La migliore dieta per il trattamento del morbo di Crohn

Il passaggio a una dieta a base vegetale ha dimostrato di ottenere risultati di gran lunga migliori rispetto a quelli riportati sui trattamenti convenzionali sia in fase attiva che in fase di riposo in sia il morbo di Crohn che la colite ulcerosa.

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Questo è il terzo di una serie sulla malattia infiammatoria intestinale (IBD). Se ti sei perso i primi due, vedi Preventing Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Diet ( e La migliore dieta per il trattamento della colite ulcerosa ( -trattamento).

I miei video precedenti di Crohn includono Prevenzione del morbo di Crohn con la dieta ( e il lievito alimentare scatena il morbo di Crohn? (

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45 Risposte a “La migliore dieta per il trattamento del morbo di Crohn”

  1. Living with a virus for eternity is something you need to sit down and think. There is a cure for any type of virus and diseases. So why listen to people who will discourage you and not give you cure. Alternative cure for any type of virus, diseases and STDS available.
    1; HSV1 and HSV2
    2; Lupus diseases
    3; Cancer
    4; Human Papilloma virus (HPV)
    5; Crohn's diseases
    6; Diabetes
    7; Sickle Cell Arnamia
    8; Herpes
    9; HIV
    10; Neratitis
    11; Diabetes
    12; Pile
    for any health issues Contact Doctor akhigbe for help in ridding out your problem. WhatsApp

  2. My friend, aged 30, has been a strict vegan for years, yet has recently been diagnosed with Crohn's. Other than stopping smoking, what's the best course of action for her?

  3. Too late for my friend, he died of a huge tumor on his colon after 30 years of Crohns…he died like a crack addict, he was a sugar fiend, kept a gallon of apple juice by his desk, ate ice cream for breakfast, after lunch, and after dinner…bought those big pails of ice cream. No amount of talking to him would get him to change. Sugar truly is a dangerous drug.

  4. Thank you for this! I followed High Carb Health and got my health back after suffering with IBD. No drugs, just a whole foods plant based diet.

  5. Diagnosed with crohn's at 12 y/o. I was on steroids which made my bones weak and I broke my leg. I was on humira which stopped working after a while. I was on cimzia which helped but then I switched to plant-based and all symptoms went away for 3 years. At the beginning of 2021 I got really sick (perhaps covid) and it caused an excruciating flare up with lots of inflammation and a really bad abscess. Now I've been on remicade for almost a year and I've had to increase the dose because I'm developing antibodies and the remicade isn't at a high enough level in my blood. I haven't had any symptoms though and I've been able to refine my plant-based diet to almost cut out all processed foods. If my GI tells me the remicade isn't doing anything, I might see how it goes without medication again.
    Thanks for your work Dr. Greger!

  6. My father died from Crohn's Disease in 1995. He went from one doctor to another – no relief. He was told to load up on dairy to strengthen his bones!!! He died a painful death. I had gut issues (not Crohn's) and solved all my problems with a WFPB diet. My father could have had many more years – pain free – had he known…….. We look around, and everyone is on multiple drugs and still in pain. Diet IS everything.

  7. As a long time vegan with crohn's disease, it's nice to see the good Dr. bringing this subject up. At the same time, medication is essential to many crohn's sufferers. Even though my plant based diet has helped, medication has saved me from having very invasive surgery. We can't always crap on the meds, Dr.

  8. I love You Dr. Michael Greger. Thank You for spreading the Truth about diet and lifestyle to reverse prevent and even eliminate a problematic disease. amazing truth everyone should hear, thanks to You we can! i have upmost respect for You Sir. I sincerely Thank You 🙂

  9. I would love to hear your take on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for crohns patients. The literature seems pretty strong, even compared to a WFPB diet.

