Intervista al Dr. Greger di

Dato che quest'anno abbiamo dovuto cancellare l'apparizione del Dr. Greger a Vancouver a causa del COVID-19, invece ho avuto la fortuna di sedermi e intervistarlo (virtualmente)! Trattiamo argomenti tra cui i benefici della nutrizione a base vegetale per persone di TUTTE le età, la controversia su grassi saturi e colesterolo, l'inversione delle malattie cardiache e altro ancora!

Reed Mangels Prenota sulle gravidanze vegane:

Vedi il lavoro del Dr. Greger su https://nutritionfacts .org/

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14 Risposte a “Intervista al Dr. Greger di”

  1. Awesome! … fav. vegan Doc….. infect Dr Greger was the man who gave me the last push to go vegan 19 years ago😊☝️⭐!!!

  2. Lololol oh my god, i totally lost it when he started shaking his head when you brought up the questioning of Ornish's work and I just kept laughing till he was done. He's great 😂❤

  3. As far as mental health goes, I think vegans are depressed a lot more. Im plant based and this is true. BUT its due to being outcast. Im currently hitting my depression point because I'm outcast due to my eating at work (I live in beef Texas)

  4. There's been a formal, full, and in-depth reply to these postulations regarding ASCVD (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease) Reversal to a clinically relevant degree given by Dr. Avi on Vegan Gains channel.

    Main takeaways (from my perspective)
    1 – Even being as generous as possible to what a clinical reversal definition would be, a dietary intervention has never been able to demonstrate these statistically significant changes.
    2 – It's already agreed that outcomes are more important than reversal, but that doesn't make the claim of reversal accurate or in good faith.

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