I vegetariani hanno davvero un rischio di ictus maggiore?

Il primo studio nella storia sull'incidenza di ictus tra vegetariani e vegani suggerisce che potrebbero essere a rischio più elevato.

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L'ho chiamato 17 anni fa. C'è un vecchio video (https://youtu.be/q7KeRwdIH04) di me su YouTube (si può dire che proviene da 2003 sia per il mio uso all'avanguardia della tecnologia avanzata della lavagna bianca, sia per il fatto che avevo i capelli 🙂 dove esprimo le mie preoccupazioni sul rischio di ictus in vegetariani e vegani. La buona notizia è che penso che ci sia una soluzione facile. <br/>
Questo è il terzo in un -serie di video sul rischio di ictus. Ecco i link al resto dei video:
• Cosa mangiare per prevenire l'ictus (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what- da mangiare per prevenire l'ictus)
• Cosa non mangiare per prevenire l'ictus (
• I vegetariani hanno davvero un rischio di ictus maggiore ? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-vegetarians-really-have-higher-stroke-risk)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina D? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vitamina-d)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: Omega 3? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-omega-3s)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: cibo spazzatura vegano? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vegan-junk-food)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: grassi saturi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-saturo-grasso)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: proteine ​​animali? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-animal-protein)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina B380 & Omocisteina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vitamina-b12-e-omocisteina)
• Come testare la vitamina B funzionale12 Carenza (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-test-for-functional-vitamina-b04-carenza)
• I vegetariani dovrebbero assumere creatina per normalizzare l'omocisteina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/should-vegetarians-take-creatine-to-normalize-homocysteine)
• L'efficacia e la sicurezza della creatina per l'alta omocisteina (http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacia-and-safety-of-creatine-for-high-homocysteine)

Se non vuoi aspettare che tutti questi video vengano lanciati qui su NutritionFacts.org e vuoi semplicemente saltare all'emozionante conclusione (*avviso spoiler*), tutti questi video sono tutti disponibili su un download digitale su https://drgreger.org/collections/downloads/products/vegetarian-stroke-risk-digital.

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-vegetarians-really-have- rischio di ictus più elevato
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100 Risposte a “I vegetariani hanno davvero un rischio di ictus maggiore?”

  1. The new format with Dr G waving his hands in the videos and shrinking the text is super distracting. Idk if they can find a different way to cut it… For whatever reason I remember his year in summary videos being less distracting and still featuring there man himself too…

  2. Really funny to see vegans deny the evidence… they quote methodology details on epidemiological data ONLY when this contradicts their ideological thoughts. But of course when it concerns red meat eaters, dairy consumption, omnivores people (99 % of the population..).
    They forget to do this. 🙂

  3. I saw a video on this same topic earlier this year. I thought it was at Nutrition Facts, but maybe it was somewhere else. (Mic the vegan, perhaps?) In any event, the video made the case that lumping vegetarians and vegans together into a single "vegetarian" category isn't really an appropriate thing to do, given that vegetarians eat foods (e.g. eggs and cheese) that likely increase their stroke risk relative to that of vegans. I think it's fair to hypothesize that vegans' stroke risk is not only lower than that of vegetarians, but also lower than that of meat eaters.

  4. It's funny how dr greger always talks about "meat propaganda", "soda propaganda" etc. meanwhile the biggest propaganda in nutrition science is veganism itself lmao. How can anyone take vegan studies serious when they were done by ethical vegans and sponsored by PETA or other vegan organizations. People are stupid

  5. How to get the best out of both worlds ? How about eating fish for b12 and Omega 3 and don't have to worry about stroke from high homocysteine levels.

  6. Vegetarians still eat lots of animal based products and junk, and even vegans these days eat so much not too healthy foods I wouldn't be surprised if this is undermining their health advantage to some extent… I would like to see a Whole Foods Plant Based diet group in future studies (no animals and little to no junk vegan food). I am under the impression that vegetarians would have a lot more risk of everything, and meat eaters would be off the charts! … maybe I'm bias 🙂

  7. Dr Gregor's theatrics and delivery are extremely annoying, so much that i can't even absorb the information. I appreciate the info, but it would be nice if he toned it down and just spoke normally. I dont think we need to be entertained.

  8. Dr. Greger you are so handsome I can't focus on the research papers. Haha.

    I prefer the older format but it's nice seeing your face too.

  9. 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

  10. Too much drama and suspense. Something this serious should be put to rest quickly. Dragging it only increases the perception that Vegan diets are unhealthy and dangerous. Framing the research conclusions in the form of cliffhangers is a big turnoff and smacks of game playing

  11. This was such a good video!! I'm so so excited watching this. I can't wait for the next one. You get it!! I love nerding out about these things. You make it so easy to understand. Thanks for staying honest!

  12. Overadjustment bias, the latest vegan excuse. How about "ethical vegan" bias when it comes to analysing nutritional / health studies, surely as strong a bias as any?

