I vegetariani dovrebbero assumere la creatina per normalizzare l'omocisteina?

La creatina può normalizzare i livelli di omocisteina. Quali sono le conseguenze di dover creare la propria creatina invece di fare affidamento su fonti alimentari?

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Questo è il 11esimo in una serie di video 11 che esplorano il rischio di ictus. Se ti sei perso gli ultimi, vedi
Vegetariani e fattori di rischio per ictus: vitamina B12 & Omocisteina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vitamina-b12-e-omocisteina) e come testare la vitamina B funzionale12 Carenza (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-test-for-functional-vitamina-b12-carenza).<br/>
L'intero angolo della creatina era qualcosa di nuovo per me. Da tempo mi preoccupavo che i livelli di omocisteina fossero troppo alti tra coloro che ricevevano un'assunzione inadeguata di B12, ma non mi rendevo conto che c'era potenzialmente un altro potenziale meccanismo per ridurlo oltre all'assunzione di vitamina B. Vediamo se funziona nel mio video finale della serie: The Efficacy and Safety of Creatine for High Homocysteine ​​(http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacy -e-sicurezza-della-creatina-per-alta-omocisteina).

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100 Risposte a “I vegetariani dovrebbero assumere la creatina per normalizzare l'omocisteina?”

  1. If the amount of supplements we need keep going up, I think I'll just start supplementing on a little bit of meat instead. Just enough to be sure I'm getting everything I need. Good or bad idea?

  2. Creatine Monohydrate changed my life. Removed all my problems with weak, burning, cramping, disabling my lower back, low performing muscles that I had all my life and put me on the low ground compared to my peers, despite my talent for movement. Only downside I discovered so far is that I need to take it regularly, cannot stop.

  3. Can you put these videos in a playlist so we don't have to go searching for what video you're referring to? Or link the related video/playlist? I love this channel but it's frustrating that you keep titling videos in a way that present questions that won't be answered til the next video SMH.

  4. Dr Greger, some say that the body reduces the production of creatine, if you take it as supplement (it might be related to quantity, idk), so 1g a day might not be enough in the long run
    Cheers from Brazil

  5. Curious about what Nutritionfacts (anyone else here) says about taking Creatine for increased sports performance. I eat whole foods plant based and take 5 g of creatine daily, but not entirely sure if I should.

  6. He should've mentioned here that before you go to Walmart and buy 600 cans of Creatine be sure to get it from a reliable and safe source. Who knows what is in creatine supplements these days

  7. Dr Greger didn't mention choline as alternative to reduce homocysteine levels. Choline is also involved in fat metabolism, especially in visceral fat in liver disease. Choline is high in salmon and eggs. Nina Teicholz posits that there is no clinical study (epidemiological studies and meta analysis do not show causal and effect most of the time) to show that animal consumption is harmful. I don't know Dr Greger's response to Nina Teicholz, but this is another data point to explore.

  8. I'm starting to feel really worried about all these supplement recommendations and the severity of eventual deficiencies, speaking as a vegan. The lower muscle mass on vegetarians didn't sound good at all either. And the heart attack risk was ridiculously close to the meat eaters??? I've been listening to Greger preaching about his beans and vegetables for a long time, and now i just feel confused and disappointed. It almost seems like there are more negatives than positives of being vegan, at least many times more complicated.

  9. Something is wrong with your nutrition if you have to take supplements like B12. Like it or not, evolution did not design us to be vegans. But don't let science get in the way of the religion of veganism.

  10. I took creatine in the past and had calf cramping issues. I run 30- 50 miles per week and lift. It completed sidelined the running. I tried drinking a lot of water, much more than normally, still cramping issues. Lifting, however, I did notice a subtle positive difference. Just sharing my experience.

  11. I worked as a chef in a large airline galley and I was baffled by the large amount of dud cans of whipped cream🤔It turned out to be the kitchen hands (recreational) habits😂

  12. Jarrow makes vegan creatine with a special formulation they call "Creapure". It's pretty affordable shopping online. I used to supplement it every day for a few months, but stopped because I didn't notice any notable difference, although now I might start up again after a bit of homocysteine research. Anyone have any experience?