  10. Sorry Dr. Gregor. This is kinda absurd and shows your lack of clinical experience. I question how many of the patients cited were over-diagnosed. With most Crohn's flares you can't handle fiber and you are unable to absorb nutrients properly. Sure junk food, red meat, dairy, etc are trigger foods. But treating a Crohn's flare with fibrous low macro nutrient density foods is basically impossible and frankly inhumane torture. I'm not the only one that has also struggled with a whole food vegan diet- even for maintenance in between flares. The reason why GI docs talk about elemental diets, exclusionary diets, and modified Mediterranean for Crohn's (and not whole food vegan) – is because that's what the research shows helps – and what makes sense when the intestines are very constricted from inflammation, bloody lesions, and scarring and can't absorb nutrients properly.

  11. keto helped me 2 years no symptoms and felt good overall, no meds, inflammation and I can eat vegetables and meat.

  12. Doc, It Sounds like you have a new retainer in your mouth making your speech slurred. It is hard to understandr you

  13. If you want to change your life, cure Crohns and reduce imflammation, avoid GLUTEN! No bread, pasta, pizza ,etc. Eat meat, eggs, avocado, butter! High fat, high protein and low carb. Hard to believe that a patient cure himself with high carb. Utter bullshit. I have experienced with bloating, adhd, depression, anxiety and just eating this way has changed my life. Whoever wants help, let me know.

  14. I have crohns colitis and completely eliminated all meat and have an all plant based diet…helped me so much, I’m still on remicade, but definitely maybe I can be off the infusion sooner than later, been on for year and half. When I started the infusions is when I read a lot about meats inflammation …I ate steak, etc, before…definitely found out that my body doesn’t like that. Love this doctor, so much knowledge, thank you 😊

  15. I have struggled with Crohn's for well over 10 years. These numbers are huge, but hard to implement.

    The roughage involved in plant-based diets is what gets me. It feels like I get obstructed when having leafy veges/legumes and then I have to stop eating for a bit to let it pass.

    Is this documented?

  16. Can confirm. No symptoms while I have been plant based. Really wish this was public knowlage when I was first diagnosed 25 years ago

  17. I switched to a carnivore diet which allowed me to heal over a 6-12 month period. I can now eat most foods again. I tried a wholefood plant based diet and in my case it made it much much worse. I think everyone is different and I am now thriving again but that was thanks to animal based diet.

  18. This is the polar opposite to my experience. I was diagnosed at 38. Eating SAD. Doc said there was a cure , we can take it out. Scared the hell out of me. I tried McDougall diet and the only change I noticed was my stools had more stuff along with the blood. I really got desperate. A Jewish friend of mine said that I should eat a fish diet. So I tried it. It worked, within 2-3 weeks blood disappeared and stools began to normalize and I felt like I had energy again. Eat fish, a lot of fish, clean water with lemon or lime. That’s my solution.

  19. I have crohn's. I was on imfiximab I'm now on vendulizimab. I was warned against vegetables. Ii don't know how that can be healthy. I was moved on to a stoma bag after a foot long stricture was removed. The stoma is removed. I still have 10cm of inflamation. I was told to avoid fiber. I did however get great results eating something called Huel I noticed inflamation dropped it contains some sunflour oil tho.

  20. In principle it sounds great, but needing to follow a low fibre diet, I'm struggling to see how I could achieve a healthy rounded diet….. any help / ideas greatly welcome.

  21. I read the second study and the patients were in remision due to meds or surgery then they went in the semi vegetarian diet. It's a big difference , if someone is not in remission with Crohns they will most likely have strictures and would die from an obstruction with all that fiber.

  22. I can't help but feel this video is bullshit. Simply trying to promote a vegan/ vegetarian diet.

    I have crohns, 2 surgeries thus far. Let me tell you vegetables kill me, whole grain kills me. Certain fruits are terrible. Honestly wtf…

  23. I’m 67 years old and I just got diagnosed with Crohn’s. My doctor told me to go on low fibre diet which most vegetables and fruits are not allowed. chicken, beef, fish is ok. Which exact opposite of what this video is saying. I’m very confused now what to do.

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