Il cacao in polvere causa l'acne?

Il legame tra cioccolato e acne è dovuto allo zucchero, al latte o al cacao? I ricercatori hanno messo alla prova cioccolato bianco, cioccolato fondente, cioccolato da forno e cacao in polvere per scoprirlo.

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100 Risposte a “Il cacao in polvere causa l'acne?”

  1. I used to have moderate acne on my forehead and severe acne on my back in my early 20s. I started eating healthy whole foods and exercising more and they went away, but now i am back to eating unhealthy and yet the acne has not returned, i don't know why.

  2. Do a video on the negative effects of mycotoxins and aflatoxins on inflammation that are found in corn, beans, chocolate, nuts, grains, dates, raisins, prunes and coffee and how they cause neurological damage

  3. Thank you. I have never had a problem with acne, but for the last month I have been getting acne horribly. I knew it was something in my diet but I failed to realize what it could be……
    UNTIL….. NOW.

  4. Was it raw cocoa or dutch processed? I can't seem to find the answer in the article, and I think that could make a difference!

  5. TT_TT chocolate was the last safe candy. Luckily I've been trying to eat fruit instead. I don't think I've had chocolate for a few days. I'll continue and see how it goes!

  6. Oh well, here's to a lifetime of ugliness from acne. I aint giving up my chocolate. I have rosacea, did he consider ever investigating as to if that were a coinciding factor? Having a Newman's Own Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup right now.

  7. I use cocoa powder so much and I have acne but it gets worse when I eat vegan junk food. It can look good but I have hellaacne scars.

  8. I always without fail break out in acne if I drink coca cola or dr pepper , i have tested this so many times, I know its not cocoa but if someone with acne reads this I hope it helps them.

  9. I use cocoa butter on my skin for dry skin and in the sun – this is the best skin protection I have found…no sunburn or dry skin. No acne, either!

  10. Interesting.

    My acne seems to be caused by dehydrated.
    My skin is not lacking oil but simply moisture/water.
    When my skin is feeling smooth then the acne is not bad, when my skin is dehydrated then the acne is worse.
    And the skin is basically always dehydrated to some extent.

    Anyone got any suggestions? Greger?

    Even during the summer, it feels slightly dehydrated. Which is weird since I'm avoiding unnecessary dehydration of the skin.
    I'm already eating a plant-based diet, drinking a lot of water, supplementing zinc & DHA/EPA.
    Avoiding warm showers, avoiding too much sun exposure, avoiding caffeine, avoiding harsh cleansers, minimizing overall stress. Using moisturizer.

  11. Guys take it easy, the studies are for 6 oz of dark chocolate. Not a couple teaspoons of cocoa over your oatmeal.

  12. The sugar and fat is mostly removed so the Cocoa Protein might provoke Acne
    I will still use Cocoa in my Coffee and make Cocoa Hummus

  13. Hi, love your channel and I enjoy very much!!!! Can you do other video of you in the kitchen?
    I enjoy them very much.

  14. Awwww man. I am one of those 'lucky' people who seems to break out from ten million different things and going whole food plant based has helped a great deal but it's still not totally clear. I love my chocolate smoothie (no sugar added) but I will have to try something else for a while and see if that helps my skin. What a bummer if it's the cocoa that's kept my acne going all the time!

  15. I've been afraid of this information! haha… Does anyone have any experience with replacing cocoa/chocolate with carob powder?

  16. I put cacao powder daily in my milk daily , my skin rather feel good also I don't eat fried food , I even sometimes have a bitter dark chocolate bars along the day sometimes , my acne is long gone 🙏. acne and cacao don't make any sense . thkx anyway , good video

  17. I always noticed an increase in my acne whether it was milk or dark or cocoa powder, although my preferred choco is dark (Hu quinoa and vanilla bar is my "fix.") When I gave up chocolate for a while, my skin looked so much better. What a pity. Why can't something icky tasting be the thing you give up for acne relief?

  18. Thank you Dr Greger, I'll pass this information on to my partner who is an old dude but still has acne on his forehead. I think he has been eating raw fruit bars with cocoa power, UNTIL NOW!

  19. oh wow! my skin has slowly gotten worse over the last few months, and I've increased the amount of cocoa/cacao i use in my foods! I'll try cutting back

  20. Ok, this may be a poorly informed question, but can the Argentine in chocolate cause skin reactions through latent virus stimulation, or cause a rise testosterone, or some other amino acid or endocrine pathway to skin reaction?

  21. Darn… I LOVE chocolate so much. Say it isn't so! I do have a history of acne. Even after going vegan this year. I put cocoa powder in my oatmeal every night and drink almond milk Mocha's from Starbucks every weekday at noon. I guess I could cut back or tolerate the acne on occasion….