  13. How likely is it that homocysteine levels are correlated with psoriasis? I may be genetically predisposed, but I'm a young adult and in the last couple of years developed a possible auto-immune condition where my skin cells replicate rather fast, and results in decent sized flakes that form on my scalp and this last year, in my eyebrows and occasionally in facial hair. A doctor told me it could be psoriasis, and I'm wondering if it's related to my going vegan, and not keeping homocysteine levels properly in check. I've been diligent in researching nutrition to make sure my diet was as optimal as possible, but I know I likely fall short on eating as many greens as I should, and I occasionally space on taking my 2500 mcg sublingual cyanocabalamin (B12) every week. Is there a regimen one can experiment with to get homocysteine levels in check, or should I just work on managing stress, eating a balanced diet, and re-start supplementing creatine on top of regular B12 supplementation?

    P.S. I would kill to have a doctor like Michael Greger. I have so many questions, and the internet (with the caveat of tricky rabit-holes) tends to be far more informative than the doctor I pay to see. I actually stumped a plant-based dietician I was seeing 2 years ago, because I was talking about a lot of things I learned on NutritionFacts, most of which she'd never heard of. Things like sulfurophane and combining broccoli sprouts with mustard powder to maximize bioavailability, and combining turmeric/curcumin with black pepper/piperine for the same reason …I was sorely disappointed even with some of the more basic topics, and realized I might be better off finding a new place to live with more knowledgeable medical workers. Remind me why for-profit medical institutions are still a thing.

  14. This was maybe my problem for many years as vegetarian and vegan. The doctor just said “no worries” that I had extra good kidneys.

  15. Vegans do get bigger boost from creatine in cognitive performance which does suggest that vegans have less of it in their brains, I'm sorry Gregor but you've to admit creatine is another important supplement vegans need, at least 1-2g/d for the cognitive boost.

  16. Very complicated way of this clown to say b12, folic acid and CREATINE deficiency in vegans. Take your pills. I will eat my creatine and b12 steak or liver. Dr. Greger should address Carnosine deficiency in vegans and why it ages you faster 😀

  17. One addition: above age of 50 the creatine levels are usually barely enough to support normal living. If you exercise a lot then your own creatine production can be too little and supplementation can be advised.
    Great vid!

  18. Might this also help lower MMA levels? More broadly, do MMA and homocysteine levels rise/fall together or is it possible for one to be high and the other normal?

  19. It would be helpful to know of a way to get Accurate test results to assess our levels. Test providers are notoriously inaccurate.

  20. The problem i have with this is science doesnt know everything, but what it does know is b12 is only found in high amounts in animal products, it just shows we are omnivores as we also require vitamin C, the problem is the stuff we dont know about, other products in animal and plant food that evolution has optimised us for.

  21. Any studies on vegan vs male hairloss? On finasteride/ minoxidil, vs weights/ cardio/ healthy diet/ natural alternatives? 😅

  22. Side note in studies where vegans don't do so well, the vegan community says "Well those vegans were eating junk food so it doesn't count!" Well, I would say the same in studies of meat eaters. They're eating junk food, not grass feed lean meat and other healthy foods

  23. I had high levels of homocysteine despite taking Vitamin B12. Then I came across an article that said that low levels of choline can also lead to higher homocysteine levels (as well as hair loss which I experienced as well). I have supplemented now for one year with choline and last week I took a blood test again and my homocysteine levels have improved dramatically. So, it might also be worth looking at ;).

  24. If your homocysteine levels are still high though your “folic acid” and cyanocobalamin intake is good… and you’re already getting texted for homocysteine levels-get yourself tested for MTHFR mutation. Seriously.

  25. This video made me sad.
    How is possible the plant based diet that is the healthiest diet to need so much supplements?
    Maybe we need to eat and a small amount meat?

