La storia di

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DESCRIZIONE: Il Dr. Greger racconta la storia di sua nonna, che lo ispirò ad avvicinarsi alla medicina .
Questa è la prima volta che faccio un video come questo. Ciò è avvenuto a causa del feedback degli utenti che abbiamo ricevuto in quel sondaggio che abbiamo fatto alcune settimane fa. Molti di voi mi hanno chiesto di creare video introduttivi più basilari da condividere con coloro che non conoscono sia il sito che l'intero concetto che le nostre scelte alimentari possono esercitare un enorme potere sul nostro destino di salute e sulla nostra longevità. <br/> Quindi con l'aiuto volontario del videografo Grant Peacock ( /), ho creato dieci video di introduzione e panoramica sia per i nuovi utenti per orientarsi, sia per gli utenti di lunga data da utilizzare per presentare le persone al sito. Resta sintonizzato per:
• Perché dovresti preoccuparti della nutrizione (
http://nutritionfacts. org/video/why-you-should-care-about-nutrition)
• Assumersi la responsabilità personale per la propria salute (
• La filosofia di (
• Dietro le quinte di ( Nutritionfacts-org)
• Come non morire di malattie cardiache (http: //
• Come non morire di cancro (
• Come non morire di diabete ( -da morire -diabetes/)
• Come non morire di malattie renali (
• Come non morire da High Blood Pressure ( )
Quello che faremo è alternare questi video più ampi di tipo panoramica e quelli regolarmente programmati contenuto per non annoiare coloro che bramano solo l'ultima scienza.

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100 Risposte a “La storia di”

  1. For-profit medicine is yet another way capitalism crushes humanity. If there are future generations they will look back at us the same way we do now at the slave and feudal societies of the past.

  2. I am just one of thousands of people who are so thankful for your work, Dr. G! You say you read all that medical literature so we don't have to…hey, even if I read it, it's not likely I would understand it. One of the great services you do is interpret medicalese so all of us can understand and then make informed decisions. You're terrific 🙂

  3. I weighed 368 pounds at age 27 and had severe chest pains at rest. I was worried that I was going to die. A friend shared Dr. Greger's Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death video with me. I was convinced by Dr. Greger's evidence-based approach and adopted a plant-based diet right away. I lost over 30 pounds in the first month, 100 pounds in the first 6 and 160 pounds in the first year. Today I'm about 190 pounds down. I ran a half marathon and I've done a 70 mile bike ride, with some 5k's and triathlons as well. I was obese for my entire life up until adopting a plant-based diet. It has literally saved my life and made it immensely more comfortable and enjoyable to be in my own body, no longer self-conscious everywhere I go that I am being judged for being fat. No longer being winded just for walking up a short flight of stairs. Being healthy enough to run in races. I no longer rely on coffee to feel awake in the morning, nor do I suffer from a post-lunch comatose state every day. My life is much more enjoyable than it was before, and I have Dr. Greger and my friend to thank for it.

  4. Dr Greger, you are a very, very good human being. Don't stop doing what you are doing because it is people like you that will pry open the eyelids of all of the people out there that suffer from curable diseases, educating and allowing them to make the changes in their lives for the better.

  5. Sometimes, I get hungry So hungry I can barely stand on my own feet When I feel this way I crawl into my kitchen for some… Wholesome meat

  6. Thanks Dr. Greger. The information you've brought to me and my family has helped us so much. We absolutely love your work!

  7. Been following you for a while. Thank you so much for informing us and providing a platform where we can access information to take control of our own lives. Knowledge is the greatest gift. You're a legend.

  8. Really impressive site, and such a contrast to other super-slick for-big-profit messianic sites like this one which I stumbled across today, and which led me here.

    "A fool and his money are soon parted" applies really well to the nutrition world, esp. when people are desperate.

    Thank you for doing what you do!

  9. Thank you for all you do Doctor Gregor. You changed my life. I became totally convinced and vegan because of your videos. I have lost weight and my asthma is gone alomg with IBS. Thank you for being the definition of a great Doctor.

