found out to have had untrue or updated with new information which altered their previous claims. So thank you again Dr. Greger for your honesty and clearing this question up for me regarding K2.

  14. Just as carrots are more beneficial to us humans when cooked, certain veggies when fermented are better for us! This is why NATTO, which is fermented Soja has the highest level of Vitamin K2 in the world!!!! So what about animal product as the video claims…..Well have you heard of the "french paradox"??? There is an area in France, the South West, where a certain type of animal part is being consumed in a rather larger quantity ….it is FOIE GRAS , or Goose liver (the second highest level of K2 in the world) and this is the area of France where people live to be over 100! Just come and visit the cemeteries and look at the tombstones!98-100-102-105….. Besides we have heard for ages that bacterial plaques in the mouth is the same than the one lining or heart arteries….well guess what, since taking Natto or K2, my trimestrial visits to the dentist to remove plaques have been decreased to annual visits, the plaque simply does not stick…..imagine what it does to the arteries. So sad that such nice info source as NutritioFacts.org is trashing such wonderful benefits as K2, so sad.

  15. В длившемся один год исследовании мужчины и женщины были случайным образом распределены по группам с низкоуглеводной и высокоуглеводной диетой.

    К концу года испытуемые на высокоуглеводной диете значительно меньше страдали от депрессии, враждебности и расстройств настроения, чем испытуемые на низкоуглеводной диете.

    Эти выводы согласуются с исследованиями, согласно которым популяции, в чьём рационе отмечено высокое содержание углеводов и низкое — белков и жиров, меньше склонны к депрессии и плохому настроению‹‹39››.

  16. Great! I can just focus on taking more green leafy vegetables. Although I may still take some fermented soy, natto occasionally for the probiotic and K2.

  17. Would Love a video more about other types of fermented soy products and if theyre healthy or not. Natto, Black Bean Paste, Soy sauce, etc. Would be very helpful!

    Would also Love a Video that goes more in depth with Oxalates, a lot of the low carb community seem to warn against eating any of a huge list of plant foods because of the "dangerous and deadly" Oxalates. Would love more information about this! 😊

    Great Video! I'm glad you put the K2 supplementation to bed! 🤗

  18. Damn. I just bought a big bag of soy beans and a yogurt maker for making natto. I guess I'll return the yogurt maker, I don't know what else I would use it for on a vegan diet.

  19. I have chard growing all around my yard (due to letting one go to seed). We eat a lot of greens. But I don't think everyone has the ability to convert K1 to K2 in the gut. I have been taking 100 mg of K2 (from plants) for years now. When I took a statin for 2 years, my Coronary Artery Calcium scan increased from 107 to 193. I stopped the statin and just went with the K2 and D3. In 2 more years, the CAC score decreased to 164. The radiologist, with impressive credentials from USC, Cedars Sinai, etc., noted on the last test result that the CAC score had decreased from the previous score. In the studies noted in the video, were the people also taking a statin? The statin may be the culprit.

  20. Dr. Greger, I have heard dozens of YouTube videos on here all about how vitamin K2-mk7 strengthens bones, teeth, etc., working in conjunction with vitamin D3 to put calcium into the bones and even remove calcium from the soft tissues. They all refer to studies as well, which you don’t seem to know anything about?

  21. So why all the fuss about you must have vitamin K with vitamin D. Vitamin D now comes with vitamin K because of this recommendation. The reason being that vitamin D enables the body to absorb calcium more easily so vitamin K must be taken to reduce calcification of the heart and muscles. I have been taking vitamin D with vitamin K in the same capsule for years but this video says the vitamin K may be worsening the calcification of my heart. Have I missed something here.

  22. My sons teeth were awful and he was in need of braces. After 2 years on K2 MK7 his teeth are nearly perfect. K2 MK7 expands the pallet and allows teeth to come in straight.

  23. I am plant based. I eat lots of greens. However, I will continue to take a sublingual dose of Vitamin D & K2. I have demonstrated that this works as my bone density scan has improved since taking my sublingual dose. Everyone…everyone is a different organism…remember that! Nothing succeeds like success. Everyone must be their own medical advocate. Big Ag and Big Pharma buy Medical Doctors and Scientists…just like they do with politicians.

  24. Ugh, I wish they would sell kale where I live . I have to eat broccoli and lettuce to get some K , and I have to eat 2 to 4 times more of those to get enough vitamin K, than I would need if I had kale.

  25. You people using all this fluffy flowery language around here need to donate to the cause. Sacrifice two days a week of your greens and pay the Man. You're fortunate enough to get 5/7.

  26. My mum told me when I was little that vitamin K is mainly gotten from the cabbages (ie., brassicas). Seems she was right. Easy to remember because the umbrella term for them in finnish is kaali, which begins with the same letter.

  27. "Impossible Data "🤣🤣🤣 thanks for this timely report on vitamin K . The media/business push to get more vit. D and therefore must take k2. I just stopped my vit D supplement so I wouldn't feel compelled to take k2 and decided to go out side and stand in the sunshine for 10 minutes 😉 My Greens of choice now are sauerkraut 🙃

  28. That is weird I have read several K2 studies using MK4 and MK7 showing benefit. Literally dozens. Good to hear about the lutein. Pastured eggs have it in abundance and it is much more bioavailable.

  29. The question I have is about vitamin D3, which a LOT of people take alongside K2. Some supplement makers put D3 and K2 together in the same capsule. D3 will up the bioavailability of calcium in your body. The claim about K2 is that it will direct that calcium into your bones (which is good), not your arteries (which is bad). So if I drop K2, should I also drop D3, as I don't want calcification of my arteries due to calcium running wild in my body? Sure, I believe that eating right is the best thing to do; always easier to say than do. I've read T. Colin Campbell's book "Whole", which argues against taking ANY supplements at all, unless you have a known illness caused by a deficiency of a certain vitamin/mineral. Campbell is all on-board a WFPB (whole-food, plant based) diet. In the perfect world I would eat an organic, very recently harvested WFPB diet that would include many, many, many different foods. But who's perfect? And if I'm over age 65 (as I am) should I still go without any supplementation at all? And we've all heard that vitamin D is a known covid preventer as well. There are seldom easy answers.