  13. Gee, I wonder if the next episode will be about how muchcheese and eggs vegetarians eat, and how vegans have the lowest chances.

  14. >>>>>>> Do Vegetarians Really Have Higher Stroke Rick?

    This is the very definition of a BS ClickBait video. How low can you go? How not to die? Total hucksterism under the brand of a doctor? If you cared about having normal, logical, reasonable people listen to what the facts were you would dial this crap that has been amping up for years now … WAY WAY DOWN. Doctor. ( with all due respect )

  15. Regarding "overadjustment bias", it looked to me as if the research was simply establishing that there is an indirect relationship between saturated fat and cardiovascular disease, where fat increases cholesterol which then increases disease, but fat doesn't increase disease directly. If you examine the correlation between fat and disease without controlling for cholesterol, you would find a positive correlation, but if that correlation goes away when you control for cholesterol, then that's just evidence on an indirect relationship between fat and disease. I'm not sure why that would be thought of as "overadjustment bias"…

  16. The study just doesn´t make sense. First of all, vegans (and vegetarians even, which is surprising given that they probably eat lots of high-inflammatory foods, but maybe they found those who don´t eat lots of cheese etc.) have SIGNIFICANTLY fewer cases in all categories in the study compared to meat-eaters, so how do they come to the conclusion that meat-eaters have a lower risk of stroke? They´ve clearly separated meat from fish, even though I would count them under the same umbrella, so the statement is misleading according to their own labelling. Also, the fact that these people who eat fish have a lower risk of stroke and heart disease is clearly because of the omega 3, which you can get from seeds. There is nothing in fish you can´t get on a whole-food, plant-based diet. I mean, did they check the vegans and vegetarians for optimal levels of omega 3 and other kinds of nutrients? I could easily construct a study with the opposite result if I took a bunch of fast-food meat-eaters and vegans on a super healthy, OPTIMAL diet. Just being vegan doesn´t make you healthy. We have no idea what their diets consist of over time. There is no way of knowing whether these vegans were actually eating the right kinds of food. Conclusion: This study is sloppy as hell.

  17. The answer; 19 out of 20 vegetarian and vegan restaurants serve mostly overprocessed, greasy, non-organic, (GMO laden) comfort food that is barely healthier than every other place.

    Truly healthy food needs to be as fresh, local, organic, unprocessed and nutrient dense as possible to get the most beneficial results.

  18. Vegetarians could eat more cheese and eggs or it's the B12 problem that stiffens the arteries or makes them otherwise unhealthy if you don't supplement enough?
    It's very nice to see this honest reporting, so we can be sure to have a source of information to trust.
    I think he feels very responsible for his viewers health 🙂

    Only his videos are responsible that I started thinking about healthy eating 6 years ago and soon after also about the ethics of using living creatures in an industry.

  19. Either go completely Vegan (plant based) or go ahead and keep eating meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy. Don't go in between like ''I don't eat meat/fish whatever'' like Vegetarians. The dairy and egg (chicken industry) is known for his 200% abuse as well!
    100% Vegan or 100% eating everything. No respect for ''veggitarians'', sorry.

  20. Oh man. I don't think people realize how bad this bias issue is scholarly papers, especially, in the health industry. People who have taken one semester of statistical analysis or econometrics think they really understand how to do regression analysis by including "control" variables to "tease out" impact of other influencers on the dependent variable, but often times they are not independent of their main variable of interest. Experiments are gold, but not always feasible. There are other ways to do impact analysis, but that requires a bit more rigorous econometrics/statistical analysis knowledge than most people in the health field get.

  21. "Vegetarian" and "vegan" are dramatically different in themselves, but they still only denote what's left out of their diet and nothing about what their diet actually consists of. I know plenty of ethical vegans who have more respect for other animals than they do for themselves, eating crap diets as bad or worse than the SAD. I'd love to see any studies done on people who eat an actual, healthy, whole food plant based (WFPB) diet compared with the SAD.

  22. this video was confusing.

    couldn't it be the increased consumption of milk products? vegetarians tend to replace meat with cheese.

  23. I noticed that little fib during Jon Venus' video with that "doctor". Overall serious risk to health was still much higher in meat eaters. Furthermore, lumping vegans and vegetarians in the same category is not appropriate. If you are a vegetarian that eats a bunch of cheese and eggs every day you could easily wind up consuming just as much saturated fat and cholesterol as a meat eater. For instance, as a vegetarian, I eat way too much cheese, about 2-3 lbs a week, sometimes more.

  24. It would be nice for them to split out vegans from vegetarians to see if the dairy/eggs are having any effect on the potential of stroke rates being higher. Almost seems like a waste when they do these studies and lump vegans/vegetarians in the same category. There's a difference there people!!

  25. My neighbor is 95. He has been a diehard vegan from the age of 27. He won't eat anything except some fruits, raw vegetables and nuts and seeds and that's that. Only warm water, no teas, no coffee. Yet he ended up with a pacemaker in his 80s. But just a few weeks ago he got the CV19 and faired magnificently.