  22. Hahaha, I KNEW someone would eventually do this study! I have known that I break out from chocolate for years, and I've already tested sugar, oil and milk alone – none of these give me bad acne. 3 squared of dark chocolate though, and 12 cystic pimples. I've been testing this out on myself for the past 3-4 years. Coffee doesn't break me out at all though, but cocoa does. If it's possible to replace cocoa with coffee in a recipe, that's what I do – just a tip to those who like the taste 😉

    Now I'm waiting for someone to figure out the mechanisms of action, and expecting it to have to do with hormones, as I didn't break out from chocolate when I was on strong hormonal contraception, interestingly enough

  23. I Loved This One!!!

    I already stopped eating coco and went straight for Carob Powder to make a beautiful coconut cream ice cream(BPA free”till I get a freer flowing income to just get real whole coconuts to use in the many parts they can be made out to be”)and I saw the results for a year now and the occasional red bump seems to never find my face anymore haha so yeah I scienced this before the scientists could pop it out and I love listening and seeing all the results you find but it’s too much for even me to go through every food type and I love your traffic light food system and I love your in-depth medical(latest facts) professional opinion always leaving some room for that person who can’t just get their entire food schedule of eat instantly on track even without the actual studies yet proven fact to the best of our scientific abilities we have for testing today and thank you so much for being there for all us persons who just can’t read everything to date like in-depth with such a lovely broad yet subjective analysis but always to the point and I hope you get joy of out making these should videos for us people who aren’t medical base brains but we love science but I species hasn’t yet understood the basic of health is still not even standard in schools today because of (Australian Curriculum”the country I am in) and listening to you and using your app after a year of trying to figure all of these case studies but not knowing how to find each and every piece of the same all knowing question but getting the opportunity to find your resources I really can’t say no 🤤 I started studying free nutrition through Itube but it wasn’t individual enough but until now and I saw you and watched your small highly dense packed messages that are really so important and relive the to persons suffering just basic poor nutrition and lifestyles(I am not exception until now I started taking my life back for 1 year only and I ain’t looking back haha) and I am amazed, I wish I had more to say but you have got a nice things going and I am glad for you and like I said wish you to continue the way and finding the evidence and sticking with facts to the best of our science today that one day we have all the truth and maybe not one individual be fooled again and never leave that place and love each other for a eternity 😇😁

  24. I am still acne prone even though I have been plant-based for 6 years now. I was still eating small amounts of dark chocolate and powdered cocoa. As soon as I saw this video I put it to the test! So far now I have had no new breakouts and the old ones are disappearing even though I have stopped using the acne wash too. Later I will try adding cocoa back to see what happens. Thanks Dr. Gregor.

  25. Back in college I read some studies of juvenile asthma also being caused by cocoa. So we put it to the test by using the jock class of Reading 101. All the jocks got to eat pure cocoa for 3 days and see what effects it had on their stamina during workouts. Most reported it being harder to breathe as well as a few saying that it felt like they couldn't get their breath back fast enough.
    One noticeable side effect was how bad all of the acne breakouts were. Guys with even a couple of pimples had a huge increase in breakouts, while those that had none, to begin with, had none after the test.
    Cocoa has lots of amazing benefits, but its all about moderation. Just like everything else in life.

  26. I used to have acne… it calm down a lot since I switched to plant based diet and started avoided oil and processed food. However I eat my musli with a spoon of cocoa powder in my soy milk. I got really clean face a month ago…and I wondered why or how… After watching this I know. I had paused my cocoa powder consumption for few weeks then resumed it.
    This is sad news but I will once again adjust to the new information. Thanks for the video!

  27. I haven't had any dark chocolate for the past two months, and my skin is basically almost clear now! Now I know why 😁 Though too bad I can't have chocolatey treats now 🙁 Vanilla it is!

  28. I eat 30/40g of cocoa powder along with oats, flaxseeds and 4 bananas EVERY. DAY. I had a severe acne condition and ever since I did away with milk, sugar and processed foods, my face has been looking great! Cocoa powder makes me great. Gives me a lot of energy.

  29. stop eating diary, cocoa power (chocolate), drink more water, eat veg with every meal and fruits too. Sleep 8 hours, always change bed sheet and pillow sheet depending on how severe you acne is. use Benzyl peroxide 2.5 (don't go higher), use sunscreen on sunny day, always moisturize, wash your face after sweating (workout), DONT TOUCH YOUR GOD DAMN FACEEEE!!. 🙂

  30. I was so hopeful because I thought there wouldn't be a difference in the last study but I still can't go back to eating cocoa ;~; I don't even have moderate acne, just hormonal stuff but I'm scared lol

  31. Cacao got rid of my acne. It certainly didn't make it worse. Sunflower seeds in bulk have a similar effect, but when i eat cacao (100% chocolate) it works even better. My acne disappeared when I started eating tons of cacao

  32. I'm confused, does this translate to pure cocoa powder? i.e. not a bar of chocolate with other added ingredients?

    Edit: I should've waited till the end of the video…

  33. This is disappointing to find out, I thought I was safe eating 90% or higher dark chocolate since it has hardly any sugar and supposedly actually has health benefits. It was one of the few pleasure foods I still had since I gave up junk food, RIP.

  34. Yup, i noticed that 100% without fail, when i eat a chocolate bar, within a few days, i go from clear beautiful skin to pizza face. I don't eat chocolate anymore.

  35. Can confirm: I've been adding 1/2 tbsp of cocoa powder (unsweeted) in my smoothie in the last 2 weeks… now my acne got way more worse than when I wasn't using it in my smoothie

  36. And p.s. – if you crave chocolate it’s probably because you need to be supplementing magnesium. Do that for a few weeks and chances are you’ll no longer crave it. So there’s that and developing a taste for carob powder…I know, sorry folks. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  37. It is unfortunate that these tests are designed to fail. When my kids eat a chocolate bar, they get acne. When we make our own raw cacau drink, the skin becomes smooth again and there is no acne. They can drink our own raw cacau drink every day without getting acne. After visiting the ingredients lab of the chocolate manufacturer it became clear to me which ingredients cause these differences.

  38. So if you have acne you can’t have chocolate , raw Cocao, sugar , dairy , too many carbs etc . Ugh life is too short

  39. Bro ate dark chocolate 75 percent and I think that made me break out bruh 😪☹️🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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