Come la fibra abbassa il colesterolo

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DESCRIZIONE: Questo meccanismo è simile a come “normali” livelli di consumo di fibra (enorme dai moderni standard) Relieve the Body of Excess Estrogen ( , che potrebbe spiegare il ridotto rischio di cancro al seno in coloro che mangiano diete a base vegetale. La fibra aiuta anche a migliorare il tempo di transito intestinale ( Le dimensioni delle feci contano ( e protegge dalla diverticolosi (! Una spiegazione dell'effetto dell'acido nitrico può essere trovata in The Power of NO ( e i dati sul magnesio si trovano in Come le noci prevengono la morte cardiaca improvvisa? ( e Minerale dell'anno–Magnesio ( Il video del giorno di venerdì, Nuts and Bolts of Colesterol Lowering ( di-colesterolo-abbassamento/), copriva l'angolo del colesterolo. I prossimi due video di follow-up utilizzeranno la stessa analogia del raccoglitore di rifiuti per spiegare le azioni dei fitosteroli.
Fai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: RedAndr via Wikimedia; Cindi Pierce; Cometa Renée; Istituto Nazionale del Cancro; e Gastrolab.
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49 Risposte a “Come la fibra abbassa il colesterolo”

  1. Dump fiber and worry about LOW cholesterol not high.


    The Dangers of Low Blood Cholesterol

    People with high cholesterol live the longest.
    The Benefits of High Cholesterol. By Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD.


    Fiber Menace: The Truth About the Leading Role of Fiber in Diet Failure, Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, and Colon
    Konstantin Monastyrsky (Author)

  2. according to Fiber Menace book and Gut Sense. fiber can cause breast cancer and constipation which leads us to colorectal cancer. please stop eating fiber.

  3. I heard an herbalist say that cholesterol is actually good for the brain. There's a video floating around here on youtube where he says something to that effect.

  4. You'd be wrong. There all backed up by peer reviewed research. Don't believe me, or him, Check it out and educate yourself.

    Low-cholesterol diets do not lower the incidence of heart disease. They actually increase it.

    High-cholesterol diets do not increase the incidence of heart disease. In many studies they actually prevent heart disease.

    Dietary cholesterol is not related to blood cholesterol levels.

  5. Did you know that:

    There has not been a single tightly-controlled clinical trial that has produced any reduction in CHD mortality that can honestly be attributed to saturated fat restriction or cholesterol-lowering.

    Long-term follow-up studies have shown that those with the lowest cholesterol levels tend to live the shortest lives.

    So-called heart-healthy Polyunsaturated vegetable oils have been linked to cancer and Heart disease.

    Check my youtube for more.

  6. No they can't. Find out for yourself or stay ignorant like most people.

    . Here are some books & articles on cholesterol, saturated fat and coronary heart disease that I recommend you to check out.

    The Great Cholesterol Con by Anthony De Celpo.
    Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes.
    Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravsnkov
    The Benefits of High Cholesterol by Uffe Ravnskov.
    Cholesterol: Friend or Foe? by Natasha Campbell-McBride

  7. I already have and he's incorrect as well. See: Seems Like your the biased one. Look for yourself or stay ignorant. Your choice

    Yes Calpo. Who's biased again??? His research is nothing short of amazing, regardless of his attitude. His book is HEAVILY researched. Attack the messenger huh? .Guess your out of arguments.

  8. Let me repeat myself in case you didn't read it. There has not been a single tightly-controlled clinical trial that has produced any reduction in CHD mortality that can honestly be attributed to saturated fat restriction or cholesterol-lowering.

    READ the studies yourself, don't listen to ANYONE. Learn the fact.

  9. You don't understand the subject. Yes the body can make it, but that doesn't mean it can. Eating cholesterol (the bodies most important cation) takes stress OFF the liver, letting the liver do it other jobs more efficiently.

    Yes very often I have to take patients off supplements. Your dancing on thin ice if you think you know more about correcting health problems in people or nutrition for that matter. Anyway I'm not here to argue just give people correct information.

  10. There is NO data that shows all positive results of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet on triglycerides, uric acid, cholesterol, blood pressure and cardiac output in people with existing diseases over 2 or 3 years.

    It doesn't exist.

    Not 1 study. I wonder why.

  11. Na better he stop toting the line of bad cholesterol when no research shows that. Same goes with fiber. But he's free to post on mine. I have a practice to run.

  12. Genetic? Who says its genetic?? What would constitute a high genetic cholesterol level?? What causes heart disease?? It isn't cholesterol i can assure you. Don't blame the firefighter for the fire. Cholesterol is always there to help.

    Low cholesterol is indicative of heart disease, not high.

    In the Japanese Lipid Intervention Trial (J-LIT), the highest death rate
    was observed among those who cholesterol levels were below 160 mg/dl.
    Circulation Journal, Dec. 2002; 66(12):1087-1095

  13. The PROSPER trial recorded the highest survival rates in both
    the treatment and control groups among those with the highest LDL level.

