Venerdì preferiti: benefici delle foglie di cavolo sul ginocchio per l'artrosi

Incredibilmente, è stato pubblicato uno studio controllato randomizzato di impacchi di foglie di cavolo per l'artrite.

Le ginocchia non sono le uniche parti del corpo su cui è stato testato il cavolo. Scopri i benefici delle foglie di cavolo per alleviare il seno gonfio ( .

Per ulteriori informazioni sui trattamenti naturali per l'artrite, vedere:
• Perché le diete a base vegetale aiutano l'artrite reumatoide? (
• Trattare la gotta con il succo di ciliegia (<br/> • Curcumina curcumina e osteoartrite (
• Curcuma alla curcuma e artrite reumatoide ( -curcumina-e-artrite-reumatoide)
• Semi di sesamo per l'artrosi del ginocchio (https ://
• Bucce di mela messe alla prova per il dolore articolare cronico (
• Zenzero per l'osteoartrite ( )
• Rosa Canina per Os teoartrite (
• Dieta e artrite reumatoide (

Cos'è quella roba sulforaphane che ho citato? Dai un'occhiata a:
• Broccoli contro cellule staminali del cancro al seno ( /broccoli contro le cellule staminali del cancro al seno)
• A volte il mito degli enzimi è la verità (
• La migliore disintossicazione (
• Sulforafano: dai broccoli al seno (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/sulforaphane-from-broccoli-to-breast/)
• Broccoli: germogli contro integratori (
• I benefici della febbre per l'autismo in un alimento ( -for-Autism-in-a-Food)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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21 Risposte a “Venerdì preferiti: benefici delle foglie di cavolo sul ginocchio per l'artrosi”

  1. Dear Dr. Greger,
    thank you very much for your videos, I enjoy watching them. However, there is one thing you could do to improve the videos.
    You show a lot of results from different studies, but some of them have limited generalizability due to their small sample size. would it be possible for you to show the sample size of the studies briefly as a side note in future videos? that way you would give informed viewers information on assessing the power of the studies and it would hardly be any additional effort for you.
    Thank you very much and all the best!

  2. This cabbage leaf remedy was tried by an contractor that worked at my house 🏠 at my suggestion. His knee was swollen and could hardly walk 🚶‍♂️ on it.
    => I said: look, this item is available in your local grocery store, not expensive, and NO SIDEEFFECTS. What have you got to lose? Try it over-night for 3 days in a row and if you see no improvement, you can quit [knowing that you tried].
    => I called the next week, and asked about his knee, and he proceeded to tell me that he was under the house 🏠 working (it worked) 😉

  3. Is osteoarthritis ever a problem in people with a BMI of less than 23? Sampling a few other videos on YouTube leads me to think that it only comes along after traumatic injuries and/or years of poorly stabilized support of excess weight.

  4. What I'm wondering is… are the cabbage leaves also helping to heal? Or, are the cabbage leaves only helping moderate pain levels from an injury / illness that's ongoing?

  5. Think of how much bending over it would take to secure a piece of cabbage to your knee, it's probably just promoting the first hip mobility exercise the sufferer has ever had, which is how you actually cure knee pain

  6. The pharma companies will be saving this news for April 1st. Could you discuss in further details the potential side effects of vegetables in improving health, oh wait you already did. Thank you for using science to support what we already seemed to know but appear to have generally forgotten.

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