  10. This intro has touched me nearly to tears. Just discovered your channel, I look forward to taking in all this information. Thanks ahead for everything you have done for us.

  11. Hi Dr. Greger. Been vegan for about 2 and half years. Unfortunately got UC last year; tried the the healing diet from Dr. Klein for a while. The problem is because I also have a hiatal hernia it seemingly caused acid reflux and some candida overgrowth. Once I stopped having so many banana smoothies, etc those symptoms went away. I have researched to death the subject; a lot based on your great advice/research as well as from Dr. McDougall among many others. I have and will do more intermittent fasting as well as a full fast when I have some down time over the summer which definitely helps. My question for you; Being that I am trying to find food options that work for my condition, do you know if substances like Teff Flour will give me issues? there seems to be little or no data on the subject. Since having to cut back on fruit, and not able to tolerate many raw vegetables (or even many cooked veggies for that many), I have been doing a lot of trial and error over this year as to what seems to really help and what doesn't. For example, even though I've been told over and over again avoid grains, but regular organic oatmeal seems to do great things for me. Although, seemingly, again too much of it, along with fruit seem to cause more dizziness and other candida overgrowth symptoms. Also trying a plethora of fermented foods; again some say avoid these with UC, but apparently helped many with Candida issues. Foods such as Sauerkraut,tempeh, coconut yogurt, Kimchi (had some issue with this so stopped as well as with pickles). Also told to avoid fat like avocado, flaxseed, chia, hemp seeds (for obvious issues with being to bulking to pass). However I have had a cucumber salad (no peel) mixed with avocado, sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, and recently some cooked tempeh with somewhat good results. Include my flaxseed with oatmeal, again overall no issues. Dr. Klein's healing diet promotes, of course, high starchy carbs such as sweet potato, potato, etc. I did that for a while; had lots of blood after eating potatoes; somewhat mixed issues with sweet potatoes; although I continue to try to re-introduce them since they are supposed to help. also have tried anti-inflamatory options promoted to help my situation; although honestly intermittently due to not sure if those substances were making it worse. At one point or another tried Turmeric, Boswellia, L-gluatime, slippery elm, fennel, peppermint and others I can't recall right now. My other question is since the oatmeal in general seems to work pretty well but on occasion seems to cause some of the candida symptoms to arise again, should I be taking enzymes such as Gluten Ease and/or a digestive enzyme in general? on that subject, I had been taking probiotic supplements for years until I recently; discovered the obvious, that by sitting on the shelf or being transported etc;, most likely not much live strains left; hence the more fermented food option instead. Also, being that I am an avid gym person. it was very difficult to give that up based on the recommendation of said healing book to just let your body rest. So I did for a while lost about 30 pounds (I am 5"7; 45 years of age; got down to about 115 at one point and felt awful. Actually got extremely bad hemorrhoids and anal fissures from lack of activity. So I researched Vegan BCAA supplements and started to slowly begin training again, which helped tons. Feel so much better. But again, I struggle between the advice these other folks were telling me and how I am feeling now that I have included the No Bull amino acids and training. I know you are super busy, and not sure if you'll get around to my questions. If not, I totally understand. Just took a chance that you might see this one day soon and have some more insight for me. Regardless, I am so, so grateful for all you've done and continue to do. You have definitely been the premiere source for this new found knowledge for me, and for my family. Much thanks, Andy

  12. I have been searching for a long time to find someone who distributes the facts without any sponsonship or ads. This seems like it can be the real deal, looking forward to watching everything on your website!

  13. Awesome! I have been a Vegan for over one year now….deeply interested in nutrition, (enlightened self-interest!), and you are my nutrition guru. Thank you so much for all you are doing; here's to your dear grandmother!!! 🙂

  14. Dr. Greger, Tonight, I have been watching your interviews on YouTube and I wanted to stop by and tell you that you are adorable. You really are. Normally, I would be telling you how brilliant you are, and how much I have learned from you, but that is for another time.