  30. Eat your greens….
    If only the "Greens" were still really "Green" and not the FrankenGreens being peddled by industry!!!
    And not a word mentioned about the Oxalate toxins released by the "Greens"……..

  31. Thanks for always being trustworthy, Dr. Greger. I often google your name and a nutritional claim to see if it is founded on fact. With money being the motivation for information on the media, it's so helpful for us to have an honest source.

  32. How come then, that when I do not supplement, lots of joint pains start popping up, that disappear quickly abruptly after swallowing K2 ?
    In summer season I take K2 and from November till April I take pill containing both D3 and K2.
    D3 dissolves Calcium out of bone tissue, K2 does the opposite it is said. Unclear however is the role of magnesium, that seems at least as important to strong bones.

  33. Fantastic Dr Greger! I've been supplementing vitamin K2 for years, for my osteoporosis…. But I also eat greens. Good to know, I must increase greens! And thank you!

  34. Nein man sollte nichts einnehmen, womit die Pharmakonzerne nichts verdienen das bringt eh nichts!
    P.S Bitte haltet eure Grippeschutzimpfung so wie eure 150€ Corona-Impfung immer aktuell!

  35. What about The combined effect of vitamin K and calcium on bone mineral density in humans: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, as well as The Synergistic Interplay between Vitamins D and K for Bone and Cardiovascular Health: A Narrative Review ?

  36. I adore Dr. Greger for many reasons. His recommendations regarding nutritional supplements is not one of them. Firstly, I find his knowledge to be a little spotty in this arena. For example, For those of us that carry the MTHFR mutation, t's imperative that we take the methylated form of B12, and not the form he recommends. When it come to other vitamins, let's say K2, perhaps if he's considering the perfectly healthy young person, yes, supplementation may not be necessary. But many of us are older and have our battle scars to prove it. We may require additional nutritional support to overcome or at least survive conditions that have been in place a long time. Do I take K2 along with my vitamin D to address my mild arteriosclerosis and osteoporosis? You betcha. By the way, both plant based doctors, Dr. Kahn and Dr Fuhrman, recommend K2 to their patients, and these are no slouches.

  37. My husband and I have been eating natto (2 tbsp) everyday for 2 years now. He had an undiagnosed illness that’s close to having chronic fatigue syndrome, which has been going on for 3 years at the time. For me, I have periodontal disease. Both of us had noticeable improvements after consuming natto. Before, my husband couldn’t even swim without getting dizzy. Now, he can swim for an hour. For me, my periodontist thinks I’m their star patient because I had significant improvements in my pockets and no more bleeding. Natto has a lot of good nutrients, but, the things that made me start eating it was the K2 content and the Japanese went panic buying with it at the start of the pandemic.

  38. The article you cited at 4:00 is from 2017; in fact there's very recent and interesting research (I cited some articles below*) regarding vitamin K2, which gives me the impression that it would be at the very least premature to conclude that dietary intake of vitamin K2 is not required or beneficial.

    To be able to make such claim, it would be necessary to establish that vitamin K2 levels derived from endogenous conversion (vitamin K1 to MK-4) and from bacterial synthesis are still optimal in a vitamin K2-deficient diet. Needless to say, I'm not aware of the existence of such evidence.
    In addition, the gut microbiota can be affected by several factors, such as the use of antibiotics or health conditions.

    Lastly, I'm of the opinion that there are, at least potentially, noteworthy differences between the biological activities of different types of menaquinones (e.g. MK-4 and MK-7).

    Elkattawy HA, Ghoneim FM, Eladl MA, Said E, Ebrahim HA, El-Shafey M, Asseri SM, El-Sherbiny M, Alsalamah RH, Elsherbiny NM, Hadhod S. Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7) Reverses Age-Related Structural and Cognitive Deterioration in Naturally Aging Rats. Antioxidants (Basel). 2022 Mar 8;11(3):514. doi: 10.3390/antiox11030514. PMID: 35326164; PMCID: PMC8944720

    Lee B, Choi GM, Hong JP, Cho DE, Kim Y, Yeom M, Han JJ, Kim SR, Hahm DH. Menaquinone-7 ameliorates cerebrovascular calcification-associated memory decline in aged mice. Life Sci. 2022 Oct 15;307:120912. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2022.120912. Epub 2022 Aug 26. PMID: 36037872

    Tang H, Zheng Z, Wang H, Wang L, Zhao G, Wang P. Vitamin K2 Modulates Mitochondrial Dysfunction Induced by 6-Hydroxydopamine in SH-SY5Y Cells via Mitochondrial Quality-Control Loop. Nutrients. 2022 Apr 4;14(7):1504. doi: 10.3390/nu14071504. PMID: 35406117; PMCID: PMC9003256

  39. I've been wfpb for 6+ years. Last year I did all raw vegan for 6+ months and was eating 2+ lbs of cruciferous vegetables daily. I got bloodwork some months after (still eating at least 1lb of greens) and "just eating my greens" did not do it for me, my K2 was extremely low…

  40. For me, K2 has made a profound difference on my vitamin D levels. When I added it my vitamin D levels were normalized, though I was supplementing with D3. It wasn’t enough to increase my D levels UNTIL I took K2-MK7.

  41. Don't take any supplements, right Doc? Just eat greens, solves everything. If you sold vitamins, your tune would change like AM radio.

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