    “Findings During 10 years of follow-up from Dec 1, 1986, to Oct 1, 1996, a total of 642 participants died. Each 1 mmol/L increase in total cholesterol corresponded to a 15% decrease in mortality (risk ratio 0·85 [95% CI 0·79–0·91]). This risk estimate was similar in the subgroup of participants who had stable cholesterol concentrations over a 5-year period.”

  14. Interpretation In people older than 85 years, high total cholesterol concentrations are associated with longevity owing to lower mortality from cancer and infection. The effects of cholesterol-lowering therapy have yet to be assessed.” Annelies W E Weverling-Rijnsburgera, *, Gerard J Blauwa, A Margot Lagaaya, Dick L Knooka, A Edo Meindersa and Rudi G J Westendorpa , Total cholesterol and risk of mortality in the oldest old. The Lancet; Volume 350, Issue 9085 , 18 October 1997, Pages 1119-1123

  15. Interpretation In people older than 85 years, high total cholesterol concentrations are associated with longevity owing to lower mortality from cancer and infection. The effects of cholesterol-lowering therapy have yet to be assessed.” Annelies W E Weverling-Rijnsburgera, *, Gerard J Blauwa, A Margot Lagaaya, Dick L Knooka, A Edo Meindersa and Rudi G J Westendorpa , Total cholesterol and risk of mortality in the oldest old. The Lancet; Volume 350, Issue 9085 , 18 October 1997, Pages 1119-1123

  16. Two more studies, which considered total blood cholesterol levels and mortality in the elderly, were published in the Lancet almost simultaneously in 1997. In the first, scientists working at the Leiden University Medical Centre found that

    "each 1 mmol/l increase in total cholesterol corresponded to a 15% decrease in mortality".

  17. Approximately half of the brain is made up of fats. Dr. F. M.Corrigan and colleagues, writing in 1991 about the relief of Alzheimer's Disease, ask that "strategies for increasing the delivery of cholesterol to the brain should be identified".

    In the fight against Alzheimer's disease, they recommend increasing fat intake.

  18. People here won't look at any evidence that doesn't support veganism and are happy with Dr.Greger being a kangaroo scientists jumping to conclusions supporting a vegan hypothesis. That's all they care about.

  19. Macadamia nuts, despite being high in saturated fat, also lower cholesterol:

    "Macadamia nut consumption lowers plasma total and LDL cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic men."

    I suspect that the fiber has something to do with this. Anytime nature puts something bad in food like saturated fat or fructose, it balances it out with lots of fiber.

  20. Hey There! Thank you for this helpful video. By the way, I notice a lot of people keep on talking about Cholestelax Secrets (do a search on google), but I'm not sure if it is really good. Have you thought about home remedy called Cholestelax Secrets? I've heard many unbelivable things about it and my buddy completely cure his cholesterol safely with this remedy.

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  22. Excellent Tips for reduce Cholesterol, Thank You sharing this video!

    I was having 260 cholesterol and my daughters were very worried.

    My friend suggested me to use "cholesterol" mobile app which motivated and helped me to have good foods.

    Within 1 month, my cholesterol reduced to 220 now and my family is happy!

  23. I just started using psyllium husk fiber last night after my last meal, had a great bowl movement this morning and I feel alot better. Works for me.

  24. Just curious:   Guar gum is very high fiber, and a thickener.  Does it have positive benefits of other natural fibers.     Also, Konjac noodles are pure fiber.  Are these helpful, or is it like phyllium powder (not that helpful).

  25. Silly question, but I thought that fiber slowed the GI motility, and that the reason soluble fiber lowered cholesterol was because the fiber binds to the cholesterol which can't be absorbed. Can someone please explain? 🙂

  26. Fiber is a transporter. Of nutrients and waste. That why out intestines are so long. It helps optimise the ability to heal the body. If you need something, the intestines pic it up…if you dont….the body pushes it right along so that you stat in balance…. it's making so much sense. That why even refined oils and plant proteins are bad. The light just get brighter and brighter. I have always known that fiber was necessary but it's so much more clear.

  27. We weren’t really plant eating animals. We are meant to eat many different foods which include meat. I guess most girly men eat plant based foods but they probably got to tired and became food for the lions

  28. We were created by God, the earth is not as old as you claim it is and we didn't evolve from apes. You pump out plenty of good nutritional information, but if you believe the farce that we evolved from an amoeba, you should get educated on why Jesus gave up his life for our sins.

  29. What to eat with steaks? Broccoli florets are good little mops that soak up your sauces/meat juices, no guilt as with bread (or later heartburn). Cool/thawed broccoli is refreshing & loaded with nutrients, from vitamin c, to NMN that is being researched for longevity & energy.

  30. So far the only video that actually explains how cholesterol in your cardiovascular system gets to the digestive system. All others videos just talk about fiber getting rid of cholesterol from the intestines but don't explain how it got there. Great video!

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