  26. I've got a few hunches about the poor performance of the vegetarian group:

    – Elevated dairy and egg consumption (saturated fat and cholesterol)
    – High consumption of refined fats, especially seed oils (poor omega-3 to omega-6 ratio)
    – Homocystinuria (low levels of B12)

  27. When people decide to become vegetarians, they usually eat more cheese and eggs. I have no doubt this accounts for the findings. The study SHOULD HAVE but DID NOT separate out vegetarians and vegans. Because there is a world of difference between those diets.

  28. What is your view on pasture-raised animals? Because don't you I think the reason why red meat is bad. is because of the stuff they do to the poor animal and to the processed foods they give them? If we treat our livestock with respect, give them a natural diet, and let them do what nature indeeded. like a cow, eating the pasture, pooping in the grass and soaking up the sunshine. We would have meat that is healthy to eat. They done a study on killing a fish a certain way, rather than letting it die from suffocation. and the study showed that, the quality of fish was way better compared to the one that suffocated. so that just shows you, treating animals is the key to having good meat to eat

  29. This is ridiculous, we all know that a vegetarian diet is not healthy. Why is Dr. Greger intent on tainting vegans with the vegetarian brush eh? He even said it himself DON'T EAT EGG YOLKS! Why is it so hard to understand? Why is he acting so puzzled? Why is he saying things like 'reduce' meat intake? Is it just me or has this man has gone a bit weird and ambiguous?

  30. Nutrition Facts
    Serving Size1 burger (11.7oz)
    Amount Per Serving
    % Daily Values*
    Total Fat
    Saturated Fat
    Trans Fat
    Total Carbohydrate
    Dietary Fiber
    Vitamin D
    * The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice

  31. Save you from having to watch his annoying monologue in a manner he probably thinks is cool: when comparing non-smoking meat eaters to non-smoking vegetarians, the study found a slightly higher risk of stroke in vegetarians. But since the study didn’t come to the conclusion he wanted, he’s going to throw shade with no evidence to back himself up. And he’s going to annoy the hell out of you in the process…

  32. I'n putting money on problems with elastin and collagen in vegans/vegetarians. Makes the blood vessels either stiff or fragile and thus increases susceptibility to either ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke.

  33. Dr. Greger Parishioners: "Only Vegan and Vegetarian Studies Are Real. It is The Science. All other studies are sponsored by Big Meat and therefore Fake. We don't need any Choline or Astaxanthin or collagen in our diets. Boxes of Vegan food on vegan store shelves have all the protein we need. Take our B12 supplements and Pea Protein Powder. Close the lids on our toilets before flushing our fluffy floaters to mitigate our Beirut Bacteria Bombs. Oh Science, guide us! In Greger's name we pray!" 😉

    I'm j/k I like Dr. Greger I'm just busting hisballs a little bit. Everybody needs a little busting now and then. All this bootlicking and brownnosing it just gets old really fast.

  34. Vegans must supplement with the following very important nutrients only found in animals:
    B12, creatine, carnosine, vitamin D3,
    Omega 3 fatty acids (DHA), heme iron, taurine,

  35. 2:05 it's funny how he talked about most people eating a bad diet before and then accepted the results of the study comparing vegetarian and vegans with meat eaters. The study is adjusted to a lot of things, but not the quality of the diet. And then care so much for precision in studies but stick with the correlations when it comes to animal foods.

  36. 2:10 But, what kind of stroke, hemorrhagic (due to aneurysm or thinning artery wall), or ischemic (due to blood clots)?

    One would hypothesize the former since CVD declined (less chance of blood clots, unless the veg diet is also thinning the stable covering of plaques.) Less choline and fats would tend to thin the artery walls, no?

    6:40 You say, "would be nice to know what the other reason is"? You're the DOCTOR, remember? You should be the one leading the conversation about the two types of strokes.

    ! How can they get away with not differentiating the two types of strokes?! Isn't that like failing to differentiate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?

    And, not that it's necessarily a bad thing, I'll remind everyone of alternative agendas:
    Dr. Michael Greger is the Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture with HSUS and a vegan nutrition specialist. His role at HSUS is to use the pretense of disease outbreaks to create public scares about animal farming.

  37. 6:20 Hey doc, please explain, if the top 10 causes of death only account for about 540 out of a hundred thousand people, what do the other 99,500 people die from? I'll go research myself since you've never answered one of my questions…too illuminating, I think.

    Answer: it's PER YEAR!
    About 730 people die each year per 100k.
    Damn statisticians. Probably all doctorates, too, can't even label the x-axis on a chart correctly.


  38. Although I know that I’m now far healthier by striving to eat the daily dozen, and I plan to continue; it concerns me how Dr. Greger’s vegan bias often tries to downplay the great benefit of a vegetarian diet. Most of us will never be 100% vegan. Once he accepts that he might be more apt to give a committed vegetarian diet its proper respect and not always overlook it in favor of restrictive vegan eating.

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