Podcast: pregiudizi del settore: ingannarci sulla carne (parte I)

Indovina cosa ci hanno ingannato Big Sugar e Big Meat? Linee guida nutrizionali. Questo episodio contiene l'audio di:
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/observational-studies-show-similar-results-to-randomized-controllated-trials /
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/failing-grade-for-annals-of- studi-medicina-interna-carne/
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/conflicts- di-interesse-negli-annals-of-internal-medicine-meat-studies/
Visita le pagine dei video per tutte le fonti e le note del medico relative a questo podcast.

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18 Risposte a “Podcast: pregiudizi del settore: ingannarci sulla carne (parte I)”

  1. You are your own best health advocate.
    Eat a healthy plant based diet, reduce stress, get adequate sleep and exercise daily.
    If every adult and child owned a bicycle and rode it regularly we would be healthier, happier and spend less money on transportation and health care.

  2. I wish Dr Greger you just focus at non-meat topics 😒 don't compare the US to the rest of the world such as Iceland, Greenland (frozen countires in general), desert areas, and coast lands. every place in the world are consuming meat before you showed up on tv or youtube heck they even ants and bats and weird living creatures !! so forget about it unless you are marketing to US and Europe to sell your book and your future products then it makes 🤔 if they hear about the vegan diet it would sound like a joke to them seriously. I enjoyed your other topics therefore please drop the meat debate I will just skip watching it 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. I love animals 🐣🐤🐥🐔💗🦌🦄🐓🦩🐥🐦🦇🦦🐛🐝🦋🪰🦂🐙🐡🦆🦃🦚🦉🦘🐖🐈🐈‍⬛🐑🐕🐏🦮🦥🐘🦣🐬🐠🐟🪲🐜🐌🦀🦐🦙🐄🐩🦬🦛🐒🐿️🦫🦨🦔🦡🪶🦭🐾🪱🦊🐸🐼🐮🦎🦖🐢🐁🐇🐀🐕‍🦺🐎🕊️🦜🦢🦤🐧

  4. Animals are supposed to be classed as persons – giving them the same rights as mentally disabled people who need a caretaker as opposed to property status in the law- making animals into prisoners with a number noone should own anyone especially not the vulnerable animals they want to be seen as not something to buy but someone to protect from abuse

  5. Random scary thought T Colin Campbell said animals flesh is 99% the exact same as human flesh- making the reality that the western diet is essentially a cannibalism diet. This makes so much sense- you know when someone starving to death the human body cannibalised its own muscle – well when humans eat animal flesh they're cannibalising another animal and wearing their fat in their own bodies- Da Vinci's said this as he examined the inside of humans arteries that he said they were full of chicken fat – I made this connection myself at school

  6. I have written to you previously about how your advice has helped me recover from bedbound to functioning good health but now I am interested in your views on oil consumption which you seem to advise against whereas many health pundits regard them as essential?

  7. Dr Greger is right as usual. The tobacco industry disparaged the methodology of observational studies of smoking and cancer for decades causing untold millions to die unnecessarily. As a PhD epidemiologist I am very weary of the scientific ignorance of the average layperson, which applies to diet, alcohol use, infectious disease control, and other health behaviors. If people were better educated, industries would not so easily be able to fool them into behaviors that are counter to their own health and longevity. And I appreciate Dr. Greger’s attempt to educate people here. Other forces here on Youtube are shamefully doing the opposite. There is one site that actually claims all the foods associated with lower risk of breast cancer have the opposite association, and another that is claiming evidence for vegan diets and “the vaccine” causing cancer, using only anecdotes of high profile vegans who got cancer. It would be funny in its stupidity if it were not so dangerous and if naive people weren’t so easily influenced by it.

  8. I just had an idea, if e cigarettes 🚬💨 replaces real cigarettes wouldn't vegan food replace real dead animal bodies and therefore be like getting a animal corpse addict to switch to the vegan version

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