    I got to the interview where you are wearing a hat and my heart just melted. I feel like you and I would have been life-long friends if I was in high school or college with you. Blessings on you and your love of your life. Deb

  15. I'm so depressed cuz I became vegan about 4~5month ago but little support from my family…😞😓😔
    I cut off meat and dairy. My younger daughter and my husband still eat fish which I'm ok. I don't want to force them to eat vegan foods if they are not willing to become vegan.
    Eventually, I want to cut off oil, sugar, rice, noodles, and bread but I feel its impossible to do it with my family…
    Sometimes, we argued cuz what I made vegan foods for them.
    I don't have any vegan friends. They think I'm crazy. I feel no one supporting me…😩☹😫

  16. This doctor looks so malnourished and sickly. Why would anyone listens to him? And he’s super arrogant. All about ME, ME, ME with slick stories for marketing.

  17. Nice to see U in the video & to see how much U really enjoy what you do! Teaching us how to think nutritionally sound based on evidence.
    It's nice to see you in action talking cuz it's a cool combo..
    Now I can place a face to the upbeat smart alecky humor that your voice carries so well!!!

    Interesting to learn from you how meat based gut biome has issues as U indicated thru the likes of producing 4bad letters while processing choline creatine etc etc.
    PLS More interesting details of dietary changes specific to the Biome & things like how beans double process as food for biome.

    Looking to eat to change biome is vital for me, I now consume lentils n chickpeas daily rather than weekly as I've done mostly for years.
    I Kno from ur video Bran is one other significant source for healthier biome..
    Pls keep more like this type info forthcoming hopefully

  18. Love you Dr Gregar and the philanthropists who made this possible. You are doing a wonderful thing for humanity and it is good karma

  19. Excellent Dr. Greger!! Thanks a lot for such a contribution to society! People like you make a difference in the world!! Thanks!!!

  20. Hola Doctor Greger, desde hace un tiempo mi señora comenzo a leer su libro Comer para no Morir, y me decia los alimentos que no habia que comer, porque eran dañinos para la salud, ella se hizo vegetariana . Hasta que yo empece a leer su libro y wuau, me hizo pensar mucho de lo mal que me alimentaba, comiendo carnes rojas, pollo y carnes procesadas. Ahora me hice vegetariano tambien y la vida me ha cambiado mucho y para mejor, ahora trato de convencer a mis amigos. Gracias por su gran aporte desinteresado a esta gran causa que es la salud.
    Juan Domingo Molina

  21. I have learned a lot and am going to try to eat healthier–giving up candy, ice cream, potato chips and some of the other less nutritional foods such as cookies, pies, cakes, etc. I'm sure that I will have at least some set backs in the beginning, but certainly worth a try to eating more fruits and vegetables, beans, and other nutritious foods that I don't really care for.


  22. Love Dr. Greger's videos of his talks and insights! So thankful I found him on the net! Keep up the good work, Dr. Mike! I've been very cynical about doctors who went to medical school and sold out to the system. All they do now is fill up their waiting room with as many as they can squeeze in and devote 10 minutes to up the meds or prescribe new meds. Drug pushers with a license! :'( They don't care about what the cause is for symptoms, only that they can push a drug for it!

  23. Thank you dr for sharing with us. My grandmother inspired me a lot too .. she was a poor poor poor syrian Lebanese lady. She instilled in us education education and education and when my brother and i did well in school the only thing that granny could of rewarded us with is her cooking … best ever simple ingredients and made with love … now heaven has her … we thank you again for this priceless info .. god bless you doctor …. you are too kind … if you ever come to trinidad i will personally take you around my country and trust me we have the best fruits eva !!!

  24. thanks, doc. esselstyn saved my life in 2003 and gave me confidence that my decision to not undergo a triple bypass was not crazy. i'm sure you've done the same for many others. thinking about the kempner diet, it would sure make food buying easy..

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