  26. How about people who have the mthfr gene mutation? Also, do you believe that the folic acid enriched foods can be inadequate to people with this mutation?

  27. So let me get this straight. Meat (animal products, etc.) contains B12 and creatine. But we're not supposed to eat meat??? Instead, we should supplement a plant-based diet with nutrients found in animals. So we cut out the naturally existing "middle moo" or whatever and instead introduce a middle man — the supplement companies, which in the US have little regulation as to the contents of their products. Oh yeah, makes perfect sense.

    0:30 – Let's look at this graph really carefully. Are the differences between these groups significant???
    The number of cases alone means almost nothing if the differences aren't statistically significant.
    Furthermore, how was the data obtained? Most "meat eaters" eat the standard American diet, which is unhealthy. Pescatarians and vegetarians may be more mindful of what they eat, and eat healthier foods. We see this over and over again.
    Flashing a graph with some groups and numbers means almost nothing. It's not science. It just looks like science.

  28. 👉🏻In his latest video from 03/09/2020 Professor Walter Veith comments the vaccines from the scientific point of view and shows the connection with the mark of the beast from Revelation13.

    👉🏻*Walter Veith is a Professor of biomedical science and he gave lectures to the postgraduate students.

    This video is absolutely amazing. The discussion about the vaccines begins at time marker 22:30 minutes of the video. I recommend to all of you to watch the video from the very beginning in order to get the full picture.

    👉🏻Please share it with your friends if you like it.


  29. Dear Dr. Greger,
    I follow your plant based diet the most I can and feel great, but, I do use Lard, once in a while, due to it´s high smoking point. Is there something you recommend instead of Pork Lard? Is heating up olive oil as bad as people claim it to be, causing free radicals that increasing cancer risk? Love your work and how much you selflessly help all of us.

  30. Hi doctor greger. I buy canned fruit in syrup. Can you do a video about that. Any benefits? Fresh fruit is not always in season (lychee, cherry) i buy it in can

  31. Why would 50mcg of B12 once a day or 2000mcg once a week lower homocysteine levels within a month but not if you take 500mcg once a day?

  32. The more I watch your videos, the more a balanced whole food omnivorous diet (with some meat) appears to be the best overall answer. It's the only type of diet where supplementation isn't absolutely required, granted it's still recommended to do at least a multi. The laundry list of required supplements as you go to vegetarian, then vegan just get longer and longer according to your own channel. This doesn't mean eating 12 oz. steak every day, you could take care of the B12, creatine, and homocysteine issues with as little as 4 oz. of steak or fish two to three times a week.

  33. The more I researched, the more I understand that the healthiest diet is actually the "Blue Zones" diet, meaning a vegan diet + fatty fish twice a week (and maybe rarely small amounts of eggs, poultry and red meat but that's probably not optimal). Also in the famous Adventists study, the pesco-vegetarians live longer than vegans (0.81 hazard ratio for all cause mortality vs 0.85 for vegans).

  34. Humans require creatine. Creatine is only found naturally in meat. Interesting.
    Nope. I'll supplement it while eating the healthiest diet . What's one more supplement at this point. 16 and counting.

  35. The more one learns about the vegan and vegetarian diet, with all these risks that need supplementation, this is enough proof that our ancestors were definitely not vegetarian. Definitely not. Sure vegetables and plants are excellent, but cannot be our only food source.

  36. I've been vegan whole food plant based for 15 months now. My vit b12 levels are smack dab in the middle, but my homocysteine level is 15. Highest end of normal. How do I lower this? I don't want to take creatine. I already eat lots of beans and my folate level is greater than 20 (normal). I need help!

  37. “higher rates of stroke” is that a joke? The difference is based on 1,000 people. So if the number is 19 vs 17. We are talking about an increase of 2 out of 1,000. Which is .02% which is not at all statistically relevant! Vegetarians are not vegans so they are eating dairy that has b12. Also being vegetarian doesn’t mean you are a healthy eater. You can eat pizza and fries every meal of the day and be a vegetarian. smh

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